Before long, many heroes gathered on this farm.

Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Batman, The Flash.

"Alien, I will watch your every move." Wonder Woman said indifferently.

Green Lantern looked at the people in front of him with a look of horror.

"You are... Kryptonians?! How is this possible, Krypton was destroyed twenty years ago, and there are still survivors?!"

Green Lantern felt scalp tingling.

At the same time, he remembered the secret order issued by the Green Lantern Corps to all the Green Lanterns in the universe: to detect the abnormal fluctuations in time and space flow when Krypton exploded.

It is suspected that there is a powerful visitor from another universe who sneaked into the main universe.

"Kryptonian, are they strong?" Aquaman asked in a deep voice, holding a harpoon.

"Very strong, very strong. They are one of the few advanced civilizations in the universe. If they hadn't chosen to shrink, the entire universe would have resounded their names."

Green Lantern Hal Jordan kept getting more information from the Green Lantern Ring, flipping through the relevant records about Krypton, the more he looked, the more his scalp became numb.

You can get stronger guys by basking in the sun, similar to the terrifying existence of Superman, there are actually five more?!

Batman hoarsely said, "Guys, we're in big trouble, if these guys are as strong as Superman..."

This dark knight is ready to kill these Kryptonians with all his crazy ideas.

As we all know, Batman will never be dispatched rashly. Once dispatched, it means that he has at least developed hundreds or thousands of ways to kill the enemy.

General Zod just glanced at these guys, in a bad mood: "Kill them!"

Fiora and the other Kryptonians immediately sneered and rushed over. With the strong blessing of the yellow sun, even a simple jump can cause an explosion-like effect.


A violent collision erupted.

Dozens of silhouettes quickly interlaced, and after a loud noise, a superhero flew out in various places, vomiting blood.

Only Wonder Woman, whose physical quality is no less than the Kryptonian with high-level genes, and Green Lantern, who fights by imagination, have withstood the impact of the Kryptonian.

"Damn, it's really similar to Superman, Super Speed, Super strength... We are fighting several Superman at the same time?!"

Wonder Woman looked gloomy.

Even if she is the daughter of Zeus, and is strictly a demigod, it is difficult to win against so many Superman.

Green Lantern Hal looked down at the translucent green armor he had temporarily created, and was stunned when he was almost pierced by a fist from a seemingly weak scientist.

"This is armor made with my imagination, and it can't even block a punch?!"

As Green Lantern, Hal, who has fought many vicious villains in the universe, was instantly intimidated.

Are these guys so strong?

Considering that when Krypton was not destroyed, it was a monster like this all the time...Hal felt his scalp tingle.

"No wonder, no wonder the guardians of Ou Axing attach so much importance to you...

Green Lantern Hal murmured.

The scientist on the opposite side tilted his head and said, "The Asgardians of Ou Axing are just a bunch of hypocritical guys, and the Green Lantern Corps, who are commanded by them like dogs, is nothing but a group of cosmic dogs, and they still have faces. Call yourself a space trooper?"

"You are not allowed to say that Asgardian! They are also contributing to the peace of the universe!" Hal said solemnly.

"Joke, I am proficient in the history of the universe, I know too well, what are those little blue dwarfs... Have you heard of the First Army? You know that in order to practice the so-called peace, they instructed the First Army What did the First Legion do -- definitely, your Green Lantern Corps strictly belongs to the Second Generation Legion built by the First Legion after the destruction of the First Legion, definitely won't know about it."

The scientist clenched his fists and rushed towards Hal.

The two started a fierce battle, and every confrontation was extremely astonishing.

Howl can use the green light ring easily to create a large number of war weapons, green translucent aircraft, tanks, and Gatling cannons, which he can easily bombard the opponent one after another.

However, this scientist's combat power exceeded the watch, and he rampaged all the way, smashing Howl's creation into pieces.

On the other hand, Wonder Woman is also inseparable from Fiora.

"The equipment on your body is very strange... So it is, you actually have the blood of the gods on your body, the holy mountain of Olympus? They actually left a legacy on the earth, this is really interesting, there are gods haunting , there are the Green Lantern Corps, and Joe has taken a fancy to you, this tiny planet of yours is really interesting."

Fiora sneered, and quickly figured out the origins of Wonder Woman Diana.

The battle between the two female fighters was the most intense. In the repeated roars, each time the figure staggered, they were fighting with fists to the flesh, extremely frantic.

"We have no intention of becoming an enemy of Krypton, please leave the earth!!" Diana was kicked back, forced to take out the Excalibur left to her by Zeus, raised her hand and slashed it, shouting.

This was supposed to be an ordinary sword, with the power of magic flowing on it, and it hit Fiora with a bang.

Fiora's originally contemptuous expression changed instantly, as if she had seen a ghost. When her battle armor was smashed through, she screamed, not only did not fight back, but quickly retreated.

Fiora, who was clearly able to get along with Wonder Woman, suddenly became so embarrassed.

"Fiora, what happened?"

General Zod said solemnly.


Fiora gritted her teeth, and a deep fear flashed in her eyes.

We Kryptonians actually lack resistance to magic?!

In the moment just now, the godslayer split open her armor, and the magic penetrated into her body, creating scars in an instant!

The active and powerful cells in her body actually showed a sense of disgust and rejection!!

"Under the same strength, if the opponent uses magic, I will never win..."

Fiora gritted her teeth and quickly healed her wounds. At the same time, she endured the countless noises pouring in after the battle armor was broken, and let out a painful scream.

In a trance, she seemed to understand why the Supreme Council had to shrink its sphere of influence when Krypton was at its peak.

This kind of initiative to withdraw from the advanced civilization of the universe, the original root is here... at least one of the reasons!

Magic! Magic!

Their family would actually be afraid of this kind of power that is universal in the entire universe!!

This is fatal!!

Especially at the same level.

10,000 physical attack, 1000 magic resistance, if you fight against the so-called "same level" enemy, magician with 10,000 magic attack...

Once hit head on...

This is such a situation to be killed in seconds!!

At this time, Batman, who had been rolling around and frantically fleeing, finally made his move.


Countless missiles came crashing down.

"I don't need to destroy you, just destroy your space suits..."

Batman spoke hoarsely.

In this battle, victory is in hand.

[Five more kneeling and begging to subscribe!]_

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