The scene of "female samurai chasing down bad doctors", which did not appear yesterday, was officially staged the next day.

Kanzaki finally left angrily, although it was said that the two would continue to develop and eventually become a couple. However, the process of development is very important. Such a one-step result is unacceptable. Kanzaki did not kill Roman. It was already the result of very hard work to control his emotions. The conservative female saint with strong force value will definitely pursue and kill Roman Reigns endlessly.


"You're in great shape and your resilience is amazing, but I advise you not to overindulge."

"Can you not mention this?"

Facing the strange gaze of the Underworld Chasing Soul, Roman felt uncomfortable.

Although there is no problem on the surface, Netherland Soul Chasing can see what is wrong with Roman at a glance. This is the skilled skill of the old doctor.

"I have no right to interfere in your private life, but if it affects my work, it makes me feel very difficult."

Netherland Chasing Soul lowered his head and looked at the leave application in his hand. After the end of last month, Roman asked for leave again after a week.

Although Roman's vacation this year has not been used up yet, he has asked for leave twice in just two weeks, and in the eyes of others, there is a sense of slackness.

However, Roman only took three days off, so it doesn't matter. After all, the hospital will become very leisurely in the recent period. The real busy time is during the Daba Star Festival. enough.

"I approved it. Speaking of which, Nurse Bayi also handed me a leave request just now...Are you two on your honeymoon? If that's the case, I'll allow you to 'rest' in September."

"Never mind."

What a joke, how could Roman be on honeymoon with Bayi Yonglin?

Although Bayi Yonglin is indeed a very attractive woman, not only has a beautiful appearance, but also has a figure that is condescending. She has profound knowledge and is very skilled in various skills, especially medicine, in the entire Academy City. Only Netherland Chasing Soul can compare with it.

But unfortunately, Bayi Yonglin is not suitable to be a wife, let alone a mother. Perhaps because of the long years, time has ruthlessly washed away part of the "human nature" of Yayi Erin, making it impossible for her to continue to maintain "humanity", because a person cannot survive forever. If Bayi Yonglin can't change herself and wants to survive in a higher position, maybe she can only do everything she can to end her life like C.C.

Speaking of which, Bayi Yonglin is not a human being, and she does not live on the earth. What is the scenery on the other side of the moon?

"You seem very worried."

"No, it's not." Roman glanced at Bayi Yonglin, then looked at the ceiling, "I'm just thinking."

Worried? I don't know. Logically speaking, Roman won't be worried, because he has nothing to be afraid of.

He was thinking, preparing.

Before that, Roman didn't know anything about things on the European side. If it wasn't for Osola's arrival, maybe everything would have been kept in the dark.

Although it is said that Xiao Zi's trouble this time has almost affected the entire magic side, it is only the magic side. Roman, who is in the center of the science side, can inquire if he doesn't go there. There is no way to know.

This time it really went a little too far.

Of course, there is more than one point, but as a father of his daughter, is there anything wrong with favoring his daughter?

Xiao Zi has now been hated by most of the magic side. The Roman Orthodox Church has no idea of ​​giving up. Although the English Puritan Church did not show hostility to Xiao Zi on the surface, the small movements in the dark did not stop. The relationship between Roman and the Anglican Church is not bad so far, but if you really want to do it, you will be tied, and the Anglican Church seems to take care of Roman, so far it has only suppressed the discordant voice from within.

This is probably thanks to the second princess Kelissa. Because of her request to Roman, Her Royal Highness agreed to suppress this incident involving Roman.

But Roman can't always rely on the mercy of others. If the magic side really intends to do it, Roman is more inclined to use the same strength to fight, rather than sit still.

I hate violence.

Roman sighed, then looked at Bayi Yonglin on the side.

"Are you ready?"

Yayi Erin nodded, then put a towel in Roman's mouth and let him bite.

"If you can't stand it, tell me and I will stop the operation in time."

Nodding, then staring at the ceiling.

There are only two people in the dormitory, Roman and Yai Erin. Index has already been taken care of by Jishen Qiusha, because she is not suitable for this place. Originally, Index was reluctant to let Roman and Bayi Erin be alone, but after Roman said a lot of "scientific reasons", Index could only shout "This is not scientific" and then retreat. .

