Six Eyes Sunuo started as a hunter x hunter

Chapter 195 Demon (two in one)

Su Wu didn't care what others were thinking. He was eagerly looking for traces of the demons.

The dusk is sinking, and the world is covered with a warm orange filter.

Logically speaking, at this time, some monsters like to jump around in front of humans.

However, Su Wu waited until the sun had completely sunk below the horizon, but he didn't see even a single demon appear in front of him.

Within a radius of ten miles, not a single demon appeared.

Those within the six-eye perception range were only small monsters, and the big monsters making trouble in the rumors were not noticed at all.

Could it be that the great monster only looks up to Heian Kyo? Only hang out there?

"I only remember a place called Dajiangshan..." Su Wu touched his chin and thought.

Shuten Doji lived there, but he didn't know where to go to Dajiangshan.

It seems that when encountering monsters and ghosts, we can only let it happen.

It got dark very early, and the villages we encountered on the road only contained a few dozen scattered households. The doors of the wooden houses were closed tightly, and the lights in the houses were turned off very early.

Su Wu had no intention of rushing at night, so he randomly found a corner and waited for Maro to set up tent camping.

After coming to this world, Maro didn't even realize that the language used here was different from the language they used in the Hunter World.

He quickly set up the tent and even set up a fire nearby.

"How to pretend to be an ordinary person and go fishing..." Su Wu muttered to himself while lying in the tent.

The dangerous aura on his body seems a bit too obvious...

He has killed too many things in the Hunter World for more than two years. Counting those Chimera ants in the back, it is conservatively estimated that tens of thousands of lives were lost at his hands.

Because the system prompt clearly says - [The cumulative number of enemies you have killed exceeds five digits, and you have earned the title - Massacre of Ten Thousand People. 】

[When wearing this title, everyone will be wary when facing you. 】

The evil spirit and bloody aura deep in his soul were so thick that it could not be concealed at all.

This makes most sensitive creatures' first reaction when they see him - fear.

Even an unintelligent creature's first reaction after feeling his aura would be to run away.

"Hmm..." Su Wu looked at the roof of the tent and pondered.

When he was angry, he didn't feel that he ever exuded murderous intent, and even when he smiled, he didn't feel like a good person.

"It's strange... why does my face... become more and more fierce as it grows longer?" He touched his face and was puzzled.

To be honest, she looks more and more like his real mother.

At first, when I was younger and my face was rounder, I couldn't tell it. Now that I've grown up, my face is less fleshy, my facial features are more prominent and three-dimensional, and my jawline is clearer. Although I'm still handsome, I don't look very decent.

His mother is a mixed race, with a femme fatale face, and can only play the role of a vicious bad woman.

And Su Wu looked very much like the other person... except that she was less beautiful and more gloomy.

Like a perverted handsome guy who lives in a dark castle and then locks himself into a dark psychology.

"She looks gloomy and has an evil aura..." Su Wu said, unable to help but sigh.

If he were an ordinary person, he would still walk around people like this.

Maybe he has some psychological or mental illness, but it is not illegal to stab someone.

But now such a person is himself.

"Forget it." Su Wu closed his eyes and started to sleep.

Appearance is not something he can decide.

In the Heian Era, few people slept on the streets at night, because...there were demons roaming around at night.

A figure stood outside the tent, its shadow fell on the tent, and the burning fire seemed to be extinguished by something.

The visitor stood outside the tent, seeming to determine whether this was a house. After a moment, he raised his hand and knocked on the door.

Instead of hearing the familiar knock on the door, He made a strange breathy sound.

The sound of sharp claws tearing apart the tent fabric was particularly clear at night.

"Bring me all the delicious food and wine..." The voice of the visitor was fierce and his tone was arrogant.

But he saw a sharp blade coming towards him, bringing with it a biting chill.

It was actually a knife made of frost!

"What kind of thing without eyes dares to disturb adults' sleep." Maro gritted his teeth and whispered, with a white waterproof bandage wrapped around his palm, holding a sharp frost blade and stabbing at the strange thing outside the tent.

This strange thing was red all over and looked like it had been skinned. It had fangs and messy long hair, and its eyes were huge.

It's really short-sighted to come to them to beg for food in the middle of the night.

Thinking of this, Maro's hand held the skates harder.

The bandage wrapped around the palm is firstly anti-slip and secondly anti-freeze.

