The time is now in the early morning, and at this point in time, apart from the insomniacs and those who have lost their love, no one likes to stare at the TV at all. Although you can see older soap operas, more of them will broadcast the prepared videos. If it is transferred to European stations, it is just at the prime time.

But Index is obviously not someone who knows TV shows very well. This "banned book catalog" with 13,000 magic books is a real genius in the field of magic, but she doesn't know anything about science. Roman can even imagine Until Index was in a hurry when she turned on the TV.

"Roman, I will definitely find a way to solve the magic problem this time."

"—Is it so obvious?"

Index rubbed her face on Roman's body, then lay down in his arms.

"Because it's Roman, Roman will definitely go, and in the morning, he will definitely leave."

-Is it so easy to guess?

Index's guess was correct. It's impossible for Roman to turn a blind eye to such a big thing that happened. Let's not say anything else, the old man is still talking funny cross talk on the TV. And it's not just the underworld chasing the soul, Roman believes that other people, all those who can't resist this magic, have undergone changes that are inconsistent with their inner appearance, while those who are affected by magic know nothing about their own changes.

Roman doesn't know what this magic is or what it will lead to, but even if the magic doesn't change further, Roman doesn't allow the status quo to continue.

"I want to help Roman Reigns. I have no magic power, so I can't help Roman Reigns to fight. If I follow along, it may be a hindrance, but I want to help Roman Reigns, even a little bit."

"So what? Index, have you figured out what kind of magic this is?"

"Of course I found it, don't underestimate me, I'm very good."

Index's tone was very proud. After all, it was a "forbidden book catalog". It was almost impossible for the magic in this world to hide from her. As long as there was enough time, no matter how complicated it was, it would be difficult for her. in front of it will be solved.

"This magic is called Angel Fall."

Angel Fall (AngelFall), just like the name of the spell, is a magic that can pull high-ranking angels from the celestial world to the human world. According to the concept of "the tree of life" in Kabbalah's thought, the number of humans and angels has already been determined, so under normal circumstances, humans can never be upgraded to angels. That is to say, humans cannot find vacancies from the celestial world, and the seats in the human world are also full, so humans cannot reach the celestial world by ordinary methods, and angels can no longer find a place in the full human world.

But it was precisely because they knew that they couldn't be upgraded to angels in the normal way, so they developed a spell that could become angels, that is, "role swapping" between humans and angels. When an angel is pulled from the heavenly realm to the human world, the heavenly realm will vacate the place of an "angel", and the human world will have to squeeze into the heavenly realm because there is an extra "human being".

In other words, this is a powerful spell that demotes angels and elevates the caster.

Upgrade to an angel, have a longer lifespan, and have the power that an angel should have. After the success of the caster, he is no longer a human being, and breaks through the shackles of human beings. However, the sequelae of the "Angel Fall" cannot be resolved. The innocent people who are confused by the "Angel Fall" will have a completely inconsistent "appearance". living.

The person who uses "Angel Fall" has no scruples about the influence of this technique on other people, and is simply a selfish willful magician.

Then again, people like magicians are paranoid people, and they become magicians because of their paranoia.

But this time is different. Not only is the caster not such a lunatic, he is not even a magician.

Kamijou Touma, this unfortunate young man, became the murderer pointed to by all the evidence, and is the target that Roman has to solve now.

After he became the strongest power user in Academy City, this boy with his right hand with the ability to eliminate all supernatural powers became a celebrity in an instant, taking the position of the strongest (Mist), but he also got into trouble with the big · trouble.

——“So, as long as you defeat that level 0 idiot, you can get the title of the strongest in Academy City?” Based on this idea, the delinquent boys who were confident in fighting began to play hunting games.

The high-level officials of Academy City, who were troubled by this commotion, ordered Kamijou Touma to leave Academy City for a while to avoid the limelight. It is not known if there are any other people here, but Kamijou Touma left for this reason. to Academy City. Even more coincidentally, his location was at the seaside where Roman and the others had stayed for two days.

It is worth mentioning that the effect of the "Angel Fall" technique and the suspects of the murder were provided by the British Puritans, and Index was snoring with her eyes closed when she uttered the word "Angel Fall". .

