the other side.

Because Naga's attack briefly blew away the water mist, part of the sound was captured by everyone participating in the war practice class.

Without Valery's reminder, everyone in the entire camp showed their elite qualities and gathered in less than ten seconds.

The first person to walk out of the tent was the experienced Commissioner Yoon. He looked at each other and Valery, who was squatting on the tree to conduct reconnaissance, breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the other person was still alive and well.

"Everyone get their equipment, and then everyone gathers towards their captain to check the number of people!"

After hearing Youn's order, the students who were still a little busy immediately found the backbone and quickly gathered towards their team leader.

Valery also jumped down from the tree at this time. After arranging for someone to help him gather the team members, he walked to Yoon with a serious expression.

"Nothing unusual was found outside. And the location of the sound was wrong. It came from inside the camp."

Hearing this, Youn couldn't help but frown, and had a bad feeling in his heart.

At this time, each team has also completed self-examination.

"Nothing unusual about Team A!"

"Nothing unusual about Team C!"

"Team B...Captain Zheng Shu is missing!"


Hearing this result, Youn's eyes widened with anger and he immediately walked quickly to Zheng Shu's tent. The others looked at each other and immediately ran after Youn.

"The luggage has not been taken away, but the alchemy equipment is missing. It doesn't look like you are running away..."

In the tent, Youn looked through the traces left by Zheng Shu and made a guess in his mind.

"Damn! He was attacked. He was attacked by the enemy without us noticing. Did the sensor react at all?!"

The last question he asked was Valery. Valery repeatedly confirmed the situation on several monitors and shook his head with a solemn expression.

"The sensors are still working fine."

"Damn it!"

The important personnel who were heavily protected disappeared without a trace. Even the other people sleeping in a tent did not notice the abnormality. Such a terrifying fact was placed in front of this group of fledgling students. Everyone felt a huge shock. pressure.

Looking at the thick fog in front of them, people involuntarily moved closer to the crowd, as if the next moment, invisible hands would stretch out from the thick fog and snatch them away.

"there's noise!"

At this time, Caesar suddenly issued a warning, and then everyone felt as if a gust of wind had passed around them.

Word Spirit: Kamaitachi.

Although they knew that Caesar was not afraid of interference, the others still closed their mouths involuntarily and held their breath carefully.

Kamatachi's feedback was very quick. Caesar just listened to it and walked quickly in one direction. The others did not dare to delay and immediately followed him.

A group of people carefully formed a tactical formation and headed in the direction of the target. When they arrived, they discovered that it was a branch that had fallen to the ground. Looking at the green leaves on it, it was clear that it had fallen just now.

Yoon waved to stop the others from moving forward. He and Valery looked at each other and nodded, and the two of them walked towards the branches warily.

After arriving safely, Yoon squatted down and carefully inspected the branches.

"Something's wrong."

Looking at the gap in the branches, Yoon became more and more vigilant.

"What's wrong."

"It didn't fall off naturally, it was cut off by someone."

Youn made a safety gesture towards the team in the distance, then raised his head, and after carefully searching the surrounding trees, he finally found an abnormality. An unknown thing had cut off a piece of the crown of a tree. The neat gaps looked as if a giant had repaired them with a chainsaw.

Others also followed the direction of Yoon's gaze and saw the unusual tree. Looking at the obviously chipped tree, others were also confused.

"Did you hear anything else?"

Facing Youn's question, Caesar silently shook his head. His speech spirit has been at maximum power since just now, but apart from some noise, no other special sounds were heard.

"There it is again."

Just when everyone was at a loss what to do, Chu Zihang's voice shocked them back to reality. Looking in the direction he pointed, another tree suffered from this condition, and it was more serious than the previous tree. The entire crown of this tree was cut off.

"This tree was intact when I came here."

Chu Zihang's words confirmed to others that they had read correctly, and everyone immediately looked around nervously.

Yoon frowned as he looked at the tree with its crown cut off, and suddenly looked at Caesar again.

"Did you hear the sound of debris falling to the ground just now?"

Caesar shook his head with difficulty. He had already turned on the power of his speech spirit to the maximum level that his body could bear. For him now, even the beating of the hearts of the people around him was an unbearable harsh noise.

After persisting for a while but still getting nothing, Caesar finally couldn't bear the noise around him, and turned down the power of the speech spirit with a pale face.

"Something's wrong, there's no debris around."

Valery's words attracted the attention of others. Although he seemed reckless, Valery himself was actually a very meticulous person. He felt something was wrong from the moment he saw the branch, until he finally discovered the biggest problem just now.

At the same time, the changes in the surrounding environment suddenly became drastic. A large number of trees were continuously cut off out of thin air. Occasionally, some residual debris fell to the ground, but most of the material disappeared out of thin air, as if there was something An invisible giant beast kept devouring them.

The surrounding air began to fluctuate constantly, as if there were bombs exploding all around.

"It's fog! Pay attention to the area covered by thick fog!"

At this time, Youn showed his experience as a specialist of the A-level execution department, and soon discovered the essential reasons for these things.

After his reminder, others immediately discovered the pattern. All the places that were cut off were too high, and the fog became very thin or exceeded the scope of the fog.

Moreover, all the fallen branch debris only appeared when the surrounding air fluctuations and dense fog temporarily dispersed.

Knowing the source of the anomaly, Yoon immediately looked at Valery beside him. Needless to say, Valery instantly understood what he meant and immediately started chanting.

Not long after, a transparent force field rapidly expanded from his hand and enveloped everyone present.

Yan Ling: A dust-free place.

The highly defensive Yanling can repel most attacks.

Under normal circumstances, the use of Yanling to this state is considered complete. But this time the purpose was different. Valery did not restrain his word spirit, but instead allowed it to expand rapidly. The rapid expansion of the range caused the protective ability of the word spirit to drop sharply. After developing to a certain range, the force field turned into a strong wind. , but this is exactly what Valery wants.

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