Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 300 Serial reversal, the beginning of the story

"Excuse me, Mr. Wang."

Luo Fei said and Zhou Fan walked in. At this moment, Wang Jiafeng was wearing pajamas and was probably getting ready to rest.

After entering the house, Luo Fei looked around. This man's home decoration was very stylish and the decoration style was also very good. He seemed to be a refined lifeist.

"It's okay, Officer Luo, are you coming to me this time because of Zhang Tai's matter?"


Luo Fei nodded, and at the same time he and Zhou Fan focused on each other's expressions. At this time, a person's expression can tell a lot, at least it can tell the relationship between the two.

But Luo Fei was shocked when he looked at the other party.

The black air above the head, the ferocious thick fog, under his eyes, the other party could not hide.

Is this kid actually the murderer?

Although Luo Fei was extremely shocked at the moment, he was still restraining himself.

This man named Wang Jiafeng was actually the culprit who killed Zhang Tai? How did he do that? The surveillance outside the hotel room showed that no one came or went, so how did he kill someone?

Luo Fei wants to know the reason!

But it would definitely not be appropriate to arrest someone rashly without a confession or evidence, so I could only endure the shock in my heart.

"Mr. Wang, we would like to first understand the relationship between you and the victim Zhang Tai..."

Wang Jiafeng paused for a moment, and a touch of desolation appeared in his eyes, which seemed to be both regret and loneliness born from the heart.

"we are brothers."

"Oh, so that's it. We found that you are his pinned relationship on his phone, and you two have no chat history, so we wanted to come to you to find out about him."

Wang Jiafeng nodded.

"Officer Luo, what do you want to know?"

"How much do you know about Zhang Tai?"

"We were classmates in college. After graduation, we were separated due to work reasons, and there was still a long distance between us. But because of his job transfer later, he came to my place, and we started to contact him again."

"He is a person with a good personality, both to brothers and friends. I knew he had a good nature when we were in college, so we often played together and drank together."

After hearing what the other party said, Zhou Fan was very emotional.

They are indeed brothers. The perspective of looking at people is different from that of opposite-sex couples. Both sides have different starting points.

Luo Fei kept staring at the other person's eyes.

As brothers, this emotional turn feels strange. What is the motive for the murder? No emotional changes at all.

Especially from the other party's description, they are still relatively good brothers, which is even more strange.

"Mr. Wang, since the friendship between you is so deep, then you know what he likes..."

"SM right, I know."

"This is a preference of his, and he also has a special hobby for it. To be honest with the police officer, many of our university friends know about this."

Zhou Fan felt a crack of thunder on his forehead.

This is the first time that he has been burned by thunder.

Although he had heard of some people who would make their hobbies public and publicize and tell them to most people.

But I didn't expect that this incident actually happened to me!

And this is the case that I am handling!

"Uh, just tell people when something happens?"

Zhou Fan couldn't bear it anymore and asked again.

"Of course it's not such an exaggeration. At least close friends will reveal it, but Zhang Tai has a bold temper and does not distinguish between men and women."


Although he said this, Zhou Fan still looked shocked. This time, his eyes were opened.

No wonder Zhang Tai's circle is so fixed. If he really wants to break out of the circle and establish diplomatic relations with such a hobby, it is really not easy to extend it to the outside world.

Luo Fei sorted out his thoughts and asked a very important question.

"When was the last time you and he talked?"

"It must have been a long time ago. We usually only talk to each other when we meet. Because we are busy with work on the phone, we may not be able to talk about going together."

It's hard for Luo Fei to judge whether this is true or false.

After all, it is really difficult to maintain social interaction without mobile phone chat in today's society...unless it is the kind of friendship that is already deep and needs no words!

But if that's the case, then why did the other party's reaction even worse than An Qi's when the news of Zhang Tai's death was mentioned?

Is it a plastic brotherhood or does he already know about this as a murderer?

Zhou Fan saw that the atmosphere was a bit deadlocked, so he quickly asked the next question.

"Did you know your brother has a girlfriend arranged by his family?"

These words were like lighting a fuse, instantly arousing the other party's emotional feedback.

Even Luo Fei was shocked.

Anger instantly emerged in Wang Jiafeng's eyes, and when he raised his head, he gave people a very terrifying and ferocious feeling.

When I just talked about Zhang Tai's past, I didn't see him being so exaggerated.

As soon as he mentioned An Qi, it was like stepping on his lifeline.

This reaction is indeed a bit strange!

These two people can't really have a shady relationship...

