Since 1983

Chapter 601: Big twist 2

Pen Fun Club, the fastest update from 1983 to the latest chapter!

The next day, in the morning.

Xu Fei had a very rich breakfast and walked into a conference hall. I didn't see the camera, only the meeting minutes and official reporters.

Rows of long tables, neatly arranged tea cups.

He found his seat and took the cup, which contained flower tea, and said: "Comrade? Comrade?"

"Is there any need?" Miss Sister came and asked.

"Is there a jujube?"


"Add one to me, ah, add two."

"Okay, wait a moment."


A house of people squinting, squinting, squinting, what kind of thing is this? Teacher Xu took care of that, holding his jujube tea, beautiful and nourishing.

After a while, the protagonist entered the field and took a seat in front. The leader Tian took the side, and it didn't matter how he hung high.

The head of the XX Department personally presided over it and really took it seriously. He coughed twice: "Okay, the meeting. This meeting was notified at the end of last year. I personally made preparations and prepared for about three months.

I heard a lot of voices during the period, and the literary and art circles also have a lot of feedback. Let me talk about it today. "

He opened the manuscript and said, "Chinese films have gone through a glorious course of 90 years, leaving many outstanding and far-reaching outstanding works.

While fully affirming the achievements, we must also see that there are indeed many difficulties ...

To do a good job in film, the following principles must be carefully implemented:

Adhere to the XX theoretical line;

Adhere to the direction of serving the people and socialism;

Adhere to the policy of blooming all flowers, the ancient serves the present, the foreign serves the Chinese, and the innovation is new, focusing on construction;

Adhere to promote the main theme and promote diversity. "

The leader paused and said: "Here is to explain that the main theme reflects the spirit of the times, expresses the people's beautiful thoughts and emotions, and has rich connotations.

A film that celebrates truth, goodness, beauty, inspiration, and inspiration is the promotion of the main theme.

Now there are some sayings that only the theme of revolutionary history and the theme of heroic models are the main theme, or the main theme is just for the leaders. These are all misunderstandings.

The subject matter of our main theme is very broad. Realistic subjects and subjects reflecting the lives of ordinary people can reflect the main theme.

The artistic creation of different styles promotes each other, so that the literary and artistic garden can be full of flowers.

Of course, expressing the main melody cannot lower the artistic standards, and diversification can not reduce the ideological content, which is recognized by everyone. "


Xu Fei was relieved to be able to get these words, and Kung Fu was not in vain.

For a time, the audience's eyes glanced secretly to this side, and the grandson was right! Zhao Baohua was even more hateful, not only being used as a gun but also being robbed of his right to speak.

Tian leader glanced into the crowd and realized that this grandson was more suitable for being an official than he was, so he would be too good at watching dishes!

At the same time, everyone thought deeply about it, and the leaders still did not explain what "diversity" means. It seems that the main theme is still the core, but the scope has expanded a lot.

"Our films must draw on materials from China's history and reality and reflect the spirit of the Chinese nation. This is the foundation of Chinese films.

At the same time, we must learn from the good expression techniques and techniques of foreign movies, based on national conditions and use them for me. Improving quality and producing more quality products is an urgent requirement of the people and the key to prospering movies ... "

The leader paused again, speaking of the key part:

"For this reason, we have decided to implement the film quality strategy, the 9550 Project. That is, during the Ninth Five-Year Plan period, 50 outstanding films will be produced nationwide, 10 each year.

Propaganda, radio and television and other leading departments should pay attention to five links:

1. Set up key studios. First of all, the construction of the three major factories of Changying, Beiying and Shangying, as well as the Bayi Factory, should play a leading role.

2. Grasp the script creation. Establishing a creative center to increase creative costs can be considered linked to production costs or projection profits.

3. Optimize the combination of production factors. Be a first-class script, director, actor, work team, management, and distribution. Let the boutique produce the star, and the star produce the boutique.

4. Provide capital guarantee and policy support. National film funds are used to support high-quality films, and heavy awards and honors should be given.

5. Strengthen the promotion of high-quality products. Organizing the news media to report vigorously from all angles should have a significant impact among the masses.

In addition, in response to the funding difficulties generally reported by production units, measures should be taken to broaden the channels:

1. Increase the film special fund. We will now charge 5 cents per ticket to 5% of the box office income.

2. Withdraw part of the funds from the income of the imported film. Extract 3% from the revenue of TV commercials.

3. The state grants special subsidies for films of special significance.

4. Continue to be exempt from copy tax.

5. Encourage departments and enterprises to invest in filming. "


The words fell silent.

Five big and five small, a total of ten, plus the general policy of 9550, this is the movie route for the next few years.

Everyone has a thought, the era of the best theme is really here!


The leader spoke for a long time, and he himself spoke in the morning. In the afternoon it was the turn of another big brother to speak, and it was time for the meeting to end.

No one went out that night, all studied in the room with familiar boring.

In the bedroom, the lights were dim.

Han Sanping squeezed a thick stack of drafts, only to feel itchy head, and wiped it without sweat, dumbly said: "There are too many elements, how do you think Xiao Xu?"

"We come one by one ..."

Teacher Xu went to history and was excited. He took a few strokes and said, "Look at the exemption from copy tax first. How much can this save the studio every year?"

"According to the whole country, can it be 10 to 20 million."

"Okay. Looking at the special fund, each department will pay 5% of the box office. The total box office last year was 950 million. According to this standard, it is 47 million.

Tickets for imported movies have to be paid once, and they have to be paid once at the box office. Hollywood only takes 13% and has to be picked twice.

Oh, whoever said that old Wu is comprador, except bad is bad!

TV stations are the most wronged, and they want to come up with 3% of the ads. "

Xu Fei shook his head, it was absolutely impossible, but this has to be paid by TV stations at all levels across the country! Taking Beijing and Taiwan as an example, last year more than 800 million advertisements were made, and one family had to pay more than 20 million.

Copy-free tax, box office subsidy, TV advertising subsidy, introduction film subsidy, as well as special state subsidies, government bonuses, and concentrate on helping you publicize after shooting

So many resources are all invested in the main melody movie.

Xu Fei finally understood that why the domestic films have been reduced in cliff style, and they all went to make the main melody. If I were the director of the studio, I would film it! A lot of money!

That being said.

The original intention was really good. Indeed, in order to protect and develop domestic films, the key direction was wrong. It is still stronger now, at least he widened the scope, and gave a lot of life to him.


Teacher Xu originally thought that the cost of the movie he wanted to make was too high. So, who is afraid of who?

He held the book and made a fierce draw on various subsidies.

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