Because Roman said that Marianna would wake up today, Nanali stayed by the bed all the time. She hoped to see Marianna wake up as soon as possible.

It has not been more than 30 hours since the assassination began. It is a medical miracle that he was able to wake up the next day after suffering such a serious gunshot wound.

In order to relax Mariana's muscles and facilitate the removal of bullets from her body, the amount of anesthetic they used was also very amazing.

"Mom, wait a minute, I'll go to the doctor right away! Roman..."

Nanali was about to go out to find Roman, but she saw someone she had never seen outside the window.

It was a man with long white hair and a white robe, and he was looking at her with extremely gentle eyes.

who's that person?

Nanali had never seen this man in her memory, but this familiar feeling told her that this man was by no means a stranger.

That gentle look has only been seen on another man.

"Roman..." Nanali said the name subconsciously, and then the whole person seemed to be awake in a daze.

However, when Nanali wanted to see clearly, she found that there was no one outside the window, as if no one had ever come. A beautiful paper crane seemed to flap its wings, soared from the sky, passed through the window, and finally fell into Nanali's palm.

Chapter 987 The passion of Sardinia (plus 6)

Sardinia, Italy.

"This is the retirement life I want."

Roman, wearing sunglasses, sighed while lying on the beach chair. He has been in this world for almost a week, but the state of doing nothing all day makes him feel unreal.

Although his life is still short, he has been busy and spent decades doing more than most people in the world, which has made Roman feel physically and mentally exhausted.

But when I finally had time to relax, I started to feel uncomfortable again.

People who have been working all the time hope that they can take vacations, and they despise the arrival of the working day during the vacation, as if it is against the laws of nature to get paid after work.

But when you're on vacation for a long time, you'll feel overwhelmed, and the feeling of inaction can make you feel like you're wasting your time.

"This can't be done. If there is always nothing to do, it feels like the whole person will be abolished."

"Where do you want to run to?" A coquettish voice approached.

On the beach not far away, a very attractive woman came by. She has long flaxen hair and looks about thirty years old, but she has the charm of thirty-year-old women. It was a strange mystery, like an abyss, which attracted and fascinated everyone who saw her.

If it were in other places, she would definitely restrain her charm, because the charm of witches seems to be too powerful for ordinary people. But this beach has already been set up with a barrier to "dispell idlers", so ordinary people leave under the influence of the barrier, and magicians usually notify the "Witch of Sardinia" before entering Sardinia. "The Witch of Sardinia" knows that there will be no guests today, so she will show her charm to the fullest.

She wore a black bikini that made her snow-white skin even whiter, shimmering brilliantly in the evening sun. The slender legs are slender and strong, and they walk step by step, making people unable to stop staring at them. What's even more exaggerated is that with her slender waist completely disproportionate to the Oupai shaking gently with her footsteps, people can't extricate themselves from it.

- I've been stuck in it for almost a week.

Roman moved his eyes away slightly, feeling that if he continued reading, the book would develop in a strange direction.

"No, I just don't think it's possible to lie here all day."

"That's why you sneaked into the clinic in the town yesterday?"

"The Witch of Sardinia", Lucrezia Zola, is also the owner of Sardinia to a certain extent. Ever since Roman came back here, she has kept Roman on this small island every day.

There was only one chair here, but Lucrecia didn't sit on the beach, but lay lightly on Roman's body. Miaoman's body was twisting gently. This action that had already become a habit did not last long. After she found the restraint position, she became quiet.

Her ears were lightly pressed against Roman's chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"You said that you will stay with me when you come back. Now that there is nothing else that you have to do, where do you want to go?"

Roman stretched out his hand and gently hugged the witch on his body, feeling the softness on her body, and said with a wry smile: "You can't keep me imprisoned in this place all the time? It's okay to leave here, we can go out on a trip and walk around for a while. Let's go. Besides, it's not too long for me to leave, you don't have to."

"Of course I know you haven't been away for a long time, but I've been living like a year over the past year. Do you know that I spend every day like this? In 400 days, I feel like I have passed 400 years. After finally waiting for you to come back, of course I won't let you go. Don't worry, after a while, I'm tired of playing with you, and of course I'll let you go."

Play? greasy? already?

Roman stretched out his hand and gently caressed her smooth back, and began to count Lucrezia's enthusiasm for the past week, how long it would take for her to get tired of playing... Even if she used strengthening magic, she couldn't stand it, right?

