Section 1057 Chapter 18 Meet again, eight meanings Yonglin

At least four hours ago, the atmosphere was pretty good.

Although Mianyue Yiji didn't like a lazy person like Roman, at least she was willing to give Roman a minimum respect. There was no other reason. Roman was carrying the Tiancong Cloud Sword on her body and was misunderstood by Mianyue Yiji as the man of Susano. messenger.

In comparison, Mianyue Fengji and Roman have a good relationship, because their personalities seem to be similar, but they are both willing to share each other's peach.

But from the moment just now, all the good feelings between the two sides have completely collapsed. Roman, who was conspiring to do things, finally revealed his true colors and stretched his claws to the three sisters of the Princess of the Moon.

Roman had already felt Sister Mianyue's hand that was about to move, holding the hilt of the sword and exerting light force with her unauthorized fingers.

Although it's not that Roman can't be beaten, it's his fault no matter how you look at it. Even if it's a fight, you should be beaten.

Roman felt the need to explain clearly.

"You have heard what you said just now. I didn't mean it. This is just a misunderstanding, but this misunderstanding has already been wrong."

"Of course I know, but that doesn't make people ignore your mistakes." Mianyue Yiji closed her eyes gently, and the sword in her hand seemed to be about to be drawn.

This is also helpless.

Yue Yejian Zun is the king of the capital of the moon and the **** of the moon, and it is impossible to take back what he said. Said to send her daughter out, it will never be taken back.

For Roman and Sister Mianyue, this is the trouble.

"I didn't expect that what Mr. Romani wanted was Kaguya."

"That's not the case, I didn't plan to ask Yue Yejian to respect the dignitaries at all."

Who do they take him for?

"I'm just interested in the undead medicine, and it just so happens that Kaguya is the one who takes the undead medicine, so I plan to start researching from Kaguya. As you can see, I was rejected by Yue Yejian, so I can only Looking for Bayi Yonglin, I hope Bayi Yonglin can provide me with information on the immortality medicine."

"You will not succeed."

I think so.

Roman did not delay, but went directly to the prison to find Bayi Yonglin.

Bayi Yonglin's detention is very secretive, and the guards are very tight. After coming out of the palace, it took two hours to arrive at the prison gate, and by this time it was almost time for dinner.

The three "girls" around him have no complaints, they are not delicate girls, and they will not be dissatisfied with this little thing.

Xiaoyu would not be dissatisfied with Roman's affairs, while Mianyue Yiji and Mianyue Fengji were too lazy to talk about it.

Mianyue Yiji got the token from Yueye Jianzun, so she went all the way unimpeded. After passing through twelve levels, she came to the prison where Bayi Yonglin was imprisoned.

Before seeing Bayi Yonglin, Roman stopped at the corner.

"I want to have a chat with Bayi Yonglin alone, is it alright?"

Mianyue Fengji bit her fan and asked, "Can't we go to see the teacher together? I also want to talk to the teacher."

"Didn't you see the teacher yesterday? I really don't know how you came in. Could it be that they let you go when they saw it?"

Even if they got the token of the Moonlight Lord, everyone came here through twelve defenses, but Mianyue Fengji was able to sneak in yesterday, which really makes people wonder what these people are doing.

These guards are useless, and Mianyue Yiji has already begun to consider replacing all of them with more credible people, even if the person imprisoned inside is her own teacher.

Roman's request was not excessive. He was the one who asked Yue Yejian to meet Erin, and he was the one who got permission. Mianyue Fengji and Mianyue Yiji's mission is only to bring Roman here. As for whether they have the right to use this opportunity to meet Bayi Yonglin, Yue Yejian does not intend to pursue it.

Mianyue Fengji looked at Roman pitifully, if Roman allowed Mianyue Fengji to go with him at this time, I believe that Mianyue Fengji's favorability towards Roman had returned to an unprecedented high.

The same is true for Mianyue Yiji, but the increase in favorability is not as high as Mianyue Fengji.

Roman turned a blind eye to Mianyue Fengji's desire, and gave up this opportunity to improve his favorability. After sister Mianyue and Xiaoyu retired, they walked to the cell where Bayi Yonglin was imprisoned.