Even his own ability does not mean that he can touch those ice cubes for a long time without getting frostbite.

The uninvited guest who appeared in the middle of the night - the Raw Ghost was beaten back and forth.

It looked like there were many more wounds on the skinned body, but there was no blood flowing out, but a layer of frost condensed on it.

"You are extraordinary." The raw ghost stared at the blond guy who was good at using ice spells with hatred.

It's not Onmyoji. That group of Onmyoji usually requires various gestures and talismans, as well as chanting incantations.

But this guy didn't do either.

If the origin is unknown and the details are unclear, retreat first.

As he thought this, the place turned into a white smoke and disappeared.

Maro's sword missed and he stared gloomily at the open space in front of him without saying a word.

"It is said that the ghost will knock on doors in the middle of the night, asking for drinks and food, and will also threaten disobedient children."

A lazy voice came from behind him, and he just turned and looked back.

The white-haired boy was leaning outside the tent, with his arms folded and a scornful look on his face.

"A creature that was born in other people's words. Because enough people believed in this theory, it was really born."

"It's similar to belief in becoming a god..." When he said this, his tone was very playful.

In this case, creating a god has become extremely simple.

Of course, Su Wu didn't want to become a god, he just thought it was very simple.

A godhead born of human faith is of no use to him.

The need for faith means that you have to help those people solve their problems, otherwise you will lose your faith, and in the long run you will be completely bound and dependent on human faith.

How is this different from a human dog?

If faith were replaced by dog ​​food, there would be no difference.

"That guy is not strong." Maro whispered.

He just didn't want to make too much noise, so he was restrained and never dared to use his full strength. could the adults not notice it? I'm afraid that the adults had already discovered it when that thing appeared, but they just thought that the other party was too weak and didn't need to care about it.

"It's true that he's not strong. He doesn't seem to be a particularly famous character..." Su Wu touched his chin thoughtfully.

"Then...are there any characters that you think are strong?" Maro asked hesitantly.

"In terms of's hard to say. After all, we haven't encountered a big demon so far." Su Wu shook his head.

Although he is very confident personally, he still wants to give it a try after meeting him.

"But the ones that interest me are Shuten-dōji, Ibaraki-dōji, Otengu, Tamamo-mae, Phoenix Fire, Vampire Princess, Aoi Hōdōji..." He pointed at a few names with his fingers.

It's not that they are very powerful, it's just that he only remembers these.

Even... not necessarily all of them are real, some may just be fabricated by a certain game.

"...That's it." Maro smiled.

To be able to blurt out so many names... The adults must have some understanding of this place.

At least, it's not like he is ignorant.

This... is good.

Since the adults have a certain understanding of this place, I feel relieved.

"I believe they must be outstanding beings in some aspects..." Maro said softly.

That's why it will be remembered by adults.

"That's true." Su Wu nodded, confirming his statement.

At least the name was interesting enough for him to remember.

Thinking like this, suddenly a head poked its head next to Maro.

A single head connected to the neck, without a body.

Just like hanging in the air.

"..." Maro stared fixedly at the smiling man in front of him for a second. When the man thought that this guy had been successfully frightened by him and a mischievous smile appeared on his face, he did not hesitate to draw his knife and stab the man in the neck. go.

He stabbed the opponent's head through with ease, and the head was skewered by the frost sword.

"The flying-headed beasts like to stick out their heads at night to scare people. There seems to be some saying that they feed on people and have a cruel temperament." Su Wu introduced while looking at the head on the ground.

Because there are records about this kind of thing in flower cultivation, so he will have some understanding.

"I heard that their heads will fly out at night and fly back to the body during the day. If the head cannot return during the day, the body over there will die." Su Wu continued.

"I see. As expected of you, you know a lot," Maro said with admiration, and then without hesitation, he froze his head on the ground in a huge block of ice.

There is no body shape that cannot be removed in ten hours.

Obviously, he had no intention of letting this head go back, and he was full of murderous intentions.

"There shouldn't be any more problems tonight, let's go to sleep." Su Wu yawned and returned to the tent. The furry white tiger lay there with a heartbroken heart and used it as a blanket.

He lay down consciously, feeling that the title was somewhat useful.

He removed all blood-red titles such as "Dragon Slayer" and "Ten Thousand Slayers" that were full of murderous intent at first glance, and then wore titles such as "Miao Hand Rejuvenation" that reflected his kind-heartedness and willingness to help others. Go up.

