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415 Chapter 415 - Going back to the old man's house

Instantly one of them got cut into pieces while the other one lost his leg. Sam did not kill him because he wanted to know why they came here and many other things. That other one didn't even realize when he got killed. That person who just lost his leg, at first did not realize that. But then his body suddenly fell into the ground, only then he realized something happened to his body. 

Well you can say that for a few seconds, he did not even feel the pain and because of this it was confusing for a few seconds why he fell into the ground like this. But then when he once again tried to get up from the ground he realized he was unable to feel his leg. 

That person quickly looked toward his leg, only then he noticed that the place was full of black blood and he also did not have his legs. Only then suddenly a pain came to him and he began to scream in pain. The pain was so much that it almost made that person unconscious. 

Sam looked at all of this while standing in front of that person. But unfortunately he was using his concealment technique and because of this, that person was unable to see him. But at this time Sam quickly brings out a healing potion and sprays some potion into his legs. 

If you are wondering why he did that, well he did that to stop the bleeding of that person. As you can see, the blood finally stops coming out. But really looking at those black blood he was thinking why this Abyss humans called humans if they did not have red blood. 

On the other hand, finally the pain began to fade away slowly and that person who was about to become unconscious once again regained his consciousness. Only then he realized that the bleeding had already stopped and the pain also went away somehow. 

That Abyss human just thinking why something like this happens when suddenly a person appears in front of him. Normally it was Sam who appeared in front of him. 

By habit he wanted to jump away from that place to make a safe distance, but unfortunately he was unable to do that. On the other hand, handsome instantly uses the telekinesis technique to control his whole body. 

Suddenly that abyss human wants to use some other way to get away from that place but then he realizes that his body did not listen to him. Not only that at this time finally Sam ask him,

"Tell me all the details. I won't ask you a second time so you should start explaining why you are here and who sent you here." 

Even though that abyss was unable to control his body, he was using his full force not to release information. But unfortunate for him at this time Sam attacks that person with the mind control technique. With that finally that person completely became a puppet and then began to explain all the details. 

30 minutes later,

Sam finally kills that person and after that he cleans his room. But even with that he was very serious right now because all the details he got to know from that abyss human made him this much serious. 

Who could have thought that if he did not come back to his how is this quickly then he needed to face far more danger than this. Actually previously those two people created a summoning symbol in his house. This summoning symbol is directly connected to the Abyss world. Also one more feature of this symbol was that it will vanish or you can say it will disappear when they will completely make this symbol. 

So with that you can guess how much it could be dangerous for him because any of these Abyss humans appeared in his house and also killed him. 

Both of those warriors were only just special grade warriors, both of them already using their life force to create this symbol. Actually this type of symbol needed them to use their life force and both of them used that. But unfortunately for those people Sam came back to his house and killed them. 

Westing no time he quickly destroys that symbol and only then he finally sighs in relief. But then immediately he knew that he needed to leave this house because the owner of this house gave the people the extra key to open his house. Actually he has one key and the owner of the house has another key to his house. So with that you can understand how those people appear in his house. 

But the most important thing was that these two people sent someone from the kingdom. For what purpose those two Abyss humans didn't know, but he just told him to make that summoning symbol in his house.

He also gets to know that the mastermind behind all of this was the Duke of this Kingdom. This time he became surprised because he did not think the Duke would target him like this. 

'Why did he also target me? I did not think I had any type of conflict with him. Is it because someone told him that I was present there when he previously sent those Abyss humans toward Livia?' 

Sam was thinking about this because he also didn't know why the Duke sent those people to his house. Also the main thing was that he got to know that Duke was the one who previously sent those abyss humans toward Livia. 

Duke has a friendship with the abyss humans, because he always provides those humans with the sacrifice. Naturally those sacrifice humans or oni humans or other people. Because of this, you can say that he has a good relationship with those abyss humans. 

Using the relationship he previously sent those humans toward Livia so that they could capture her, and used her as a sacrifice. Not only did they sacrifice but they also want to use her as a tool to blackmail the king and like this the duke wanted to kill the king. 

For many days the Duke was already planning to create this type of symbol inside of the city so that while it was time to oni festival, those abyss humans would use those to come inside of the city. 

'Who could have thought that the Duke would be this much dangerous? He did not even care about his own people. If those abyss humans really appear here then it could be a disaster for everyone in this city. Those abyss humans will only spread disaster around the city.' Sam thought that and after that he began to think what to do at this moment. 

You also get to know from that person that not only in his house but many other places already have this type of symbol. Everyone of the people were Duke's subordinates, so they also helped those Abyss humans to create this type of symbol in their house. Not only that, you will even find this type of symbol in Duke's mansion. 

So as you can guess it is very important news and Sam was thinking what to do at this moment. As you know from tomorrow the festival will start and most likely Abyss humans will appear tomorrow to kill the oni humans. 

After some thinking Sam already decided what to do and he quickly left his house. You already took all the things that were inside of his house because he wasn't coming back in this house. 

He was now going toward that normal house that he previously visited. Normally, as you would guess , it was the old king who lived in that house. After some thinking Sam decided to inform the old King about this. Informing the King could be dangerous because many spies from the Duke's mansion could be present there, so he decided to inform the old King about this. 

Right now most likely the old king was talking with Emma about something, and also because of this, he previously didn't observe the city. Because of this he also did not find out about those people that already entered the Kingdom. 

The old man who was talking with his student suddenly stopped because at this time he once again felt a familiar aura outside of his house. 

"Brat, what happened? Come inside." When Sam was about to knock on the door he suddenly heard the boys of the old man, who told him to come inside and the door was already open. 

Right now if you look at the old man and Emma then you can say that both of them are surprised and confused. Because it has only been 10 minutes since he left this house, why did he suddenly come back? Did he forget something? 

Both of them think like this, but only then they realize something most likely happened because they could also see black stuff on his body. Not only that, Sam also has a serious face right now. 

To be continued_________

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