Since the matter was at stake and Roman's acquaintance was involved, he had to leave Hakone before dawn, and take the earliest train with Kanzaki Kaori, heading towards the sea.

Because it was the earliest subway, there were not many people in the car. Kanzaki Kaori and Roman sat on both sides, and they looked at each other.

However, the only person who really looked at each other was Kanzaki Kaori. Roman was very curious just because he found Kanzaki Kaori staring at him, but found that she was just staring without any other action.

Roman yawned softly, then closed his eyes. He was so tired, he hadn't had a good rest since yesterday, and even stayed up all night last night, he just closed his eyes and came out.

He could have rested before going, but when he thought of Index working hard for him, Roman couldn't calm down. The ideal best plan is to return to the B&B when Index wakes up, so that she can see him when she opens her eyes, but this idea is obviously impossible, the eyes have already used the role of Roman. , and only know little about magic.

Perhaps, I should find some time to decipher the forbidden magical book recorded by Index.

"That...thank you..."


Roman opened his eyes and looked at Kanzaki Kaori opposite, then looked around, and found that there was no third party in this carriage except the two of them. In other words, was Kanzaki Kaori speaking just now?

But he didn't seem to think too much, because Kanzaki Kaori had no trace of speaking to him at all. He looked out the window on one side, as if he was enjoying the morning scenery.

Probably an illusion.

Roman closed his eyes again, intending to take a good rest before reaching the beach.

"Thank you, thank you—"

Well, this time it can be confirmed that Roman did not have auditory hallucinations, and Kanzaki Kaori was really thanking him.

Although the direction of his gaze was exactly the same as the one he saw just now, his eyes were still timidly looking towards this side, and he turned away after realizing that Roman was staring at her.

Really insincere thanks. But what makes Roman more curious is why he apologized?

He didn't plan to guess, because he was so tired that he would fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes. Although it is not that he has not tried a whole day of surgery, he will seize the time to rest after the surgery.

"Why thank you?"

Probably feeling that she couldn't escape Roman's sight, Kanzaki Kaori hesitated for a while, and finally faced Roman's face, but it still made people feel her timidity.

I didn't expect to see Kanzaki Kaori's girlish side at this time, which was an unexpected and unexpected gain for Roman. It's a pity that I didn't get the chance, otherwise I would take a photo of her and sell the photo to Amakusa...

"It's about Index...and last night."

"last night?"

I remembered. When "Angel Fall" was launched last night, Roman embodied the "Temple of Time" for the first time, and hugged Kanzaki Kaori to protect her from "Angel Fall".

"Shouldn't you apologize before thanking you? Or do you have no habit of apologizing? It doesn't matter, I didn't take it to heart."

"That's not what I meant, in fact, I thank you very much."

Kanzaki Kaori bit his lip, not knowing why, but such a courageous action made people feel aggrieved.


"I see. Since I've apologized, I'll forgive you."

The situation at that time was critical. When Roman used the "Temple of Time" to protect himself, he rushed towards Kanzaki Kaori almost without thinking, and he didn't even leave a trace in his memory afterwards. Besides, Roman was soaking in the hot spring at that time, so rashly hugging a girl, Kanzaki Kaori didn't slash it with a knife, it was already restrained.

"I can't just let it go. I want to do something about this mistake anyway, but the verbal apology is too cheap."

This is the first time I've seen someone desperately want to apologize, even if the person concerned has stopped pursuing it.

This is probably the so-called "good guy". If you are simply forgiven, you will feel uneasy and feel that you are indebted to the other party. In addition to reducing the guilt in my heart, the more important thing is to hope that I can do something substantial to make up for this mistake.

Kanzaki Kaori is very afraid of mistakes, but it doesn't mean that she will avoid responsibility. On the contrary, this girl is a "weak girl" who is used to blaming herself for mistakes.

PS1: The amount of blades received yesterday was 1435, and the amount of reward was 0. It seems that everyone has not been very lucky in the anniversary event. The amount of additions has suddenly increased by 14 chapters. You can really make trouble.

Chapter 300 Chapter 60

Kanzaki Kaori is a very lucky person.