However, the enthusiasm has subsided after today, but Lucrezia still did not let him out of her sight, as if she was worried that Roman would leave at any time.

Roman didn't hate this kind of attachment, or that no one would hate it. This was exactly the feeling of "being loved" that Miss C.C pursued.

"Don't think about other women at this time. Don't think I don't know, you must be going to find Alice?"

"Alice" is the special advisor of the Council of Sages, Roman's disciple - Alice Louis Of Nafal. It is worth mentioning that, a week after Roman came back to this world, Alice has not yet been notified.

There is no other special reason, it's just the possessiveness of the witch lady. Seize Roman, don't let him have any chance to leave, and make the happy two-person world longer.

"She's my disciple after all, Claire." Embracing the woman they love, whispering her nickname, the two discuss another girl, "It's too much to keep hiding from her. I won't do it now. I wouldn't be at all surprised when she knew I'd been back for so long and I didn't tell her what was going on. And you know, Alice's body has always been Not very good……"

"But haven't you been staring at her at night these days?"

Lucrezia hugged Roman's cheek, then turned his face to let Roman look at her dissatisfied face: "At that time, I hadn't rested yet, and I used Spirit Vision in front of my eyes, because after the incident Do you feel like I'm unattractive? If that's the case, why do you use so much force every time? Couldn't you just use your spirit vision while you're in bed and take me as the princess? That's not right? , Your excitement level didn't change in particular at that time... I see, you want to peep at Alice while I'm resting afterwards?"

"No, no, where is this peeping? I'm just concerned about her body, you know, I've been away from Alice for a long time, and it's time to go to her to take care of her body. Hiss - it hurts, it hurts, What are you doing, Claire?"

Lucrecia suddenly grabbed Roman's wrist, then left Roman, dragging him out of the beach chair.

After hearing Roman's doubts, she looked back and smiled: "I can let you leave Sardinia to find her."

Chapter 988 The Witch's Enthusiasm (Plus 7)

That night, Roman stayed up until four o'clock in the morning before resting. Before closing his eyes, the horizon seemed to have begun to light up.

Even so, Roman, who had only rested for three hours, got up at seven in the morning. After all, he is a magician, not an ordinary person. It is normal for him to use magic to wake up his brain. For the past ten years, he has been using this method to live.

The movement of getting up is small, but for a witch, any sound will wake her up, but Lucrecia did not wake up. She just whispered a few words, then turned to a sleeping position and continued to sleep.

In addition to being too tired, the more important thing is her trust in Roman. The familiar aura on his body is also a fascinating poison to her, and she will only feel uncomfortable when Roman is away.

Putting on the pajamas that he took off last night, then spent ten minutes washing up, and another twenty minutes making breakfast. This is what Roman needs to do every day. It was only Lucrezia who fell asleep at dawn, which made Roman hesitate to wake her up for breakfast, but he gave up without hesitation. It would be better to let her continue to rest.

It's just that, Roman might not be able to leave Sardinia today, so he can't leave Lucrecia at this time... Although she doesn't feel uncomfortable.

Breakfast is just plain bread, eggs, bacon and milk. After returning to Sardinia, I only went to the town the day before yesterday, but after sitting in the town for a short time, Roman was pulled back to the witch's house by Lucrezia, and he didn't even have time to collect the necessary supplies. .

Roman had lived in the cottage for several years, but now came back feeling both familiar and unfamiliar. Every piece of furniture here, every medicine jar has not changed its position, and for the past year, Lucrecia has maintained the witch's house as it was. But Roman had been away from here for many years after all, and when he returned to the Witch's House, many things had been forgotten, so Roman had to spend two days to find the feeling of the past.

Sardinia in summer is very comfortable, not to mention the witch's house. In order to maintain the comfort of the witch's house, magic is arranged in every corner of the house, and it will not be greatly affected whether it is winter or summer.

This is also the reason why Lucrezia is reluctant to leave the witch's house. In this place, people will become more and more lazy, and the longer they go, the less they like to change.

Roman squinted for a while, and then planned to go back to the room to resume his sleep, but saw Lucrecia walking out of the room.

She covered her lips and yawned, and didn't see Roman in front of her, but her body subconsciously avoided him, as if she planned to wash up like this.

"Good morning, Claire."

Lucrecia stopped, rubbed her eyes, and then saw Roman standing beside her: "Good morning, Roman, have you woken up yet?"

