Skill extraction starting from Dragon Clan

Chapter 65 The real purpose (two in one)

"Actually, you are being cautious and actually found so many people to help you stand up. Although the more reason may be to show your prestige. I guess you should have discovered something was wrong after receiving my information, but 伱I also found that this is a good opportunity. If you can get rid of me, your prestige in the Chen family will increase significantly."

Zheng Shu glanced at the other people who were a little commotion. Because of his words, these mixed races invited by Chen Jiahao suddenly realized that their arrival in this city was indeed full of coincidences.

"You knew something was wrong with me, so you found other people to come and help you stand up. Those families also know my strength, but when you group of people gathered together, they represented the top mixed-race families in this country. They thought I would be there. I'll spare you from this pressure."

Sensing the approaching danger, some hybrids have begun to retreat quietly.

"But they overlooked one thing. I am a kind person and don't like to kill innocent people indiscriminately. For those guys who are not hostile to me and just come to watch the fun, I don't mind letting them go."

Zheng Shu took a deep breath slowly, as if preparing for something.

"But I am generally cruel to people who are hostile to me."

Seeing the smile on Zheng Shu's face, Chen Jiahao felt as if his scalp was going to explode, and his sensitive perception was frantically warning him of the impending danger in front of him.



Zheng Shu opened his mouth and let out a silent roar. There was obviously no sound, but in an instant, several mixed-race people around him lost consciousness and fainted.

A huge force field quickly unfolded from Chen Jiahao's hand. The air flow on the surface of the force field showed a state of solidification and crystallization that physics could not explain at all, wrapping himself and several people around him.

Yanling: Liuli Brahma City.

Yan Ling: The advanced defense of Wuchen Land is more powerful than that of Wuchen Land. This name means that the realm of the spirit is like a Bodhisattva's residence, protected from all evil, but in fact it can only defend against physical attacks and is powerless against spiritual harm.

Chen Jiahao's strength is indeed worthy of praise. In the face of Zheng Shu's invisible and boundless attack, the crystal force field on the surface of the Yanling Domain continued to fluctuate, but he really persisted and did not let the attack affect the protected hybrid.

"Not bad, it can even defend against infrasound waves. The effect of this word spirit is better than I thought."

The reason why Zheng Shu's attack just now was silent was because he actually used an infrasonic attack. It was not that there was no sound, but that humans could not hear it.

The principle of using sound waves as weapons is actually very simple, which is to make the frequency of sound waves resonate with the frequency of an important organ in the human body. Generally speaking, different human organs correspond to different frequencies. After reaching resonance, the lethality depends on the energy contained in the sound.

Sound waves are essentially the vibration and conduction of power. Zheng Shu, who controls the power of the King of Earth and Mountain, can easily create it.

The biggest disadvantage of sonic weapons is that they are easy to distinguish between friend and foe, and the closer they are, the more vulnerable they are to damage. If you want to affect distant enemies, you must increase the power. In this way, even if the operator wears special protective clothing, will be affected.

It just so happened that this problem was not a problem for Zheng Shu.

At this time, as Zheng Shu's first round of attacks was blocked, the counterattacks from the remaining people who were still unconscious had arrived. A large number of flames, thunder and lightning, flying knives and other things came from all directions.

Two other people took advantage of the cover of these attacks and rushed towards Zheng Shu, intending to engage in close combat.

"Don't stop attacking, restrain him! Don't let him release that attack again, rely on close combat to deal with him..."


Before Chen Jiahao finished speaking, the two people who rushed forward had already flown back vomiting blood. Seeing the two high-level hybrids passing by him, Chen Jiahao lost his voice like a choked duck.

Looking up, Zheng Shu was shaking his fist to disperse the last flame. He shook his smoking arm and Zheng Shu smiled.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished testing my new moves yet."

Chen Jiahao's pupils trembled violently, and he raised his hand to release the spirit again. When the glass-like stance barrier appeared behind him, Zheng Shu also opened his mouth.


A low murmur came from Zheng Shu's mouth, and the impact of the sound even caused the dust under his feet to ripple like water waves.

Different organs have different resonance frequencies. Theoretically, the most lethal frequency is seven hertz. A very small intensity will affect the human nervous system, causing brain activity to be blocked, confusion, and self-discipline disappear.