Perhaps realizing that he had lost his composure, Wang Jiafeng forcibly adjusted his emotions and calmed down.

"I know."

"That was arranged by his father. His uncle also wanted him to have a family as soon as possible, but he didn't like it. An Qi is a good girl, at least she has no problem with him... It's a pity that they are not a good match."

Luo Fei and Zhou Fan looked at each other.

It’s hard to say so many things before, but this sentence is the most sincere.

Seeing that it is already very late, today’s chat ends here.

"Okay, let's leave first. If Mr. Wang has anything else he wants to explain to us, just contact me as soon as possible."

"Okay, two officers, walk slowly."

Wang Jiafeng sent them all the way out.

After leaving each other's house, Luo Fei and Zhou Fan drove to a nearby night market. They had been running around for two days on this case. They were almost exhausted and needed to eat something at this moment.

"Boss, one braised pig's trotters, one braised elbow, one braised pork, one braised pig face and pig ear chowder..."

Zhou Fan directly shouted at the top of his voice to serve the food.

Luo Fei smiled bitterly and poured him water.

"Are you trying to teach pigs a lesson? Mainly braised in braised pork?"

Zhou Fan laughed loudly after realizing his reaction.

"Hahahaha, it's time to handle the case. You can't make excuses, and you must eat something good."

"It's not the right time for you to call me Tai today. I didn't even have a good bite of the noodles. Please treat me to this meal!"

Seeing that the other party was preparing to extort money, Luo Fei had a teasing look on his face.

"Okay, it's Tiangang's fault. Whose case is this? Do you dare to ask me to treat you?"

"Yes, Lao Luo, you are here to help me..."

Zhou Fan suddenly reacted.

"Then I invite you!"

"That's just right, let's have two more cold dishes!"

Seeing the other party's magical operation, Luo Fei couldn't help but laugh. Was this kid trying to save himself money just now?

The two looked at each other and laughed.

Because the investigation may continue tomorrow, they can't drink today. The two of them simply dealt with it with water.

They started chatting while eating.

"I can't understand the relationship between these three people more and more."

"Wang Jiafeng's attitude towards Zhang Tai is average, but he seems to be very resistant to An Qi. The feeling when he just spoke was so strong that I wanted to strangle him to death."

"Although he said he was nice to the other party, his tone was already clear."

Luo Fei agreed.

Both Zhou Fan and him heard clearly at the time, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that this guy's temper and appearance were very targeted.

"I have a hypothesis here."

Luo Fei took a sip of water and cleared his throat.

"What if their relationship was originally very good, but because of An Qi's intervention, Wang Jiafeng began to feel alienated or indifferent towards his good brother?"

"Hiss... Lao Luo, the tone of your words is wrong."

Zhou Fan smacked his lips with a smirk on his face.

"Why does it sound a bit jealous? They are good brothers. How could Wang Jiafeng eat his good brother..."

After saying this, the other party's expression suddenly solidified.

Jealousy is jealousy between lovers. This is a common consensus and is also the norm when sorting out relationships when deciding a case.

But the current situation is indeed a bit out of control and unreasonable.

"No way. Judging from the current situation, Wang Jiafeng won't really be interested in Zhang Tai, hiss... eh..."

As he spoke, Zhou Fan's eyes began to look strange.

Luo Fei smiled strangely, and this smile seemed to clear up all possibilities and speculations.

"everything is possible!"

"We have discussed this matter before. If Zhang Tai is really unwilling to regard An Qi as his partner because of someone, then this outsider is the third party."

"Do you remember?"

Zhou Fan nodded like a fool. This was indeed the case, and it was the same as what they had discussed before.

If this is the case, then the next situation will be interesting.

"Wang Jiafeng and Zhang Tai have known each other for a long time."

"Then these two brothers have been good brothers since college."

"An Qi was introduced by her parents, and she has been with Zhang Tai for less than half a year."

"If we look at it on a first-come, first-served basis and the depth of the relationship, it's not impossible."

Speaking of this, Zhou Fan's eyes became horrified.

"I actually couldn't tell who was the real third party for a moment."

Luo Fei was so amused by the other party's joke that he spat out water.

"You're pretty good at joking..."

"But maybe as you said, the third party is not Wang Jiafeng at all, but An Qi who rashly intervened. This important person has a characteristic, that is, he is not popular with both sides."

After the two of them reviewed the situation, the situation suddenly became brighter.

It seems that they have misjudged a very important thing, that is, the definition of a third party and the focus of a relationship.

"It seems that we can call them together tomorrow for a confrontation. If there is a flaw then, we will take it down directly."

