"I am the goddess Steno, you must know me, this is a name famous for its beauty."

The goddess smiled in Magician S's mind, making him feel dazed for a while, and he finally understood why he was easily charmed.

The monsters in the Greek pantheon, the names of the three Gorgon sisters are: Steno, Uriel, and Medusa.

Stheno and Urielle are both gorgons, only the younger sister Medusa was a mortal before she became a banshee. The sisters, with their seductive songs, lured the brave men who passed by the sea to approach and killed them. Judging from the current situation, it is not true that Gorgon is a Gorgon in the legend, but the temptation is not false.

After leaving the altar at the bottom, Roman went back in the direction where he came and found that the wooden boat on the shore of the island was still there. It seemed that Erica and Lancer used magic to leave. Although he does not have the skills to drive a boat, Magician S uses the magic of water to propel the boat forward.

But where should I go now? It is impossible to go to the United Empire. It seems that now the only choice is to join Lixiang or go to El-Melloi II.

When they returned to the mainland, the communicator connecting to the central control room was finally connected.

"Roman, are you okay? I haven't been able to contact you since I entered the sea in the morning. The signal over there is very weak. I thought you had an accident."

As soon as the communicator was connected, Roman heard the nervous voice of Mona Lisa.

"It's an accident... It's okay, but don't worry, I'm not injured, and I'm in good shape now. You don't need to worry about me. How is the situation on Lixiang's side?"

"Nero and Alexander have officially formed an alliance, so it is very safe now, but they are also ready to attack the United Empire. When approaching the island at noon, Rika's communicator was disconnected like yours, so I can't connect. When I got on you, I knew you were still on the island, but Lixiang still doesn't know about it."

"Tell them I'm safe now and don't need to worry about me."

"Don't worry, they never worried about you."


At this moment, the magician S should be relieved about this, but why is there an urge to cry?

However, the next thing has nothing to do with Magician S. Whether it is fighting or marching, it is not the area that Magician S is good at. All he can do is to provide a little magic for the Servant who fights.

"No, you have something important to do."

The person who spoke was not Mona Lisa, but Steno, who was hidden in the body of Magician S.

"My Master, you seem to have forgotten one thing. That girl called me out, but chose to kill me. Don't you think there is an ulterior conspiracy?"

Magician S just remembered that Erica Ming knew the moment when Nero and Alexander formed an alliance, and still brought Lancer to this island. If Erica intends to use the summoned **** as a Servant, it's okay to say, but she obviously has her own plan, and killing Steno is just a part of her plan.

"Stheno, do you know what Erica's purpose is?"

"Hey, Roman, what were you talking to yourself just now?"

"I'm not talking to myself. By the way, I haven't made it clear to you yet. Now there is a goddess in my body..."

Magician S begins to tell Mona Lisa what happened on the island. Although Lixiang also mentioned that battle, Magician S knows more about what happened on the side of the United Empire than Lixiang, and only Magician S and the Goddess know about the contact with the goddess after the battle.

"What? Are you hiding other women?!"

Mona Lisa suddenly screamed, making Magician S feel pain in his eardrums, and his brain was chaotic.

"Why does it sound weird? This is not Hidden, this is my contract with Steno. I need her to take me away from the altar below, and in exchange, I need to protect her and provide her with magic."

"Who would believe such a thing? Where can someone protect the god? The Master protects the Servant? Do you really think of yourself as Lika?"

"I don't think even Lixiang can do this."

Magician S doesn't understand why Mona Lisa is suddenly angry, but he doesn't think he has done anything wrong. At that time, he had no other choice. Otherwise, he is still in the underground altar, and he may have to wait until the singularity is repaired. I'll get back to the Mona Lisa later.

There was a strange collision sound in the central control room, and occasionally the staff over there could be heard mourning such as "don't break it". All in all, the central control room was a mess for a while.

"It's more about business. Steno, what is Erica's purpose?"

"If I'm not wrong, it's about Ares."


Erica returns to the capital of the United Empire.