The frequency of the infrasound wave Zheng Shu just used is eight to twelve hertz, which is the same as the alpha rhythm of the human brain.

When used on the human body, it can have a serious impact on people's psychology and consciousness. In mild cases, they may experience discomfort, decreased concentration, emotional uneasiness, dizziness and nausea. In severe cases, it can cause confusion, continued madness, coma, shock, and loss of thinking ability.

Moreover, it will be the same as the natural frequency of human internal organs, which will cause muscle spasm, whole body trembling, difficulty breathing, severe cases of blood vessel rupture, internal tract damage, and even rapid death.

Of course, in addition to this, within the range of sound wave frequencies that the human ear can hear, there are also many frequencies that can cause damage to the human body.

The reason why Chen Jiahao and the others could hear the sound this time was because Zheng Shu combined sound wave frequencies that could cause damage to the human body. This move is relatively difficult to release. Even with Zheng Shu's control, he can only ensure that the sound waves released will not interfere with each other.

Of course, the effect is also extremely useful.

Chen Jiahao's word spirit was penetrated with almost no effect. Even if it was weakened by one layer of the word spirit force field, the remaining sound wave energy was enough to make them bleed all over and lose their ability to resist.

Seeing that all the remaining people had lost their fighting power, Zheng Shu stopped the attack with satisfaction. After all, the attack of this thing did not distinguish between friend and foe. The mixed-breed who was knocked unconscious just now also suffered the same attack without the protection of the spirit of speech. , their injuries were more serious.

The biggest purpose of this move he developed was to prevent anyone from escaping when facing a group of soldiers. Even for the holder of the divine speed word spirit, it is difficult to exceed the speed of sound.

Touching his throat, Zheng Shu coughed twice to clear his throat.

Affected by the Dragon King's bloodline, his vocal tract also began to mutate, and he was able to produce an extremely wide range of sounds. But after all, it is not commonly used, so after using this technique, the throat still feels a little uncomfortable, which is probably similar to the fatigue caused by a person who has not exercised for a long time and suddenly exercises vigorously.

Zheng Shu waited until his body recovered completely before walking to Chen Jiahao who was lying on the ground. It has to be said that his blood level is indeed quite high. He did not faint even after being seriously injured like this. Instead, he stared angrily at Zheng Shu who was approaching.

Zheng Shu briefly inspected Chen Jiahao's body and shook his head with dissatisfaction. Because of Yan Ling's protection, the damage he and several people around him suffered was much less than the damage suffered by others who were not protected by Yan Ling. They could basically recover by lying down at home for a few months.

"You...have the guts to kill me..."

Hearing Chen Jiahao's weak voice, Zheng Shu clicked his tongue dissatisfied.

"Look at what you said, how could a kind person like me kill people casually."

Before God Chen Jiahao could reveal his proud look in his eyes, Zheng Shu slapped him on the chest. The finely controlled power instantly spread throughout his body, turning all the bones except his skull and spine into pieces.

"Killing is such a simple thing. Once you close your eyes, you feel nothing. Living is the greatest torture."

Seeing the smile on Zheng Shu's face, Chen Jiahao felt the injuries on his body and showed a look of despair.



He easily crushed Chen Jiahao's jaw, causing him to lose the ability to speak. Zheng Shu didn't care what he thought, but concentrated on beating all the other people whose injuries were not up to standard into cripples.

Because the method was a bit drastic, many people who had fainted were woken up again by him. However, it has to be said that these mixed-races are worthy of being the elites of the younger generation. Most of them suppressed the cry of such serious injuries.

After finishing these things, Zheng Shu returned to Chen Jiahao and looked him up and down with incomprehensible eyes.

Chen Jiahao's scalp went numb under Zheng Shu's gaze. Knowing that his family could not bring him any protection now, he began to lose his last courage.

"Actually, even if I kill you people, your family can't retaliate against me openly. After all, I gave you a chance at the beginning, and the remaining people who didn't leave basically didn't give me face and were killed. You deserve it too.”