"Yeah, I've already eaten breakfast, and I'm about to go back to sleep."

"Then wait a little longer, I'll be right back." Lucrezia was very happy that Roman was planning to go back to the room to catch up on sleep, and her footsteps became much lighter.

"Pajamas, your pajamas. Don't run around naked, you'll catch a cold."

In fact, Roman didn't have the position to preach to Lucrecia, because he spent more time naked at the Witch's House than wearing clothes.

Looking at the already messy quilt and sheets on the bed, Roman couldn't help tidying it up, but it didn't take a few minutes before Lucrecia trotted into the room.

"Wait, I haven't sorted it out yet..."

"That kind of thing doesn't matter anymore."

Saying that, Lucrecia pushed Roman who was still standing on the floor trying to make the sheets onto the bed, and then crushed Roman.

I really don't have a drop.

"Why show such a face? Haven't you always liked it?"

"No, I never thought overindulgence was a good thing."

Lucrecia didn't care so much, in her opinion, Roman was just duplicitous. It's not good to say it, if it is really entangled, the pleasure of cooperating is absolutely impeccable, and it is an unparalleled work...

All in all, Lucrecia had already started to take off Roman's pajamas, like a **** slut.

Witches don't like to hide their desires like ordinary humans do. Is it because of education issues or because of racial issues, does it make sense? Pushing Roman to the bed was what Lucrecia wanted to do most now, and suppressing her own desires was never Lucrecia's approach.

"Anyway, you don't know where you're going, you always have to leave something for me."

What do you want me to leave you with?

"Leave me a child? I'm old enough to be a mother."

This is old age, right?

She complained like this in her heart, but Roman also saw the longing in Lucrezia's eyes, and she didn't know whether she wanted a child or whether she wanted Roman and her crystallization.

But this kind of thing... Although Roman couldn't resist the woman's request, when he thought of his two daughters who were worried, he had an unknown sense of fear for the child.

Are you really going to have a baby? How is he going to be a father? How to educate a daughter (why a daughter?)? How is he going to get along with his daughter? What if my daughter becomes a violent freak? If he burns the whole world to glass, will he bow and apologize enough?

Although he was thinking wildly in his head, Roman's body was really honest, and under Lucrecia's provocation... Although it was vulgar to say that, Roman still reacted.

When he came back to his senses, Roman found that Lucrecia was already riding on him, and he found that both his and Lucrecia's bodies had become hotter than ever before, and their bodies seemed to melt.

"Don't worry... Okay~ the witch's child~ was always~ raised by the mother~?—"

"Although I'm not ready, a lot of things don't happen because of preparation, don't they?"

Roman didn't hesitate for long, and then fell into it and couldn't extricate himself.

That's the last day. Tomorrow, it would not be too late for him to leave here to find Alice.

Just when Roman made this decision, when neither of them could react, a third person appeared in the room.

"Lucrecia! I saw—"

PS: Recommend the new book of "Lazy Zro", the title is "Reminiscence of Digital Hackers".

...the following is an introduction...

If the World Tree is a seemingly cold and poisonous tongue.

If Mire Mire is a frigid full of bad taste.

If Alphamon is a second-hand who likes to sell stupid and make dark dishes on a daily basis.

Suppose Mukai Kyoko is a sentimental otaku who has to endure the abuse of her body by Alpha beasts from time to time.

So in this new world destined to be reset and subverted, what direction will everything develop?


My name is Chen Ze, I'm a hacker, a hacker who was reborn into the near-future world - that's what I thought.

Until one day, I came into contact with an anomaly in the "digital world", and I didn't know where I had traveled.

The ghost knows why I provoke those royal knights, I am obviously just carrying out "ordinary" hacking behaviors, and I have no intention of being an enemy of anyone.

Unfortunately, the world is more terrifying than I thought, so I had to fight back.

Isn't it just a network chase?

Which hacker has not conducted a network hunt?

In the world of networking and data, I am the real king!

Light Hill Incident (ongoing) -


The author is a good friend of the next, and it is worth mentioning that the author is a macho author, a real macho, the flesh on his body feels warm to the touch, and he is a vigorous boy.

Chapter 989 Chapter Three

"Lucrecia! I saw Lancelot!"

This was what Alice wanted to say.

Since the final battle, the King of Spells has completely disappeared. What outsiders didn't know was that the White Knight Lancelot, the Queen of the Amazons, also disappeared and never came back.

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