Of course, Roman and Yayi Yonglin will not spend their honeymoon like Netherland's joking, but they do have a secret thing to do, which is the long-prepared "magic circuit implantation" experiment.

This was originally just at the theoretical stage, and it was an absolutely feasible experiment in theory, but whether it could really be successful or not was a matter of fact, because there was no clinical trial, and it was even more impossible for Roman to perform this operation on a patient. So the two will drag it on until now, and when the time is right, let Bayi Yonglin take action against Roman. If you fail, you can only wait until the next opportunity. If you succeed, this may be the only case of magic circuit implantation in the world.

The implantation of a magic circuit is very difficult, even more difficult than developing superpowers and learning magic, because implanting a magic circuit is adding foreign objects from a complete human body. This is like a famous painting, adding a stroke to make the work more perfect, but must not destroy the beauty of the painting.

Implanting a magic circuit is actually no different from implanting a new organ in Roman's body. The difference is that this organ is not obtained from someone else, but is completely artificial.

Therefore, what will happen during the implantation of the magic circuit, and what kind of rejection will occur after the implantation is successful, neither Hachi Eirin nor Roman can be sure. Therefore, anesthesia is not allowed during the operation. Roman must remain awake during the entire process. If the operation is deviated, it must be terminated at any time.

The operation was very successful, and Bayi Yonglin's medical skills were very good, far beyond what a doctor of Roman's level could match. The medicine he provided kept Roman awake. Even though his arms were completely cut open, he did not faint, but the pain on his body did not ease. For two hours, Roman felt unbearable pain.

Roman stopped her when she saw Yayi Erin taking out the bandage.

- "The time for regeneration has come..."

Section 326 Chapter 86 Scientific Kamijou Touma

The arm was intact, and there was not a single wound to be found. If the lines on the skin hadn't disappeared, no one would have noticed the strangeness on Roman's body.

The power continuously spread from the arm to the whole body, and then returned to the lines on the arm. Different from the circuits with abilities all over the body, Roman's magic circuit only exists in his arms. Even if there is a problem with the magic circuit, Roman only needs to adjust it on the arm.

In the current situation, the state is very good, it should be overdone. But this result, which was better than expected, did not make Roman Reigns happy.

When conducting scientific experiments, it is impossible to get the desired results overnight. The experimental deviation is a part of the experiment. Even if every step is done correctly, it may not be possible to obtain the correct results. In the same product development, sometimes the product developed exceeds the expected result and is better than the theoretical product. This is a success for a product, but it fails for an experiment, because the experimental results If the theoretical results cannot be obtained, it must be that some links are wrong. It may be a theoretical error or an experimental error, but wherever the error is, you have to figure it out, because you can't guarantee when this "advantage" will turn into a "defect".

The theory of the magic circuit is the result of many discussions and calculations, and its feasibility has even been verified from Accelerator. In the past period of time, he has not been idle, and let Accelerator and Ezali get a data from the research institute for reference, so the theory of the magic circuit has matured. That is, is the problem with the procedure?

But there should be no mistakes in the operation process, because the person who performed the operation is Bayi Yonglin, a woman who has lived for an unknown number of years, and has unique pharmacological attainments in this world. Every one of these in the work The details can be reflected, even Netherland Chasing Soul has praised Bayi Yonglin's dedication more than once.

Neither theory nor practice should be wrong, and now there is only one possibility: this "error" is intentional.

"Bayi Yonglin, what have you done in my body?"

Facing Roman's questioning, Bayi Yonglin didn't show any guilty conscience, and didn't even feel that she had done anything wrong, but answered as a matter of course.

"I added hair and blood to your circuit."

"Hair and blood...whose?!"

Staring at her, Roman felt that his tolerance for this woman was about to reach the limit. This woman's reckless behavior was really unbearable, especially when you trusted her, and even launched the blade of betrayal.

"It's Kanzaki Kaori."

But Roman was very surprised by the result of Hachi-Erin. First, he didn't expect Hachi-Erin to get Kanzaki Kaori's blood and hair, and second, he couldn't figure out the reason why Hachi-Erin did this.

