Because he remembered that Roman was at work today, he planned to go to the hospital. It wasn't because he was sick. Kamijou Touma rarely got sick unless there was still money left in his wallet at the end of the month.

The reason that prompted him to do this was because on the night of the 28th, Roman's collapsed appearance was really worrying. Although the relationship between Roman and Kamijou Touma has not yet reached the level of good friends, he decided to go out because he felt that he should go to condolences.

On the way to the hospital, I passed the student dormitory of Tokiwadai Middle School.

Tokiwadai Middle School is a girls' school, and one of the conditions for admission is "strong ability of the ability level 3 or above", it is a school for young girls where strong people gather.

So far, Tokiwadai Middle School has two Lv5 superpowers and forty-seven Lv4 superpowers.

Although Kamijou Touma is more or less envious of capable people, it is nothing more than that. He is not jealous, nor does he resent capable people like other incompetents.

In fact, Kamijou Touma's life is richer than those of these abilities, even those with Lv5 superpowers. On the surface, he is a doctor, but in fact he is a super magician who has fought with angels; his classmate and best friend who laughs and laughs, his true identity is a multi-faceted spy who shuttles between the magic side and the science side. Even he himself, with one right hand, can overwhelm the strongest psychic in Academy City.

Looking at it this way, Kamijou Touma's life so far can be described in a light novel.

"Ah, aren't you Misaka-san? Good morning, where are you going? Hey, I remember you didn't join the club, right? If you don't mind, would you like to go for a walk together?"

While thinking about it, Kamijou Touma heard such a sentence.

Originally, what other people wanted to say had nothing to do with him at all. But unfortunately, the "Misaka-san" mentioned by this person happened to be an acquaintance of Kamijou Touma. As for the relationship, is it an enemy or a friend? Kamijou Touma is not very clear. Although Bilibili would say something like "Let's duel" every time he met him, he didn't really hate Misaka Mikoto. On the contrary, after last week's "absolutely capable person evolution plan", the two entered a strange state instead.

It's not like a friend, or a strange old enemy, it's the kind of strange relationship that is ambiguous. Even though the sky is still pitiful, Mr. Kamijou, who has been single for as long as his age, has always thought about leaving the single life, but how to do it, so far there is no plan.

But no matter what, when Kamijou Touma heard the surname "Misaka", he would turn his head subconsciously, and then he saw a man who was courting the flustered Misaka Mikoto.

It is undeniable that this man, or a boy, is indeed a handsome boy. He was very handsome and well-dressed, and the clothes on his body seemed to be high-end goods, and it was impossible for a person like Kamijou Touma to wear them in this life.

Don't think this is an exaggeration. Judging from the unfortunate physique of Mr. above, he wants to save money to buy a few high-end goods, even if it is impossible.

Tokiwadai's eldest lady, Misaka Mikoto, ranked third in Academy City, although she has a carefree personality, she is definitely a genuine eldest lady. She is not only the Dengeki Princess of Tokiwadai, but also the idol of the entire Academy City, because she is the only one who has developed Lv2 abilities and has been promoted to Lv5 step by step. It can be said that the case of Misaka Mikoto has given hope to the capable people at the bottom of Academy City.

Maybe they seem to be a good match, but... unhappy, unhappy, super unhappy, especially that boy's handsome face, especially that boy holding a bunch of flowers in his hand, especially Misaka Mikoto's awkward face but she doesn't know what to do Kamijou Touma felt uncomfortable no matter how he refused.

But what should I say? Although Mr. Kamijou also thinks that the two are a good match, although Mr. Kamijou is unfortunate, at least at this moment, Kamijou Touma is lucky.

"Sorry to keep you waiting."

Misaka Mikoto left the handsome man behind and charged towards Kamijou Touma. Before he could react, Misaka Mikoto took his arm and looked at Kamijou Touma with an affectionate expression.

While Kamijou Touma was startled, he turned to look at the boy on the other side, and found that the other side was also stunned.

Although he wanted to say something like "what are you doing", Kamijou-san said something very honestly that he thought he would never have the chance to say in his life.

