Six Eyes Sunuo started as a hunter x hunter

Chapter 193 Gojo Kiritō appears (two in one)

Only big men from Kyoto have strange abilities. Because they are descendants of nobles, nobles are born with special abilities, which are different from poor people like them.

This is what they have heard all along.

There is a world of difference between the nobility and the poor.

Su Wu, who was pretending to be unconscious but actually closing his eyes to rest, couldn't understand why the couple kept thinking that he was from Kyoto?

Even if he knew the inner thoughts of the two couples, he would only sneer dismissively.

Neon's concept that noble blood is superior to others is not particularly applicable to flower farming.

After all, what the people who grow flowers are best at is... calling out to brothers, princes, generals and ministers, would you rather have seeds? The emperor takes turns to do it. Next year when he comes to my house, he will pull people to start a rebellion by turning over the table...

By the morning of the fourth day, Su Wu's stiff body finally regained consciousness, which meant that he could move and no longer had to lie down!

To be honest, the couple just let him lie on the ground at first. Later, maybe because of their conscience, they put a quilt on him, but it was still hard. It felt that the living conditions were worse than those in Meteor Street in Hunter World...

The only advantage is that it doesn't smell like Meteor Street.

As soon as he regained mobility, he stood up.

My husband, who used to look like a sick man, seems to be in good condition today. He no longer coughs or gasps for breath, and his face looks rosy.

He obviously also figured it out. He was not sick before, but was haunted by monsters. No wonder no matter how much medicine he drank before, it didn't work.

Seeing that his savior finally woke up, he also wanted to thank him in person.

"Thank you, sir..." As soon as he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the white-haired boy.

"Where is this?" The white-haired boy looked at the low house, clicked his tongue and sat down, crossing one leg and bending the other.

This house is as short as anything. When you stand up, your head can touch the roof. If you want to go out, you have to bend down.

The man in front of me looks to be only a little over 1.6 meters tall, and the woman looks to be less than 1.5 meters tall, well...

It's quite neon and fits the traditional stereotype.

"This is Odagiri Castle..." The man took his seat and introduced with fear.

A place I’ve never heard there really such a place in the history of neon? Oh, and there are no spellcasters or spellcasters in Neon's history.

It’s already two-dimensional, so I understand.

"Hiss..." Su Wu rubbed his brows in distress.

The man held his breath cautiously for fear of upsetting the noble man.

"System, where's the mission?" Su Wu asked inwardly.

The timeline is all wrong, what is he doing here?

【Under planning. 】The system responded very indifferently.

"The world consciousness in the Hunter World is so vindictive, so the world here should also have world consciousness, right? If I ruin the main plot again, won't this thing come out and kick me again?" Su Wu tugged at the corner of his mouth and asked in his heart .

He didn't want to go through a situation as bad as chasing the dog away again.

[Main mission planning completed——]

[Task 1: Ask the host to work hard to become stronger, maximize the compatibility, and turn the character's skills into his own exclusive skills. 】

[Task 2: Kill the world consciousness. 】

The system prompts sound very cold.

Su Wu was speechless for a moment.

Has the system forgotten the memory of being chased by the world consciousness in the Hunter World? Kill world consciousness? Are you serious?

Who will kill? I come?

He didn't know whether to complain about the system or to thank the system for trusting him.

What the world consciousness is? It’s not certain whether it has an entity or not. It’s unclear whether it can be killed by conventional means. It feels very troublesome...

There is also the task of turning the character's skills into his own exclusive skills, which feels like a headache.

What a mouthful to ask, haha.

"Sir...? Dare I ask your name..." The man who hadn't heard the boy speak for a long time spoke nervously.

"..." Su Wu fell into deep thought.

Since he was cursed to return to the world, it would be reasonable for him to pretend to be the Yusan family name, right?

But being regarded as a neon person is a bit too much...

During the Heian Era, the place where the flowers were planted should be... the Tang Dynasty?

But the style of the name would be a bit wrong, right?

Zenyuan fog? Five fogs? Kamo fog? Which one sounds better...

This seems to be something that doesn't need to be bothered.

"Gojo Kiri." Su Wu raised the corner of his mouth and thought of a pseudonym for himself with a bad taste.

