Silver Overlord

Chapter 126

Unintentionally, it became the first pioneer of Silver Continent to play the arrow. This feeling, for Yan Liqiang at this moment, is only a person with 100 money in the pocket to win the lottery in the lottery. The lottery pool is the same.

On the way back to Wu Yang Village from the National Museum, Yan Liqiang walked all the way, and his head was a little dizzy. On that day, the words were filled with four words, so that his little heart was excited and jumped all the way.

According to the owner of the Song Dynasty, the number of heavenly potholes obtained by a pioneer or a secret priest is the highest level of martial arts or secret law, such as the Tiger Roaring Consecutive Fist he practiced. The highest level is only five levels, that is to say, the first pioneer who created this boxing method has won five heavenly empowerment, and the Nine Palace Wind Shadow Step, for example, has a maximum of six levels, that is, the first one. The founder of the footsteps who created this footwork received a total of six heavenly empowerment.

As for the other more advanced secrets and combat techniques, the pioneers obtained more times of heavenly empowerment, which is why the people who are called ancestors are so powerful, because every time the heavens are empowered, they are topped. That person is equivalent to an additional opportunity to improve his ability. With such a chance, the one who has become a ancestor will stand out and become the whole Silver Continent.

How can this skill of blowing arrows reach a few levels? Yan Liqiang doesn’t know, he only knows that if he wants to change his fate and let the tragic things happen in the future, then he must seize this opportunity…

At noon, Yan Liqiang had already returned to Wu Yang Village. After eating a bowl of noodles and buying a few hoes, Yan Liqiang returned to his small courtyard and took his own blown arrows. Go to the mountain to find a place to practice blowing arrows.

After advanced to the first level of the skills of blowing arrows, Yan Liqiang’s lung capacity has increased greatly, whether inhaling or exhaling, it is much longer than before, especially when he exhales the explosive power of the lungs, let him blow The blow-out arrow that goes out can reach a farther range. The power is still less than twenty-five meters. The length of the courtyard of the small courtyard cannot be used for him, so he went to the mountain to find a place to train.

The back of the hill bag where Wu Yang Village is located is a mass grave, so on the hillside of the hill, you can see the side of the mass grave. Even in the daytime, people who put cattle and firewood in the village are not willing to approach. Coupled with the dense trees on the top of the mountain and the weeds, it is a good place to practice blowing arrows.


Just one day later, on September 2, just in the hidden hill of the hilltop of the hill of Wu Yang Village, Yan Liqiang was once again surrounded by red light, accepting the second heavenly empowerment…

Four days later, on September 6, the third Tiandao empowerment came as scheduled…


On September 7th, Yan Liqiang got up early in the morning. After completing the morning class and having breakfast at the small noodle restaurant below the village, Yan Liqiang returned to the small courtyard.

Yan Liqiang, who returned to the small courtyard, did not train again. Instead, he took out the black-ringed python he bought, took another snake venom again, and put the snake venom of the black-ringed python on his blown arrow again. Smudge it again to ensure the effectiveness of the blow.

After the snake poison on the blower has dried up, the surface of the needle on the arrow is blown, and when it is facing the light, the protruding needle has a layer of black and blue glory.

Out of caution, Yan Liqiang had tried the snake venom of the black python in the first two days. The wild cockroach in the woods was only stabbed by the flying needle he had blown out. The body of the wild cock was stiff and awkward. One night, the next day, the ability to resume was restored.

After taking the snake venom, Yan Liqiang went up the mountain and put the black ring python away. The bamboo cage was taken back and burned directly into the stove in the small courtyard, destroying all traces.

Then, with a waterproof tarpaulin, he wrapped his prepared blowpipes and blow arrows in a few layers, wrapped them up, and put a dagger with two sets of clothes on the leather that he carried with him to Pingxi City. In the bag, after carefully finishing it, he carried the bag, left Wu Yang Village, and entered Pingxi City.

Yan Liqiang did not go to the National Museum, but went straight to the Pingxi City Meiyuan.

Meiyuan is a resort in Pingxi City. It is close to Wanshou Lake in Pingxi City. It is full of flowers and plum blossoms in the plum garden. It is an extremely elegant place in Pingxi City. Young men and women in Pingxi City, literati, most I like to stay here. Of course, the consumption of these places in Meiyuan is also very high. The average people can’t afford it. At most, they just take a walk and look at the plum blossoms…

After strolling around the plum garden, I looked at the place where I saw it. Yan Liqiang went out of Meiyuan and went to a street on the other side of Wanshou Lake.

On both sides of the street are the inn restaurant, which is also a lively place in Pingxi City. It has been visited twice on this street. At noon, after lunch, Yan Liqiang went straight to the street called Tingtao Garden. Among the inns.

“Welcome to welcome, I don’t know if this guest officer wants to live in a shop or want to eat. The fish in this shop are all called in Wanshou Lake, and they are guaranteed to be fresh…” Yan Liqiang went in, the inn of the inn was full of faces. The smile came out.

“Well, I live in the store, I don’t know if you can have a small courtyard near the lake in your store?”

“There are some, of course, the small courtyard near the lake is not only quiet, but also the beauty of Wanshou Lake, especially at night, the lake lights on the side of Meiyuan, the water and the sky are connected, you can see here. When you arrive, don’t have a mood. It’s a must for this Pingxi City. It’s not that I brag. On the edge of Wanshou Lake, there are hundreds of different restaurants in the hundreds of inn restaurants. The small courtyard in our home has the most features, so I can appreciate this. The beauty of Wanshou Lake is just that the price of the lake is a little more expensive than the average room. It takes eight nights for a night, but the price is not expensive. It is the price of the recent off-season. In the peak season, the price is at least one dollar. Split the money…”

Yan Liqiang put on a look that is not bad money. “Well, eight-point silver is eight-pointed. I just heard that the scenery here is good at night, so I want to see it and take me to see the yard…”

“Good Le, guest officer, come with me…”

The shop Xiao Er took Yan Liqiang and took a look around the small courtyard near the lake in the inn. Yan Liqiang chose a small courtyard and paid the money, stayed in the yard, waited. It’s dark…

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