Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 173 I leave this person to you (please subscribe and vote monthly)

The office of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade is not in the same place as the Criminal Police Team, and it takes about twenty minutes by car.

After the two arrived, Pan Hu ran out immediately after hearing the news.

He looks to be in his forties, tall, and his smile gives off a straightforward and serious look.

"Captain Zhao, long time no see!"

Pan Hu and Zhao Donglai were actually in the same department before. Later, Pan Hu was directly promoted to the county anti-drug brigade because of his good performance.

Later, he was promoted all the way, and five years ago he became the captain of the city's anti-narcotics brigade. It can be said that among the people who entered the police force in the same batch, he was considered to be relatively outstanding.

Therefore, the two of them were old acquaintances, so after simply greeting him, Pan Hu looked at Luo Fei enthusiastically and said, "Comrade Luo Fei, welcome. Thank you for your willingness to help us this time."

"Captain Pan, you're welcome. This is all for the safety of the people. If I can help, I'll do it."

Luo Fei's words made Pan Hu full of praise, "Haha, Luo Fei, you are not only excellent, but also highly aware. Old Zhao, you have really cultivated a good seedling for our Jiangzhou police!"

Zhao Donglai rolled his eyes directly.

"Come on, you guy, stop wearing your hat on us. I'm warning you, I've given this man to you, and you must return it to me in full, or else I'll never be done with you."

He had a look of resentment on his face, obviously complaining that he recommended Luo Fei to Zheng Changjun.

Pan Hu knew that he was in the wrong and hurriedly said with a smile, "That's natural, that's natural."

"Don't worry, Old Zhao. I can't make fun of someone as good as Luo Fei. When the time comes, I will definitely provide him with some professional undercover training, and at the same time, I will be fully prepared for him to act."

From the fact that Zhao Donglai followed him in person, we can see how much he values ​​Luo Fei.

So Pan Hu could understand his mood. After all, if he had such a capable person, he would definitely be reluctant to lend it to other departments to do such dangerous tasks.

But now he has no other choice but to take offense.

Zhao Donglai also knew how to stop when he was ready.

He softened his tone and said, "Then please teach him more, especially what to pay attention to when dealing with drug dealers. He has never been exposed to this, so you have to be careful."


"As you say, I'll be relieved...Luo Fei, just stay here and learn more from Captain Pan. I'll be waiting for you to come back at the police station, you know!"

"Captain Zhao, I know."

With Pan Hu's guarantee, Zhao Donglai, who was reluctantly reassured, did not stay any longer.

After he left, Luo Fei followed Pan Hu to the office.

"Luo Fei, although I am really happy for you to join, I still need to remind you that the danger of dealing with drug dealers is definitely greater than you think. Are you really sure you are ready?"

Pan Hu asked with a serious face.

Anti-narcotics is a very dangerous job, especially the undercover task, which is like walking on the edge of disappointment. If you don't pay attention, you will be in jeopardy.

So even if he applied to his superiors to hire Luo Fei, he still had to confirm his thoughts in advance.

If the other party doesn't want to, he won't force it.

"Captain Pan, Bureau Zheng has already analyzed the pros and cons of this operation for me."

"Since I still choose to come, it proves that I am mentally prepared, so no matter how dangerous it is, I am willing to challenge it once. Besides, I am confident that I will not lose."

"Not admitting defeat, not afraid of danger, well said, this is exactly the belief that our anti-narcotics police should have!"

Luo Fei's answer made Pan Hu very satisfied, and he praised him a lot before returning to the topic.

"I heard from Bureau Zheng and others about your deeds. You performed very well in dealing with human traffickers before, so I want to ask you if you have received similar training in the police force."

"No, I only received special physical training when I first entered the police force."

Pan Hu was a little surprised. He had read Luo Fei's information. He did not come from a professional school, but entered the police force through public examination.

But in that operation, his level of excellence was comparable to that of a professional undercover police officer, so he thought he had been specially trained...

But this further shows that Luo Fei's plasticity is still very high.

This also means that the success rate of this operation has increased again!

Pan Hu said excitedly, "Then you will follow me these few days, and I will give you special training on undercover for a period of time, so that you can act more skillfully."

