"This is a thousand paper cranes. It is said that when someone can fold a paper crane every day, and fold one a day, when a thousand paper cranes are folded, his wish can be realized. But even if everyone knows that it is In this way, no one can succeed in the end, some people give up in the middle, and some people forget their own wishes. As long as you fold a thousand paper cranes with that wish in your heart, you can realize your wish, and in the end it is just a kind of bless."

Roman gently raised the paper crane in his hand, although it looked rough, but Roman believed that it would not take long for Nanali to fold a beautiful paper crane.

"Nanali, do you have any wishes that you hope to come true?"

Roman turned his head to look at Nanali. Although he still had a smile on his face, his eyes were serious like Nanali had never seen before, and the joy of making Nanali's success gradually disappeared.

"I, I... I hope that everyone can be happy together forever."

Nanali also answered Roman's question very seriously, but Roman laughed softly, and the serious atmosphere disappeared.

"Nanali is too greedy."


"Yeah, Nanali is very greedy. But I don't hate this kind of greed, maybe everyone will be happy. I want both happiness and everyone. In this case, wouldn't Nanali get everything? ? But if it's Nanali, everyone may be willing, because Nanali is so cute, and she is so pure and innocent."


I don't know if it was infected by Roman, but Nanali also showed a silly smile. If Lelouch sees it, he will probably make a fuss.

Roman was holding Nanali on the chair motionless, while Nanali also lay quietly in Roman's arms, neither speaking nor leaving.

After a long time, Roman said softly: "Nanali, I may have to leave for a while."

"What?" Nanali nervously grabbed onto Roman's coat. "Roman is leaving? Why? Is there something wrong here?"

Nanali turned her head back, her expression was very nervous, and the hand that grabbed Roman's coat was also very hard, as if Roman would disappear as soon as she let go.

The nervous face also looked pitiful, and those eyes seemed to leave tears at any time, which made Roman, who was so distressed, almost couldn't help but retract what he just said.

Of course he didn't do this, but he didn't dare to look at Nanali's face anymore, and turned his head to look in the other direction: "Because there are some very important things - Nanali, your lord is always involuntarily , they always have something to do, even if they know it's good to stay here, but they need to leave. There's nothing wrong with Panda Lagon, but I also have something to leave and do. I'm sorry, Nanali, maybe I will not be able to accompany you for a while in the future."

Chapter 977 Chapter 24

Nanali didn't speak, but she kept staring at Roman's face. And slowly, her eye sockets gradually dyed a circle of red, and a layer of water mist appeared in her eyes.

Roman's whole body suddenly panicked. Even though he had anticipated this possibility from the beginning, he still felt at a loss when it came.

He has always known that Nanali holds a very important position in his heart, and he has even prepared for today for a long time and has done a lot of mental preparation. But at this time, Roman, who thought he could face all the changes, found that even when the picture that he expected should appear the most, he couldn't control his emotions.

At this moment, he even began to regret whether he should stay here and accompany Nanali until the end of his life.

But this shake disappeared in an instant, and he prepared for this day for a long time, just to prevent himself from relenting.

"Sorry, Nanali, I can't be by your side."

Roman has also been afraid. Nanali is the most special person to Roman, and it can be said that she was the first person who opened Roman's "humanity". If it weren't for Nanali's existence, Roman could not have survived as a "human". He couldn't know what kind of thing it would become, but it was certain that Nanali was the one who originated from "Romani Akiman".

He found himself used to staying by Nanali's side. If they stay by her side all the time, the identity of the two may deteriorate, and Nanali may become a puppet protected by Roman, making her a specimen-like existence, allowing her to maintain the purest moment forever.

It's not that this idea didn't appear in Roman's mind, and at that time, Roman knew it was time to leave.

He couldn't help thinking of the world where the Sixth Singularity was once burned by human law. The Lion King selected the purest human beings, gathered them into the holy spear, and sent them to the outside of the world. It's the same idea, instead of dyeing pure souls black in the future, it's better to keep them while they're still pure.

This idea is wrong. This is just a **** standing high above, and the manipulation of human destiny has violated the law of natural growth, but it is only the gods who are qualified to do so.

Triggering a great flood, setting down fires in the sky, extradition to the outside world, etc. On the contrary, ordinary people simply cannot have this idea. And there is no doubt that Roman can be regarded as a "god"-like existence in the current world.

Roman did not hesitate to kill this idea, and what he chose was not to change his mind, but to escape.

He never thought about changing himself, on the contrary, escaping has always been his first choice for doing things.

- Oh, I am just like that.

The water mist continued to condense, and hot tears began to fall from the corners of her eyes. The young Nanali couldn't control her emotions. Even if she didn't speak, she told Roman what she thought - she didn't want Roman to leave.

"Roman...Are you really leaving? Don't you want to leave? Didn't you promise to be together forever?"

The young and petite body held by Roman is shaking, is it because of sobbing? Or because of fear?

"together forever……"

It's a greedy and naive wish, but Roman doesn't hate this kind of greed, no one will hate this kind of good wishes. But unfortunately, only children have this kind of desire, and adults know that it will never be realized.

