"So that's it. It seems that I made a fuss. No wonder I don't feel any pain at all. But I didn't expect it to be because I didn't have breakfast. When I woke up in the morning, it was already late, and everyone had already gone out, so I had to give up. I came out after breakfast, it seems that I still have to pay attention to it in the future, and it will never work if I refuse to accept it."

There is a lonely look on the face of the old man. Although it is said that birth, old age, sickness and death are normal, people always hope that they can stay young, and they will step into death when they are old. This is something no one wants to see.

"Thank you, Miss Sister, you are a good man."

The old man's comfort made the nun overwhelmed, not because of the old man's comfort, but because the old man's injury was indeed treated by her. Even if she was praised by the old man, she would be shy and humble. The problem is that now she's done everything, but the comfort the old man gives her makes her feel "unsatisfied".

In other words, things didn't develop as she expected.

Roman turned his head to look at the nun and said, "Hello, I'm Romani Akiman. This nun, you look very good-natured. You shouldn't be someone who lives nearby, right?"

"Hello, I'm Elsa Alget, and I just came here this morning."

Perhaps because of the age gap between the two, Roman looked more mature, and the nun looked a little restrained.

"So that's the case, I'll just say, there is no church nearby, so why would there be nuns? Are you here to teach?"

The nun looked suddenly enlightened: "By the way, Mr. Archiman, do you know where this church is?"

Chapter 1182 Chapter 64: The Highest Pleasure

Aisha Alget is obviously an introverted girl, unless her acting is so good that Roman can't find any trace. In just a few minutes, Elsa had already given her trust to Roman.

Look at the note that Elsa handed her with the name of the church on it. Although Roman had never been there, he also knew that the location of the church was in a remote mountainous area.

Looking at Elsa's appearance, she doesn't seem to have really experienced the mysterious world, she just knows that she has an artifact. The treatment she gave the old man just now was to use the power of the artifact, and she used it very skillfully, so she wanted to have a certain understanding of her artifact.

The two waited until the old man left before leaving the park, and at this time it was only ten minutes before the old man was injured.

The old man seemed to have thought of something, showed a knowing smile to Roman, and left happily.

After watching the old man leave, Roman took out this note: "Is Miss Aisha planning to go to this church?"

"Yes, a familiar priest invited me to work."

"Really? It's really strange. As far as I know, this church has been abandoned for a long time because of the lack of clergy, and there is no plan to replenish the clergy."

Facing Roman's gaze, Aisha suddenly turned into Ai Ai: "That, that..."

In fact, Roman's words didn't stand up to scrutiny at all, but the inexperienced Aisha obviously didn't think so much.

"Actually, the church didn't ask you to come here, right?" Roman looked away from Elsa, reducing the pressure on her, "Miss Elsa, or I should call you 'Your Highness'."

When Roman said this title, Elsa's body suddenly stiffened, her slightly opened lips couldn't move, as if she had been hit.

"I, that... I..."

"Don't be nervous. It's weird to say, but I'm a good person and have a little connection to heaven."

"Could it be that Mr. Roman is here to execute me?!"

Aisha's voice was full of grief, and the expression of aching pain was touching, and Roman was stunned, unable to understand how she was feeling at this time.

What happened in the past, what injustice happened to Elsa in the church, that made this girl so sad.

Rarely, Roman started to use clairvoyance, and without the consent of this Miss Aisha, went to observe her past.

This is a vicious tragedy.

Elsa Alget has an artifact called "twilighthealing", which heals human and angelic wounds. For this reason, Elsa received the title of Saintess and was revered by church members. However, because the title of Saintess is too lofty, Elsa cannot get friends who are equal to her. Jealousy and worship isolate Elsa and lose her ability to communicate, which makes her develop an introverted character.