"Okay, then I'll trouble Captain Pan."

Luo Fei knew that although he had the fusion genes, his professional knowledge in undercover was still very weak, so he would definitely be eager to have someone willing to help him improve.

Pan Hu then took him out again and introduced him to the people in the team.

The drug trafficking gang this time was relatively large, so the two anti-drug brigades of the county and the city jointly handled the case.

So now there are about forty people in the team.

The anti-narcotics police have been fighting cunning drug dealers all day long, and most of their minds are focused on the case, and less on other things.

In addition, they respect and appreciate their undercover colleagues, so instead of rejecting Luo Fei's sudden joining, everyone is very kind.

In just one afternoon, Luo Fei successfully integrated into it.

Later, with Pan Hu's introduction, he finally learned the general circumstances of the case.

At that time, Wang Sanqian noticed that this gang started when Luo Fei caught two students who used their bodies to transport drugs. He followed these two students and found that their online connections were actually in Ningjiang County.

After locking in this line, Wang Sanqian and his colleagues in the team later caught two more people using their bodies to transport drugs to other places. Only then did they realize that the matter was not simple.

Because if it is an ordinary drug dealer, they all purchase goods from other places and resell them. It is impossible to transport a large amount of drugs to other places.

Generally, those who do this are very large drug trafficking groups that have a fixed supply of goods and a large amount.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Wang Sanqian immediately reported the case to his superior police force, which was Pan Hu's brigade.

After discussion, they instigated the traitor who provided drugs to drug traffickers, successfully gained the trust of the gang, and infiltrated undercover disguises.

After that, Wang Sanqian was responsible for arranging the transportation of drugs along with the supervisor. In fact, he secretly memorized the quantity of drugs, the status of the members, and their purchasing channels to ensure that they could be caught all at once.

But as the investigation deepened, he discovered a problem. These people were transporting large quantities of drugs out of the country every time, but no trace of their large purchases was ever found.

With many years of anti-drug experience, they immediately realized that there was only one possibility for this unreasonable situation, and that was that the drug gang might not be purchasing the drugs from outside, but making them themselves!

And after several months of their investigation and targeting, they can finally conclude that the drug manufacturing base of this criminal drug trafficking gang is likely to be hidden in Ningjiang County, Jiangzhou City.

"Now we have information about several major leaders of this gang, but these people are very cunning. On the surface, they have nothing to do with drugs."

"In this case, even if we arrest them, there is no evidence to accuse them of their crimes. Even if we reluctantly file a public prosecution, they will only be released after a few months at most."

"So your goal this time is to find a way to sneak into this system den and find out the relevant evidence of the drug dealers headed by Brother Jie."

Luo Fei nodded, "Understood, but I have a question about Captain Pan."

"What, you said."

"If something happens to Captain Wang, it shows that they have become suspicious. Then they will definitely no longer trust the new members in the short term. In this way, even if I successfully sneak in, I am afraid it will be difficult to access these core secrets."

"Yes, what you are worried about is also a headache for us, especially if Wang Sanqian is exposed, the route to the line will not be used. We will have to recruit other personnel."

"But not everyone can be successfully incited to rebel. At the same time, we have to worry about whether the other party will rebel... So we have been discussing for a long time these days, but we have not been able to think of a good way."

Pan Hu said distressedly.

"Captain Pan, I have an idea. Since we can't get in from the inside, we can try from the outside."

"What's the meaning?"

"That is, we can pretend to be drug dealers from other places and want to buy large quantities of drugs from them and sell them in other places."

"This will not only lower their vigilance, but also such large-scale transactions must require the involvement of high-level officials. This will make it easier for me to obtain their criminal evidence."

"But if this is the case, how can you sneak into their drug manufacturing den?"

"This is simpler. As a buyer, in order to determine whether they have the ability to supply goods in the long term, it is reasonable for me to propose a visit to their drug manufacturing dens."

"The idea is indeed a good one, but Luo Fei, don't think too easily of drug dealers. These people are as smart as anything. Unless they are buyers who have cooperated with them for many years, ordinary people will never be able to take you to visit with confidence. of."

"Most people are really worried, but if I, the buyer, are a very worthy partner, do you think they would take a gamble?"

