Captain Lee held out a finger.

Yi Zhonghai couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth when he saw it: "A hundred yuan?!".

His fitter rank was cut in half and he was fined a year's salary.

Therefore, money is also valued more seriously than in the past.

compensated 100 yuan to Sima Yi, to be honest, he was in pain.

What's more, in his opinion, he is in such a situation now, and it is all Sima Yi's fault.

He hated Sima Yi to the bone, but he still had to compensate the other party for a hundred yuan, how could he be willing.

But the situation is stronger than people, and this security department has come to take people, and it can't be done if you don't pay compensation.

Yi Zhonghai was about to grit his teeth and agree, but he didn't want Captain Li to show a mocking smile.

"One hundred yuan, Yi Zhonghai, what do you want!".

"You cannibalize people, and now you want to pay a hundred yuan? How can there be such a cheap thing in this world. "

Hearing this, Yi Zhonghai's eyes were about to pop out.

He heard what Captain Li meant, and a hundred yuan was less.

"So, how much do I have to pay?"

Captain Li said slowly: "Add a zero, a thousand yuan!"

Yi Zhonghai Huo Ran stood up and couldn't help but shout: "What?!a thousand yuan?!".

"Why don't you go and grab it?!".

Captain Li's face sank instantly: "Yi Zhonghai, pay attention to your attitude!".

"It's the factory's decision to let you pay a thousand yuan!".

"Why don't you ask yourself when you can't eat people!"

"Don't you want to calculate Master Sima's 500 yuan pension, Director Yang said that you will be compensated twice!

"Acquaintances, hurry up and get me a thousand yuan and hand it over to our security department!"

As soon as he heard that it was Director Yang who spoke, Yi Zhonghai knew that there was no need to discuss, so he could only grit his teeth and say, "Okay." "

"But I'm from the same yard as Sima Yi, I don't think there's any need to be so troublesome, right?"

"I'll just pay him the money, and he'll just do it. "

Yi Zhonghai said while mentally making a small calculation, thinking that after returning to the courtyard, he would find a way to pay less to Sima Yi.

Anyway, he will give the money directly to Sima Yi, and when the time comes, he will give less, and the factory will not see it.

However, Captain Li saw Yi Zhonghai's calculations at a glance.

He sneered: "Yi Zhonghai, don't play tricks on me. "

"It's almost time to get off work now, you go home and get the money for me right away. "

"I'll send someone to follow you. "

"I want my people to see with their own eyes that you put the money in Sima Yi's hands. "

Yi Zhonghai's face turned pale, and he almost didn't slip off the chair.

It's over, and his thousand dollars can't be kept.

That's a thousand dollars.

Even with his previous salary as a grade 8 fitter, he would have to save for ten months without eating or drinking.

He trembled and looked at Captain Li with pleading eyes: "Captain Li, can't you be accommodating?" "

"I'm old, I don't have any children, I have to save some money for my retirement. "

Captain Li said impatiently: "What's wrong with having no children and no daughters. "

"Just because you're out of the house, do you want to eat people too?!".

"Fuck me off and get the money!".

As he spoke, Captain Li glanced at his men.

The two members of the security department dragged Yi Zhonghai out of the office of the security department like chickens and walked towards the courtyard.

Yi Zhonghai was held up by two members of the security section in a daze.

By the time he came back to his senses, he had already returned to the courtyard.

At this time, the people working in the yard had not yet returned, only a few aunts were chatting while busy with their work.

Seeing Yi Zhonghai being carried into the yard by two people, the aunts were all confused.

"Yi Zhonghai is back, who are those two people?".

"Look at their uniforms, they are wearing the same as Captain Li who came that day, they are from the security department of the factory!".

"Hey, Yi Zhonghai, is this another crime?!".

"What the hell is this old thing doing!"

The aunts' words drifted into Yi Zhonghai's ears, making him embarrassed.

He cares most about his reputation and personality, but now that he is being said to his face, he can't wait to dig a pit and get into it.

But the two members of the security section didn't care about this, and one of them said impatiently: "Yi Zhonghai, which house is your house! Take us over!"

"Hurry up, we're waiting to get back to our lives!".

"Whoa, shit, you're causing us to leave work late!

At this time, an aunt put down the needlework in her hand and came up and said with a smile: "Two comrades, Yi Zhonghai can't give birth to a baby if he follows, where did this son with no asshole come from!".

"You want to go to Yi Zhonghai's house, right? His house is in the middle courtyard, I'll take you there!"

The security officer suddenly said: "Yes, I almost forgot, this old guy is a desperate family." "

"Alright, please take us there. "

Yi Zhonghai almost fainted on the spot when he heard this.

This Nima's, even if you lose money, you will be whipped in public and you will be out of business!

Yi Zhonghai was grief-stricken and indignant.

At this moment, an aunt's exclamation came: "Zhonghai, what's wrong with you?"

Yi Zhonghai looked up and found that he had two security officers at the door of his house.

He didn't answer Aunt Yi's words, but gently broke free from the hands of the two security section members and walked towards the house.

As soon as he entered the house, he went straight to the closet.

Pull out a small box from the closet.

It contained his life savings.

He opened the box and pulled out a large handful of money from it at once.

The aunt who came over saw it and was shocked.

"Zhonghai, what are you doing here!".

Yi Zhonghai looked at her expressionlessly, gritted his teeth and said, "Because of the last time I looked for Sima Yi, the factory asked me to compensate the Sima family for 1,000 yuan." "

"You see, I also sent someone from the security department to escort me to get the money!".

"Oh my God!" This news was like five thunderbolts for an aunt, and it almost didn't make her fall to the ground.

Ke Yi Zhonghai has no empty care.

The security department was still standing at the door, shouting, he had to get out quickly.

When he came to the door, he handed over the thick wad of money in his hand: "The money is here, you can count it." "

The security section clerk grabbed the money and counted it in front of Yi Zhonghai.

Looking at the way they counted the money, Yi Zhonghai's heart was dripping blood.

That's all his hard-earned money, it's gone!

At this moment, the security section member who had already finished counting looked up at him with an angry face.

"Yi Zhonghai, you're playing us! This money is less!".

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