"What I'm going to say next is another version of things. Maybe you don't understand it, so just think of it as speculation from my perspective."

Zheng Changjun, who returned to his office, motioned for the two of them to sit down, and then began to tell the story again.


"Before that, I need to confirm with you what is the truth of what Jiang Yanbo told you?"

Zhao Donglai told the story of the previous visit to the old mine director's house to inquire and investigate and the truth about the accident told by the other party.

Zheng Changjun was smiling, and after hearing this, his face became a little more playful.

"Huh, this old guy, after all, he still has the same rhetoric, is he really going to take him into the coffin?"

This sentence is completely different from Zheng Changjun's previous expression.

The last time Luo Fei and the others were called to investigate the case, the tone of calling them by name and asking them to find out the truth was like helping an old friend solve a problem.

But now the tone is more like mocking the ridiculous behavior of an old liar who still refuses to tell the truth even when he is about to die.

"Oh, ten years ago. It may not be that long, but it is indeed a long time ago..."

"At that time, I was still handling cases in the Criminal Investigation Detachment. Because of the backward technology, many major cases had to rely on us as the main force to rush to the scene at the first time. Not to mention surveillance, even the witnesses and physical evidence might not be able to be found."

"Jiang Yanbo and I are friends, you already know this."

"At that time, I heard that there was a problem in their mine. Water seeped and collapsed, burying two mine shafts. The interior was completely in ruins, even the drilling machine and the headframe were folded inside."

"I was very worried about the situation at the first time, but after I went there, Jiang Yanbo, the old boy, told me that it was okay. The lower half of the mine had been hollowed out, and going further in would affect the stability of the internal mountain, so If it collapses, it will collapse.”

"He told me afterwards that there were no casualties, but the eight-member miner team got into trouble because of the water seepage problem and eventually ran away. They were afraid of taking responsibility, so they all left."

"I didn't leave a letter or a few words of explanation. It was just a simple escape. It's really a shameless person and a scumbag!"

Speaking of this, the other party's eyes began to become serious.

"Come east, Luo Fei, these are Jiang Yanbo's exact words."

"What do you think?"

As he spoke, Zheng Changjun's face came closer and he stared at the two of them seriously.

Zhao Donglai sneered and shook his head.

"I can't say that he is completely lying, but there must be something hidden that he wants to hide, because under normal circumstances, even if he wants to be held accountable, he has to punish individuals according to the shift system. Ten years ago, there was no such thing as sitting in a row."

"So the disappearance of eight people at once is not shown, and there are no written explanations or clues, which makes it even more convincing."

Luo Fei on the side also followed up and added.

"That's right, it's illogical, and it's not in line with human nature. Although there is no way to blame him based on the evidence and on the surface, if there is no suspicion, it is not in line with our criminal police's working standards."

Hearing the two people's answers, Zheng Changjun burst out laughing.

"Well said, I really saw the right person."

"I wanted to investigate back then, but the mine had prepared all the information and submitted it. Even the person who took the blame had been found, so the case was not solved later. Let it go."

"Jiang Yanbo and I are friends, good friends. I don't think he would do anything that goes against his soul or conscience, so I haven't pursued him or asked him any more questions over the years."

"It wasn't until Liang Deng and Feng Jianyi disappeared one after another this time that I was shocked to realize that the accident ten years ago... was an unjust case."

When the word "unjust case" came out of his mouth, Luo Fei's heart skipped a beat.

Unjust case!

The management of these mines are really good at memorizing the unjust case of eight lives. They have been memorizing it for ten years. If this guess is confirmed, the influence of this case will not be simple.

Today's Feng Jianyi and Liang Deng, as well as the latest missing project manager Sun Bo, are probably just the beginning...

Having said this, Zheng Changjun paused for a moment, then stood up and returned to his desk to take out a few pieces of letter paper.

It just looks yellowed and has some rough wear.

There were notes and a few old photos on the letter paper, which seemed to be records from ten years ago.

"This is evidence I collected back then, but it has no actual probative significance."

