"Why didn't you tell Kanzaki that Romani was able to use the angelic spell?"

Angel spells are spells that can only be used by angels. In the "Bible", angels appear on the earth many times. Some of them are to help the prophets, and some are to punish sinners... In the deeds of the angels who came to the earth, the miracles and divine punishments they gave were punished by the Crusaders. The believers are summed up and collectively referred to as the Angelic Art.

Angelic spells are not originally usable by human beings, but believers of the Crusaders can transform according to the angelic spells, and even use the angelic spells to obtain the power of angels through the idol theory, which will cause those who use the angelic spells to approach the angels.

The Roman that Stile encountered only used three spells, one was a shield, one was a pillar of fire, and the other was an explosion of flames. The first and third are not mentioned, but there are traces of the second pillar of fire.

This is recorded in the "Bible Genesis". God has decided to destroy the sinful city "Sodom" and will send down fire from heaven to kill the sinners in it. When Abraham's brother Haran's son Lot, their family fled Sodom, they were warned by an angel not to turn back when they fled. But Lot's wife looked back at Sodom when she was fleeing from Sodom, and she turned into a pillar of salt.

When Roman summoned the pillar of fire, not only the magician around him, but also the turf on the ground turned into salt. This kind of magic was unheard of, and the words spoken by Romani were not human languages, and when combined, came to the conclusion that "Romani can use angelic spells".

"This is just a guess. We can't conclude that Romani can use the angelic art because of a fake. And this is not important, because whether or not Romani can use the angelic art, it is the task of Kanzaki. It won't change, or are you planning to carry out this mission?"

"No, forget it, now I don't want to see that man at all."

Stiyl didn't like Roman Reigns in the first place, even if they once cooperated to defeat the alchemist, it didn't mean that Stiles' sense of Roman Reigns had changed.

"But is Kanzaki really okay? According to Kanzaki's character, maybe he will say it outright when we meet. As far as I know, Romani keeps a distance from these things, and the chance of failure is very high."

"Don't be so full of words, maybe Kanzaki's straightforwardness can achieve miraculous results?"

Laura had an ambiguous smile on her face.

"Need a bet?"

Section 289 Chapter 50 Transfer

It wasn't six o'clock when Roman woke up.

Although he always gets up early because of work, and his biological clock is very stable due to his long-term habit, he got up very early today.

- It always feels like something bad is happening.

Recalling that, under the reminder of Yayi Erin, Roman also watched the development of the timeline with his eyes. Kanzaki Kaori seemed to appear tomorrow, and then something very bad happened. More importantly, that guy Stiyl who didn't have a good relationship with Roman actually called him for two consecutive days. Well, for the first time, Roman took the initiative to call Steele and tell him that he was on vacation, and if something happened to Academy City, he would solve it by himself. The second time, Steele personally called to confirm Roman's current location.

Oops, I accidentally revealed my position. Could it be that Kanzaki Kaori came here for this reason?

Roman decided to leave the sea. Although the seaside is indeed a good vacation area, but it has been lying down for two days, Index and Jishen Qiusha have also played for two days, and it is time to leave here.

Thinking of this, Roman quickly got up to wash, and then packed up.

It can be said that Steele's opinion of Roman is not bad at all.

After packing up, Roman woke Index up, and then pushed her half-sleeping into the bathroom. After everyone washed up, they simply ate breakfast, and then they were ready to go.

"Roman, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

"Because I don't think there is any more place worth continuing to play by the sea."

"But Roman didn't even start playing."

Index's mood seemed a little dissatisfied, as if she was still nostalgic for the seaside scenery.

"And I've already made an appointment with Jishen to pick up shells."


Roman turned his head to look, and sure enough, he saw Jishen Qiusha staring at him with resentful eyes, with the illusion of secretly releasing a curse.

"Sorry sorry, I didn't expect this to happen."

Roman chose to apologize very directly, which was his ill-consideration. Because he was addicted to "Magic Girl Nanaha", he couldn't extricate himself, and he almost completely ignored the surrounding things. What the **** Index and Jishen Qiusha were playing and what agreements they had reached, Roman had no idea at all.

"where are we going?"

Jishen Qiusha asked in a calm tone, without expressing his dissatisfaction.

Does this mean that she has forgiven him?

How nice, Jishen, you really are a good girl.

"Next, I'm going to go to a national park. I'm a little ashamed to say it. I've been in Japan for so long, and I haven't been to this national-level tourist attraction. I finally found this opportunity to try the hot springs in Hakone. Not bad. But going to the hot springs in the hot summer sounds like something is wrong. And the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees is also famous there. It is said that it is very big and the trees there are very special. If you get lost after going in, you will get lost. Can't get out."

"Roman, why do you suddenly want to go to such a dangerous place? Isn't the seaside fun?"

"How obsessed are you with the seaside?"