Standing in front of the cell, Roman saw Hachi Eirin sitting at the innermost position. Roman's arrival did not attract Bayi Yonglin's attention, because Roman did not hide her footsteps, Bayi Yonglin should have noticed Roman approaching long ago. But since Bayi Yonglin had never met Roman, she naturally wouldn't care about this stranger.

She looked very embarrassed. This embarrassed appearance was only seen when she parted at that time. However, whether she was defeated or imprisoned, Bayi Yonglin did not feel like a "loser". It seemed to her that this was nothing but a normal thing, or that the result had long been expected, and it was not worth surprising her.

It can be seen that Bayi Yonglin has been imprisoned here for a long time, and few people have come to visit her.

Sunlight poured into the cell from the narrow window, and a square shape of the window appeared on the ground. Hachi Eirin sat further inside, grabbing a branch from nowhere with one hand and stroking in the square. The red and blue robes on her body were already full of folds, which could be smoothed out with just a touch, but Bayi Yonglin didn't do that. Her long silver hair was messy and intertwined, and there were no tools to take care of in the cell. In her capacity, it would be easy to ask for a comb, but she didn't.

Aside from personal prejudices, Bayi Yonglin is excellent in all aspects, whether it is her appearance, ability, attitude, or even, the reason why Bayi Yonglin would do that is entirely because of Roman's special body. If it were someone else, Bayi Yonglin was an impeccable woman.

It is a pity that it is Roman, who is a perfect woman in the eyes of others, but the grudge in Roman's heart is destined to never disappear.

If, if this time, Bayi Eirin can solve the problem of Mash's body, Roman will be relieved of the prejudice in his heart. Like a broken mirror, he can even fill all those cracks.

Roman took a light breath: "Eight of the Years Yonglin."

Bayi Yonglin stopped what she was doing, she raised her head and looked in front of her, looking at Roman who appeared in front of her with a flat face.

1058 Chapter 19 Changes in Time

Roman didn't know that the Bayi Yonglin he had seen was the Bayi Yonglin many years later, but he felt that the Bayi Yonglin had not changed in the future or now.

She looked at Roman's eyes "still" with indifference, like a mirror covered with mist, making it impossible to see what she was thinking. The person who appeared in front of her couldn't make waves in her heart, even if Roman came here for her, Bayi Yonglin was also looking at someone who had nothing to do with her.

"People on the ground? Has this incident alarmed Susanoo?"

Hachi Eirin's voice sounded blunt, and this is the same as the future. She is the type who is not good at communicating with people.

"No, this matter has nothing to do with Susanoo. I came to visit the Moon City with the shrine maiden of Amaterasu and happened to hear about this, so I asked Tsukiyomi-san to allow me to come and see me."

Bayi Yonglin changed into a comfortable position. She slumped on the floor and raised her head to face Roman: "Why? Do you want an immortal medicine too?"

There was no curiosity, no doubt on his face, no expression at all, just asking the simplest questions.

There is no impatience either. For a ground person who can come and communicate with her alone, Bayi Yonglin is not as arrogant as Mianyue Yiji, nor is she as enthusiastic as Mianyue Fengji.

Coincidentally, Roman didn't have any feelings for Bayi Yonglin, and this kind of unrelated communication was the best.

Roman lowered his eyelids slightly, and this small movement was obviously dodging Bayi Yonglin's sight, and it also revealed some secrets that no one knew.

Unbelievably, Bayi Yonglin showed a smile after Roman made this move: "Do you know me?"

Roman didn't know what Bayi Yonglin's smile meant, but he didn't like it because it was too complicated and didn't have any kindness.

"The famous Bayi Yonglin is still very famous among the gods. Many people used to ask you for medicine. You are a pharmacist who can make any medicine."

Roman's answer made Hachi Erin's smile even more obvious, apparently because she didn't believe Roman's explanation. Roman knew this too, and he didn't think his explanation was convincing, but he didn't care, and he wouldn't even touch the topic if he could.

"I have a patient who is the offspring of the undead."

"This is impossible!"

Bayi Yonglin's face finally moved.

The immortality medicine does not really immortalize the person who takes it, but allows the person who takes it to return to the time of taking the medicine after death, realizing the immortality of "retrospective time". That is to say, when taking the immortality medicine, that person's body has been fixed, and no matter what he does, it will not cause changes to the body, and naturally there is no possibility of pregnancy.

