On the pier, Miao An led his people to patrol around, looking for Huang Xiaojun, but he never came.

It was already the appointed time but there was still no movement, and the boys on the side were a little impatient.

They came here today with the intention of eradicating people.

Not showing up meant that things had changed, so they were quite worried.

"Boss, what should we do? Let's go to his residence."

"He lives nearby. I know the location of his rental house. We will take people there to catch him now."

Miao Anbang shook his head.


"We still don't know his specific situation. If this kid alerts the enemy and injures Shi Jian's wife, then Shi Jian, who has no choice but to surrender, will also surrender to the police. Wouldn't we have failed in our efforts?"

Speaking of this, Miao Anbang did have a headache.

The two most capable generals under him are now alienated from each other and have conflicts in their hearts. They have to choose the lesser of two evils, so they can only choose to abandon Huang Xiaojun first.

After all, such a ruthless man is easy to deal with.

Shi Jian has many secrets and black account details in the company. If the other party is caught, it is difficult to guarantee that these things will not flow into the hands of the police.

At that time, it will not be easy for you to escape with your money.

At this moment, Miao Anbang's phone rang.

"Miao, what are you doing to me? You actually brought the police here, you're crazy!"

Huang Xiaojun on the other side of the phone was furious.

"Although I know your secret, we are on the same boat. No matter what I do, I will never betray you! But in order to get rid of me, you brought in the cops too. Do you really want to die with me?"

Because Huang Xiaojun installed a lot of his own monitoring equipment at Jiangwan Wharf, he was usually afraid of others' retaliation, so he kept the operation here impregnable.

And the places that can be monitored have already been deployed.

So no matter how carefully Luo Fei and the others hid, some traces of their whereabouts were still discovered.

At this time, Huang Xiaojun firmly believed that he had been betrayed.

The guy with the biggest suspicion here is Miao Anbang, who asked him out.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm just here to give you money today. I just brought a few more people with me. If you say I'm bringing the police, I think you're really crazy."

Miao Anbang was also confused.

But soon he realized that Huang Xiaojun was hiding around him. This guy had already targeted him and must be observing everything secretly.

Now that it's been exposed, don't worry about it anymore! Getting rid of people is the point.

"Quickly, find him."

Following Miao Anbang's order, the surrounding boys began to scatter around to look for people.

Because there are basically no ships in the port today, some people who want to sail are waiting along the pier, and the location here is relatively empty.

A large number of thugs in suits scattered around, looking for Huang Xiaojun's traces according to the boss's wishes.

Although the momentum is strong, everyone is extremely vigilant.

Everyone in the company has heard of Huang Xiaojun's reputation before. As an invisible killer and secret butcher, he has been helping his boss to do shady things.

The reason why people are invisible means that no living person can be seen, and even those who know about it are not spared.

The thugs gathered in twos and threes, fearing that they would fall into Huang Xiaojun's trap.

Miao Anbang didn't care so much. He immediately jumped into the car and prepared to leave first.

Unexpectedly, police sirens suddenly roared on the main road next to me.

Harsh sounds echoed around the pier, and lines of police cars came all the way, blocking the exit and blocking everyone including Miao Andong inside. At this time, they had no other choice but to jump into the sea.

The reason why Zhao Donglai and his people drove all the way here was because Luo Fei couldn't show up yet.

The other party wanted to keep an eye on any place where Huang Xiaojun might appear, so the arresting task was left to him.

"Don't move!"

"Everyone get out of the car, Miao Anbang. You are now suspected of job-related crimes and illegal financial operations. You are now officially under arrest. Don't move!"

Miao Anbang in the car panicked. He had found so many people to help him run errands, but he didn't expect that he would be targeted in the end.

He was leaning in the car with a look of dejection on his face, and the cigar fell to the ground in his hand. I will die too...

"Control it and don't let him contact the outside world."

Zhao Donglai commanded the scene in an orderly manner, and at the same time sent a message to Luo Fei, telling him that the matter here had been resolved for the time being.

At this time, Luo Fei and a group of his members were hiding in a corner near the dock.

The ships here can provide cover, and they can monitor any movement around the dock immediately.

