The fist tore open the volcanic lava, and the fist hit Sakaski’s hands hard.

A powerful force burst out from his fist, causing Sakaski to slide backwards for more than a meter!

“That’s all!” Sakaski smiled coldly.

Although Sakaski was surprised, the power of Rossi’s release counterattack was much weakened, but he still laughed.

“The real attack is here, release, extreme critical hit!” Rosie silently stepped forward, suddenly appeared in front of Sakaski, and punched out fiercely.

“Bang!” This punch hit Sakaski’s body, and a huge sound sounded, and in an instant, a punch with incomparably hot and explosive power burst out.

Sakaski only felt an unrivaled force burst out in his chest, and the powerful force made his body fly backwards involuntarily, and then hit the defense bar hard.

The strong impact caused the defensive walls built with special materials to be dented.

“Poof, wow!” Sakaski spat out a mouthful of blood heavily, and looked at Rosie in disbelief.

He couldn’t believe why Rossi’s attack power had increased so much in a short period of time.

Is it just because he borrowed his own power to attack, it seems to be different from before?

Of course it’s different.

Whether it is a Collapse Fist Critical Strike or an Extreme Critical Attack, it was developed by Rossi based on a little punch move, plus his own understanding.

To put it bluntly, it is all a wild road, all relying on the domineering perception of seeing and hearing, and constantly modifying this to have some of the current effects.

But no matter how you say it, it is all made up by seeing and hearing.

It is like using modern scientific instruments to detect some data of ancient boxing methods, and then restore ancient power methods.

But no matter how to calculate and analyze, it is impossible to analyze the essence of the ancient Neijia Fist, and some dark energy and softening strength are impossible to analyze by some data, let alone the meaning of the fist.

After acquiring O’Hara’s book knowledge, especially the many books on physical skills, exercise and the application of strength, Rossi had a lot of understanding of boxing and made some improvements.

Although because of time, Rossi can only simply improve it, but his power has risen to a level!

“Good, that’s awesome!”

“Captain is mighty!”

“One punch vomited blood from the monsters of the navy.”

“Too relieved, too domineering.”

“So strong!” The members of the second team cheered.

“Rush, while the captain cleans up the monsters of the navy, let’s rush up as soon as possible and occupy the naval headquarters building!” A second-team elite said.

“Kill, give me a good counterattack, I want this group of Navy grandchildren to look good!”

“Can’t let them go, just now Lao Tzu seemed to have gone to the prefecture!” The words of the elite of the second team were immediately echoed by the members of the second team, and one by one they frantically passed through the cloud road and killed towards the Navy headquarters building.

“Kill, definitely can’t let them get a step closer to the Navy building!” Several vice admirals led the navy to the second team.

Those vice admirals are not powerful, there are those who are good at physical skills.

The navy’s six-style Lan legs tore the sky, and one by one the soldiers of the second team were slashed and killed by their Lan legs.

There are those who are good at pointing guns, and the finger guns cut the barrage, and blood splashes on the chests of the members of the second team.

There were those who used iron blocks, and the impact of the empty island could not break through its defenses, and the shaving was even faster, and in a flash, one by one the members of the second team were sent out.

There are also some fruit abilities, all of which have peculiar and powerful abilities, which are not at all what ordinary members of the second team can deal with, and they are easily killed one by one.

“Can’t let them act recklessly, the elite of the second team, drag him for me!” At this time, Biddle, who also fought into the defensive wall, said.

Immediately, elite team members rushed out and killed the vice admiral.

“Slash the shell!” A team member with a slash shell in his hand appeared in front of a lieutenant general who cast Arashi’s leg, absorbing Arashi’s slash with the slash shell, and then counterattacked.

“Rope cloud containment!” One by one, the elite players who stepped on the mighty overlord constantly surrounded a lieutenant general, restraining him with a rope cloud.

“Molotov cannon!”

“Flash gun”

“Shock grab!”

However, even if the elite team members desperately contain them, it is still difficult to contain the footsteps of these lieutenant generals.

“Bring us the few platoon rifles that the captain gave us, and snipe these vice admirals for me.” Biddle said.

At this time, Biddle thought of the few platoon rifles that Rosie gave them before the battle, and I heard that they were very powerful.

Rosie let them use it when they encounter difficult opponents, isn’t this the time?


“Bang! Bang! Bang! “Several second-class team members who were good at guns, armed with a platoon grab, immediately shot at several lieutenant generals.

The bullet shot out of the chamber, only to feel that the light flashed out, instantly hitting several lieutenant generals, and several lieutenant generals fell to the ground in an instant!

“How is it possible!” The knocked out lieutenant general stood up.

When these platoon rifles were fired, the lieutenant generals immediately felt bad and used armed colors to protect themselves, but they were still beaten on the head and bleeding.

“Can’t let those sniper rifles shoot again!” The lieutenant generals were shocked and rushed in the direction of the sniper rifle.

And Biddle was also shocked by the power of these slap bay sniper rifles, saw the lieutenant general rushing towards the position of the platoon, and immediately rushed up with the elite team to block them.

And those second-team members who were holding the platoon grab, seeing the power of the platoon grab, were also excited to constantly change this position, and used the platoon grab to contain those lieutenant generals.

The power of these volleys and robberies, even these lieutenant generals had to deal with carefully, coupled with the desperate containment of Biddle and the elite members of the second team, only to restrict their movements, not to kill them, finally restrained them.

“The strength of that kid in Rosinandi has really improved a lot!” Karp said with a frown.

Karp they did not pay attention to the battle close at hand, in their opinion, the gray country is mainly Rossi, as long as they take Rosie, the rest is a group of rangers scattered, it is not enough at all.

“His ability is even more troublesome than expected, he just didn’t resist at all, he was able to withstand Sakaski’s magma, and fight back with the power of magma, so that if he was either completely killed at once, or it took time to consume his physical strength, otherwise it would be difficult for him to defeat him.” Sengoku said.

“It’s really troublesome ability, it seems that I am going to dispatch.” Karp said and was about to stand up.

“Wait a minute! Sakaski didn’t lose so easily, see what cards Rosinandi still has. Sengoku said.

Sengoku felt that Rossi dared to attack the naval headquarters so head-on, there must be some hole card.

“Rosinandi!” As Sengoku spoke, Sakaski shouted angrily at Rossi

In the midst of the cheers, Sakaski rushed towards Rossi again.

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