"But I think Angel is more likely."

Zhou Fan said to Luo Fei mysteriously.


"Because the drama of love and hatred is king. Wang Jiafeng is a man after all, so it is unlikely that he will be jealous. However, An Qi is his girlfriend. Although Zhang Tai does not admit it, he does not rule out this possibility!"

Luo Fei gave Zhou Fan a thumbs up.

This conjecture is very reasonable and well-founded, but it is a pity that Wang Jiafeng's criminal behavior has been confirmed.

It's just that I can't find any evidence or reasonable analysis right now.

After the two went back that night, Luo Fei also felt tired, so he lay down to rest.

But in the dream, it seemed that I had entered another world.

Because my thoughts have been entangled with this matter in the past two days, during the process of solving the case, my consciousness also ran away, causing me to think about it during the day and dream about it at night.

In the dream, he seemed to have entered that illusory space.

The scene in front of me was the hotel room on the day of the crime.

The quarrel between An Qi and Zhang Tai broke out right in front of his eyes. Although he could not clearly see the appearance of their quarrel, the noise and roars were endless and very noisy.

"I actually dreamed of coming here."

At this moment, Luo Fei also noticed the existence of his consciousness in his dream.

But he couldn't break away from the dream, as if everything he had seen before was merged together and presented before his eyes.

Every bit of scattered clues poured into his dream at this moment.

An Qi slammed the door and left, and the next scene began to become increasingly blurry, as if the truth was hidden in the fog.

The window rang... This sudden movement made Luo Fei tremble.

Then there were the sounds of footsteps, and then the movement of ropes.

yes! I found the window open in the morning and the scene had been cordoned off, which meant that the window had been opened before Zhang Tai's death.

If this is the case, then the people who come in through the window are here to silence them.

who? Who is he?

The clothes were peeled off, Zhang Tai's body began to be exposed to the air, and the ropes became entangled up and down. All of this came from willingness.

Yes, I clearly remember An Qi saying that she couldn't understand this hobby and was unwilling to accept it.

So who can accept it? acquaintance! What acquaintance? Wang Jiafeng!

A good brother who even behaves very strangely because of women, the other person's face becomes clearer and clearer.

In the middle of the night, my good brother entered the hotel through the window and actually played this kind of game, binding, training, and other entertainment methods were performed in the hotel.

The picture was so crazy that Luo Fei couldn't see clearly in his dream.

At this moment, he was like a pair of eyes falling into an illusion, only able to search but unable to accurately lock on.

It's really strange to be unable to move and only solve crimes in my dreams.

Why did I feel that Wang Jiafeng's furniture features and decorations were very distinctive when I went to each other's house with Zhou Fan today?

Because the pulley module on the roof is almost the same as the one in the hotel room!

If this is the case, then the situation in front of us will become increasingly clear!

I previously speculated that the identity of the mysterious person who has cooperated with Zhang Tai in SM hobbies and practiced it has been settled, and he is this good brother! Wang Jiafeng.

After this was confirmed, the next plot was completely sorted out here.

Zhang Tai took sleeping pills voluntarily. In order to rest, he had a big fight with An Qi. This was the premise.

But Wang Jiafeng arrived just to have something indescribable happen to him.

In a daze, he was hung upside down. This was not the first time that the two of them had done this, and this night could be regarded as mutual support.

But the murderous intention lies behind!

Because of hate! The hatred from Wang Jiafeng!

The other party exerted all his anger on Zhang Tai, and finally took the tongue from the other party's mouth, and then left through the window.

Immediately afterwards, there was a spurt of blood, the huge pain was covered up by the lack of oxygen, and many problems such as stiffness and ischemia after being hung upside down for a long time followed one after another. The last thing that came was death.

For an instant, Luo Fei felt like he had fallen into hell.

The surrounding wind became colder and colder, and the scene in front of him suddenly collapsed.

Only Zhang Tai was left hanging upside down, and the scene was still the scene of the crime.

The truth in the fog was also pieced together by myself through dreams.

Although it is outrageous, it perfectly matches all the evidence he has collected so far, and Luo Fei himself cannot refute it.


Luo Fei woke up with a start and sat up from the bed. At this moment, he was broken into a cold sweat.

After this nightmare, he discovered that the biggest twist in the case was actually here!

It turns out that the cause of everything happened a long time ago, and that's where the story begins.

"Oh my god, Zhang Tai, Zhang Tai, it doesn't matter if you have a special hobby, you have been with Wang Jiafeng..."

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