Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 119 Many people were brutally murdered (please subscribe and vote monthly)

Wang Wenbin was originally disturbed by Luo Fei's words, and coupled with Zhao Donglai's psychological offensive, he finally couldn't hold it any longer.

"Okay, I'll tell you everything, but you must keep your word and give me leniency!"

"That's for sure, please hurry up and say it." Zhao Donglai said quickly.

Luo Fei also became energetic and picked up his pen to record.

Later, under Wang Wenbin's narration, the truth about his murder of Xu Mingqing was finally slowly revealed...

In fact, all this started when Wang Wenbin was a boy.

I don’t know when exactly it happened, but after entering puberty, he gradually realized that he was different from normal people because he liked men!

He couldn't interact with girls at all. He instinctively disliked women when he saw them. On the contrary, he had a crush on boys of the same age.

At that time, his situation was not tolerated by the world and would be despised by everyone, so he did not dare to tell anyone and could only suppress his inner impulse.

But time did not dilute all this, but made his desire to be with a man stronger and stronger.

He began to boldly try to find lovers online. Unfortunately, every time the boys across from him heard that he was gay, they would immediately block him, and some would even scold him harshly.

Under this long-term repression, he gradually began to become abnormal. Finally, three years ago, he tried to attack the neighbor's uncle. Unexpectedly, the neighbor's uncle's son suddenly came home and happened to meet him. He beat him up and even Everyone knows about the commotion.

When his parents found out, they held him down and beat him to death, saying that he had disgraced the whole family.

After that, Wang Wenbin was completely ashamed to stay in Luoping County. He simply stole his family's money and rented a house in Ningjiang County, where he made a living by collecting rags.

And after he came out, he realized that without the attention of his family and acquaintances, he could finally pursue men with confidence and boldness.

After that, he rode a tricycle around the surrounding villages every day. On the surface, he was collecting scraps, but in fact, he was selecting suitable targets to attack.

Because of his previous failed experience, he learned a lesson. Those who are young and strong cannot do it, and those who have families cannot do it. In the end, he set his target on the five-guarantee households who are childless and elderly.

"Such old people have no ability to resist, and there is no one to support them. They don't dare to call the police out of shame. They are simply the best targets."

Seeing him talking about such things without any shame, Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei were disgusted.

Luo Fei grasped the key point of these words and immediately asked, "Wait, what do you mean, that means you have already succeeded using this method?"

He was planning to plead guilty to murder, so this one was the only one left, so Wang Wenbin nodded without thinking, "Yes."

I thought that his molestation of Uncle Liu of Yangjia Village was just an accident, but I didn't expect that he had a criminal record!

An ordinary murder case actually involved so many circumstances. Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei looked at each other and became more energetic!

"What are they, please tell me honestly!"

As soon as Zhao Donglai finished speaking, Wang Wenbin started talking like he was pouring beans out of a bamboo tube. For a moment, apart from his voice in the interrogation room, the only thing left in the interrogation room was Luo Fei's busy writing business...

After a while, when he finally stopped, Zhao Donglai asked again, "Is there anything else missing?"

"there is none left."

Zhao Donglai turned his head and glanced at the notebook in front of Luo Fei, and scanned the long list of names on it. There were at least ten elderly victims!

Both of them were in disbelief.

"With so many people, couldn't anyone call the police?"

Zhao Donglai never expected that such a heinous and vicious case could occur within the jurisdiction of Ningjiang County. What was even more puzzling was that he had never heard of a similar call to the police for so long.

So what is going on with these victims? How come no one chooses to call the police? Is all these years of legal education work really in vain?

"Because I took videos every time, and I told them that if they dare to call the police, I will post the videos online so that people around them can see them! Haha, so these old guys don't dare to call the police!"

Wang Wenbin said and laughed smugly.

Zhao Dong came to see and was furious, "You can still laugh. You can kill old people, are you still a human being? But what I'm confused about is, since you like these old people, why did you kill Xu Mingqing?"