In all fairness, Roman's anger just now was full of malice, or he used the heart of a villain to control a gentleman's belly, because he felt that Bayi Yonglin's actions were definitely uneasy and kind. If it weren't for conspiracy and frame-up, she could have made it clear to Roman that as long as it was understandable, Roman would never reject her.

After getting along for two months, Bayi Yonglin should also be able to understand Roman's talent. Not only does he have no temper, but he is easy to get along with. Even if he is good at bullying, no one will deny it. As long as it does not involve issues of principle, Roman will give an affirmative reply to the person who makes the request.

But Bayi Yonglin chose to hide it.


Concerning the issue of Kanzaki, Roman decided to listen to Hachi Eirin's explanation, but this choice was also doomed to Roman's decision to deal with this matter. He wanted to convince people like Roman that he would like Hachi Erin. Words are too simple.

"From the first time I saw Kanzaki Kaori, I was very interested in her body. The physique of a saint, although human is correct, but because of the power of 'Stigmata', it exerted a thousand times more than human The power. At that time, I had already decided to start studying saints, but after doing my best, I only got a few hairs."

When he first came to this world, the reason why Roman summoned Yachi Eirin was to resist Kanzaki Kaori. At that time, Roman did not know how Hachi Eirin did it, and he did not ask, but now he was just surprised that Hachi Eirin was obsessed with Kanzaki Kaori.

He naturally didn't know that in order to obtain a sample of body tissue from Kanzaki Kaori, Yachi Erin used her body as a bait at that time, and was seriously injured by Kanzaki Kaori's "Yishan".

"Afterwards, it became much easier to get Kanzaki Kaori's blood, because you have a good relationship with Kanzaki Kaori, and she also relaxed her vigilance when facing me, and getting a blood sample couldn't be easier. The reason why Kanzaki Kaori's hair and blood were added to the magic circuit is just the pleasure of being a pharmacist or a scientist."

If at this time, Roman still didn't know what Bayi Yonglin had done to him, it would be too dull.

"Is this a 'stigmata'?"

Roman looked at the lines on his arm and asked in a murmur.

"It is both a magic circuit and a stigmata. More precisely, it is a magic circuit with the power of 'stigmata', which is more powerful than the magic circuit we expected. If the time is long enough, it can be integrated with your body, It can be passed on from generation to generation.”

"This is really..."

It's amazing.

Roman couldn't express the surprise in his heart, because this is really an incredible thing.

Whether the characteristics of the parents can be inherited to the next generation mainly depends on whether these characteristics are in the genetic genes. If the DNA does not carry the genes for these characteristics, it cannot be inherited. Color-blind mothers must have color-blind sons, but the sons of parents with broken arms must be intact, because the gene for color blindness is hidden on the X chromosome, and broken arms are only acquired.

In the same way, the production of the magic circuit is only an acquired transformation of the human body, and will not change the genes of the implanted person. But Yayi Erin did it. She actually made the magic circuit part of her genetics through Kanzaki's body tissue. If it is true as Hachiyin said, with this, she can even create a new era of magic.

Roman began to examine his body, and finally found that, as Yayi Erin said, the power of the magic circuit spread to the whole body at the same time, and it was also transforming Roman's body. If Roman did give birth to offspring, then Roman's offspring would have a similar magic circuit. If the child's mother also had the same excellent magic circuit, maybe the child's talent would be even better.

But how is this possible? This operation will only occur once, and there is only Roman who has a magic circuit, so even if Roman's magic circuit is inherited, it will only deteriorate from generation to generation. When the characteristics of the magic circuit are lost from generation to generation, the descendants will eventually become ordinary people.

There's no need to think so much. Roman hasn't even thought about it yet. Maybe he hasn't even found the child's mother, and this body has been destroyed?

Speaking of the child's mother, if Roman and Kanzaki combine to produce offspring, Kanzaki Kaori, who is a saint, and Roman who has the magic circuit of "artificial stigma", what kind of people will their offspring be?

Speaking of which, I have to mention Xiao Zi in a certain corner of the world. When she left, she once said that if she wanted to find a stepmother for her, that woman must satisfy her, and she did not know whether she How does the split feel?

If you are not satisfied, do you want to dump Kanzaki? Or should I stand on the side of Kanzaki and persuade Xiao Zi to agree with Kanzaki? I hope there will be no domestic violence.