So Bayi Yonglin's first reaction was that the undead in Roman's mouth was different from the undead who took the undead medicine.

"At the time of being killed, the body is restored to the moment when the elixir of immortality is taken. This immortality involves the power of time. Logically speaking, the person who takes the elixir of immortality will not change. If it is the body Take the medicine of immortality when you are healthy, then the undead will not get sick. Similarly, if the person who is sick takes the medicine of immortality, then the undead will be afflicted with the disease for eternity. But there are always some exceptions, but Not special for the undead—"

Roman's words suddenly stopped, and at the same time, his face became very ugly.

He suddenly remembered that the Bayi Yonglin he saw now was not the Bayi Yonglin that he had summoned, but the Bayi Yonglin earlier. Therefore, if Roman sees Bayi Yonglin at this time, the topic just now will definitely leave an impression on Bayi Yonglin's heart. Next, at a certain point in the future, when Yagi Erin is summoned to another world, she will definitely recognize Roman.

That is to say, when Bayi Erin recognized Roman, she found that Roman was still young. She remembered that Roman had mentioned "the descendants of the undead" to her, and she could even speculate that the descendants of herself and Roman were actually the "descendants of the undead" in Roman's mouth. This is to keep the history unchanged, or to simply study the undead medicine. This question is only known to the future Bayi Yonglin. However, after the future Bayi Yonglin was summoned, the part of the summoning has been erased by Roman. memory.


Roman suddenly lost his mind and sat on the floor in despair, his eyes had lost focus, and it seemed that he had suffered a great blow in the eyes of Yayi Yonglin.

This reaction is really surprising.

Bayi Yonglin looked at Roman curiously, and then showed a stunned look: "It turns out that it is your physical problem. Your body is special - even if you take the immortality medicine, you will not become immortal. Humans. If the undead are combined with you, it is not surprising that offspring will be born, but the medicinal properties of the undead medicine are not so easy to eliminate. It seems that the patient you mentioned is actually your offspring. "

Roman became dejected, and he knew that that future could not be changed. But on the other hand, the future never needs to change. He doesn't want Matthew to disappear because of his mistakes. Matthew's birth is of great significance to him, and it is also his sustenance for decades.

The reason for his depression is that the tragedy(?) was caused by him. Although he didn't want to admit it, before that, Roman had the idea of ​​complaining about Hachi Eirin in his heart, thinking that all this was caused by Hachi Eirin. But only now I found out that the origin of this matter is Roman, and he is not qualified to blame Bayi Yonglin.

It turned out that it was all my fault, and it was all my fault.

Of course, Bayi Yonglin is also responsible, but at this moment, Roman has already taken all the faults on himself.

"Ah, yes, it's all my fault. The undead who took the undead medicine found that my body was different, and I didn't know what the woman was thinking, so she had **** with me, and finally got pregnant with me. The last daughter. Her health is very bad, her physiology is unstable, and her body will collapse at any time. According to my estimation, it will only take two years. You are also a pharmacist who creates undead. I hope you can give I offer a way to make an immortality medicine, or give me a way to cure it."

Roman Reigns gave up on himself as a whole, because the time was out of time, so Roman did not reveal more content.

Bayi Yonglin is a very cautious person. After listening to Roman's words, she only showed a thoughtful expression.

PS: Don't ask me why, I don't know why it became like this when I wrote it, heck (fall)!

Chapter 1059 Chapter 20 Master and Disciple

"Please, Bayi Yonglin, please be sure to save her. Only her, you must save her, this is my only request, no matter what you want me to do."

Roman looked at Bayi Yonglin with eager eyes, and hoped that Bayi Yonglin could agree to him.

However, Yagei Erin didn't say anything in the end, just looked at the man calmly, as if listening to something that didn't matter.

For Roman, it was a matter of his descendants, perhaps more important than his life and dignity. But to the current Hagei Erin, she doesn't feel anything at all.

She is a pharmacist who "can make any medicine", and the number of people who ask her for medicine is endless. In the endless years, she has saved countless patients, but also turned a blind eye to countless patients. Their pain, their wailing, are not worth feeling for Bayi Yonglin.

