Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 182 The case is complicated and confusing (please subscribe and vote monthly)

At this moment, Guo Tianlai was extremely excited.

He had waited for so long, and finally someone believed in his son's innocence!

His eyes were sore and he suddenly knelt down towards Luo Fei.

"Comrade police, please help our family!"

"Uncle Guo, what are you doing? Get up quickly. I'm here to help you today."

Luo Fei quickly helped the person up.

Hearing that he would help him, Guo Tianlai was so moved that he wiped away tears. He didn't know what to say anymore, so he could only keep thanking him over and over again.

"Okay, Uncle Guo, don't get excited yet. Although I believe Guo Jing, the current situation is very unfavorable to him. If I want to save him, I can only find out some doubts about this case, so that I can help him reverse the case."

"So now you have to tell me everything you know. There can't be any omissions."

"Okay, I said."

Guo Tianlai nodded cautiously, "The story starts on July 25th last year. I happened to have a rest that day. At about six o'clock in the evening, the police suddenly came to the door and said that Guo Jing was related to the robbery case a few days ago. "

"I was frightened and asked Guo Jing quickly. He also kept anxiously saying that he did not kill anyone, but the police found a gun in his room and detained him... I couldn't see him, so I hired a lawyer. Go see him."

“At that time, he told the lawyer that he had not killed anyone and that he did not do the thing... I thought the police would find out quickly and release him... But who knew that in the end he was convicted and sentenced to death. "

Luo Fei listened carefully to what he said, and then asked, "Then do you know what happened to that gun?"

"I don't know. I wonder where this thing came from."

"Then do you still remember who visited your house from July 19th to July 25th?"

Neither father nor son knew where the gun came from, but it couldn't have appeared out of thin air.

So the biggest possibility is that someone else secretly hid it while they were not paying attention.

But this was in their home, and it was unlikely for outsiders to sneak in, so Luo Fei guessed that the murderer was someone familiar with the family or someone he knew, and then took the opportunity of visiting to hide the things under Guo Jing's bed.

Of course, it is not ruled out that the murderer is a stranger who sneaked in, but the probability is very small.

After all, if the murderer had this ability, there would be no need for home invasion and robbery, it would just be a burglary instead.

Guo Tianlai thought hard and finally shook his head helplessly.

"It's been so long that I really can't remember clearly. Besides, I'm usually not at home when I go to work. I don't know if anyone came to the house or not."

"Then think about it, are there any people you are familiar with who are similar in height and weight to Guo Jing?"

Based on the clues he currently has, the police determined that Guo Jing was the murderer for three main reasons.

Shoe prints from the crime scene, the handgun at home, and the computer of unknown origin.

However, the clue of the shoe print does not necessarily prove that the murderer is Guo Jing. After all, there are so many people in the world, and it is not surprising that there are several people of similar height and weight.

And Zhang Wei also said that based on the comparison between the footprints at the scene and the footprints collected by Guo Jing, there is only some match, but not necessarily a match.

"There are quite a few people who are about the same height as Guo Jing..."

"Then tell them all, and then I will visit them one by one."


Then Guo Tianlai indeed named a lot of people. Luo Fei warmly recorded the addresses of these people and their relationship with him one by one, and then quickly recorded them in his notebook.

"Last question, do you know where the money for the laptop Guo Jing bought came from?"

This should be regarded as the most serious piece of evidence against Guo Jing, and it is also the key evidence that directly incriminates him.

If this matter can be clarified, perhaps the case will become clear.

"I only know that he has the habit of saving money, but I don't know exactly how much he has saved... This is all my fault. I have been busy making money to pay off debts these years, and I don't care enough about him..."

Guo Tianlai was not sure about the origin of the money at first, and while Guo Jing was in custody, he could not see anyone.

By the time he could see him, he had already been sentenced to death, and he was so disheartened that he didn't want to mention these things again, so Guo Tianlai still doesn't know about this issue.

He blamed himself very much for this. He always felt that if he had paid more attention to Guo Jing's daily life, he wouldn't have had anything wrong with his son, and he still didn't know everything about it.

"Then think carefully, besides you giving him pocket money, what other channels does he have to save money? It's important to recall all aspects carefully."