"Sorry, Nanali, I may be breaking my promise."

Nanali's tears kept dripping, soaking Roman's chest.

Roman closed his eyes gently, unable to bear to see the sad Nanali. And then, he raised the paper crane in his hand: "But I can promise Nanali that I will come back when Nanali completes the thousand paper cranes."


Nanali's sparkling eyes looked at Roman with joy. At this moment, facing Nanali's innocent gaze, a heavy sense of guilt appeared in his heart.

He didn't intend to break his promise, and Roman wouldn't mind coming back here if Nanali completed the Thousand Paper Cranes. But how long Roman will stay here when he returns, and whether Nanali can hold on to Qianzhihe for more than three years, Roman has not yet made it clear.

Roman is a person who hates lies very much, but he has to hide it from his loved ones again and again and deceive them again and again. This is not justified by "good intentions".

"When the thousandth paper crane is completed, Nanali, please call my name, and then I will be back in Pandalargon and appear in front of your eyes when you open your eyes."

"We made an agreement."

"Well, we agreed."

Roman looked at Nanali's raised little tail finger, he smiled lightly, and then raised his tail finger and hooked it up.

"It was agreed that if Nanali completed the Thousand Paper Cranes, when Nanali called my name, I would return to Panda Lagon."

It was only at this time that Nanali smiled, but the sadness on her face did not completely disappear: "Does Roman still treat me as a child? Does Roman think that, Nanali, I can't complete Qianzhihe, or that I will treat Roman Forget? If the Thousand Paper Cranes are completed, how can Roman Reigns appear in front of me right away? But I will still believe Roman Reigns, because Roman Reigns will not lie to me, Roman Reigns will definitely appear when I complete the Thousand Paper Cranes."

"This is not to coax a child." Roman caressed Nanali's face and looked at her seriously, "This is a contract, it is magic. When Nanali completes the thousand paper cranes, the magic will be activated, I will appear from afar."

Nanali doesn't believe in "magic" to Roman. Even as a child, Nanali can distinguish between reality and magic. But she believed in Roman, and believed that he would appear when Nanali completed Qianzhihe.

Oh, this is really magic. It is not something ordinary people can do to get from one world to another.

It would be better for Nanali not to know about it, though, and she couldn't accept the explanation.

Seeing that Nanali finally stopped crying, Roman also breathed a sigh of relief, and at this time, the door of the room suddenly opened, and a little devil who was not very likable appeared at the door and looked at the two. His eyes finally stopped on Na Nellie had tears in her face.

"I can explain!"

It is useless to explain, from the look in Lelouch's eyes looking at Roman, it can be seen that he even has the heart to kill.

Chapter 978 Chapter 25 About making friends (plus 3)

"Oops? Isn't that Lloyd?"

"Oh! Isn't that Doctor Roman?"

In the morning, an interesting scene appeared in the palace.

When Roman entered the palace and clocked in for normal work, he met Lloyd Asplinder.

Lloyd Asplinder was a young man in his twenties, the son of an earl, and Asplinder was a famous family who publicly supported Prince Schoenazel. It is worth mentioning that Lloyd and Prince Schoenazel are classmates, and their relationship is quite close.

When Roman and Lloyd met for the first time, they had the feeling that they knew each other late. It is also a sense of incongruity, and it is also a frivolous man. The two of them have very strange characteristics that make them attracted to each other.

So, even though the two are not too different in age, they have a good relationship and can talk easily.

Roman looked at the soft Lloyd and said strangely, "I heard that you went to the battlefield not long ago."

"Yes. In order to test Knightmare's performance, it's not enough to observe in the research institute. If I can get first-hand data on the battlefield, I can learn more about Knightmare's combat data. This is what I asked Prince Schoenazel to do. I got the chance, and he was sent to Princess Mariana's troops. The war was over a few days ago, and I can come back from the battlefield. "

"You don't look like you came back from the battlefield at all, and you don't see a trace of tension at all." This relaxed appearance without tension is also the reason why the two are attracted to each other, "It seems that the battle is going well, what is it? I don't care what the situation is, as a doctor to inquire about the situation, it is not a good thing whether you win or lose. All in all, just come back."

"It looks like you're having a good time, too." Lloyd said with squinted eyes, he could also see a sense of relief in Roman, "Want to go have a cup of coffee together?"

"It's work time. It's too ugly to go to your place to drink coffee. At least it should be about after get off work time. Also, you know I don't drink coffee."

"Because you really have no energy, you should drink a cup of coffee to refresh yourself at this time. Even if I am a technical guide, I can see that you are not suitable for practicing medicine at this time."

"Don't worry, today will be another day without patients."


The two laughed as if no one else was around, and when people not far away heard this laughter, they completely regarded them as insane. In fact, when the two of them met, there was basically nothing to do with other people. The two people's exaggerated or abnormal performance could always become the center of everyone's topic, or even the object of ridicule, but neither of them regarded them as one. matter.

Probably the only ones who can disrupt their communication are Nanali and Schoenazel.

The two chatted for a while, but now it's work time, they can't stay here any longer: "I won't tell you, I've already reached the appointment time, and if I don't reach the Aries Palace, I will be punished by Lelouch again. complained."