"It's okay, I just arrived."

At this moment, Kamijou Touma was so moved that he was about to cry.

At this moment, with a sudden "bang", all the windows of the girls' dormitory of Tokiwadai Middle School were opened at the same time.

Misaka Mikoto's smile froze. The female students standing by the window kept whispering to each other. Her junior, Kuroko Shirai, a girl with double ponytails, had a shocked expression on her face, her mouth opened and closed but she couldn't speak. After a while, a mature woman appeared in one of the windows, who looked like the top manager of the dormitory.

The mature woman seemed to say a word. Although the voice was too low and the distance was too far, Kamijou Touma and Misaka Mikoto could not hear her voice at all, but they could imagine in their minds what the terrible words were:

"It's really interesting. You dare to go out on a date with a boy in front of the dormitory. Misaka, you are very brave."

"Ah...ahaha." Mikoto's facial muscles were terribly stiff.

"Ahahahaha! Wooooooooooo!"

Misaka Mikoto let out a self-defeating laugh, grabbed Kamijou Touma's hand and fled the scene at a rapid speed.


This is youth, romantic comedies or something, always making people feel happy and happy. At this point, Roman, who works in the hospital next door, has no such experience. During the entire high school period, he only had a gentle girlfriend and a cruel girlfriend.

Misaka Mikoto, who had completely collapsed, pulled Kamijou Touma and ran for an hour before she stopped. She didn't know if she had calmed down or if she had given up on herself. Anyway, Kamijou Touma had an indifferent idea, and allowed Misaka Mikoto's willful mischief.

The two were tired from running, and after finding a place to sit down, they rested for ten minutes before Misaka Mikoto went to Kamijou Touma.

The ins and outs of the matter was that Misaka Mikoto was pursued by that refreshing young man, Mitsuki Umihara, because the other party was very annoying and had a good attitude, making it difficult for Misaka Mikoto to reject him. He has been attacking him every day this week. In order to get rid of him, he has to find someone to act as his lover, and the only person who looks forward to it is Kamijou Touma.

"In other words, isn't Umihara the type that Misaka likes?"

"Yeah, although he's handsome and right, and his family is also very good, he feels very comfortable when he gets along, but it really isn't my type."

"So that's all?"

"What's just like this? Didn't you see it? Just now, almost everyone saw that the two of us were dating together. If we did this halfway, wouldn't we be telling Haiyuan 'We were actually acting to deceive you'? So today I simply It's good for two people to act all day, and it would be better if they could meet Haiyuan on the street, so that Haiyuan knew that he had no hope."

——I do think that after Mitsuki Mihara sees me, he will feel that there is a great opportunity.

Kamijou Touma felt that he had no merits, and compared with Haiyuan Mitsuki, he was really far behind.

But things like CP always belong to both parties. As long as Misaka Mikoto doesn't mean it, Kamijou Touma will still have a chance to cough, cough...

"Hey, you're laughing so disgustingly, what are you trying to write?"


"Tell you in advance that we are just acting. Don't take it seriously. If you really think you have a chance, you are wrong."

Misaka Mikoto put her hands on her chest and stepped back, as if she was on guard that Kamijou Touma would suddenly do something bad.

——Taking this kind of thing as an opportunity, Kamijou-san is really naive.

Kamijou Touma couldn't help but feel depressed, and suddenly felt a sense of wasting time. He recalled the purpose of going out today and walked towards the hospital.

"Hey, what are you going for?"

"I'm going to the hospital."

Kamijou Touma walked forward without looking back. He didn't even look at Misaka Mikoto, who was walking from behind. With a straight face, he looked very angry, but to outsiders, it looked more like a quarrel, a couple quarreling. some type of.

"Hospital? Are you sick?"

"No, my friend is sick, and I went to visit."

"Are you... are you angry?"

Kamijou Touma's footsteps paused, and the pause allowed Misaka Mikoto to seize the opportunity. She ran to Kamijou Touma, their faces facing each other.

