Chapter 114 Official Doctor

When Chen Dong returned to his room, looking through the phone in boredom.

But I found that the group in WeChat was talking about vomiting.

Chen Dong is now extremely sensitive to the two words “Outu”, so he clicked in and read it almost subconsciously.

It turned out that a classmate in their class said that he had received a strange little girl in the past two days and complained to them in the group. It was obvious that there was no physical illness, but she would just vomit.

This symptom immediately attracted Chen Dong’s attention!

Isn’t this exactly the same as the little girl he received today?

He quickly touched the classmate and asked what was the little girl’s name?

Song Tie: “I don’t remember the name, but I think this symptom is quite strange, so I will share it with you.”

Song Tie specifically Aite Lu Sanfeng: “Squad leader, you are so smart, have you seen this symptom?”

Lu Sanfeng, who was caught by Aite, immediately jumped out. When he saw Chen Dong’s news, he couldn’t help but frowned, because Chen Dong hadn’t responded to his news until now, but was chatting in the group?

Isn’t this showing that you look down on him?

Lu Sanfeng couldn’t bear it immediately, and said in a weird manner: “Chen Dong, why don’t I send you a message? You will definitely come the next night, right?”

Lu Sanfeng clearly asked Chen Dong this question in the class.

Then he answered Song Tie’s words.

“I’m very healthy. I don’t have any diseases, but I vomit? I haven’t seen this symptom.”

“Do you have the medical history of that little girl? I can look at it if so.”

Song Tie: “It was a patient I instructed the doctor to receive. I just glanced around. I definitely don’t have a medical record here.”

After all, he hasn’t even had an internship now.

Chen Dong, who was watching the screen silently, quickly posted two drawings after seeing this scene.

This is the medical record he took today, that is, that of the little girl.

The little girl’s name is Huang Caifeng, she is exactly eight years old this year.

Lu Sanfeng never expected that Chen Dong would actually have a case of a little girl in his hands: “Chen Dong, why do you have this medical record?”

“Could it be that this little girl also went to your hospital? Don’t tell me that coincidence, it was your tutor who received it?”

Still the sharp-eyed Song Tie found the key: “It’s not right, Chen Dong! Why is the word on this list signed by you? Shouldn’t it be the word you instructed the doctor?”

Only the exact doctor is qualified to sign the medical record.

When Song Tie said this, Lu Sanfeng also saw: “Why is your hospital messed up like this? Does an intern dare to give a patient an order? Am I afraid of delaying the condition of others? Which hospital do you get?”

Lu Sanfeng ridiculed Chen Dong both inside and outside.

Chen Dong frowned. He sent out the medical records not to let others notice his signature. He just wanted to see if this group of people could figure out what the disease was.

As a result, all the people ran out.

All of them came to accuse him of why he had to make an order for the patient.

Some people even ridiculed him directly for not being a doctor, and they didn’t even understand this rule.

Chen Dong ignored those words, he was wrong, why did he send these things to the group?

No one at all levels, just know where to play force.

Chen Dong was speechless.

In the end, Zhao Hua stood up and explained for Chen Dong: “You tmd one by one to see clearly! So far I have not seen any interns who dare to open orders by themselves, shouldn’t you use your pig brains to think about it? ?”

“Chen Dong has already become a full-fledged doctor. He was already a full-fledged doctor after a month of internship.”

Had it not been for this group of people talking about his Dongge, Zhao Hua who worked overtime would not bother to talk to these people.

The people who attacked Chen Dong originally put down their hands and were dumbfounded. How could this be possible?

Chen Dong has already become an official doctor?

But how long have they been in the hospital for this class? How long has it been since he came out of the school that Chen Dong has become a full-fledged doctor?

Zhao Hua had known that they would not believe it, so he deliberately showed them the work cards in the office.

It really says Doctor Chen Dong, not intern Chen Dong.

These simple words are enough to explain everything.

Lu Sanfeng was dumbfounded, Song Tie was dumbfounded…

Everyone was stunned, and even forgot to say congratulations for a while.

“Is it clear? My Dong brother doesn’t want to say, that’s because he is low-key, but it doesn’t mean that everything can climb on him to show off his power!”

Zhao Hua’s words were very obvious, even Lu Sanfeng was aware that Zhao Hua was targeting him.

Lu Sanfeng broke his teeth in one bite.

What a Chen Dong, what a Zhao Hua.

Actually gave him a trick to catch the cicada and the oriole.

“Can you pay attention to the medical records?”

Chen Dong said helplessly.

He had originally thought that more people would study this matter as soon as possible.

He soon found out that he was wrong.

“This case is a bit special! How can you vomit even if your body is not abnormal?”

“I also think it’s a bit weird. I will show it to my mentor.”

“My tutor is the director of the department. I will also ask him when I go to work tomorrow.”

There was no substantive suggestion, and even Lu Sanfeng, who was enthusiastic at the beginning, shut up and said nothing.

Chen Dong rolled his eyes silently.

Lu Sanfeng: “I just sent a message and asked my mentor, but he has gone overseas to study, and he may be busy now, so he didn’t reply to the message in time. After all, as the dean of a hospital, he is also very busy.”

These remarks seemed to have been deliberately told to Chen Dong and Zhao Hua.

Chen Dong just took a faint glance and turned off his phone. No matter who Lu Sanfeng’s mentor was, it made no difference to Chen Dong.

But it’s different for the group of licking dogs in the group.

“Fuck me, your mentor, Brother Lu, is the dean?”

“Brother Lu, why didn’t you talk about this earlier?”

“Brother Mobike! I even have a better mentor than our mentor!”

A burst of rainbow farts blew the wind on the road so much that it was almost impossible to tell the north, south, east, and west. Zhao Hua wanted to complain when he saw this scene. If Chen Dong thought, some people wanted to accept him as an apprentice.

What is the dean of a tertiary hospital?

Zhao Hua really wanted to throw Chen Dong’s achievements off their faces.

It’s a pity that Chen Dong himself is very low-key, so Zhao Hua did not make his own claim.

And Chen Dong’s silence turned into an inferiority complex in Lu Sanfeng’s eyes.

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