"Our family's conditions are not very good, so I have always been tight on money. I only give him 800 yuan for living expenses every month..."

"Wait, you mean he has extra living expenses every month besides pocket money?"

Zhang Wei and the others didn't talk about this before.

Guo Tianlai nodded, "Yes, because I am usually busy with work and don't have time to cook for him. He has three meals a day at school, so this 800 is his meal money."

"But I heard people say that students in their senior year of high school need to have better food, so in the second half of the senior year, his monthly living expenses are 1,200 yuan."

"What about weekends?"

"I always give him ten or twenty yuan on weekends and let him buy groceries and cook them at home."

"Does Guo Jing usually spend a lot of money?"

"No, he knows the situation at home, so he is very sensible. He never asks me specifically about how much money I need. He also saves the school fees from his living expenses. I told him several times after I found out."

"Then according to what you said, the money to buy this computer was probably saved by Guo Fei. Then why did you tell the investigating police that Guo Jing only had a few dozen yuan of pocket money every month?"

Isn't this intentional to deceive people...

Guo Tianlai was confused about this, "I never said that. When they asked me, I always told you the same thing."

Luo Fei also felt that he had no reason to cheat his son, but Zhang Wei and the others couldn't lie...

It seems that the only way to figure this out is to wait until we get the file and look through the transcripts of the evidence collection at that time.

But if you want to know whether Guo Jing saves money, you can find out clearly by asking his classmates. After all, he mostly stays with his classmates.

"Uncle Guo, do you have the contact information of Guo Fei's classmate and teacher?"

"I have his class teacher's mobile phone number. As for his classmate's... By the way, it must be in Guo Jing's mobile phone. Wait, I'm just going to look it up."

As Guo Tianlai spoke, he hurried back to Guo Jing's room. After a while, he took out a mobile phone and handed it to Luo Fei.

One look at the style shows that it was made several years ago. From this, it can be seen that Guo Jing should indeed be more frugal.

With Guo Jing's cell phone, Luo Fei quickly wrote down the contact information of his class teacher and more than a dozen classmates.

Then he wrote down his own phone number.

"Uncle Guo, I'll leave first. This is my mobile phone number. If you remember anything else, remember to call me at any time."

Then Luo Fei left the Guo family.

After he came out, he originally planned to stop by Zhang Yanhua's house to understand the situation, but after knocking on the door for a long time, no one opened the door. He asked his neighbor and found out that he had gone out to work.

Luo Fei ran away and simply decided to go to Guo Jing's class teacher Zhou Fang to understand the situation.

He first called the other party and confirmed that the other party was at school. He immediately stopped a taxi and went straight to Jiangzhou No. 1 Middle School.

Jiangzhou No. 1 Middle School is considered to be a high school with the best teaching quality in the city.

Luo Fei arrived at the place and after identifying himself with the security guard at the door, he went in easily.

According to the information given by Zhou Fang before, he met the other party smoothly.

"Officer Luo, hello."

Zhou Fang is probably in her fifties. Her long-term teaching experience makes her look very stern and gives off an air of self-reliance. She is the kind of teacher that students will be afraid of at first sight.

However, she was very anxious at this time, and before Luo Fei could speak, she added, "On the phone just now, you said you wanted to find out about Guo Jing's case from me. Could it be that there is any new progress in the child's case?" Yet?"

From her expression and tone, Luo Fei could tell that she seemed to care about Guo Jing.

"Teacher Zhou, it's not convenient for me to disclose this at the moment, but I do feel that there are still a few doubtful points in this case that have not been clarified, so I wanted to ask."

"Okay, okay, just ask."

Looking at Zhou Fang who was more anxious than himself, Luo Fei smiled bitterly and said, "Teacher Zhou, let's sit down first and then talk."

Only then did Zhou Fang realize that she and Luo Fei had been standing together. She slapped her forehead and said sheepishly, "Look at me... Officer Luo, please sit down quickly."

After sitting down.

"Teacher Zhou, I would like to ask how Guo Jing's usual impression of you is?"

"Very good. He's obedient, sensible, polite, and diligent. He's a very good kid. So I definitely don't believe that he knows how to kill and rob."