Index doesn't care so much, she seems to have completely brought herself into the identity of a child after playing at the beach for two days. Whether it's the sea or the beach, she can even play water fights for an entire afternoon. It's really not a good place to come to Academy City.

Can't you be as considerate as Jishen?

Roman sighed, turned his head and glanced at Jishen next to him——

"Resentful, remorseful, remorseful..."

Forget it, I didn't see it just now.

In fact, there is another reason why Aokigahara is famous because it is a famous suicide shrine, or the reason why it is famous is because of the patronage of suicide people. A well-known Japanese writer is called "Matsumoto Kiyosho". He has a very famous novel called "The Tower of Waves", which is written in the background of Aokihara.

However, in 1974, someone found a female corpse in Aokigahara, and the head of the female corpse happened to rest on the "Tower of Waves" by Matsumoto Kiyotaka. Coupled with the novel and TV series and the increase in the popularity of this suicide, countless suicides have come to Aokigahara to take their lives.

What an ominous place this is. In other words, the reason why the number of Aokigahara is so lush is because there is a lot of fertilizer?

Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park is a national park consisting of four counties: Tokyo, Kanagawa, Yamanashi, and Shizuoka. In addition, Japan's famous Mount Fuji is here, so many domestic and foreign tourists will visit here. .

So seeing the tourists coming and going, Roman somewhat regretted choosing to come here, but what surprised him was that he could find a room in the hotel here, and he had to feel his luck. You must know that other stores are full of schedules. For some luxuriously decorated stores, even if you make an appointment now, it will not be his turn until a month later.

"It's so good, someone just gave up their appointment. I feel that even if I go to buy a lottery ticket today, I will win the special prize."

"Roman, what is the lottery ticket?"

The only person who knows nothing about lottery tickets is Index. After all, this child has only one year's memory, and he spends most of his time on the run. How could he have the leisure to pay attention to the lottery?

"You really don't know anything... The lottery is actually a kind of gambling, but it is a gambling allowed by the state. Some people can exchange hundreds or even tens of yen for hundreds of millions."

"What? Roman, why don't we change it too! Then we can buy a lot of puddings, and we can eat French food every day."

Index grabbed Roman's sleeve, but there was a trace of saliva from the corner of her mouth, as if pudding and French cuisine had been placed in front of her.

"It takes luck, and it's a very powerful luck. You can change it if you want... You can really change it at will."

Although he can rely on his own ability to get money in the lottery, he has become a doctor with a lot of money. Roman will not use this cheating method to make a fortune. Don't you know he used this method to get living expenses, but in the end he still Most of the money is given to charities.

Speaking of which, Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park is a park with the theme of "volcano and seaside". It is still close to the seaside. Unfortunately, it is a popular tourist attraction. It is full of people. It is not as empty as the seaside of the previous two days. , the restraints given here make people unable to relax themselves.

The destination of Roman and others is Hakone in Kanagawa Prefecture. The most famous place here is probably the hot spring. If you come here and don’t take a good bath in the hot spring, it is no different from wasting time.

When we arrived in Hakone in the afternoon, everyone had a good rest for two hours. After dinner, we decided to visit the night view everywhere. Unfortunately, the night view of Hakone was not as interesting as we imagined. On the contrary, the natural landscape here can only be appreciated during the daytime. Its charm.

It was already ten o'clock when we got back to the hotel. The disappointed people returned to their rooms, and then they remembered that they hadn't soaked in the hot spring.

Although it was very late, it still couldn't stop the charm of the hot spring, and finally decided to take a rest after soaking in the hot spring.

Sitting in the hot spring water, enjoying the fresh air of the mountains and the tranquility of the night, is really... not interesting at all.

Because there were three women in the group and only one man, Roman, there was only Roman in this pool. Coupled with the fact that it was very late, there was no one else here at all, and Roman had already wrapped the entire male soup pool.

After eating some pastries and drinking the juice, just as Roman was about to return to the room, someone walked in from the door.

Chapter 290 Chapter 51 Mengxin?

"I didn't expect someone to be here so late?"

The visitor said what Roman wanted to say. At this time, everyone is either resting or visiting the unsightly night scene. Probably only people who are sweaty after exercising will come to the hot springs. Count the time, it's half past ten now.

The man who came in was a blond man, tall and strong, a different type from Roman. Although he walks lightly, there is a melancholy feeling on his face. This kind of contradiction between facial expressions and inner emotions will make people somewhat concerned. In addition, he is also a little handsome. As long as he dresses up well, he may become the melancholy prince in fairy tales.

But Roman doesn't care about that, what he really cares about is—

"Why didn't you wear a bath towel when you came in!?"

"Huh? Do you need such a thing? But the boss didn't tell me."

"At least you should put on my swimming trunks."

"Is this a custom in this country? Should you wear pants when you take a bath?"