"That's it, I'm free during this time. Let's drink milk tea after get off work."

"Is it your treat this time?"

"Don't worry, I'll pay first."

I remember the last time the two had an appointment at the coffee shop, Lloyd suddenly received a summons and had to leave, which eventually led to the appointment that was supposed to be Lloyd's treat turned into Roman pays the bill.

Of course, the two didn't take it seriously, but C.C was very dissatisfied with Roman's spending money.

However, this time it may not be possible to make an appointment.

Roman King Aries moved forward, and then found that today's guards had been replaced by another batch. Generally speaking, the guards of the palace are not easily replaced. Even if they change shifts, they will only be replaced by a small number of them.

However, Roman didn't make a fuss, because the new batch was considered Roman's "acquaintances". At least Roman had seen them here more than once or twice. They were soldiers belonging to Princess Cornelia.

The second princess, Cornelia Li Brittany, was Euphemia's sister and an admirer of Mariana. Anyone in this country who advocates force, especially women, doesn't seem to worship Marianne. The princess's force value has been verified by Roman, and she is indeed a very scary woman.

Cornelia accepted the job of protecting Aries, not only because their sisters had a better relationship with Aries, but also because Cornelia wanted to be close to Mariana. After all, as long as she was protecting Aries, there were people close to idols. Chance.

These guards obviously recognized Roman as a doctor, and after examining Roman, they allowed him to enter the Aries Palace.

Tsk, I didn't even have Nanali and Lelouch to greet me today, I always felt very uncomfortable. You must know that Nanali is waiting for him at the door every morning, and Lelouch will look at him with a displeased face, which is the scene of entering the Aries Palace all the time.

But forget it, let's go report it, otherwise Lelouch will use the topic to play again.

Roman was walking along the aisle, and before he could find Nanali and Lelouch, he heard a vigorous footstep. It was a terrible sound, because the entire hallway was silent, and the floor was covered with a thick blanket, and there would be no footsteps unless you deliberately stamped on the blanket.

Before long, a white figure appeared in front of Roman.

A girl in a white cloak. She seems to like purple very much, and she has a lot of fate with it. He has long purple wavy hair, purple eyes, and purple lipstick on his lips. Not only that, but she was also wearing a purple and white uniform and a pair of purple boots.

A slender sword was pinned to her waist, and it looked like it was just for decoration, but Roman knew that it was a genuine weapon that could cut off the head of an enemy effortlessly.

When Roman saw her, the girl also noticed Roman's presence. Her eyes became sharp in an instant, and it seemed that Roman was treated as an enemy right away. Of course, she didn't do it, because she also knew Roman's identity. But obviously, the girl didn't like Roman, and when she saw him, she frowned slightly.

Roman stopped and greeted the girl, "Good morning, Your Highness Cornelia."

That's right, this purple girl is Princess Cornelia, who seems to be patrolling the guard work of the Palace of Aries. She stopped in front of Roman, condescending... No, no, it should be said that she was domineering, scolding Roman who had not done anything.

PS: work hard to add more...

Section 979 Chapter 26 Commands (plus 4)

That's right, this purple girl is Princess Cornelia, who seems to be patrolling the guard work of the Palace of Aries. She stopped in front of Roman, condescending... No, no, it should be said that she was domineering, scolding Roman who had not done anything.

"Too slack, Romani Archiman!"

Eh? Haven't I always been like this?

"You don't have any vigilance at all. If you encounter an enemy attack, you will be killed without even having a chance to react."

"That...I'm just a doctor..."

"Even a doctor should have the responsibility to protect Nanali!"

"...Anyone planning to attack the Aries Palace? Who is not planning to attack Princess Mariana!"

"That's right, as long as they hear the reputation of Princess Mariana, any unscrupulous person will be horrified... Shut up!" Feeling that the topic was going to be taken astray, Cornelia glared fiercely at Roman, "All in all, Your performance is not enough to protect Nanali. If I find you lazy again, I will definitely let the royal father throw you out."

"Ah? This sounds familiar. Could it be Lelouch complaining to you?" I still remember that Lelouch said the same to Roman a few days ago, and he planned to kick Roman out. The palace, but the malice of the child was easily resolved by Roman.

When Roman was also complaining about Lelouch in his heart, he felt that his whole body was floating, Cornelia grabbed Roman's collar and lifted him up: "How dare you say Lelouch!? Lelouch What the **** is wrong with the leg injury?!"

"Oh? So that's the case. Is that why you're so angry?"

In the whole of Holy Britannia, there are probably not many people who dare to speak to Cornelia in such an indifferent tone. From the very beginning, Roman didn't do anything to Cornelia, and everyone else didn't care, but Cornelia and her followers were very popular.

In the eyes of outsiders, Roman was using Nanali's favor on him to act recklessly, and even Princess Marianne ignored it. In order to maintain the majesty of Princess Mariana, Cornelia once asked her subordinates to teach him a lesson, but in the end she obviously failed.

"Lelouch shouldn't tell other people about the injury on his foot, that is to say, you saw through it yourself. Your Highness Cornelia, have you already told others about it? "

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