Two good ones in a row shows how satisfied she is with Guo Jing.

"Then does he usually save money in life?"

"It will definitely save money. There were several times when I saw him in the cafeteria eating only white rice mixed with pickled mustard. I felt very distressed at the time, so I went to find him privately to understand the situation."

"He told me that her mother passed away and the family owed a lot of foreign debt, so she wanted to save some money. But you said that at the age when the body is growing, how can the body's nutrition keep up with eating these things?"

"What's more, high school is inherently academically intensive, so later I went to the principal and applied for a subsidy for him, but unfortunately he refused."

"Why would he refuse?"

"Hey... this kid has such an honest personality. He said that although his family's conditions are not good, they are still decent, so he asked me to reserve this spot for someone who needs it more."

Zhou Fang said, suddenly looking up at Luo Fei, "Officer Luo, you said such a good boy, how could he possibly rob and kill? You must be mistaken."

In fact, from her conversation, Luo Fei could tell that Guo Jing was indeed a good student with both good character and academic performance, and she was very satisfied with Guo Jing.

Moreover, life is so tight, and he can still refuse the school's subsidy, which shows that he has a good character. How could such a person commit robbery?

Luo Fei recorded what she said and asked several questions one after another.

Then he also made a major discovery, that is, Guo Jing not only saves money, but also helps his classmates run errands to earn some extra money.

Because his home is in the city, he is a day student, and he helps his classmates pick up express delivery and bring some things, and he can charge three to five yuan for running errands every time.

"Teacher Zhou, is what you said true?" Luo Fei perked up and quickly confirmed.

If this is true, then the money Guo Jing spent to buy a computer would not have an unknown origin.

"Of course it's true, because this is what I discussed with the whole class in order to help Guo Jing."

It turned out that after Guo Jing refused to accept the subsidy, Zhou Fang discussed with the students in the class and planned to help him from other places.

Although Guo Jing's family situation is not good, he is very popular in the class, so when they heard that he was in trouble, everyone took the initiative to come up with this method to increase his living expenses.

Luo Fei was shocked, "As for this situation, weren't there any police who came to find out about this situation from you?"

He believed that if they had learned about this situation, then the police should know that the computer was not necessarily purchased with stolen money, and Guo Jing would not be convicted for this.

"At the beginning, a police officer named Zhou and Wang came and I reported it to them, but they didn't seem to take it seriously."

"At that time, the policeman named Wang asked me if the total errand fees were ten thousand."

"Then how did you answer?"

"Of course I can only answer truthfully no. My classmates usually don't have much money. Together they only make about a hundred or ten yuan a month. How can I save ten thousand."

"Okay, I understand everything you mentioned. Teacher Zhou, thank you for your cooperation. I will leave first."

"Officer Luo, please walk slowly. Please pay more attention to Guo Jing's case."

"I will."

After coming out of school, Luo Fei contacted several of Guo Jing's classmates to inquire about the situation.

They graduated last year and are now mostly studying in universities elsewhere.

In fact, Guo Jing originally went to a good university. If it weren't for this case, he would be like everyone else now.

These people were surprised when they received Luo Fei's call. Later, they learned through inquiries that they also confirmed Zhou Fang's words.

And one of the classmates who played well with Guo Jing also provided a very important clue, that is, although Guo Jing applied for the civil engineering major, he has a strong interest in computers.

He once told him that he was saving money and planned to buy a good computer. After going to school, he would teach himself some editing and other skills, and he would be able to earn some extra money to supplement his life.

Luo Fei immediately wrote down this situation.

Then he returned to the police force before getting off work and reported all the results of the afternoon to Zhao Donglai.

Although Zhao Donglai had long believed that he would not joke, he was still very shocked by the result.

Judging from his many years of experience in solving cases, the money Guo Jing spent to buy the computer is indeed still very controversial, and it is impossible for Lu Jianfei not to discover it.

So how did they make such a common-sense mistake?

"Luo Fei, if these are true, then there is indeed a problem with this case... No, I need to call Liao Xingyu and the others in immediately for questioning."

After all, Lu Jianfei is his old leader, and he will definitely not rashly expose this matter before he fully understands it.

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