What only flower growers can understand is that fog has the same pronunciation as Wu, Wu Jiao Wu and Wu Jiao Wu are pronounced exactly the same, and it is impossible to tell them apart when they are called out.

But it's different when used in other languages.

Mist is kiri and enlightenment is satoru.

"Gojo...?" The man seemed to have heard of this surname, and his posture became more respectful.

This attitude... Could it be that at this time, there was already the so-called Yusanjia?

Ah, no, this is the Heian Era, and the neon civilians of this era seem to... have no surnames.

Those with surnames are all nobles, because they are basically given surnames by the emperor, so... the guy in front of him may not be because he has heard of Gojo's existence, but is respectful because he has a surname.

"How to get to Kyoto?" Su Wu asked slowly.

If you guessed correctly, nobles like the Yusan family should all be in Kyoto, and interesting things should be more likely to happen there.

"This..." The man lowered his head.

For someone who has never left the place where he was born, how to go to a city full of nobles.

"..." Su Wu sighed melancholy.

Forget it, why is he embarrassing this guy? He just needs to find his own way, just take a walk and relax.

"Let's go, by the way..." Su Wu stood up, touched his body before leaving, and left the two earrings on his ears to the other party.

Genuine silver and ruby ​​earrings with exquisite workmanship. I spent several million ringgit to buy them in Hunter World.

Usually the jewelry comes with his clothes, but his clothes are usually only worn once.

Since he can't move, he hasn't changed his clothes in the past few days. It can be said that this earring is the one he has worn for the longest time.

I won’t wear it a second time, it’s just waste.

"Let's pay for the accommodation." He dropped his earrings and walked out of the house.

It was the woman who fished him out of the sea, but he helped kill a cursed spirit to even things out.

They provided him with a place to stay for three days and paid for the accommodation, which was very reasonable.

"This is too precious, sir..." The man looked at the sparkling gemstone earrings and didn't even dare to pick them up, for fear of touching them and dirtying them. He quickly wanted to call the boy to stop him, but found that he could no longer see him.

The first thing Su Wu did when he left this house was to find a place and summon Maruo and Kong.

"Sir?!" Maro and Sora, who had just been summoned and still couldn't figure out the situation, had their memories still stuck in the dark continent and couldn't figure out why they suddenly appeared in a strange place.

But when he saw the familiar figure of the young man, he immediately felt at ease.

"I want to take a shower." Su Wu just frowned and thought to himself.

I haven't changed my clothes for three or four days and it's unbearable, especially since I haven't opened the limit yet. I had soaked in the sea before and my clothes had salt crystals on them.

He felt like a salted fish now.

"...I'll prepare it for you right away!" Maro stopped wanting to ask and said immediately.

Serving adults is always the top priority at all times.

After three or four days, Su Wu finally took a hot bath. He wanted to rub himself off a layer of skin, and washed himself back and forth three times. He stopped only after the smell of shower gel was the only thing on his body.

The clothes he took off were burned directly, and he changed into clothes that fit the ancient style, but looked more like Hanfu than a kimono.

Chinese-style stand-up collar and button-down jacket, large-sleeved shirt, black and red main body, embroidered with red flowers, and a jade pendant hanging around the waist, no matter how handsome you look.

It might be a bit flashy to wear in the Hunter World, but in this world...well it's still a bit flashy.

Su Wu looked at the plainly dressed people he met along the way and raised his chin higher.

Who is the most handsome man in Neon? It's him.

" this?" Maro frowned, his eyes confused.

This backward style is very similar to NGL, but...compared to NGL, which uses horses as a means of transportation, this place seems even more backward and... poorer.

"I don't know." Su Wu replied casually.

"It seems something unexpected happened and we came to another world." He just explained.

But Maro and Kong, who have seen all kinds of strange abilities in the Hunter World, will find a suitable reason for themselves.

Especially before they traveled through, they were in such a weird place as the Dark Continent.

"Could it be that we triggered some rules, or the conditions of a certain ability, and were transmitted to another world?" Maro guessed.

"Maybe." Su Wu shrugged.

"Then what should we do now?" Maro asked worriedly.

He has no memories of the original world. As long as the adults are around, it doesn't matter where he goes.