"Who said I like these old guys! I only look for them because they are easier to get hold of. In fact, I still prefer young men! They are much cuter than those wrinkled old men. It's a pity that I have never found a suitable partner. , until I met Xu Mingqing that day!"

"I just finished selling scraps that afternoon, and I planned to have a meal and then go home, but I happened to meet him on the road. He looked so in line with my taste! I couldn't help but strike up a conversation. I thought I was going to get scolded again, but I didn’t know.”

“Then we started chatting and when I heard him say he was going to the county to look for a job, I lied to him and said I knew a place that was recruiting workers and asked him if he wanted to come with me to have a look. Unexpectedly, he really agreed. , so I waited until after dark and took him to the ditch in the back mountain of Yangjiacun, ready to kill him."

Wang Wenbin curled his lips again when he said this, "It's a pity that the young man is not as obedient as those old guys. After he found out that I was lying to him, he wanted to run away. Of course I couldn't agree. In the end, he actually yelled and tried to lure people away. Come here, I have no choice but to pick up a stone on the ground and knock him unconscious..."

"After it was over, I wanted to let him go, and I took some videos to tell him not to call the police, but he didn't listen to anything he said. He kept calling me a pervert and said he would put me in jail. Can I bear this? Just pick up the stone and smash him to death."

Zhao Donglai continued to ask, "Then why did you take away the deceased's clothes and cut off his body?"

"Because I want to leave a memory for myself. After all, I really like him. He..."

"Stop, stop talking. I already understand. Do you still remember what time it was when you hit him?"

"Maybe around twelve o'clock in the evening, because I was afraid that the villagers would find out that I waited until very late to take him there."

Zhao Donglai nodded, very good, the time of death also matches!

Then he asked a few more questions and found that they all matched the facts of the case, so he stopped asking any more questions.

With these testimonies and the evidence they have, the case can be officially transferred to the prosecutor's office after some finishing work is completed.

Zhao Donglai immediately greeted Luo Fei, "Luo Fei, let's go out!"

During today's interrogation, his outlook on life was shattered to pieces.

Zhao Donglai walked out of the interrogation room quickly. He felt that even breathing in the room was nauseating. After coming out, he took a deep breath of fresh air.

"Hey, how about Captain Zhao? Your outlook on life is very explosive!" Seeing his disgust, Wang Lei came up and joked.

Zhao Donglai rolled his eyes at him, "Aren't you talking nonsense? You won't open any other pot!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Yang Su, Luo Fei and Zhang Fan, "You three, come to my office."

Presuming that he had another mission to arrange for him, the three of them quickly followed him.


"In a moment, you should immediately go visit each of them according to the list provided by Wang Wenbin to confirm whether he really molested these elderly people. If so, it is best to persuade them to testify in court."

In Wang Wenbin's case, the more evidence they dig up, the greater the credit of the criminal police team will be.

Naturally, the three of them would not object and immediately agreed.

Then Luo Fei said, "By the way, Captain Zhao, Wang Yong just made new discoveries about Yang Dawei."

He said briefly.

After hearing this, Zhao Donglai said thoughtfully, "Then this person does have some problems... Is there any news from Wang Yong?"

"Not yet, but I have told Wang Yong that if anything happens, he will notify me as soon as possible."

"Well, let's wait and see. By the way, instead of visiting the elderly victims, you can secretly visit the villagers in Yangjia Village and find out if Yang Dawei has any part-time jobs outside. We first have to make sure that he Where did the money come from?"


Yang Su and Zhang Fan were confused, "Captain Zhao, what are you and Luo Fei talking about? Why can't we understand?"

The criminal police team recently dealt with Wang Wenbin's case, right?

Then why are they listening? Why do these two people seem to be discussing other cases?

"Oh, I forgot you didn't know. It's like this. When Luo Fei visited Yangjia Village before, he found that something was not right with one of the villagers. He might be suspected of killing his wife. However, we don't have evidence to prove this yet, so you psychologically Just know it, don’t make any noise for now.”


The two nodded cautiously, and then Zhang Fan looked at Luo Fei, "Hey, Luo Fei, let's go find out the situation. How did you find out something was wrong?"

