Chapter 0339: Negotiation of Copyright

Originally, Wang Tao wanted to ask Li Xiuyan whether to stay in the hotel or to go to his house, but seeing that Li Xiuyan did not mention staying in the hotel, Wang Tao would naturally not do anything more.

Zhang Yunwen was very happy to see Li Xiuyan. Although she has started classes now, the CEO class is different from ordinary students. Classes are only available on Saturdays and Sundays.

On weekdays, there is only Fang Hongyan at home, and the two are not of the same type. Zhang Yunwen still belongs to the kind of person who likes to be busy. Fang Hongyan was relatively quiet, and two of them couldn’t play together at all.

“Did Feng Yun not come back? I remember her role was only a little, so she could barely count as a supporting role.” Wang Tao asked strangely.

“She is very busy now, and her small video update is very diligent in the crew. I will be reluctant to film the actors and interview the actors.” Zhang Yunwen smiled and said.

“It seems that she shouldn’t be allowed to enter the entertainment circle.” After listening to Zhang Yunwen’s introduction, Wang Tao shook his head and said.

“I guess she feels boring at home too, otherwise she will come back long ago.” Zhang Yunwen knew the character of this girlfriend very well, and said immediately.

“Don’t be afraid this time. There is nothing going on in Chang’an for the time being. I will stay with you for a while.” Li Xiuyan said with a smile.

“That’s great.” Zhang Yunwen said happily when she heard Li Xiuyan say this.

“Then you talk, I’ll go upstairs for a while.” Wang Tao said and walked upstairs.

He said he was busy, it was not an excuse. Although the film and television company does not need him to do anything now, as Li Xiuyan said, he has to worry about it.

Military TV dramas are actually not very easy to do. Many modern TV dramas cannot be filmed, and many anti-Japanese TV dramas are not easy to film.

He thought about it and didn’t have any clues. He again remembered the TV series of Heroes’ Blade that Li Xiuyan said, but as he said, too much investment, it is not easy to return the cost, and the investment is not effective.

Don’t watch the animations are all made on computers, but there is a big expense less than TV shows, that is, the salary of actors. Now even if you are looking for a small fresh meat or a small flower girl, I dare to ask you for tens of millions.

Too little investment is not enough for them, and too much investment is not good for return. Suddenly he thought of a magical work he had seen, Zichuan.

This book is a very impressive book for him. There are also grand war scenes in it, and the storyline is also very fascinating.

Thinking of this, he immediately sent a message to his editor and asked about Zichuan’s situation.

“Zichuan’s adaptation rights are not sold. Why do you have this idea?” Changfeng saw Wang Tao’s message, then asked the leader, and asked Wang Tao.

“Well, I want to change it into a TV series, can you give me Lao Zhu’s contact information?” Wang Tao asked.

“You have him in your group of writers, you can talk to him yourself,” Chang Feng said.

Wang Tao thanked him, opened the ball, and then he found Lao Zhu.

He reported his family and explained his intentions, but Lao Zhu seemed a little excited and agreed.

Wang Tao called Shen Qiao to prepare the contract, and then made an appointment with Lao Zhu to meet in Yunhai on Sunday.

As soon as he put down the phone, Wang Tao received another news from Changfeng.

“Your Phantom of the Ancient City will be published by a publisher. Are you interested?”

“Of course, I can’t ask for a physical book,” Wang Tao said.

“Then I gave them your contact information, you can talk to them.” Changfeng replied.

It didn’t take long before Wang Tao received a call from the publishing house.

To Wang Tao’s surprise, it was Lu Dong’s Cultural Publishing House who contacted him.

The two parties quickly negotiated the price, and Wang Tao went to Shuicheng to sign the contract.

After getting these things done, Wang Tao saw that it was too early, so he went downstairs to cook, only to find that Li Xiuyan was busy in the kitchen.

“Sister Li can cook?” Wang Tao asked in surprise.

“What’s the matter, you really thought I came from Xiaoyi to reach out for a meal and open my mouth. My parents were very busy when I was young, and I would cook by myself very early, and let you taste my craft today.” Li Xiuyan said.

“That’s really great. By the way, I just talked to an author about the script adaptation of a TV series. He agreed. I don’t know if you have read this book. It is one of the four great books of God, Zichuan.” Wang Tao smiled. Laughed, then asked.

“I heard about it, but I haven’t read it. How about this novel?” Li Xiuyan shook her head and said.

“I don’t have to say about the plot. There are a lot of war scenes, but it’s still the cold weapon era. The only thing that is difficult is that there are many orcs in it.” Wang Tao briefly introduced the situation in Zichuan.

“Like the Lord of the Rings?” Li Xiuyan asked.

“Almost, of course we won’t do it that fine. On Sunday, I go to Yunhai to take down the copyright first, and then I will make a budget look.” Wang Tao nodded.

“Well, nothing happened in these two days. I will also see what the divine book you are talking about is like.” Li Xiuyan said with a smile.

Li Xiuyan didn’t seem to be talking nonsense. Although the dishes she cooked couldn’t compare with Wang Tao, the taste of home-cooked dishes was still good.

After eating, Wang Tao returned to his study and began to look at Zichuan again.

The next day, Wang Tao took another plane to Shuicheng.

This time he took Shen Qiao with him. After all, it was also a work matter, and Zhang Yunwen went with him. This time I’m going to Shuicheng, I will definitely meet with a few guys, and it would be nice to let them know Zhang Yunwen.

Signing the contract with the publishing house went smoothly. After all, everything that should be discussed on the phone was almost discussed.

The people at Ludong Publishing House are also very happy. In recent years, physical books have not been easy to make. Many authors’ books have sold thousands of copies. After all, it is the Internet age and everyone is accustomed to reading books online.

They also saw that Wang Tao’s TV series was very popular, and they moved this idea.

“Mr. Wang, our leaders would like to invite you to have a light meal tonight. I don’t know if it is convenient or inconvenient for you.” After signing the contract, the director of the publishing department asked.

“Of course, I don’t know which leader is the leader of your publishing house?” Wang Tao asked.

“There are also leaders of our publishing house, mainly the leaders of our TV station. As you know, our publishing house belongs to a unit under the TV station.” The director said with a smile.

“Of course there is no problem.” Wang Tao didn’t know what medicine they sold in the gourd, but he nodded and agreed.

Seeing Wang Tao’s agreement, the director was also relieved. He was afraid that Wang Tao was young and vigorous, and he would be embarrassed when he refused.

“The leader of their TV station invited you to dinner, what do you want to do?” Zhang Yunwen asked strangely.

“I don’t know, I’ll know in the evening.” Wang Tao didn’t have any clues, but he just saw the trick when the time came.

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