Using Lancer's spear, he almost flew back from an overseas island, and the whole process didn't take half an hour.

Unlike the unknown island, the location of the capital is certain, and Lancer's goal is very precise, so he can do this.

Caesar and Berserker are still here. Because the number of soldiers in the United Empire has decreased, there is no need to go out now, and it is their duty to protect the capital.

"It has succeeded, Master, it seems that you have obtained the sword that will destroy Rome."

Caesar looked at the sword in Erica's hand with a complicated look on his face.

"I didn't expect that I would see it with my own eyes, and then watch it destroy Rome? Although it is a given history that Rome was destroyed, there is nothing I can do to see it happen with my own eyes. Even I feel sad."

"Sadness? Caesar, Rome has already been 'destroyed', and I am here to prove it."

Erica held a long sword on the floor and looked at him indifferently, "A Rome that doesn't belong to you, even if it turns to dust, you won't frown for it, and put away your hypocritical pity. heart of."

Erica's sword was originally the magic sword Reinhardt, made of rare magic materials, and it looked like a steel sword. But now Reinhardt has changed a lot, completely lost its original appearance, from a steel sword to a transparent crystal sword.

Faintly, this crystal sword also exudes colorful rays of light.

"Why do you say that? I have mercy, and I love Rome too. But you are right, Rome that doesn't belong to me, it doesn't matter if it is destroyed. The dead should not interfere in the world of the living."

The sadness on Caesar's face disappeared, and he showed a heroic smile: "Whether it is the birth or destruction of Rome, it should not be unknown, let me - Gaius Julius Caesar witness it all. ."

"Rome is immortal," Lancer said calmly. "I'm here, my gun is here, that means Rome is here."

Lancer turned his head to look at Erica, and there was kindness and kindness in his determined eyes.

"Son, you are Roman too."


Erica faced Lancer in silence, and finally just turned her head away, neither admitting nor denying it.

Then, she took out a large golden cup from herself, from which Caesar and others could feel a majestic magic condensed.

This is the Holy Grail, the source of magic that can traverse time and space and distort history.

"Come out, my soldiers. The final battle has come. To destroy Rome, to destroy this era, come to my side."

If substantial magic power flows out of the Holy Grail, it emits a brilliance that cannot be seen directly. When the light faded, all was quiet, but a moment later, there was a deafening cheer from outside the palace, and tens of thousands of Roman soldiers were called out.

"I'm making my final call. Don't let anyone bother me until I'm done."

"For Rome!"

PS: According to the current bounty, there are only 2 changes (4,000 words in total). Today is the last day, do you still have the blade and tip?

Chapter 547 Chapter 81 Nero Emperor's Playing and Singing

After dark, a feast was held in the city of Rome.

In fact, this state has been maintained since the arrival of Lixiang, and it is only after asking, that it turns out that His Majesty Nero has always lived such a luxurious life.

Really enviable.

Fuyuki Town eldest sister felt that such a day is actually very boring, especially when a group of submissive younger brothers only know how to flatter.

"But I'm going to fight tomorrow, is it really good to drink so much?"

"Don't worry, my soldiers, even if they die, they can wake up under my order."

Please start your show.

Li Xiang now has an urge to beat people to death.

Perhaps seeing Rika's distrustful gaze, Nero stood up from the throne, patted her chest, and said proudly.

"I am an artist comparable to Apollo. There is an uplifting power in my singing. As long as I sing a song, no matter who I am, I will cheer up. If you don't believe me, let me sing a song for you."


The moment the words fell, the atmosphere of the entire banquet became solemn, and the air seemed to freeze. The countless soldiers and maids in front of them all looked at His Majesty Nero, who came out, with despair and fear on their faces.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty." One of the generals came over in a panic and said with trembling lips, "It is late at night now, if Your Majesty sings here, the people of the whole city will surely wake up for His Majesty's singing, and be intoxicated by His Majesty's wonderful music. If the voice can't sleep, it will definitely not be able to rest well. You must know that the soldiers will go to war tomorrow, and the people of His Majesty will also have to work, so it is not suitable to hold a concert now."