"Just feel it."

"Intuition? Your intuition is too keen if I go there!"

As Zhang Fan spoke, he couldn't help but say with a grimace, "By the way, why don't I have your intuition?"

Zhao Donglai said, "Usually pay more attention to the surrounding details and think more, and slowly you will have intuition."

"Captain, can you please stop fooling me like this!"

"Fooling you? This is all based on science." Zhao Donglai rolled his eyes at Zhang Fan.

Zhang Fan angrily wiped his bald head, "Forget it, this is talent, I can't even think about it. Anyway, Luo Fei, I will count on you from now on."

"Use your intuition more often and solve more cases. Even if we can't eat meat, we can still drink some soup!"

Although Luo Fei solved the case, most of the bonuses went to the three groups, but they could still get some, which was at least much better than not being able to solve the case.

Therefore, Yang Su also followed up and said, "Yes, yes, Luo Fei, our criminal police team is counting on you from now on, you must work hard!"

"What!" Luo Fei was speechless.

Several members of the third group also said they would count on him, and now the first and second groups are also counting on him. No matter how strong he is, he can't bring so many people...

Zhao Dong couldn't stand watching, and said with a straight face, "You two are already old men in the criminal police team. You usually don't know how to improve yourselves, but now you have the nerve to say such things to a newcomer. Are you embarrassed?"

If it were normal, if he said this, the two of them might be so ashamed that they would like to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

But who is Luo Fei? That was an outstanding detective who was praised even by the director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. As soon as he entered the police force, he received various rewards for the talented detective who was soft-handed.

There is no shame in them losing to him!

"Captain Zhao, what's the point of being embarrassed? We can't compare to Luo Fei, so there's nothing wrong with counting on him."

"That's Captain Zhao, we are called self-aware!"

"You two guys, before I said this you could still feel ashamed, but now I think you are completely hopeless!"

"Haha, that's because we have accepted our fate..."

After the laughter, the three of them quickly confirmed who they wanted to visit, and then went down to take action.

Luo Fei returned to the office of Group 3 and said to the four people in the office, "Come with me."

"Team leader, where are you going?"

"Of course we are going to understand the situation. Team Zhao asked us to understand all the victims that Wang Wenbin just confessed to confirm whether they are true."

Luo Fei said, and suddenly looked at Sun Jun again, "By the way, Sun Jun, is Wang Wenbin's mobile phone with you?"

Public security regulations stipulate that in order to prevent prisoners from using mobile phones to communicate with the outside world and report information, generally prisoners under custody and control will have their mobile phones confiscated.

When Wang Wenbin was arrested, his mobile phone was given to Sun Jun for safekeeping.

Sun Jun nodded, "I'm here. What can I do, team leader?"

"According to Wang Wenbin's confession just now, every time he molested the victims, he would take photos and videos to threaten the victims. If you don't visit them, don't go. Check Wang Wenbin's mobile phone carefully and find out all the videos of his crimes. Bar."

As soon as Luo Fei finished speaking, Sun Jun hurriedly shouted, "You'd better leave the job of team leader to Wang Yong and the others. I'm still willing to show up with you!"

"I can't! I didn't participate in the arrest today. I don't know anything about the situation. It shouldn't be my turn anyway! Let's leave it to Zhao Cheng and Zhang Fan."

"I don't want to anyway. Team leader, please don't ask me to look at it, otherwise I'm afraid I'll get a needle eye!"

"Team leader, please forgive me, I don't want to get a needle eye!"

The four of them refused one after another.

In fact, Luo Fei didn't want to see those things, so when he saw that they were really unwilling, he looked at a few people and asked: "Then if you don't want to, let one or two groups come?"

"No!" The four people quickly refused.

Their bonuses come from these aspects. Whoever can find out the evidence and whose evidence plays a key role will all be recorded in the performance and become their bonus.

So if this thing is given to other groups, they will lose a big achievement. How could the four of them be willing to do such a stupid thing.

"You don't want to see it for yourself, and you don't want to give the credit to others? What should I do?" Luo Fei sneered.

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