No, the effect is obvious, both the raw ghost and the flying head barbarian are here.

Presumably there will be no more little monsters hiding from him tomorrow.

Because his tent was torn apart by the ghost, Ma Luo did not sleep in the tent that night. Instead, he sat silently outside Su Wu's tent and added firewood to the fire all night long.

The next day, hot water and breakfast were prepared for Su Wu early in the morning.

Even in this era of backward living conditions, Su Wu still lived a comfortable and leisurely life, just like on vacation.

For this reason, he decided not to worry about the system swallowing up all his money.

He originally had tens of billions of denies in the Hunter World, and the system said he could exchange them for this world's currency.

When Su Wu said he wanted to exchange it, the system said the money was gone.

Because bringing both Maro and Kong here consumes a lot of energy, the money has become a hard fee for the system.

Dead profiteer.

Su Wu cursed in his mind while brushing his teeth.

The system is still as silent as death.

"Let's go." After everything was ready, they embarked on an outing again... ah, no, it was on the way to Kyoto.

The neon sign is not big, and according to their speed, if they really use all their strength, it won't take long to get there.

But they were just taking a leisurely stroll and watching the flowers.

Almost all the farmers I met had the same purpose: fishing, hunting, and farming.

The fish are the kind of small ones that look like they have no meat. When hunting, you can catch pheasants, voles, or rabbits at most, and they don’t even look fat.

As the sun sets, villagers who have finished their day's work are walking home in twos and threes.

A staggering woman with her hair in a bun and dark clothes holding a cloth bag with what appeared to be a child inside was walking staggeringly.

He even accidentally touched Maro's shoulder.

Maro glanced at the shoes on the other person's feet and frowned, as if he was contaminated with some bacteria. He patted his shoulder fiercely and said, "Get away."

He seems to be becoming more and more indifferent, or...inhumane?

"Sorry, sir..."

"I'm sorry..." The woman's body was shaky like a weak willow supporting the wind.

She has a beautiful face, but strangely, the villagers around her turn a blind eye to her.

"Can you hold the baby for me for a while?" She asked softly, but she was looking in the direction of... Su Wu.

The reason why he didn't look for the blond figure next to him was because he looked like a follower at first glance, and no follower would do anything else in front of his master.

Plus... I don't know why, but I feel like the white-haired boy seems to be a kind-hearted person.

Su Wu almost laughed out loud when he looked at the title he was wearing and that no one else could see.

Very good, the title is indeed useful here.

The monster is ready to treat him as a good person and harm him!

"Ah, of course." The white-haired boy said with a smile, and reached out to take the cloth bag wrapped in the baby handed over by the woman.

As soon as the corner of the woman's mouth curled up, she saw a spark shooting out in front of her.

"Ah, it seems that my hand was too hot and accidentally caught fire." The white-haired boy said with a smile, holding the so-called swaddle in one hand.

What was burning was the baby in his hand.

Strangely, no baby cry was heard.

Instead, one after another, small black spiders escaped from the burning cloth bag, and were pulled back to their original positions by invisible gravity.

The flames crackled and burned the pile of black spiders, but the woman in front of him showed a malicious expression.

"my child……"

"You killed my child..." she screamed as her clothes were torn and she returned to her original size.

A... monster with the upper body of a human and the lower body of a spider.

Lady Spider, also known as Spider Spider.

The first reaction of the civilians not far away when they saw this scene was to run away.

Screaming and running away.

A series of actions were performed extremely skillfully.

For people like them, who live in a world full of monsters and ghosts, and who occasionally encounter monster killing scenes, they have learned how to escape the scene quickly.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will reunite your family soon." The white-haired boy said kindly.

In the blink of an eye, the girl spider's legs were cut off at the root, and her body fell to the ground without support, and then... her body was cut off again.

"The bride, there are rumors that she will dress up as a beautiful woman to lure men back to her lair. She will stay there for three days before killing the man and eating him."

"There are also rumors that they will pretend to be a woman holding a baby and ask others to help hold the baby temporarily, but in fact there are only little spiders in the baby."

"Well, it's okay to say these spiders are your children." Su Wu nodded.

What they encountered was the second legendary network bride.

"I wish you and your family will be reunited." He snapped his fingers lightly, and a fire instantly engulfed the bride's body on the ground.

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