Perhaps Bayi Yonglin was not an indifferent person at the beginning, but after the passage of time, her feelings have long since become indifferent.

Therefore, even if a father gave up his dignity for his daughter and came to her to ask her for help, Bayi Yonglin couldn't make waves in her heart.

But Hachi Eirin didn't intend to refuse. The fact that Roman was able to come to her with the permission of Moonlight Seeing Venerable has already shown that Roman has the value of Bayi Yonglin to help. In addition, Hachi Erin also wanted to observe "Descendants of the Undead".

In theory, the undead have no possibility of reproduction, so there will be no offspring. The immortality medicine gives the undead the power of immortality, and also deprives them of the qualification to reproduce. On this issue, even Bayi Yonglin has no solution.

But now that there is a descendant of the undead, it is very likely that he is the only one. How could Bayi Yonglin not be moved?

But Bayi Yonglin would not agree to him, but remained silent. No matter what Roman said, there was no response. At this time, Roman understood that it was time for him to leave.

Will Bayi Yonglin agree to him? Roman doesn't have much confidence in his heart. People like Bayi Yonglin are all strong-willed people. But Roman will not lose confidence because of a failure, because he plans to live in the capital of the moon.

This may be sorry for Xiaoyu, but Roman's stay in the capital of the moon has nothing to do with the honeymoon.

"I'll see you next time."

Bayi Yonglin had long ignored him, she sat on the floor, turned her head to one side, and looked at the empty wall.

Not long after Roman left, someone approached again. This time, two people came, and they were all acquaintances of Yayi Yonglin.


Although we just met yesterday, as the saying goes, "If you don't see it, it's like every three autumns", Mianyue Fengji was already lying on the fence, trying to squeeze in through these gaps, and even her face was deformed.

"Sister, be quiet, you will be discovered if it's too loud."

"It doesn't matter, they will definitely see nothing and wait for us to leave."

Seriously, it's very likely.

Mianyue Fengji's character is not as serious as Mianyue Yiji, and she can't feel the majesty of "Princess of the Moon" when they get along with her, but Mianyue Fengji's romance is very flattering, and she has a big role among the moon rabbits. popularity. It is also for this reason that Yutu can still enter the prison to visit Bayi Yonglin without Mianyue Fengji's permission from Yueye Jianzun.

——That group of moon rabbits, we must replace them all!

Mianyue Yiji secretly made up her mind that she must arrange the obedient Moon Rabbit to guard here. Although this is not good for the teacher and sister, Mianyue Yiji feels that the moon rabbit who cannot obey the discipline cannot be entrusted with the important responsibility, and the order of the moon capital is more important.

"Teacher, did the man just now want to get a prescription for the immortality medicine from you?"

Mianyue Yiji, who had regained her senses, was not asking about the state of Bayi Yonglin during this period of time. Even in prison, Bayi Yonglin could not be abused, and Yuezhi wanted to leave the prison. It is not difficult to become a powerful figure in the capital of the moon again, and no one who does not have long eyes will do anything to Yayi Yonglin.

Bayi Yonglin cast an approving look at Mianyue Yiji. Although Mianyue Fengji is very likable, Bayi Yonglin prefers a smart disciple like Mianyue Yiji.

"That's not the case. That person didn't want the undead medicine, but wanted to use the undead medicine to treat the descendants of the undead."

"Descendants of the undead... The teacher is saying that besides the teacher, there are other people who can make undead medicine? How is this possible?"

This is a medicine that escapes the cycle of life and death. No one has ever made it since ancient times, and this is the first case that Hui Ye took.

However, Yayi Erin said that someone could create an immortality medicine long ago.

Bayi Yonglin was also surprised when she heard Roman's words, but she quickly accepted the fact: "If he didn't lie, it is true. Although it is true that the immortality medicine is difficult to refine, it is not impossible. Immortal The medicinal pills refined by people have the effect of prolonging life, but the method of making and refining materials limit the efficacy. If I am not mistaken, that man is also a brilliant doctor."

Although Roman didn't tell Bayi Yonglin about her occupation, as a pharmacist, Bayi Yonglin can still judge from Roman's small actions.

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