I don't know if it's a matter of personal luck or the physique of a saint, Kanzaki Kaori has never been associated with the word "unfortunate" since he was born.

Her parents were members of Japan's "Amakusa-style cross sect", so Kanzaki Kaori was destined to be a member of the "Amakusa-style cross sect" when she was born. However, unlike ordinary members, Kanzaki Kaori was already designated as the leader of this organization, the "Pope", before he was born.

Maybe it's because she is a "saint", or it may be because of sheer luck, but no matter the reason, Kanzaki Kaori was born with the identity of "Amakusa-style cross sorority female pope".

She is lucky, lucky like a "saint" favored by God. Even if you don’t work hard, you can get the talent to succeed, you can get high reputation even if you don’t do anything, and you can get unexpected surprises every day. Always survive an assassination attempt, bullets will miss for no reason at all, and miraculously survive unscathed even if a bomb explodes nearby.

For others, this is a dreamlike ideal. If Kamijou Touma had such luck, he might even be willing to lose thirty years of his life.

But for Kanzaki Kaori, this kind of luck was a very painful thing.

Just as the position of an angel is limited, in order to become an angel, one must downgrade the angels in the heavens to mortals. Kanzaki Kaori became Pope from the moment she was born, which means she cut off the hope of others who wanted to be Pope; achieved easy success, but let those who worked tirelessly fall into despair; survived the assassination unscathed She survived, but what she paid for was the life of the partner who saved her; the special prize was easily won in the lottery, and the person who spent more money got nothing... Kanzaki Kaori, let's be friends.

This unimaginable fortune comes at the cost of misfortune for the people around him, which is more unacceptable to the kind Kanzaki Kaori than his own misfortune.

Therefore, Kanzaki Kaori left the "Amakusa-style Cross Sect" and joined the more powerful Anglican Church, because it would not be affected by Kanzaki Kaori's luck or misfortune.

Because of his luck, Kanzaki Kaori always carefully avoided the people around him. Even in a sect as huge as the English Puritanism, few people could get close to Kanzaki Kaori. And she always treats the people around her with guilt, even if they have never been close to him.

So, why did Kaori Kanzaki, who didn't know much about defensive spells, avoid the effect of "Angel Fall"? Yes, Romani Archiman saved her, but at what cost?

"You seem to be thinking something terrible, why should you be afraid?"

Roman, who was paying attention to Kanzaki Kaori's expression, saw the tension and fear in her eyes. This emotion was not unfamiliar to him. Almost every seriously injured patient would appear in front of him with these two emotions. He also never lived up to the expectations of his patients.

"This has nothing to do with you?"

Kanzaki Kaori turned her head, she obviously didn't tell Roman about her plans, after all, her relationship with Roman was not that good yet.

Besides, is there no shame in telling others about your fears?

"If you don't need my help, then forget it."

It seems that he is going to expose this matter, but in fact it is impossible. People like Kanzaki Kaori will only silently bury this kindness in his heart, and then wait for the day when he has the opportunity to do all he can to help him. Go and repay him, no matter how difficult and troublesome it is.

"Yes, there is just one thing that needs your help. It should be said that you must be right now."

Kanzaki Kaori's face was full of surprise, obviously not expecting this result. Just when she was about to ask what was going on, Roman reached out and patted the chair beside him.

"come on."


Although she didn't know what Roman's plan was, Kanzaki Kaori still walked over and sat on the position separated from Roman, but judging from the movement of her fingers holding the hilt of the sword, she seemed to be very nervous.

"You know, I haven't had a good rest since yesterday. I sent my friends out since I woke up in the morning, and when I came back at noon, I didn't have time to rest, so I took Index and the others to Luhu Lake to play, and finally waited until the evening. , the result is 'Angel Falls', and now I have to get on the earliest subway train at dawn and rush to the beach. Now all I want to do is lie down and have a good night's sleep, no matter how long it takes , as long as I can rest is enough."

Roman looked at Kanzaki Kaori with a smile, making her even more nervous.

"What am I going to do? I don't have any sleeping pills on me, and I don't know how to make people fall asleep... By the way, it's a little painful, but don't worry, I'm moving very fast, and I'll be there when you feel the pain. Make you faint."