"Well, that seems to be the case. If the city of Rome is in chaos because of my beautiful singing voice, it will be my fault."

- Well done!

The passerby general seemed to feel the adoring eyes of countless soldiers behind him.

"Is it really that good? If so, I really want to listen to it."

Under the terrified eyes of everyone, Lixiang said inexplicably, "If you know that you're going to go on an expedition, wouldn't it be better if you sing a song to encourage morale?"

"Hahaha, what Lixiang said is also right. If that's the case, Yu is welcome."

The two of them didn't seem to see it at all. These people were ashen-faced, their legs trembled, and some of them even planned to turn around and run out.

"Guard, let me watch the door. Although the singing is beautiful, it is not suitable for working people. It is enough to let my singing echo in this palace."

It's over, it's over!

Looking at the door that was gradually closing, everyone felt like they had fallen into the abyss.

"Hahaha, Nero, you look very skilled."

"It's really natural. There was an example in Rome where someone was so obsessed with singing that he couldn't break free, and finally starved to death." Nero sighed, regretting the tragedy caused by his beautiful singing, "Huh? Lixiang, why did you put this thing in your ear?"

"This one?"

Li Xiang held up the earplugs in his hands, "This is a loudspeaker, it can amplify the sound so that I can hear it more clearly."

——Senior, wearing these earplugs, there is no way to hear the outside voice at all.

——Be obedient, Matthew, this has a lot to do with whether we can survive or not.

——Could it be that Her Majesty Nero is the same as Miss Elizabeth...

How could Lixiang be a woman who doesn't understand style? You must know that when she was in France, she was fortunate to enjoy the concert of Elizabeth, and finally spent two days in a state of "unknown meat".


A messenger rushed in from outside, and his voice sounded in the distance. It seemed that there was an urgent military situation to report to Nero, breaking the silence of the banquet and letting everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"What's the matter? To disturb my Yaxing?"

"Your Majesty, it must be a traitor from the United Empire. I am willing to lead the soldiers to fight."

"Your Majesty, I am also willing to take the lead and win victory for Your Majesty."

"His Majesty……"

At this time, the generals and soldiers at the banquet knelt down and made a petition. If Nero's majesty was not still there, he might have rushed out in armor and horses.

The Roman Empire has a group of people like you, why don't you worry about not ruling the world?

His Majesty Nero felt very pleased.

"Your Majesty, a mysterious person who calls himself 'Magician S' has come to see him."

"Magic S? Isn't he the one..."

Nero had no memory of this strange name, but she remembered that Li Xiang and others also mentioned this person.

"It's Magician S, senior, Magician S is still alive, he left the United Empire."

"It's finally here, Dabichi's concubine... Nero, let him in."

I feel that Lixiang's words are better than Nero's. I don't know when it will start. In everyone's eyes, Lixiang is already Nero's favorite princess.

Magician S was introduced from outside the palace. Wearing a black cloak, he was out of tune with the atmosphere of the banquet, but it matched the image of a mysterious magician very well.

"Guian, Your Majesty Nero. Long time no see, Miss Fujimaru Rika."

"Are you the magician S? This frivolous tone sounds really unreliable, raise your head and let me see your face clearly."

Nero, who was sitting on the throne, said lazily, but her eyes were staring at Magician S's head very seriously.

This king, who has absolute requirements for appearance, has only the face part of the impression of people.

It's a pity that the hood has a spell that distorts light, and when you look outside, you can only see a gray patch, and you can't see the true face of Magician S at all.

"Your Majesty, there is an important military situation... Hey, Miss Fujimaru, what are you doing?"

When she raised her head, Magician S found that Lixiang had left the original chair. She stood in front of Magician S and stared at Magician S with a puzzled expression.

"Where have we met?"

Li Xiang always felt that Magician S looked familiar, but could not remember where they had met.

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