Once again, by chance, Aisha met a wounded demon, and unknowingly, Aisha used an artifact to heal the demon, which was also discovered by the church. She was given the title of "Saint" because of her ability to heal humans and angels. She was not only able to heal demons, but Elsa also healed their enemies. Of course, Elsa was regarded as a heretic and a witch, and was expelled by the church.

Aisha is still wandering, and the reason why she came to Kuwang Town was at the invitation of the outlying priest Fried Seran. The same clergy who have left the church are already enemies that the church will not tolerate. Holding the idea of ​​holding a group to keep warm, the enemy of the enemy may not be a friend, but in the face of a common enemy, they are still willing to combine.

And what Aisha is about to join is a group of outlier exorcists led by fallen angels.

The so-called "outliers", outlier priests, outlier demons, outlier exorcists... means that what they have done has violated the previous creed, and left the original organization to become a lonely member. These outliers are very dangerous people, both to themselves and to others.

What is the purpose of the outlying exorcist organization, the simple Aisha does not know, the wandering Aisha came over after being invited, and she has no other choice.

"I think you got one thing wrong, Miss Elsa. I have nothing to do with the church, my relationship is on it." Roman pointed to the sky, "it's heaven, my relationship is in heaven, not in heaven. The Church on Earth."

"What's the meaning?"

Roman's topic suddenly came to heaven, and even the devout nun couldn't react for a while.

"Yesterday, I met the angel of heaven, and she gave me prophecies. I will meet the wandering saint, and I hope I can help her through. Don't you think it is strange? On such a morning, I It must be God’s will that I have never met you before, and I can meet you in such a bright park.”

This can only deceive children's nonsense. Roman doesn't think anyone can believe it, but it can dispel Elsa's fear of Roman, and even make the sadness in her heart fade.

The saints of the church are to convey the holy will of heaven, and they must maintain a pure soul and devout faith, and no one can shake their devotion to God.

Even if she was an outlier nun, Elsa never resented the church that expelled her, and her faith in God was from the beginning to the end.

- You've done a really good job, Laffey.

Roman asked, "Are you ready to accept the angel's will, Saint Elsa."

Elsa didn't even hesitate, she nodded: "I'm ready, Mr. Roman, please convey the angel's will."

Roman stretched out his right hand and placed it on Elsa's head, and the angelic power that Laffi had placed on her body poured into Elsa's body through his arm.

Elsa has never felt so relaxed. The fears and fears of the past few days have completely calmed down, and the sadness, fear, and confusion about the future have all disappeared without a trace. The fatigue caused by mental exhaustion has also disappeared, and both body and spirit have sublimated to another realm, as if thrown into the arms of God.

Nothing to think about, nothing to worry about, nothing to do, undifferentiated love surrounded her heart, and her happiness reached its peak.

Is this the love of an angel?

I don't know how long this kind of happiness lasted. When the power of the angel left Elsa's body, Elsa looked at Roman reluctantly, hoping that he could bring her more happiness. But Elsa also suddenly realized that when she pursued happiness, she also committed the sin of greed.

PS: Today is another day without words.

Chapter 1183 Chapter 65 This Is Love

Is this La Fei's love?

While Elsa is enjoying the angel's love, Roman is also enjoying Laffey's feelings.

Just the power of emotion in it is enough to make people attached. Roman doesn't understand how intense and heavy La Fei's love is. Of course Roman also knew that Laffey's love for him didn't come from him, or rather, it wasn't like that at the beginning.

At that time, Mr. Big Light Ball was hiding in his body. As a divine creation of the Great Ball of Light, there is no doubt about the attraction of the aura of the Great Ball of Light to the angel. Perhaps with just one look, the angel can understand Roman's meaning and is willing to sacrifice everything to fulfill Roman's desire.