"No, it has nothing to do with custom at all."

The man who came in from the outside was neither wearing shorts nor wrapped in a bath towel, but came naked from the outside, making Roman, who saw the man's nakedness at first glance, feel irritated. Although the man's sturdy body is comparable to the marble sculptures in the museum, Roman is really not interested in the man's body at all.

But soon Roman accepted this scene. After all, he is a surgeon. What kind of man has not seen naked before? Don't say naked men, even women have seen hundreds of nudes.

"It's okay, I don't mind at all."

- But I do mind.

Does this man have any common sense? Could it be that he thought he was at a disadvantage after being seen naked? Don't you know that someone has already planned to dig their own eyes to protect their pure heart?

"Anyway, there are only two men here, you and me. It doesn't matter if we are seen. Besides, at this time, I really don't want to go outside and put on my pants and come in with a bath towel. It's too troublesome."

"What you said is very reasonable, and I understand your thoughts very well, but I still can't accept it."

Especially for me to soak in a soup pool with a man who walked in from the outside with no clothes on and a bath towel.

The blond man didn't understand Roman's thoughts at all, his naked body stepped into the soup pool, and then leaned against the edge of the soup pool like Roman.

Forget it, anyway, it's almost soaked now, so let's just leave now. However, the man's next sentence made Roman's decision to be revoked.

The blond man asked casually—

"Are you a magician? It's strange. Although you feel like a magician, you don't look like it."

Is this man a magician?

Roman looked at the blond man in front of him seriously, but unfortunately, Roman lacked the ability to judge the other's professional identity based on his appearance and temperament. But since the other party can guess his abnormality, it should be a very keen magician.

"Forget it, strictly speaking, I am also a magician."

"What a coincidence, I'm also a magician."

No, it's not a coincidence at all, it's better to say that it's a very bad thing to meet a magician who doesn't know each other. At this time, you should pretend not to see it, and then keep the two away from each other to prevent the other party from revealing your flaws. The moment comes a righteous stab.

Where the **** did you come from, the unfamiliar magician who lacked a muscle?

At this moment, Roman began to doubt whether his understanding of the magician group was wrong.

"By the way, my name is Ollers."

"Ah, I'm... wait, is it really alright to put your name on the person you meet for the first time?"

"Is there something wrong? In social etiquette, it should be common sense to report your name as soon as you communicate with someone you don't know?"

Looking at Ollers, who looked right, and found that he really didn't find anything wrong, Roman couldn't help sighing.

He should have left it alone, but this young man-Orels doesn't seem to be a bad person, and he is a very enthusiastic person, Roman felt the need to remind him.

"It's true if it's just ordinary social interaction, but magicians are a very dangerous group of people."

Ollers looked at Roman with interest, wondering why a very ordinary social etiquette could become a very dangerous thing.

And Roman suddenly became a good teacher, and he was equally enthusiastic about the importance of hiding his name to Ollers.

"Although I am a magician, I still think that magic is a very bad thing, but it cannot be denied that magic is indeed the thing that creates miracles, but creating miracles also brings many disasters. In our opinion, exchanging names is just a Social etiquette, but as far as I know, there is magic in this world that 'just need the name to cast a curse on the owner of the name'. Isn't it in fairy tales that the witch curses the princess? It's like "Sleeping Beauty", in fact It's similar magic, it only needs a piece of hair, a note with a name on it, clothes to wear... The closer the relationship with the owner, the higher the success rate of casting a curse. So you have to pay attention, even if it is It’s good to socialize, and don’t rashly give out your name.”

"There's such magic? I've never heard of it before."

"You're still young, of course you don't know so much. From the looks of you, you should rarely deal with magicians. In short, you should be careful in the future."

Roman shook his head, and then found that Ollers didn't care about his words at all, instead he seemed to be listening to the story with relish, and he couldn't help but feel a little regretful.

Although he is not an orthodox magician, he is no less than Index in terms of knowledge. If he is not limited to this world, Roman can completely use his infinite knowledge to become an "all-powerful and omniscient" god.

"But in this case, wouldn't it be impossible to even use my own name? And if someone really wants to curse me, they should know my name through other channels, and personal items can also be obtained from my home, so it's just a cover up The name is useless at all."

"It seems to be the case. If you really come prepared, you want to cover up the appearance of no meaning at all..."

There was a hint of regret on Roman's face. It's not that his views have been refuted, but that he has failed to establish a "senior" image in front of Olers.

"And I don't think anyone can curse me either."

Ollers muttered something in a low voice, causing Roman who was not paying attention to miss this sentence.

"What did you say?"

"I just think that since I am a magician, I have a certain resistance to this curse."

"That's right, but it's not absolute."

Looking at Ollers, who was not nervous, Roman felt that he should be taught a lesson, otherwise this kind of silly sweetheart might be sold that day and help count the money.

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