Unlike the expressionless Kamijou Touma, Misaka Mikoto looked uneasy, as if she was worried that Kamijou Touma would be mad at her. Although she planned to apologize, her bad arrogance made her unable to speak.

- What the **** am I making a fuss about?

Kamijou Touma suddenly realized that he was very childish, and he was angry with his friends for unfounded reasons. Not to mention that the two have no relationship at all, whether it was before or now, they are at best friends with a special relationship. And this time, it was just Misaka Mikoto's plan, and there was no plan to date Kamijou Touma at all, he was just fantasizing from beginning to end.

Seeing Misaka Mikoto's nervous face, the anger in her heart dissipated immediately.

"Don't worry, I'm not angry, and there's no reason to be angry. It's just that Roman Reigns is not in good health, so I'm not very relieved."

Once again, Kamijou Touma walked in the direction of the hospital, but this time the pace was not fast, so Misaka Mikoto quickly caught up.

"Wait, wait for me, I'll go too."

Chapter 311 Chapter 71 Kamijou Touma and the Magician (2)

"What are you two lovers doing here? Are you here to mock me?"

"Who, who is a couple?"

Before Kamijou Touma spoke, Misaka Mikoto denied it very excitedly, and what was even worse, Kamijou Touma admitted Misaka Mikoto's words as a matter of course.

What's the matter with the two of you?

Roman looked at the two of them helplessly.

"Before you deny it, would you please let go of your hands?"


The two looked at their hands suspiciously, and then realized that their hands were actually holding together. If it wasn't for Roman's words, maybe they would have been holding them forever.

Because Kamijou Touma was walking too fast, the nervous Misaka Mikoto followed him and grabbed Kamijou Touma's hand subconsciously. The two of them came to the hospital without realizing it.

"Things are not what you think, in fact, I don't have that kind of relationship with this guy!"

"Yes, yes, you are actually an ordinary friend relationship."

Roman now has the urge to throw the syringe over, this kind of invisible sunburn is very hurtful, isn't it? Can't you give an uncle in his twenties a way out?

Kamijou Touma looked at his hand in surprise, and even he realized that he was holding Misaka Mikoto's wrist, and Misaka Mikoto was so shy that he was about to get angry.

"Let's talk about why you came here. According to my professional level, the two of you are in good health and there is no problem at all. Is there any hidden meaning?"

"'s all right."

The reason Kamijou Touma came to the hospital was to visit Roman, and it was inconvenient to say things in front of Misaka Mikoto about "angel falling" and "magic". And Roman's current state seems to be very good, and Kamijou Touma's purpose of coming here can be considered completed.

"Can you tell me about Miss Misaka?"

"That's okay, you have the right to know."

Sister Misaka's handling was very secretive, and apart from a few people in the hospital, only a few overseas institutions knew about it. Because the appearance of Miss Misaka will only cause everyone's panic, Roman and Netherlander decided to send Miss Misaka to institutions outside Academy City to adjust her body. These institutions are scattered all over the world, and the chances of being discovered are very small. micro. And there were only ten Misaka sisters left in Academy City.

"That's it. If you want to know more about the situation, I suggest you ask the Misaka-sisters in Academy City in person. They have a common network and can get the information of Misaka-sisters from all over the world at any time."

"Thank you uncle."

"Big, uncle?"

Roman was surprised by Misaka Mikoto's name, and was somewhat frustrated. He didn't expect that he was already an uncle-level man. But it's not surprising. Compared with Misaka Mikoto, who is only in middle school, Roman is indeed worthy of the title of "Uncle", and if she wants Misaka Mikoto to say the ambiguous title of "Big Brother", Kamijou is probably the only one. Touma will have this opportunity.

"By the way, I have something I want to ask you, and I don't know if you can help."

"Just say it, and I'll try to help you."

Kamijou Touma just glanced at Misaka Mikoto, and then revealed his troubles.

