Just when the Navy and the BIGMOM Pirate Group were looking for Rosinandi and the others, a huge pirate warship appeared on the outskirts of Becca Island.

However, the inhabitants of Becca Island were not afraid, because on these warships hung the black-gray dragon flag of their suzerainty, the Gray Country.

For the sudden addition of a suzerainty, the Beka people were still very resistant at first.

However, gradually, with the continuous conquest of the gray country, bringing back a lot of materials, a tribute festival of various clans every year, through the exchanges and business exchanges between the clans formed by the major teams, etc., the development of Beka is like a train on the track, and it develops rapidly.

All these changes gradually changed their views on the suzerain.

From the beginning of the resistance, to the current glory of being a gray kingdom.

The pirate flag of the gray country is very peculiar, he is different from most pirate flags, black and gray bottom, a golden dragon on it, and a skull with blood-red eyes grabbed under the claws of the dragon!

In addition to the pirate flag of the gray country, each team will also have a battle flag of its own team.

For example, the first team will embroider a mammoth head at the corner of the gray gold dragon flag, the second team will embroider an explosive pattern, and other teams will also embroider their own unique labels on the gray gold dragon flag! to indicate the difference between the respective teams.

“Is this what happened? How come the five major teams have all returned. ”

“Yes, the last time we came back together was when the countries paid tribute, but now it is still months before the day of tribute,” said one of the residents of Beka.

“Something big must have happened, you didn’t look at the previous time every time the major teams came back, that is, their respective main ships, with their own guards on the main ships, you look at the present, I’m afraid the major teams have pulled all the members back to you.”

One by one, the steaming pirates slowly walked down amid the discussion of the people of Beika.

The weight of anger on these people made many people tremble when they saw it, especially those in the first team, looking at the hideous smiles on their faces, they had scared many people along the way.

There is a small villa at the top of Bika Yun, and Rossi does not like to live in the palace, so he has a home here, using the peculiar shells of the empty island, this villa is very modernly dressed.

In the living room, a group of people walked in, Rosie was holding a brush to write, since practicing Tai Chi, he likes to practice brush writing very much, which will increase his understanding of Tai Chi


After the group came in, they sat down on the couch, and no one bothered Rossi.

At this time, Sacia, dressed as a maid, took Robin, who was also dressed as a maid, and a Sandia girl dressed as a maid, pushing a small tea cart and walked in.

Sashia is the head maid of Rossi’s Battle Maid Group, but because there is no suitable candidate, the so-called Battle Maid Group is only her light pole commander.

But recently she took a fancy to someone, a girl born in the Sandia tribe named Lachi.

During the training, Sasia felt that this Sandia girl had good qualifications and was very cute, so she let her join the battle maid group.

And Robin originally lived here with Rossi, Rosie treated her as a sister, did not let her be a maid, it was Robin himself who was very curious about the maid outfit designed by Rossi, so he also let Sacia make her one more, she was full of curiosity to wear it, it felt quite cute, so she continued to wear it!

Scia poured tea for everyone, and then retreated with Robin and Rachi.

Everyone sat on the sofa and took a sip of tea, when Rosie put down her brush and looked at everyone.

A domineering and strong aura pressed towards everyone.

Everyone understands that domineering is the unique spirit of overlord domineering, and being strong is the momentum that only people have when their strength reaches a certain level.

“This momentum?”

“There’s nothing wrong with that!”

“General-level momentum!” Everyone said in surprise.

“I didn’t expect to let you enter the level of a general first!” Jack also said in surprise.

This aura flashed away, and Rosie came over and sat down on the main seat

“In the past two years, all of you have made a fortune, and all of you have become his local rich masters, this time if I didn’t say that I would attack the naval headquarters, all of you are still hiding with me, and now they are all exposed!” Rosipi said with a smile.

“Captain, our team has never lied to you, now the whole team is 3,363 people, and these are almost these people when we reported last time!” Thor said with a smile.

“Fart, you guys are unlucky to meet that monster Kaido, otherwise your team is the most fierce expansion, even the previous one is almost 10,000 smaller, if it wasn’t for the big loss last time, now the expansion is not only these people!” Barth glared at Thor and said.

“Your three teams are not bad, they are all more than when we were at our peak, and now I see that the number is not less than six thousand!” Jack said lightly.

“No more, no less, seven thousand one hundred and sixteen!” Barth said proudly.

“To say that the fattest person now is the captain of our second team, now there are about 10,000 people, and the funds are charged, I already know that I will also attack Angel Island!” Bartley said.

“Captain, do we dare to hide with you there? This is not the rapid expansion recently, and you are not at the headquarters during this time, so you can’t make it clear for a while! Now the whole team has 13,000 people, most of them from Angel Island and Sandia, and they can’t stop the fortress people from entering! “Rehrman is afraid of what will come, because he has the most people in the team, so when he heard Rosipi laughing and not smiling, he knew that the big thing was not good, and quickly explained.

“The deputy captain of each team listened to the order, and immediately went to Bin Si, reported the specific situation of each team and the number of personnel one by one, registered all team members, and made a life card to retain, all recruited team members must report to the headquarters in the future, otherwise they cannot be regarded as members of the gray country.” Rossi said coldly.

“Yes!” All the deputy captains stood up and saluted.

Then he immediately ran to the living room and asked Bin to register the list of members.

“Captain, are you really going to attack the naval headquarters this time?” Barth asked.

“Why, you’re afraid!” Rosie asked.

“As long as it is the captain’s order, even if it is to attack the Red Earth Continent, I am not afraid!” Barth said faithfully.

“You’re stupid, I’m not stupid yet! Attack the Red Earth Continent? Rosie rolled her eyes and said.

In this world where the strong are respected, ruling the world for eight hundred years, the foundation of the world government is unimaginable, even if he is now decayed, but he can still stand in such turbulent waves, it is impossible without strong strength.

In the Red Earth Continent, I don’t know how much power is hidden to attack the Red Earth Continent? Go if there is something wrong with the brain!

“To tell you the truth, this time is indeed to hit the Navy headquarters, and it hurts the Navy headquarters, and you can quit immediately if you are afraid!” Rossi said.

“Finally there is a real big war!” Jack’s eyes lit up, and he said with excitement.

Hearing his words, everyone present rolled their eyes and secretly called war maniacs one by one.

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