Fortunately, the object of Mr. Daguangqiu's boarding is Roman, and only Roman is qualified. At that time, Roman lived peacefully like a saint who had no desires and no desires. Perhaps it was because of this reason that Laffi and Gabriel also maintained the form of ordinary people. But even if Roman abandons his own desires, after getting along day and night, Mr. Daguangqiu's attraction to Laffey and Gabriel is still transferred to Roman, and the two angels offer unconditional love to Roman - if Roman is here If you continue to live.

From that day on, the crucifixion on the ground was no longer defenseless for Roman.

Can't generate hostility, can't hurt in the slightest, has a natural goodwill, even if you become an enemy, you can relieve it after a short time, Roman is like a duck in water in cross religion. Especially in the world of Academy City, Roman received the ten precepts personally bestowed by Mr. Daguangqiu, which made Roman's hidden status in the Cross religion reach the peak in an instant.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that Roman is the first person under heaven.

That status didn't disappear until Roman's death. However, even if Roman has retired, the bonus of the Holy Light has faded, and the Ten Rings will be returned to Mr. Big Light Ball, but Roman's natural formation is also easy to attract the forces of the Heaven faction.

Just like now, this nun has been unconditionally new to Roman. Although there is the role of La Fei's angelic power, if someone else masters the angelic power, I believe it will not be able to achieve the effect of Roman.

This kind of worship is mixed with admiration, so that Roman can see through it at a glance, and Elsa yearns for an existence like Roman.

"Do you believe it now? Saint Elsa, I am the messenger of God."

More precisely, it should be the messenger of the messenger of God, because the angel is the messenger of God. However, the relationship between Roman and Mr. Daguangqiu is difficult to describe, and there is no problem in saying that he is the messenger of God.

"Mr. Roman, are you really here to save me?"

"Salvation seems to be too much, but I did receive an order from the archangel to help you."

Roman looked at Elsa with a pitiful expression, looking like a stray pet cat: "Next, please also trust me."

Elsa put her hands on her chest and said in a reverent and firm tone, "Yes, if it was Mr. Roman, I would definitely believe you."

"Then tell me now, have you had breakfast yet?"


The surprised Elsa didn't answer yet, her stomach was already growling and told Roman that this nun not only had no place to live, but also didn't have enough food.

"Come with me, we may have to live for a while."


"Good morning, Roman now. Today is really rare, you actually show up in the morning."

"Don't say it so strangely, don't we see each other often? When I woke up in the morning, I just found that there were no ingredients in the refrigerator. Give me two catties of soybeans. I want to soak them and use them to make soy milk."

Although they still go to the supermarket most of the time, Roman and Bayi Yonglin also spend a lot of time in the market, mainly because the ingredients here are relatively rich, far from being comparable to the popular ingredients in supermarkets. Just like now, the soybeans used to make soymilk are soaked in water and put directly into the soymilk machine to squeeze out the soymilk.

Roman is a regular customer of Mr. Yukihira in front of him. It is said that Mr. Yukihira was a great chef when he was young, and he often pointed out Roman's cooking skills, which made Roman's cooking skills that he couldn't raise his head in front of Yayi Erin gradually improved.

He has red hair, even his eyes are the same, and he has a beard on his chin, but it is neatly trimmed. The whole person gives the impression that he is more like a gangster uncle who lives in a vegetable market anyway. Grocery shopping has nothing to do with it.

When he handed the soybean to Roman, he grabbed Roman's hand and pulled him over, and then asked in a low voice, "Hey, Roman, what's the matter with this little girl? That should be a nun, why? Been following you?"

Roman turned his head and looked at Asia who was following behind him. Her eyes were still so pious, and Roman had to admit that her eyes were too obvious and conspicuous, otherwise Mr. Kohei would not have noticed.

"You mean Elsa? She's the churchmate I happened to meet."

"I've never heard of you being religious, and there's no church nearby."

"You understand well. So Mother Elsa doesn't have a place to live now, so I decided to take her in."

Mr. Xingping looked at Roman with suspicious eyes: "Although you are married and have a daughter, the whole family lives together, but it always feels weird. Or let her live in my house, anyway, my house is my house. There are spare rooms.”