It was Misaka Mikoto's trouble rather than her own trouble. This flat-chested discharge girl is being pursued, and she is also a rich man with a handsome appearance and a gentle personality. It's just a matter of love... well, neither Misaka Mikoto nor Kamijou Touma have this self-consciousness, they just want to solve the trouble now.

"Actually, the matter is not troublesome, as long as you say it clearly. If you are indecisive, the problem will only continue, so don't hesitate when you should be decisive. Kamijou, as long as you go to Mitsuki Umihara alone, and tell him that you are with Misaka Contact, I hope he will not continue to disturb you and destroy your relationship. If Mitsugu is really a very considerate character as you said, he will definitely give up. If his character is just hidden, it is not as usual If you want to be as gentle as Misaka, then you don't need to hesitate."

"Hey, is this too direct?"

"It is because of directness that the problem can be solved."

Roman's face showed an expression of anticipation, but this anticipation soon disappeared, and it became very strange.

"The war for mates has never stopped since ancient times. Whether it is primates or lower animals, this phenomenon is common, but the way of existence is different. Just go to a duel, anyway, I think Kamijou, you will definitely win."

"What kind of weird idea is this?"

"I think it might work."

Unlike Misaka Mikoto, Kamijou Touma felt that Roman's words were full of feasibility.

"It's fine if Haiyuan is willing to leave, and you won't need to be harassed in the future. If he doesn't want to, it's useless to continue this scene."

Kamijou Touma looked at Misaka Mikoto with resentful eyes, as if saying, "It's all your fault, who made you attract bees and butterflies".

"Wait, don't sacrifice for me."

"Wait a minute, Misaka, I have something to tell you."

While calling out Misaka Mikoto, Roman also gave Kamijou Touma a wink, and the stunned Kamijou Touma didn't turn around at all, and then walked out of the room involuntarily.

duel? It doesn't exist. Although Kamijou Touma has a one-on-two record, it does not mean that Kamijou Touma is aggressive. In Academy City, where superpowers fly every day, Kamijou Touma, who only has one right hand, is better to stay safe.

His idea was to let Misaka Mikoto explain it herself, and he would explain it if it couldn't be done, but it would be more persuasive for the two of them to go together. It's just that he didn't expect that he was just talking about it, and he was inexplicably kicked out by Roman.

In other words, let him go to Mihara Mitsuki alone?

Somewhat resisted, because he was deceiving Mitsuki Uihara, Kamijou Touma and Mikoto Misaka were not a real couple, but were destroying Mitsuko Mitsuko Mitsuko's pursuit of Mikoto Misaka. What's more, Kamijou Touma has a strange sense of disgust at the incident, which came after he and Misaka Mikoto escaped.

Things didn't go well. Although Kamijou Touma found Uihara Mitsuki, he didn't find the "Uihara Mitsuki".

Mitsuyuki Haihara, there are two?

Mitsuki Uihara, whom Kamijou Touma met, not only did not know Kamijou Touma, but also knew nothing about what happened this morning, and was almost the same as the boy Kamijou Touma saw in the morning. No, they are just two people, which was concluded after Kamijou Touma met "Umihara Mitsuki" again.

Confused, Kamijou Touma walked back in the direction of the hospital, and saw "Umihara Mitsuki" hiding in the dark, staring at the hospital without blinking.

Are you looking for Misaka?

But it's too strange to look like this. You look like you're on the verge of an enemy, and you're an upright suitor, not an idiot who follows you in the dark.

The whole thing is weird, especially after finding out that Academy City has two Mitsuhiro Umihara. In the exchange just now, that Uihara Mitsuki is indeed Misaka's suitor, that is to say, both Uihara Mitsuki in Academy City are Misaka's admirers? But according to the information revealed by that Haiyuan Guanggui, Haiyuan Guanggui is an only child and has no other siblings.

In other words, there is a fake in here. Compared to the Uihara Mitsuki who knew nothing about Kamijou Touma just now, the weird "Uihara Mitsuki" in front of him is even better.


Kamijou Touma's voice sounded behind "Umihara Mitsuki", his body collapsed suddenly, and then he turned around as if nothing had happened.

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