Hearing Zheng Shu start to speak, not only Chen Jiahao, but also other people who had been awakened by the pain also pricked up their ears. In the short time they woke up, they knew their future results by sensing their injuries. In order to make themselves more valuable, they must seize all possible information to collect Zheng Shu's information.

But after listening to Zheng Shu's words, everyone's eyes began to dim.

Zheng Shu was right. If he killed everyone at the beginning, he might still be a little unjust, but since he was given a chance, the rest would be inferior to others.

Moreover, the other party has not yet taken his own life. Although for individuals, their development prospects have been blocked, for various families with big businesses, as long as the people are not dead, there is no reason to provoke monsters like Zheng Shu if they lose one fighting force. reason.

Of course, among these people, there are also some families that are not so prosperous. I am the hope for the final revival of the entire family, but such families are not qualified to seek revenge from Zheng Shu.

"But, torturing you like this may be cruel to an individual, but for a family, it only loses face and has no real impact."

Seeing Zheng Shu's smile that started to turn a little scary, Chen Jiahao, who was lying on the ground, finally felt real fear. If it weren't for all the mobility in his body, he might have fled now.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I told you that I am still very kind and will not kill you directly."

Seemingly sensing Chen Jiahao's fear, Zheng Shu smiled and waved his hand at him, trying to make him relax. Of course, it was still unknown how effective it would be.

After Zheng Shu finished speaking, he rummaged in the backpack on his back for a while.

Only then did the others realize that even though the other party was facing so many of them, the backpack on his back was not removed, and he did not suffer any damage after the battle.

"Do you know? For the mixed-race family, every high-level mixed-race is a huge mine. As long as the high-level mixed-race is still alive, it will produce a steady stream of output for the family. For example, those with relatively normal bodies Mixed breeds are some rich ore. Every time they appear, they will bring enough benefits to the family. But there are also some mixed breeds that are unable to fight due to various reasons. Although the output is reduced, their bloodline itself is The greatest resource.”

Zheng Shu finally found what he wanted in his backpack. When he turned around, Chen Jiahao found that he actually had a pair of disposable gloves on his hands.

"What I did to you is similar to turning a rich mine into a poor mine. Although the loss is huge, it is still bearable for these families."

Zheng Shu explained while slowly walking towards Chen Jiahao.

"But I suddenly remembered just now that the young man who was beaten to death by me for speaking just now was treated the same as you. How could that be possible?! I am always fair and just, and he was punished without messing with me. If you are treated the same as you, then of course I will make it worse for those of you who have offended me."

As he spoke, Zheng Shu's eyes moved to Chen Jiahao's lower body amid his frightened eyes.

"So I decided to make your life a little worse than that brother's, and at the same time, let these mixed-race families lose your rich mineral veins."

After saying that, Zheng Shu stretched out his hands in front of Chen Jiahao's horrified eyes.


The severe pain made Chen Jiahao cry out even if his jaw was removed. However, he did not suffer for long, and soon passed out due to excessive stimulation.


The two meat balls were thrown to the ground and crushed by Zheng Shu. The shattering sound made the half-breeds around who were still awake shudder involuntarily, causing a phantom pain in their lower bodies.

Giving a thumbs up to Chen Jiahao, who had passed out, Zheng Shu shook off the blood on his gloves and walked towards another mixed race lying on the ground with a smile.

"Don't... don't... please kill me... ah!!!"

With the screams one after another, Zheng Shu silently completed the harvest of everyone. Fortunately, there were not many women among the people who came to surround him this time, and they had all left before, otherwise Zheng Shu would not have been easy to operate.

Seeing the half-breeds who had completely passed out all over the place, Zheng Shu threw away the disposable gloves with some disgust and disappeared quietly into the alley.

In fact, if he did this, it would basically offend these mixed-race families to death. After a period of chaos, Zheng Shu would inevitably face their strongest counterattack.

But for Zheng Shu, what he needs is this short period of chaos. He needs this period of time when no one is interested in tracking his whereabouts.

As for the revenge of these mixed-race families, if his plan succeeds, he will ignore it at all. If the plan fails, he may even lose his life, but there is no need to worry about the aftermath.

Sorry, sorry, the update is late.

I wrote until 3am yesterday, so I fell asleep in a daze. As a result, when I got home today, I found that I forgot to set automatic updates.

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