Skill Maker

Chapter 269: This is how angels are made

Jiuli can devour demons.

But Jiang He naturally couldn't swallow these witches together, he had to strip the power of purgatory and the souls of the witches.

For others, this is an impossible task. However, for Jiang He, it was very easy.

With a wave of his hand, a bronze light shone, and the Book of Laws manifested in Jiang He's hand.

The pages of the book were slowly opened, and the majestic power of order surged up.


Stretching out his finger, Jiang He shouted loudly, and the power of order swept out, imprisoning all the witches in the warehouse.

This is not to imprison the witch, but to imprison the power of purgatory in the witch's soul.

After imprisoning, the next step is to strip!

The book of laws and decrees opened another page, Jiang He stretched out his finger and shouted, Strip!

The majestic power of order swept out, stripping the imprints of the devil's power from the souls of the witches.

Pride, Envy, Wrath, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust.

One by one, the strange and weird imprints of power were stripped from the witch's soul.

An aura of corruption, evil and terror pervades from these imprints. It seems that the existence in purgatory is still struggling to resist.

It's a pity...the imprint of power imprisoned by Jiang He's power of order has no room for struggle at all.

The Seven Deadly Sins? It's extremely evil...delicious!

Jiang He looked at the imprint of power stripped from the souls of the witches, grinned, and then... opened his mouth and sucked it in!

call out……

With a long gasp, Jiang He let go of the restraint of the power of order, and marks of evil power flew towards Jiang He's mouth.

Ah... Jiuli!

Damn! Why is there Jiuli in the world?

Horrified screams came from the imprint of power, and then...without the power to resist, it could only be swallowed by Jiang He in one gulp.

The taste of Jiuyou Demon has a hint of coldness, like a cold drink. The taste of Abyss Demon has a hint of spicy, like barbecue. The taste of Purgatory actually the same as stinky tofu.

Jiang He smacked his mouth, as if reminiscing.

It's just that the power breath of the purgatory devil has a rotten smell, like moldy tofu, or stinky tofu, which doesn't taste very good.

Swallowing the power of purgatory in the witch's soul in one gulp, although it solved the witch's fate of being used by the purgatory devil, it also made the witches lose all their extraordinary power.

It's not really extraordinary. The existence of witches has always been a trick of the devil. But, who told me to be kind?

Jiang He smiled and shook his head, It just so happens that I still have more than a thousand copies of the angel's power of light! Isn't it interesting to turn a witch into a paladin?

After the bloody vertical eyes were disintegrated, even if it was the holy light, it was still Jiang He's holy light. Even if it is an angel, it is Jiang He's angel.

So... with the surname Ye, I can also create angels!

With a wave of his hand, radiant clusters of light roared out of Jiang He's hands and penetrated into the bodies of dozens of witches in the warehouse.

Brilliant brilliance shines, divine brilliance, brilliance!

This is... Holy Light?

Seeing the divine radiance blooming in their bodies, the witches were stunned and stunned, feeling...unbelievable.

What are you kidding?

The witches actually have the power of the Holy Light?

After being hostile to the church for thousands of years, countless witches died under the burning of the Holy Light. Now, the witches actually possess the power of the Holy Light?

It's... so ironic.


Suddenly, the former Desire Witch, that thin and old witch like an old woman, under this sacred light, suddenly... a pair of bright and clean wings appeared from behind.

Under the radiance, the old body of the Witch of Desire suddenly regained its youthful beauty.

Brilliant brilliance shone, and the witch of desire, who had once looked down on her charmingly, suddenly became... extremely holy.

My lord, thank you for your salvation! Please allow me to walk under your glory!

The desire~hope witch had a holy face, stretched out a pair of glorious wings, and bowed deeply in front of Jiang He.

Immediately after, the Charming Witch, and other witches, all shone with holy light, with radiant wings stretched behind their backs, bowed down in front of Jiang He.

Jiang He was writhing with shadows all over his body, but in front of him he bowed down to a group of angels shining with brilliance.

This scene is kind of indescribably weird.

I am the beginning. You are... the apostles of the beginning!

Jiang He laughed out loud. Yeh, that's how angels are made!


While making angels on the Ginger River, a cruise ship from Europe docked in the port of New York.

An old man in a black robe, with a black crown on his head and a black scepter in his hand, slowly walked out of the cruise ship and set foot on the land of North America.


Black light flickered in his eyes, and the old man in black robe leaned on a black scepter and walked forward step by step.


Strips of dark light and shadow hovered above the old man's head.


The majestic shadow power surged up like a raging flame.

This world needs redemption!

Holding the pitch-black scepter high, the black-robed old man opened his arms, and six pitch-black wings stretched behind his back, and the churning shadows filled the sky and covered the sky.

I am the Pope! The Pope of the Shadow Church! May the Shadow purify the evil in the world! May the Shadow save this fallen and evil world!

A pair of dark and deep eyes scanned the surroundings of New York City. Holding a black scepter, the Pope stepped into this city full of evil and depravity step by step.

Angels cannot save us, the Holy Light cannot save us. Only we can save ourselves.

The Pope looked up at the sky and raised the dark scepter in his hand, I... need followers!

A pitch-black shadow billowed up from the dark scepter, turning into a long shadow whip, whizzing through the air in an instant.

With a sound of shua, the shadow whip rolled, and suddenly... from the dark night sky, a figure rolled out.


It's a twisted monster.

It was exactly the same twisted monster as the monster Jiang He had seen when he first arrived in North America.

With a flick of the long whip, the tightly bound monster fell to the Pope's side.

Son, I feel your pain! I feel what you've been through!

Squatting down beside the monster, the pope stretched out his hand and pressed the monster's forehead with a kind and compassionate expression.

In the name of shadow, I grant you great salvation!

The pitch-black shadow churned up, pouring into the monster like a raging tide. The shadow erodes and transforms the monster's body.

In an instant, this distorted monster suddenly turned into... an angel covered in pitch black with a pair of black bat wings stretched out on its back.

In the name of shadow, I give you a sacred name. Your name...Gabriel!

The Pope's face was full of holiness.


Gabriel roared loudly, and the pitch-black shadow billowed up.

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