"Panel, merge the enhanced template I am using now with the enhanced template I just obtained!"

【Confirmed command】

【warn! ! Template fusion will produce unknown changes and may cause unexpected risks. Do you want to continue? 】

"Confirm, confirm! Damn it!"

[Checking template compatibility...]

[Estimating integration risks...]


[The fusion is completed, users can now use the new template for enhancement]

【warn! ! Because the overlap is too high, the original template enhancement will be overwritten after using the new template to enhance it, and the consumed influence factors will not be refunded before going to the next world]

Zheng Shu's eyes lit up when he saw the last message.

"Good guy, you can actually return the influence factors for enhanced use. This golden finger is more humane than I thought. It doesn't matter, if you can't return it now, you can't return it. Panel, give me the enhanced fusion template and fill it up directly!! "

[Instruction received]

[Consume 50% of the influence factor collection progress to strengthen the body]

[The influence factor has been consumed, body strengthening begins]

Yes, this is what Zheng Shu wanted to do most after leaving in a hurry. This sea was the hotbed he chose to strengthen himself.

Before he was sure how much impact his evolution would have, what Zheng Shu needed most was to choose a location where he would never be disturbed by people to strengthen.

On land, he was not sure whether he would be found by following his breath, but in this vast sea, even the Dragon King could not find him easily. Even if there was any movement, it would give him enough time to delay.

Just like the previous two enhancements, surging green light immediately poured out of Zheng Shu's body, forming an egg-shaped cocoon of light to wrap around his body.


Zheng Shu groaned. Even though he was prepared in advance, the horrific pain still made him feel unbearable.

The only good thing is that Zheng Shu found that he no longer seemed to feel suffocated while the light cocoon lasted, or that he no longer needed to breathe during the transformation process.

The familiar use of Yan Ling: Dong reduced his pain sensation, and Zheng Shu found that his consciousness began to blur.

This made him feel a little surprised. This was something that had not happened in the previous two strengthenings. Fortunately, just in case, he chose a suitable place to strengthen himself.

In his hazy consciousness, Zheng Shu gave himself a thumbs up in his mind and passed out.

And when his consciousness fell into darkness, the green light surged again, attracting many fish from the bottom of the sea to watch. However, as Zheng Shu strengthened, an inexplicable power began to spread from the light cocoon, and the surrounding fish fled frantically as if fleeing for their lives. Some slower-moving fish were even scared to death in the water.

He pushed open the door, and endless firelight came into his eyes.

In the flames that filled the sky, the city was crying, the grasslands were in fear, charred human figures were running in the fire, and thousands of arrows fell from the sky.

With a roar in the distance, countless cavalrymen rode over the mountains and rushed over like a tsunami.

Each knight is wearing heavy armor, with scarlet and jet black hideous heavy armor covering his whole body. He carries two heavy cone-shaped spears on his back that are almost as tall as his height. His left arm holds a two-handed broadsword that is nearly two meters long. His right arm held up a huge tortoise-shell shield. The outward-facing shield surface was covered with layers of irregular thorns, each of which was at least one finger's length long.

The horses these knights ride are also extraordinary. Each horse is more than two meters high at the shoulders, and its strong muscles are wrapped in scales. Some of the horses are highly mutated, and even the hooves have turned into sharp claws.

Their armor coverage is extremely exaggerated, taking the word "heavy armor" to the extreme. There is no trace of exposed skin at all, only a pair of bloodthirsty eyes with golden light and scarlet, and heavy armor plates in their movements. There was a loud friction sound.

If compared with the ancient heavy cavalry in the popular sense, then these knights must have at least started with T34. Just standing there, the terrifying suppressive power is enough to make ordinary people freeze, and there is a despair that makes the air solidify.

But now, such knights are everywhere in the mountains and plains. They are running neatly towards the same goal.

The being who was their target seemed to be just a strong and handsome ordinary person, but the faces of these knights were not relaxed at all. Even though they had highly alienated bodies and terrifying heavy armor, their eyes flashed with the look of death. look.

When this group of knights like a tsunami collided with the target, the tsunami shattered.

It was unimaginable to see such a scene. The unarmed man was still standing there calmly, while the knights who were considered deadly weapons on the battlefield turned into corpses.

But the knights were not deterred, and continued to approach the target like moths flying into the flame.

Unfortunately, firm will could not make up for the gap in strength. When all the heavily armored knights were killed and injured, the only effect was to scratch his clothes.

Looking at the damage on his clothes, he smiled indifferently, turned around and returned to the palace. Behind him, countless stumps and blood formed a hellish scene.

When the palace door was about to close, a knight who had lost his lower body and was about to lose his life roared out his name:


Then, Zheng Shu opened his eyes.

As soon as he woke up, Zheng Shu discovered that he was different from before.

His body began to expand involuntarily, and the original human form disappeared. A two-meter-tall dragon appeared in the ocean. Invisible power wrapped around the dragon's body, exuding terrifying power.

The invisible force entangled the sea water and surrounded Zheng Shu's body, like a cloak covering his scales.

Zheng Shu looked at the seawater around him. Now he no longer felt any suffocation, not only because he no longer needed to breathe, but also because the seawater would automatically decompose into oxygen as long as he thought about it.

He can easily control all materials that he can come into contact with, and all the elements of heaven and earth are in his hands.

Stretching out his palm in front of his chest, the surrounding seawater was pushed away by invisible forces, leaving only a ball in the palm of his hand.

Zheng Shu stared at the suspended water polo. The color of the water polo began to change rapidly under the movement of his mind, and soon turned into a yellow-brown stone.

This is not over yet. Following Zheng Shu's will, the stone began to move rapidly and turn red. When it reached a certain critical point, the stone turned into a burning flame.

Then the flame kept changing in storms, thunder, and various forms, and finally turned into a ball of sea water in Zheng Shu's palm.

Let me respond to two of the more recent questions.

One, the question of whether this book has a heroine and who the heroine is.

My answer is that there is no heroine. The author has not even had a girlfriend since her solo debut. Do you still expect me to write love and relationship dramas? Don’t think too much.

Second, is this book about a single world of dragons or a multi-world universe?

It is the infinite universe, which has been clearly stated in the opening chapters.

I don't like to suppress combat effectiveness. The protagonists in the novel also think according to my logical thinking and will try their best to improve their combat effectiveness while ensuring safety. In this case, a single dragon world cannot be written for a few hundred chapters before it is gone. Judging from the word count of current online novels, the end of this word count can only be regarded as eunuchs.

So after writing to a certain extent, I will change to a new world. At that time, I can collect your opinions and see what you want to see in the new world.

Finally, add more today

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