Chapter 80: Another courtyard at Zhengyangmen.

Gu Fang suddenly felt uncomfortable, but it made Yang Mi anxious.

Hurriedly brought a basin of cool water from outside, and then applied a wet towel to Gu Fang’s forehead, but it didn’t work at all, and even the moment the towel touched Gu Fang’s forehead, the direct towel became extremely hot.


Yang Mi couldn’t hold the towel directly hot.



Gu Fang continued.

The expression is very painful.

Yang Mi was a little rough, and he didn’t even know whether he should continue to use a wet towel to apply a wet towel to Gu Fang’s forehead, or hurry out to call a doctor.

“I’ll go call the doctor for you.”

Yang Mi just panicked for a moment, and immediately reacted.

If there is a problem with the body, it is most correct to see a doctor.


Yang Mi hadn’t gone out yet, and suddenly Gu Fang shouted.

Shout at the top of one’s lungs.

It was very painful to be able to feel him.

Yang Mi quickly went back to take care of it again.

Just saw Gu Fang’s back, suddenly an extremely huge phantom appeared, nearly three meters high, just up to the ceiling, full of golden light, phantom dragon head snake body, forehead with a sun-shaped tattoo, constantly spreading hot red light, huge hand holding a dragon pattern open sky axe, feet on the sun chasing boots, behind the back of a sun-chasing bow, waist Qiankun bag, in front of 907 put a phoenix qin, the heavenly machine mirror protects the divine armor, the sealing seal suddenly surrounds the flight, the Linglong Tower protects the entire body, The Heavenly Sword is exuding coercion.

The whole phantom is terrifying!

It’s just a shadow.

However, Yang Mi felt like he was going to die at any moment. Soon the ghost disappeared.

Huge aura.



And Gu Fang left a sun mark on his forehead, but it was quickly hidden.

In front of Gu Fang, there was also a phoenix piano left. Yang Mi touched Gu Fang again, and his body temperature was completely normal. Gu Fang had fallen into a deep sleep.

Yang Mi knew that Gu Fang’s talent power had awakened!

Gu Fang………… The power of talent seems to be Pangu!

This shocked Yang Mi in his heart.

Too strong.

Perhaps this is the fundamental reason why Gu Fang’s talent power awakens slowly.


Gu Jianguo continues to supervise the new production line in the new workshop.

“Deputy Director Gu.”

“Director Zhou of the Xunqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant is here.”

The workshop director came over at this time, and Director Zhou of the Xunqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant followed behind.

“Oh, Deputy Commissioner Gu, I haven’t seen you for a long time, such as every three autumns, you are already the deputy commissioner now,”

“Congratulations, congratulations.”

Director Zhou came to Gu Jianguo, and then smiled.

The workshop director left with interest.

Give Gu Jianguo and the director of Xunqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant a space to chat.

“Director Zhou, you suddenly came to me, has there been a breakthrough in the factory in automobile manufacturing?”

Gu Jianguo put down the drawings in his hand, signaled several technicians to continue working, and then said to Director Zhou.


“Brother Gu really can’t hide from you.”

“Great news.”

“Let me tell you, our Xunqi factory in the car engine according to your drawings to do, finally conquered many complex and sophisticated processes, you know what the result of these many drawings, at least let China’s technology in automobile manufacturing, more than a hundred years later.”

“Foreign countries have actually been engaged in the automobile manufacturing industry for a long time, but our country has only officially started in recent years, and it is really more than a hundred years behind.”

“More than a hundred years.”

“Your drawings are too crucial, and even the cars manufactured in this way have a certain degree of competitiveness in the international factory, and they are definitely not passive and ridiculed by those foreign automakers.”

The director of the Xunqi Manufacturing Factory said enthusiastically towards Gu Jianguo.

Contribute to this country.

It can be seen from his eyes that he sincerely hopes that Long Guo can break through some fame in the field of automobile manufacturing. This technical support was not given to him in vain.

Looking at his attitude, Gu Jianguo was relieved.

“Director Zhou, if you can make the Xunqi Manufacturing Factory stronger and bigger, it is really a merit.”

Gu Jianguo said.

In terms of studying engines, Gu Jianguo also often receives calls from the Xunqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant and explains them to those engineers one by one.

Without Gu Jianguo’s help, Xunqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant would not have thoroughly mastered the engine in such a short time. And based on this, it gave great inspiration to the scientists of the Dragon Kingdom.

More and better cars will definitely be created in the future.

It won’t just be the Santana model that Gu Jianguo originally proposed.

Longguo people are very good at the exterior and interior of automobiles, and then master the most core things, they are bound to soar and have super high competitiveness in the world.

“Brother Gu, come, take this.”

At this time, the director of the Xunqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant took out an item from his pocket and handed it to Gu Jianguo.

Gu Jianguo took a look.


Good fellow, a whole set of courtyards under Zhengyangmen.

“This is what I applied to the Ministry of Industry.”

“Brother Gu, your contribution is definitely very huge, the economic value created will be immeasurable in the future, to be honest, there are a slight problem in all aspects now, otherwise I really want to give you more, but there are some things I can’t do.”

The director of the Xunqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant said.

Gu Jianguo’s drawings mean too many things.

A set of courtyards………… It’s really not enough.

“I understand.”

Gu Jianguo nodded.

What a bike.

When he first gave those drawings to the director of the Xunqi Automobile Factory, he actually did not expect much in return, and simply wanted to contribute to the country.

He is a person from the Dragon Kingdom himself.

The country is strong.

The people followed so that they could straighten their waists straighter.

“Brother Gu, you are now the deputy director, go to our Xunqi Automobile Factory, I will give you the right place, how?”

“Now the Xianqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant is only in its infancy, you must believe that the future Xianqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant will be very large, and the rolling mill……… The future is limited…”

At this time, Director Zhou’s expression became serious, he really hoped that Gu Jianguo could go to work with him, and gave Gu Jianguo a solid foundation.


Gu Jianguo shook his head.

Giving a drawing to the Xunqi Automobile Manufacturing Plant is already a sentiment.

Give another part-time job?

Gu Jianguo will make his own car in the future.

Does not exist.


Director Zhou did not force it again.

Gu Jianguo and Director Zhou chatted a little more, and then went to the big leader’s house with the director of the rolling mill.

The director of the rolling mill and the director of Xunqi Zhou both agreed to go to the big leader together.

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