When the cranky Roman came back to his senses, he found that he was the only one left in the room, and Bayi Yonglin left here early.


"What are you doing, this thing doesn't require me to go out at all. I fought my life to leave the house, finally came here, and kept running electricity into my brain, and then told me that it was of no use to me at all. Where are you, are you entertaining me?"

A thin teenager, wearing a thin T-shirt, has weird electrode patches on his forehead, temple and neck, and a cane in his right hand.

His fragile appearance seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind. Who knew that he was once the strongest superhuman in Academy City, and even in the world?

"It's just that this laboratory relies too much on the ability, and believes too much in super ability, but it has become the most fatal weakness."

The spiky-haired boy came out from the depths of the laboratory, carrying a box in his hand. From his movements, it could be seen that the box was very heavy.

"If there is a weapon like the driving armor, I can't help, and then I can only rely on you to do it alone."

Unlike the naive boy he used to be, Kamijou Touma, who had already adapted to life in Anbu, had come into contact with the darkness of Academy City and the simplicity that would never return, and his whole person had become more mature. Although this world can no longer be regarded as a world of light and dirt, but still yearns for the bright side, and will not be polluted by falling into darkness.

"The mission is complete, Roman, where do you want to send it next?"

Kamijou Touma said to the wristband in his right hand that this communicator can be connected to Roman on the other side. The doctor is on night shift in the hospital today, so he is paying attention to the task here almost all the time. But judging from the fact that he hardly made a sound, the man was probably fishing the whole way.

"You're just picking up the item. You don't need to perform the delivery task. Someone will come and pick it up... She's already here."

As he said that, a figure appeared in Kamijou Touma's field of vision, which made Kamijou Touma's body conditioned reflex tense, but it soon loosened.

"The bid is completed, the next work will be handed over to you, is it alright?"

Yubiao Danxi nodded, then remembered that she needed to communicate with Roman through Kamijou Touma's bracelet, and then said.

"I know."

Yubiao Tanuki also raised his head and said to Kamijou Touma.

"Put the box on the ground, your right hand is blocking my ability."

Kamijou Touma put down the box in his hand, and then Yuki Tanuki disappeared with the box.

At this point, the mission of Kamijou Touma and his party was officially completed.

"It's great, I'm really exhausted. I have to rest for a few days anyway. I've stayed up late for two nights in a row."

Kamijou Touma twisted his neck, and there was a crackling sound between his neck, which was obviously caused by physical fatigue.

He looked at Accelerator not far away, the white boy made no secret of the disgust on his face.

"Thank you very much tonight. Although you didn't do anything, thank you for your help. Now you can go back to rest? Or do you need help? You don't seem to be suitable for sports like this."

"What stupid thing did you say?"

Accelerator's eyes looked at Kamijou Touma as if he were an idiot: "The aftermath work has just begun, don't you think it can be over now?"

"The aftermath?"

Anbu's work is uneventful, and sometimes there will be small wars, especially if the other party also hires the Anbu organization, the battle between the ability and the ability will cause a lot of damage. But Anbu has never done the aftermath work, unless the aftermath is also part of the mission. A mission like tonight is just to get the core of the instrument, and there is no need for Kamijou Touma and Accelerator to take care of the aftermath.

"If you are stared at and leave like this, it will be very troublesome in the future."

Accelerator showed a grim smile, and then raised his right foot to smack the wall next to him. The corner of the wall was lifted, and the concrete shot out into the distance.

The concrete shot through the big tree opposite the institute, but before the trunk was shot, a figure jumped from behind the tree to avoid Accelerator's attack.

Kamijou Touma let out an exclamation when he could clearly see the figure emerging from the dark.


The teenager wearing a Hawaiian shirt and shorts, even in the middle of the night, still wears light blue sunglasses. However, unlike the usual frivolity, his face was very ugly, but not because he was almost killed just now, but because he saw his friend Kamijou Touma come out of the research institute with his own eyes.

"It turned out to be an acquaintance, so it's even more interesting. Is this a sideshow after dinner? Fighting with friends, no matter how many times you watch this kind of drama, you won't get tired of it."

The smile on Accelerator's face became more violent, and the malice in his heart emerged from his split lips.

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