"Just treat it as a trip and take a walk." Su Wu yawned.

To be honest, the scenery here in Neon is actually... nothing interesting.

Weak curse spirits can be seen everywhere, and they are all at a level that will not cause any harm to humans even if they are not killed.

Occasionally, you can see some... monsters.


Su Wu narrowed his eyes as he looked at the mute voice on the side road, feebly calling for help.

About one meter long, with a Mediterranean hairstyle and green body, he looks like a human but not human, quite wretched.

That thing... seems to be a kappa?

Su Wu slowly stepped forward and poured some water on the kappa.

The kappa, who seemed to be about to die, suddenly came back to life after being splashed with water.


So Su Wu stretched out his hand, "Treasure."

The kappa was stunned.

"If you save the monster, the monster will offer his treasure. Isn't it a rule that everyone knows?" Su Wuli said confidently.

Some monsters will even offer their bodies to each other, but usually they are vixens, snake spirits, or even kappas. There is no market for this thing.

"But...but...I don't have a baby..." the impoverished kappa said while rubbing his hands.

"Hey." The white-haired boy stood up, turned around and left without saying a word.

Even his back showed disdain.

The kappa froze in place, inexplicably feeling as if his soul had been severely damaged.

"There is no need to save kappas next time they meet. They are poor." Su Wu silently wrote down this information.

But there was one thing he didn't quite understand.

This should be the curse world, right? The system here is the curse spirit and the curse master, right? Why are there monsters?

Now that there are monsters, there must be onmyoji...haha...haha...

Heian era... Heian Kyo... Abe Seimei? !

Could it be that there really is Abe Seimei? Then you are not allowed to take photos with others and collect stamps?

Japan's number one onmyoji, he is even a well-known NPC in many novels and games.

Of course, first he has to find his way to Kyoto...

Su Wu stopped, stood there and took a deep breath, and decided to find an unlucky person... ahem, the lucky person to ask for directions.

I used my six eyes to sense it and found a place with the most people nearby, just in time for an event.

A woman wearing a colorful kimono had her limbs tied with hemp rope and a white cloth stuffed in her mouth. She was carried by four short but mature men as they walked into the mountains.

Su Wu saw that this was a sacrificial activity. After all, in ancient times, human sacrifices were very common, such as river gods, mountain gods, and sea gods.

Ignorant guy...that's not right either.

These ghost things probably really exist in this world.

However, Su Wu prefers to call them demons than gods.

Not just anything can be called a god when growing flowers.

If he was a heroic man, he should have stepped out to stop the ignorant villagers and save the beautiful woman at this moment.

But first of all, Su Wu is not a hero, and secondly... that girl is not a beauty, at least not in the popular sense.

The face was probably smeared with lead powder, it was shockingly white, the eyebrows and teeth were blackened, and there was a dozen blushes on it, just like a paper manikin at a funeral.

No matter how unscrupulous Su Wu was, there was no way he could say that she was a beauty.

But this has nothing to do with him, he just came to ask for directions.

The villagers who were happily giving the pure girl from the village to the mountain god as their lover saw a tall man with luxurious clothes, white hair and red eyes walking out from the roadside.

Behind him was a ferocious beast about six meters long, and a blond and blue-eyed follower.

The way he dresses and behaves, it's clear from the first glance that they are not someone they can offend.

"Does anyone know how to get to Kyoto?" the adult who couldn't offend asked.

The villagers looked at each other, speechless.

"..." Su Wu shook his head.

Okay, maybe instead of looking for civilians, we should change the target.

"For example...where is the nearby city?" he asked again.

Usually the city lord is also a minor noble, and at least knows the way to Kyoto.

Just ask the city lord directly.

"The nearest city is over there. It takes about five hours to get there..." the villager pointed in one direction and said with a flattering smile on his face.

Five hours, that’s pretty close.

It would be faster if Yong Cang said it. With his current physical condition, even if he bumps into something on the road, nothing would happen. Oh, and if it is still driving without a lower limit, nothing will happen.

Su Wu nodded and was about to leave. At this moment, an old woman hurried up and knelt down in front of him.

"grown ups……"

" my little girl." She cried sadly, but she never dared to reach out and grab the clothes of the person in front of her.

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