"Hey, stop me, don't you have any other thoughts besides violence? Why do you confuse coma with sleep?"

Roman stopped Kanzaki Kaori who was raising his long sword, and if he was one step behind, she might have been slapped in the back of the head with the scabbard.

"A woman who really doesn't understand style can't be romantic? Yes, after all, she is a virgin who has been single for 18 years. It is normal to have such strange thoughts."

If Kanzaki Kaori just wanted to give Roman "a good rest", then now she really wants to beat Roman.

However, at this time, Roman made an unexpected move. His body fell down in her direction like a puppet, just like a person who really fainted. If Kanzaki Kaori dodged at this time, Roman's body would definitely fall on the stainless steel chair he sat on. , the head must be hit hard. But if he doesn't dodge at this time, then Roman will——

——Piled on Kanzaki Kaori's lap.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't dodge, she even planned to reach out to catch Roman, but she found that her hand was still holding a long knife, so she could only watch Roman's head pressed on her thigh.

Roman showed a satisfied smile, his head twisted slightly, looking for a more comfortable position, and was very satisfied with the pillow under his head.

Then, regardless of Kanzaki Kaori's flushed face, Roman closed his eyes.

"Good night, Kanzaki."


Kanzaki Kaori looked tangled, considering whether he wanted to push Roman away.

However, the person who hoped to ask for forgiveness through actions just now was herself, and it would be too capricious to renege on her words now. There is no doubt that the options she wishes to express her apology do not include this one.

The traditional Yamato Nadeko has zero experience with different sexes. Because she is too "lucky", she has almost cut off the idea of ​​​​communicating. Roman's initiative made her feel resisted, but also made her feel a little helpless. .

I don't know if it was intentional, or I felt it was really comfortable. Roman's face rubbed lightly on her leg minus the trouser legs, and the hot breath sprayed on the bare skin, causing the fire to split. Weaving became more messy.

Just when he was about to push the rude person away, he saw the thick dark circles on Roman's face.

It seemed he was really tired.

With that thought in mind, Kanzaki Kaori stopped.

Kanzaki Kaori didn't know what happened yesterday, but Roman stayed up all night last night and she knew very well. After coaxing Index to sleep, she didn't know what she was thinking, she clearly closed her eyes, and there was a distressed expression on her face. Even if he didn't ask, Kanzaki Kaori knew that he was thinking about "Angel Falls".

It was still late at night in Japan and daytime in the UK, so Kanzaki Kaori decided to call the British Puritans to inform them of the information, and finally got a reply before dawn, but it was too late to rest.

Just like what Index said, Roman didn't care about this matter. On the contrary, he was very worried about the effect of "Angel Fall", especially after knowing the effect of "Angel Fall", he had already done a good job. Ready to go as soon as it lights up.

Trying to rest while on the road is ideal, but ultimately unsuccessful. Someone had already entered on the way, and considering Kanzaki Kaori's face, Roman did not continue to lie on the chair in the end. After about an hour and a half, the subway finally arrived at the station. Roman and Kanzaki Kaori, who was relieved, got off the train and got on the bus again.

Although there is a seaside, it is actually an unknown little corner. There is no fixed car to reach the destination. It takes more than half an hour to walk from the bus stop. When the two feel the seaside, it is already past eight o'clock.

According to clues obtained from the Anglican Church, Kamijou Touma now lives in a B&B called "Poseidon". However, the address provided by the Anglican Church is too specific, and from such a clear photo, it is impossible to find out by ordinary methods. Roman doesn't think this is the effect of magic, because as far as he knows, the magic of today is not accurate to this level.

To say that Anglicanism and Academy City are not a bit tricky, Roman won't believe anything.

"It's here."

"Here... Kamijou Touma, right? I didn't expect an ordinary high school student to perform such a powerful technique. Damn, I can't let him go no matter what."

Kanzaki Kaori said angrily, but this is not like her character. She sentenced the "criminal" to the "death penalty" before she knew the truth. In the end, Kanzaki Kaori's shame and anger was simply because he was in the subway...

"Calm down, the current situation has not been clarified, and if you are too excited, it will be self-defeating."

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