Although the scene is a bit chaotic now, if Huang Xiaojun shows up, he can still find it accurately.

After repeated screening, Luo Fei found that something was wrong.

Not to mention the figure of Huang Xiaojun, there was not even a single suspicious figure.

The only people scattered here are Miao Anbang's thugs who are controlled by the police...

"Team leader, could it be that he didn't come here at all, but was observing and monitoring other places like us?"


"But there seems to be no hiding place around here."

Just when Luo Fei felt that he couldn't find a clue, Zhang Wei suddenly rushed over to report that he had found a special area, which was a rental house close to the pier.

On weekdays, some fishermen and businessmen who hold freight information will rest here, so rental houses have become a resource along the river.

There are locals living there, and there are also some foreign tourists who stay for a short time, so it's not far from the pier.

"Yes, Shi Jian mentioned before that Huang Xiaojun lives here."


Then Yi Luofei gave an order, and everyone rushed towards the rental house.

There are rows of self-built houses close together, some are managed by the public, and some are built by the fishermen themselves.

It is indeed the best place to observe the scene.

Luo Fei has made a detailed analysis of the locations of all the houses that can be seen in the shortest possible time.

From the perspective of field of view, there are only two rows of private houses that can take in the entire dock along the coast. Although Huang Xiaojun can arrange surveillance, he must be in the top private houses if he wants to completely monitor the police's movements.

So that's where Luo Fei was sure the other party was.


A motorcycle slammed open the door next to it and sped out of the top house.

The man on the motorcycle looked here and ran away without any hesitation. At the same time, a tied-up woman was fixed in the back seat of the car.

Luo Fei recognized the kidnapped man Meng Danping at a glance.


Under the violent roar, Luo Fei jumped up, while Zhang Wei and the others quickly rushed to the parking lot above the pier, preparing to work together to outflank them.

Because the road near the rental house was not easy to walk, the motorcycle repeatedly bumped into each other while shuttling in the alley. If it weren't for Huang Xiaojun's crazy and careless nature, he would have been forced to stop long ago.

Luo Fei ran all the way along the eaves, and the bricks and tiles on the roof crackled and shattered under his steps.

One of the two was driving away from below, while the other was swinging his legs in pursuit from above.

Soon, we reached a relatively narrow turning area ahead.

Luo Fei saw the right moment and jumped down. He jumped straight to the side and kicked up with a high-altitude whip leg.

"Hmph, you want to catch me!"

Huang Xiaojun snorted coldly, steered the motorcycle and made a U-turn, dodging the blow very nimbly.

But when he turned around, he found that the hostage was gone!

A few meters away, Luo Fei squatted firmly on the ground, with Meng Danping snatched from behind the opponent's car in his arms.

No matter when it comes, the safety of the hostages must be ensured first.

The sound of sirens from behind indicated that Lin Jie and the others had arrived, and Luo Fei was more confident at this time.

No matter how vicious Huang Xiaojun is, if he is being targeted today, he will not leave this dock today.

"Huang Xiaojun, you can't leave."

"That's not necessarily the case!"

Huang Xiaojun stepped on the accelerator and rushed forward again, without any distractions and scruples. When he saw an obstacle, he crashed directly into it.

Luo Fei, on the other hand, saw the right moment, jumped up, and landed directly behind the opponent's car seat.

In just a few seconds, they were fighting again.

Luo Fei elbowed and grabbed the opponent, locking the opponent's throat with one arm, and the two started fighting like this.

The motorcycle swayed all the way, flew out of control and flew a long distance, ejecting the two people from the seat.

In mid-air, Luo Fei grabbed the opponent's neck and struck him with a series of punches, causing stars to appear in his eyes and vomiting blood.

Huang Xiaojun was already a little unsteady when he fell to the ground, but in order to escape, he still stumbled and ran towards Haikou. As long as he jumped down, he would still have a chance of survival.

Miao Anbang has been arrested, and Shi Jian must have rebelled. If he falls into the hands of the police, he will be completely finished.

Luo Fei raised his gun and fired at the opponent's feet.


