Skill Maker

Chapter 149 Mother's Gift, War Weapon

Glenn Conley, thank you for your help.

Jiang He nodded towards the sheriff's soul, Now, I grant you eternal sleep.

With a wave of his hand, the call of the undead was lifted. Glenn Conley's dead soul instantly dissipated without a trace.

After dismissing the sheriff's undead, Jiang He set his sights on his mother's grave.

A stone tombstone was lying on the ground, without any writing on it.

On the lonely grave, there are also weeds overgrown. If it wasn't for the sheriff's undead leading the way, Jiang He wouldn't have noticed the grave at all.

Mom, I'm here to visit your grave.

A yellow glow shone in Jiang He's hands, and the mighty power of the earth poured into the tomb.

The soil turned over, and the weeds overgrown on the tomb were instantly buried in the soil. The crooked tombstones were erected again.

In just an instant, the weed-covered graves were swept clean.

But... There was a look of astonishment on Jiang He's face.

Through the power of the earth that penetrated into the tomb just now, Jiang He also clearly sensed the situation in the tomb.

Under the tomb... there are no coffins and no bones.

Even if more than ten years have passed, the bones cannot be completely decayed without leaving any traces.

What's happening here?

The sheriff's undead will never lie, and it is impossible to hide it from Jiang He, the summoner.

This is definitely my mother's grave, and it's definitely where my father buried my mother.

But... why no coffin?

Why can't even the bones be found?

Unless...the mother didn't leave any bones at all.

As the Commander-in-Chief, my mother is definitely a powerful transcendent. After death, it is also very possible that the bones will not be left behind like ordinary people.

So... Mother, what have you left behind?

Jiang He let go of his senses and carefully sensed the tomb, but he still couldn't find any traces.

What exactly is going on?

Why is there nothing? Why can't even the slightest trace of mother's coffin and bones be found?

There must be a reason why my father asked me to come, why I can't find any information.

My father asked me... to offer incense?

Jiang He suddenly remembered that his father's original words were to ask him to come to his mother's grave to burn a stick of incense.

right! Incense!

In the tradition of the Hua Kingdom, incense candles and paper money are not burned when going to the grave, can it be counted as going to the grave?

Mom, my son is not filial.

Jiang He quickly knelt down in front of the grave and kowtowed heavily.

Jiang He had prepared incense paper money long ago. When his father talked about it, Jiang He was ready.

However, when sweeping the tomb just now, the power of the earth did not sense the traces of the coffin and bones, which made Jiang He lose his sense of proportion.

He took out the incense candle from the blood-colored space, and respectfully inserted it on the grave. A flame flashed across the fingertips, and the incense candle was lit.

Jiang He took another stack of paper money, put it on the grave and lit it.

Mom, I'm here to see you!

In the light of burning cigarettes and paper money, Jiang He knelt down in front of the grave and kowtowed earnestly.


Inexplicably, Jiang He faintly heard a sigh.

A breeze blows, softly and tenderly, blowing over Jiang He's face, just like a mother's warm hand.

Mom? Are you here?

Jiang He suddenly had a sore nose, and two lines of tears rolled out of his eyes.

My feeling was right, absolutely right, just must be my mother.

Actually... my son, I really don't want to see you come here one day.

The soft voice penetrated into Jiang He's mind like spring water, But, I know, your father, that bastard, he will definitely let you come here.


Jiang He silently lowered his head, thinking: Mom, I can't take that!

That bastard! That barbarian! That muscular fool...

The mother's gentle voice suddenly became like a tsunami and landslide.

Sure enough, the tenderness before was all an illusion. Mother is definitely a temper tantrum!


Jiang He could only cough awkwardly.

What can be done? Mom is scolding dad, I can only listen.

Forget it, I'll settle the score with him later.

The mother cursed for a while, and then took a breath, Son, my real body is in the void outside the territory. Back then, I was cloned into the lower realm and entered the real world for a plan. It's a pity that I was screwed up by your muscular idiot father .”

Speaking of this, there was another anger in the mother's voice, and then another burst of crackling curses.

Jiang He didn't dare to listen to big pig's trotters and I'm so easy to take advantage of my mother's advantage.

Mother's real body is in the void outside the sky?

In other words, the mother is also a big boss?

Doppelgänger lower realm? The mother's avatars are all big commanders? Then... who is the real body?

Your father, that Jiuli barbarian, has been hiding in Jiuyou all these years and dare not come out after knowing that he has caused trouble.

The mother's voice was still full of indignation, He asked you to come to me just to see if I can solve your problem. But... If my mother had a solution, she would have solved it long ago, so why wait until now?

Huh? I... what's wrong with me?

Jiang He became nervous.

How serious is the problem that even a big boss like my father, or even a big boss like my mother, can't solve?

What is the problem? Could it be... Bloody vertical eyes?

Could it be that the question father and mother were referring to was the bloody vertical eyes? What's the problem?

Let's put it this way!

There was still some anger in the mother's voice, Back then, I descended to the realm with avatars to make a war weapon to deal with the situation outside the territory. As a result, your stupid father, thinking that there was something to be gained, secretly descended to the realm.

And were born.

There was a burst of helplessness in the mother's voice, That weapon of war has also become you. In a rage, my mother blocked your father's consciousness and made him useless in the real world for twenty years.

That... what do you mean by the weapon of war?

Jiang He asked quickly.

What else? Aren't you already using it?

There was a sigh in the mother's voice, The core components are on your body, and I put a few components in the Tower of Babel. Your father must have asked you to come here to get those components back.

But... the material for making this thing was obtained by accident. The power is very strange, and even I can't figure out the source.

It doesn't matter if it's used to create a war puppet, but it's used on you...I don't even know what the consequences will be.

A force as gentle as the wind seeped into Jiang He's body, as if he was checking something.

After a while, the mother sighed again, That thing has been completely fused with you. I tried to untie it before you were born, but I couldn't get it out at all.

Son, I always hope that you will live your life in peace. However, since you have embarked on the extraordinary road, I cannot predict what the future will look like.

This is where the components are. Get them if you want them.

I hope... the result will not be too bad.

After the mother sent a message, she sighed leisurely and disappeared without a trace.

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