After listening to the description of the bangs, the entire forging workshop suddenly resounded with bursts of inhalation.

In the back kitchen of the canteen, He Yuzhu also learned about the Yizhong Sea Newspaper from the mouth of his apprentice Ma Hua.

"What are you talking about?!The Sijiucheng Daily said that an uncle is out of business?!".

"Where did you hear that!".

He Yuzhu's face was full of shock.

MCA said: "I just went out to go to the toilet and heard the workers outside spreading the word. "

"Master, I can't be wrong about this, there are so many departments in our factory, and almost every department has subscribed to the Sijiucheng Daily, it seems that this thing should be true. "

He Yuzhu's face immediately changed: "You're really big!"

"This must be the nonsense of that broken newspaper!".

Ma Hua was stunned when he heard this.

When did this Nima 49 City Daily become a broken newspaper?

At this time, the fat man on the side couldn't hold back the curiosity in his heart, and came up to him and asked, "Master, is this Master Yi really eating in the yard?"

Hearing the fat man's question, the rest of the people in the back kitchen slowed down their movements and pricked up their ears to listen carefully.

He Yuzhu was so angry that he knocked on the fat man's head with a spoon: "Eat your head!".

"Is Uncle Yi that kind of person?!".

"It's not to see Sima Yi, his father is dead, and he has no elders!".

Uncle Yi instructed him from the perspective of the elders and asked him to set up a table. "

"Made, I don't know anything about human feelings, I've been reading books for so many years!

"Didn't he work at the newspaper! I think he did it!"

The fat man was in pain, and hurriedly nodded in agreement.

He Yuzhu glanced at the people in the back kitchen again: "As the leader of the canteen, I think it is necessary for me to warn you!"

"There are rumors about Uncle Yi outside, and someone is deliberately trying to discredit Uncle Yi!"

"If I hear someone in the back kitchen spread these things, don't blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people!".

Forced by He Yuzhu's prestige, no one dared to say anything.

But when He Yuzhu went out to the toilet, everyone in the back kitchen began to talk to each other.

"I think this thing is Yi Zhonghai is out of luck, it can't be wrong!".

"I heard from the people in the yard next door to them that Master Sima was buried with the help of the factory, and the people in their yard didn't help at all, just watched from the sidelines, so they were embarrassed to let people invite them to a banquet. "

"Well, I've heard they don't plan to do it!"

"Tsk, what else does this have to do with human sophistication, is it just ugly. "

"That's right. "


The bell rang for the end of work in the morning, and Yi Zhonghai left the workshop and walked towards the canteen in disgrace.

This morning, he simply lived like a year.

I think when he first went to work in the morning, he was still the respected Master Yi.

But now, it has become a street rat that everyone shouts and beats.

It filled him with a sense of humiliation.

So as soon as he got off work, he couldn't wait to leave this place of right and wrong.

However, will he be able to get a glimmer of peace when he leaves the workshop?

Apparently not!

On the way to the cafeteria, there were still many people pointing fingers at him.

Many workers who didn't know him also knew that this upright uncle was Yi Zhonghai who was desperate in the newspaper.

Yi Zhonghai people are numb.

He could only pretend that he couldn't see these people, and walked towards the cafeteria.

But the words of those people still drifted into his ears from time to time.

"See, he's Yi Zhonghai!".

", it turns out that Captain Yi Zhonghai looks like this!

"Phew, it's decent, it's all fake!".

"This old thing is too deeply hidden, can ordinary people have such a city?".

"Hehe, maybe it's an enemy. "

"It makes sense, deliberately stirring up contradictions among the masses of the people, isn't this what the enemy does? Ordinary uncle, who would do something like him!".

Yi Zhonghai listened, almost softened under his feet, and did not fall to the ground.

The enemy is a special person, and he is easy to be suspected of becoming an enemy

He just suggested that Sima Yi set up a banquet, why did he still have something to do with the enemy?

Suddenly, Yi Zhonghai was full of hatred for Sima Yi.

It was all Sima Yi who wrote blindly in the newspaper, which caused him to be labeled as a desperate household, and he was suspected of being an enemy for no reason.

With a sad and indignant mood, Yi Zhonghai stepped into the canteen.

There are already long queues here.

Yi Zhonghai followed the queue as usual.

I didn't want the person in front of me to inadvertently look back and see him, and his face suddenly changed.

"Aren't you Yi Zhonghai?"

"Stay away from me!".

Yi Zhonghai couldn't hold back any longer, and said angrily: "I'm lining up well, what's in your way!".

The man said loudly, "I don't want to be so close to the people who eat the house, bad luck!".

As the man spoke, many of the workers in front of the line also turned back to help.

"We don't want to be that close to you. Yi Zhonghai, you still know each other a little, go back!".

"Yi Zhonghai, if you do this, aren't you afraid that Master Sima will come to you to ask for your life!".

"Be a good person and accumulate some virtue, if you don't want to accumulate virtue, don't bring bad luck to us!"

"Yes, we are shameless people like you!".

"Alas, people are different from people, and some people are not called human beings at all. "

Yi Zhonghai was so angry that he trembled.

He didn't expect that the people in the factory had reached this point of disgust with him.

As the saying goes, public anger is hard to do.

Even if you are a leader, you can only avoid the edge for the time being, let alone a worker.

Therefore, Yi Zhonghai could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach, and retreated in humiliation.

And the people who were behind Yi Zhonghai also retreated to a distance of several steps away from Yi Zhonghai like a plague god.

Suddenly, a few steps around Yi Zhonghai formed a vacuum.

Seeing this, those workers no longer concentrated on queuing up for food.

It's just that while waiting in line, all kinds of gossip are indispensable.

These gossips would drift into Yi Zhonghai's ears and make his face even more ugly.

If it weren't for the fitter he had worked for many years and his body was strong, I am afraid that he would not have fainted on the spot.

At this time, He Yuzhu appeared.

"Uncle, I've found you!".

Yi Zhonghai, who had been subjected to so many white eyes, saw He Yuzhu at this time, as if he had seen a relative.

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