"Give it up, I don't think Cangzhen will be interested in Aisha, he can't hold anything in his mind now except cooking. And most importantly, Aisha is a nun, you will be punished by God by doing this. punished."

"Qi, what does that brat know about Cangzhen? No matter how good the cooking is, isn't it for people to eat? Whoever eats the food is the most important."

"...You didn't tell me that before."

I still remember that Mr. Yukihira said to Roman at the beginning - cooking, you can't lose.

Probably only at that time will it give people a feeling of a chef. That kind of vicissitudes of life, you can tell it is a person with a story at a glance, but Roman has no interest in his story. For his sentence "If you want to grab a woman's heart, you must grab a woman's stomach". It's dubious, because until now, Roman doesn't think that Bayi Yonglin has changed her attitude towards him because of his improved cooking skills.

"Give me the money and leave quickly. If I don't leave, this nun will blow up my stall."

Roman looked over and saw that Elsa was looking at Mr. Yukihira proudly, apparently overhearing the conversation between the two, and was very angry that Mr. Yukihira planned to abduct her into the house.

PS: Maybe tomorrow too.

Chapter 1184 Chapter 66 Toys? still is……

"Isn't this Mr. Roman? You are rarely seen in the morning. This nun is... your daughter?"

"No, it's just a church member I just met."

Similar words came one after another. There were very few men like Roman who went to the market. After a few back and forth, the stalls they patronized knew all.

Elsa's nun clothes are still too conspicuous, and they will become the focus wherever they go, and Roman will inevitably be questioned by everyone.

In particular, Elsa always followed Roman obediently, and diligently helped him with the ingredients. Roman refused at first, but when he saw Elsa's disappointed face, he knew that if she didn't give something to Elsa, she would probably be depressed all day.

This is caused by anxiety. When the wandering Aisha finally met someone who was willing to take her in, Aisha naturally hoped that she could be of help, rather than wanting to be a superfluous person, because a dispensable person could easily become an abandoned person that one.

Even if Roman was under the will of an angel. Or because Roman received the holy will of the angel, Elsa could only look up at Roman, so she would have this worry.

Of course Roman knows what to do at this time, people will have worries, sometimes it is because they are too busy and think too much.

However, in the eyes of onlookers, Aisha is already a person who has nothing to worry about, but how can she understand her concerns?

Then came new troubles - Elsa is now a homeless wanderer, and is there a church nearby that can take her in, the only church is the lair of fallen angels and stray exorcists .

In other words, Roman could only let Elsa live at home. When I think of myself and the two of my family having a falling out because of La Fei's lip print, and Penglaishan Hui Ye now knows that it is the "blessing" of an angel, if I let Aisha in at this time, the family will really be in trouble .

Although Bayi Yonglin probably won't say anything, but Penglaishan Huiye will not be so understanding, this princess has already made great progress by relying on her "sister-in-law" and "daughter" identities.

Aisha, who followed Roman to the side, saw Roman's brows lightly wrinkled, and she asked, "Mr. Roman, are you confused?"

"Huh? Don't worry, it's okay."

"Is it because of family relationships?"

Roman looked at Elsa in surprise. Could this nun still have the ability to read minds?

"Mr. Roman is married and has a daughter. If they take me in at this time, will the family agree?" After understanding Roman's troubles, Elsa also became self-pity, "Actually, I will only bring Mr. Roman. Come to trouble. Whether it's the priest who invited me to Japan, or the church that hunts me down, they won't let me go. I shouldn't have promised Mr. Roman. But, I'm so happy, at this time, there are still people who are right I extended a helping hand, and it turned out that God never let go. After hearing Mr. Roman's words, I promised Mr. Roman before I had time to think. Mr. Roman is a good person and can still see holy angels, but he should not take me in. , because I will only bring the unknown to Mr. Roman."

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