Huang Xiaojun had no intention of stopping when a gunshot was fired. Just when Luo Fei was about to continue chasing, the other party suddenly turned around and took out something.


Luo Fei lowered his body and dodged the oncoming shot.

At this moment, his eyes were full of horror, this guy was actually equipped with a gun!

Huang Xiaojun laughed loudly. Miao Anbang spent a lot of effort to find the gun for him and has been using it for self-defense.

The shot just now was very sudden, and it also bought myself time.

After a few dozen meters, I can jump into the sea and escape...

Just as he turned around and ran towards Haikou not far away, another gunshot pierced the space between the two.

Luo Fei stood up, only to see that Huang Xiaojun had fallen not far away.

Luo Fei was shocked when he saw this scene and immediately went up to check the situation.

Huang Xiaojun, who was lying on the ground, was already completely cold.

A bullet penetrated the throat, and the powerful impact could separate his head. The bullet shattered the entire neck, the spine was shattered into pieces, and the head was directly lifted from the shoulder.

The blood everywhere bloomed like splashing flower clusters, and the scene was too horrific to watch.

Sniper rifle! There is no mistake, it is very likely that he is still the mysterious killer from before.

When cleaning up the scene, Luo Fei immediately found Zhao Donglai.

"Sniper? This is impossible. There is no order or arrangement in advance. There are only people in your group around here."

The two of them stood next to Huang Xiaojun's body and fell into silence looking at the bloody scene in front of them.

Luo Fei had encountered such a thing before.

Shooting in secret, assassin without trace...

However, when I was chasing Yang Xiaolei in Caobao Village, someone suddenly shot and killed him. I also found a special M200 sniper bullet warhead at the scene, which was considered a gain.

This time the terrain is empty, with the sea not far away, so I'm afraid there won't be any other clues.

"Team leader, team leader... found it."

He Xin and the others shouted loudly and rushed over, bringing with them half of the warhead that had been worn down by the impact until only half of it remained.

Because it got stuck on the edge of the fence, it didn't fall into the sea.

Based on the analysis of the bullet path and orientation at the scene, it can be estimated that the sniper point should be in the grass near the dock. There are large tree-lined roads there, suitable for hidden snipers.

Thanks to the timely intervention of the police, the mysterious sniper had no chance of getting close.

Otherwise, this half of the warhead will inevitably fall into the sea and cannot be traced.

It seems that this half of the warhead has no reference value. The polished pattern on the warhead can be vaguely seen, but under the huge impact, it has been blurred into one piece.

It should be the same killer, but unfortunately the other person should have moved.

At this time, the colleagues around him were still busy cleaning up the scene and escorting Miao Anbang and other thugs to their cars... Only Luo Fei stood alone on the beach facing the wind.

I originally thought that the mysterious sniper who had been hiding in the dark had just targeted me, but I didn't expect that the other party would take action on such two special occasions.

Demonstrate provocation by sniping your targets.

The sniper rifle can be aimed at any time. Even if you are always on guard, there will be times when you make mistakes.

Obviously this is the most extreme means of declaring war.

The first time in Caopai Village, the other party's shooting was to prove that he had the ability to kill him at any time.

The second time he killed Huang Xiaojun just when he was dodging the bullet was to prove that the opponent was everywhere.

If other possibilities are excluded, such behavior is putting psychological pressure on oneself.

This particular bullet is proof of that!

Luo Fei took out another warhead that he had left behind, looked at the lines on it carefully, and murmured to himself for a while.

"Who are you...?"

With the arrest of Huang Xiaojun ended and the malignant Miao Anbang within Jiangzhou City's business system uncovered, this case can be considered to have come to an end.

Because of the excellent completion of the task, the superiors gave key praise to the municipal police for their efficient work.

As for the mysterious sniper who finally killed Huang Xiaojun, the criminal police team only marked it as a special existence, included it in the file, and temporarily sealed it.

After all, there are no clues to start investigating.

However, because of this matter, Zhao Donglai applied to Zheng Changjun for permission to temporarily withdraw Luo Fei from the front line.

There are snipers watching every day, so this is really not an option.

If a serious accident occurs due to encountering danger while handling the case, it will be troublesome.

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