“My office has moved again and again over the years, but I never throw away these things, because I know that they may come in handy one day. It may not have a direct effect, but it can serve as a reference and guide the direction.”

"Now I leave these to you. If there are any old events that have never been revealed or unjust cases that have been deliberately covered up, you must find them out!"

Hearing what the director said, Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei's eyes became equally serious.

Since handling the case during this period, they have never felt how arduous their mission is.

After all, some cases were either solved at the time or a few months later, but this major case spanning ten years is likely to involve some unknown secrets.

It's not just the grievances of one generation, it may be the karmic debts of eight lives. One can imagine the difficulty of their trip.

"Don't worry, Director Zheng!"

Luo Fei and Zhao Donglai stood up to express their attitude.

check! We must find out!

It would be fine if they didn't care about this matter. Now that they have entered into it, started an investigation, and got certain clues, they must get to the bottom of it.

No matter who tells the truth or lies, they must thoroughly investigate the whereabouts of the eight people.

"Luo Fei, let's go!"


The two walked out together, and the next task was to continue the investigation.

First, let’s start with the project manager Sun Bo to see if there is any deeper relationship between the other party and the original Feng Jianyi and Liang Deng.

Based on the criminal police's consideration and thinking analysis, both of them felt that there must be other secrets behind the three of them.

On the way to Sun Bo's house, Zhao Donglai drove, and Luo Fei looked at the paper information Zheng Changjun handed him.

The recording method ten years ago was not very advanced, especially for some pieces of information that had not been formally filed, and it was difficult to record them.

And it is not easy to preserve it for ten years.

Regarding this, Luo Fei couldn't help but sigh, Zheng Changjun was really a thoughtful person.

What was recorded on the letter paper were the names of the eight people who disappeared, as well as some of their family backgrounds. The eldest among them was nearly forty years old, and the youngest was only in his early twenties.

The eight of them are under the command of captain Feng Jianyi and often act together.

Four people were on top doing contact monitoring, and four people were staying below to do recording and exploration.

In short, we worked together and there was never any trouble.

But that time it turned out that because of their recording errors, they did not report the water seepage in time, which caused the upper layer to collapse when a mine tunnel below was dug inward.

The seepage part of the mine has a wide impact, and the two-layer area is directly broken.

It only took less than five minutes that morning to cause the lower mine pit to be directly buried.

And those eight people didn't even go to work that day, and ran away without even signing in.

According to Jiang Yanbo, the mine manager at the time, he probably left together because he was afraid of being held accountable for compensation after hearing that the incident was exposed.

"Captain Zhao, what do you think about this matter?"

"You don't need to ask me. We have the same idea. There must be something fishy here. There are so many mine workers who are fine, but it's the management here who are doing nothing."

"And they happened to be some of the management who were involved in the case."

"Although the project manager Sun Bo was not affected, as the boss of Feng Jianyi and Liang Deng, he must have something to say, but most people don't know the full story."

Speaking of this, Zhao Donglai let out a long sigh. They were still too passive at the moment.

Many things have to wait until they happen before we can act. There is no way to know it in one step. This is an afterthought and the person who took action will never be brought to justice.

"Don't worry, I think we will definitely be able to find some clues about this Sun Bo."

"It is said that there are only three things that can happen. One or two people are accidental, and the evidence obtained by common points cannot be trusted, but the three of them must have clues to rely on."

By the time they arrived at Sun Bo's house, the situation at home was completely out of control.

Except for Sun Bo's two brothers, everyone else was already crying.

"My son..."

"Husband, woo woo woo, hubby..."

"Where's my dad? I want my dad!"

The other party's elderly mother, daughter-in-law, and children were all crying in the bedroom until they were out of breath and almost choked.

What happened is also very simple...

Today Sun Bo only went downstairs to buy a pack of cigarettes and never came back up.

According to surveillance from the property management room next to the community, he just threw the plastic film of the cigarette box around the corner and was grabbed by a man who rushed out of the garage with his bare hands.