As Luo Fei spoke, he suddenly asked, "Captain Pan, what do you think drug dealers worry about the most?"

"Of course I was afraid that I would be noticed by the police."

"Yes, they use human bodies to transport drugs, which not only increases the cost, but also exposes them to great risks. The key is that the amount of drugs transported at one time is only so small."

"If they are unlucky and once the drug transporters are caught, they will not only lose the goods, but also have to replenish the goods or refund the buyers. They will definitely be distressed by this matter."

"So if a big customer can appear at this time, not only will they not need to consider transportation issues, but they will also be willing to pay full cash for each transaction."

"And this big customer doesn't have high requirements. He just wants to visit their drug manufacturing factory to determine whether they are qualified for long-term cooperation. Do you think they can be tempted?"

Pan Hu's eyes lit up when he heard this, "This is indeed a good idea... If it doesn't work, I need to go to a meeting with everyone immediately to discuss this issue!"

Luo Fei's suggestion successfully solved the problem that had been bothering everyone for several days.

Pan Hu said, and immediately ran out excitedly to inform everyone to go to the conference room for a meeting.

Even though it was less than ten minutes until get off work, everyone cheered up immediately and rushed to the conference room as quickly as possible.

There were no complaints, everyone acted as if they were used to it, which shows that this happens often.

Luo Fei couldn't help but admire the anti-narcotics police even more.

Because this case involved so much, in addition to their anti-narcotics brigade, several leaders from the county and city were also involved.

So after waiting for a while, Jiang Chuang and Wu Cheng, deputy directors of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, also came in, along with two other leaders of the municipal bureau.

However, the person with the highest position present was Jiang Chuang, and Luo Fei knew that he was already the commander-in-chief in charge of this case.

He often showed up at commendation meetings, and Jiang Chuang was an old acquaintance with him. When he came in, he smiled cordially and said, "Luo Fei, did you really agree to come here to help?"

"Hello, Director Jiang, since they need me here, I must come to help."

"Haha, you are indeed an excellent police officer. Our public security community needs your spirit!"

"Director Jiang, please don't say that. Compared with you, I have to study more." Luo Fei said humbly.

Even though he knew he was complimenting himself, Jiang Chuang was still in a good mood.

After exchanging pleasantries, everyone sat down and got down to business.

"Pan Hu, you just said that you have thought of ways to contact the drug gang again?"

"Yes, Bureau Jiang, but this idea was not mine, but Luo Fei's."

! !

Shocked, everyone looked at Luo Fei.

There is no doubt that Luo Fei is excellent as a criminal police officer, but he has never been involved in anti-narcotics, so he can actually help them with suggestions?

This person is too good to be true!

Pan Hu didn't show off, and immediately told everyone Luo Fei's plan at that time.

Jiang Chuang was overjoyed when he heard this, "If I had known earlier, I should have asked Director Zheng to bring you over earlier!"

"Yes, Luo Fei, if you had come earlier, I wouldn't have to worry about losing my hair in the past two days."

Wu Cheng touched his bald head with a look of regret.

"Bureau Jiang, Bureau Wu, I just said casually, as for the specific arrangements, it's up to you to make the decision."

In fact, Luo Fei's plan is already very detailed, and there are very few details that need to be added.

Even Pan Hu can arrange the remaining parts very well.

But that's how the workplace is. No matter how good your performance is, you can't steal the limelight from your leaders. You must learn to give up the home court to your leaders in a timely manner.

Otherwise, no matter how capable a person is, if he does not have enough emotional intelligence, he will not be able to get along at all.

Luo Fei understands this truth well, so he behaves appropriately when speaking and doing things, which makes Jiang Chuang very satisfied.

Afterwards, everyone immediately discussed according to Luo Fei's plan, adding in the details that should be added, and optimizing the areas that should be optimized...

By the time the meeting was announced to adjourn, it was already six o'clock in the afternoon.

After the meeting, everyone hurriedly finished their meal and continued to work overtime.

Although Luo Fei is a non-staff member and does not need to participate in their daily work, he cannot leave work.

Because he also needs to learn undercover knowledge from Pan Hu.

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