Then he punched the opponent hard in the face and knocked him unconscious.

After fainting, Sun Bo was carried on his shoulders and taken away.

The mysterious man was wearing a peaked cap and a thick down jacket.

When he first came out, he was domineering and violent, giving people a very ferocious feeling.

Luo Fei and the others were a little surprised to hear it so suddenly.

Before, Liang Deng and Feng Jianyi were still following and ambush, but in the final analysis they were still waiting for an opportunity.

Why are you suddenly robbing people openly now?

"Let's go, monitor."

The two rushed to the property without stopping, and were a little stunned when they saw the surveillance.

I saw that the scene under surveillance was very crazy. It was about the same height and shape as the figure who followed Feng Jianyi before. It was just that the clothes were different, but the posture and movements were the same.

"Luo Fei, look carefully, maybe you can see his face."

"Don't worry, I'm watching it frame by frame."

At this time, Luo Fei had concentrated his consciousness and attention 100% on every picture.

But the other party was wrapped up so tightly that it was hard to tell what was going on.

But there was one thing that touched the two of them deeply!

That is, this guy is as strong as an ox, even half a head taller than Luo Fei, and he is full of intimidation.

"Luo Fei, this guy is really dangerous."

"Yes, Captain Zhao, can you beat him?"

"Probably not. He can beat me to death, but if I am beaten to death, I can blackmail him."

"This is such a bad joke."

The two chatted briefly and then left.

The property management staff on the side turned off the video with lingering fear. They were so frightened when they first witnessed this horrifying scene that they immediately sent additional security guards to patrol the entire community.

However, they had heard the joke made by the two policemen just now, and they could not guarantee that the security guards at the property could withstand the punch of this mysterious ruthless man.

Back at Sun Bo's house, Luo Fei asked to see Sun Bo's study.

The other party's eldest brother immediately led them in.

This is where the other party usually works.

Luo Fei and Zhao Donglai checked separately to see what the guy did in his daily life and whether there were any special clues.

"Luo Fei, have you ever heard of some people who have secrets? Because they can't tell others, they choose to write them in diaries, which is what we commonly call..."


Luo Fei coughed twice.

"It won't be broadcast anymore."

"Look what this is!"

Excited, Zhao Donglai took out a note from the cabinet next to him and waved it in front of Luo Fei's eyes. It looked like a very good diary.

It seemed that there should be a lot of things recorded here, and Luo Fei was also very excited. He didn't expect that Sun Bo would actually keep such important things.

God helps them.

The two immediately sat down and started looking through it, but when they opened it, they were dumbfounded.

It is densely packed with confessional quotes. From beginning to end, I am saying something sorry and I regret it very much, as if I have written down everything I originally wanted to pray to God.


"What kind of diary is this? If you feel sorry for yourself, just squat in the corner. Isn't it funny to write nonsense in this diary?"

Zhao Donglai felt that he had been fooled, and put the notebook aside with a wry smile.

Luo Fei picked it up and continued to look through it.

"No, do you really want to see it to the end?"


Luo Fei nodded solemnly, and then explained earnestly.

"Some people want to hide their secrets because they are under too much mental pressure. The confessional quotes he wrote seem chaotic and even self-examination. I think he will definitely learn something from them. A secret that I don’t want to reveal to anyone.”

"What we have to fight for now is patience!"

Half an hour has passed...

An hour has passed...

An hour and a half passed...

"found it!"

Luo Fei suddenly looked to the side and had already turned over the entire room. Zhao Donglai was about to fall asleep, so he quickly pulled him over.

I saw a few lines written about a dozen pages before the end.

"The eight of them are innocent, and I am the guilty one."

"They did nothing wrong and did not abscond out of fear of sin. We are the ones who are afraid of sin and we are also the ones who are wrong. We must all go to hell."

"We cannot die well, and we will never die peacefully."

Seeing each other's terrifying awareness and introspection, the two of them became increasingly aware that something was wrong.

Unexpectedly, the following content completely opened their eyes!

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