Tianyun City.

In front of the city gate.

A large group of people came galloping forward.

It was completely black.

A rough count puts the number at least 30,000.

The level of terror is higher than that of the Ghost King.

Every figure was wearing black armor and standing on purebred ghost horses, and their aura was extremely terrifying.

If it were someone with a poor psychological quality, he would probably pee on the spot.

The leader was a burly, roughly two-meter-three-meter-tall man with a red arc mark on his forehead.

He did not cover up his whole body like other ghost soldiers, but revealed his true face. His appearance was very similar to that of Emperor Qing, but his rough demeanor ruined this rather handsome appearance. .

Instead, it was cold, violent, ferocious, and bloodthirsty.

It's hard to imagine how many ghosts he had to kill to develop such a ruthless temperament.

This person is none other than King Pingnan.

The 30,000 cavalry behind him are the famous Xuanjia Army.

Thirty thousand ghost kings, thirty thousand red-level ghost horses, and thirty thousand sets of black-armored ghost weapons armed to the teeth formed this terrifying army.

In addition to the general who commanded the 30,000 Xuanjia troops, there was a royal prince who was extremely close to the world-destroying ghosts and gods, King Pingnan.

In a sense, the Xuanjia Army is undoubtedly the ace army of the Qing Kingdom, and the Xuanjia Army led by King Pingnan is the myth of the Qing Kingdom's invincibility.


This undefeated mythical army descended upon the city.

Its chilling aura makes the surrounding environment depressing.

Unlike the mighty Xuanjia Army, the 10,000 ghost soldiers arranged by Her Royal Highness the Princess to guard the city were basically frightened out of their wits.

Everyone looked at the Xuanjia Army outside the city gate with horrified expressions.

They naturally recognized that it was King Pingnan's army.

Normally, they would have opened the city gates to welcome King Pingnan's army to enter the city.


They didn't receive the call.


A prince left the city where he was stationed without permission. He traveled thousands of miles to Tianyun City without permission, and did not unload his weapons when he approached the city. This did not look friendly.

Combined with the order they received: defend the city and eliminate the mysterious bandits who massacred Shuangyue City.

For a while.

On the walls of Tianyue City, all the ghost soldiers had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

They didn't doubt that King Pingnan was the murderer of the city massacre, but it was definitely not a good thing that King Pingnan was ill at this time.

According to the instructions of Her Royal Highness the Princess, they cannot allow this Black Armor Army to enter the city.

Open the door.

King Pingnan roared angrily.

A terrifying supernatural threat swept the entire place.

He is only one step away from the world-destroying level ghosts and gods.

Even the ghosts who are also ghosts and gods cannot easily resolve the supernatural fluctuations that erupted.

Not to mention a group of ordinary ghost soldiers.

As he roared, a terrifying ghostly sound spread.

Those who were below the Ghost King level trembled all over when they heard the sound. Their faces were filled with fishy blood, and they all fell to the ground with a plop.

With a powerful roar, more than two thousand ghost soldiers fell into a short sleep.

This scene.

It caused all the ghosts and souls to escape.

Feeling frightened.

I don’t know why King Pingnan took action against them.

at this time.

A cold and majestic voice suddenly sounded.

Uncle Er Huang, don't you even want to pretend?

The words fell.

Princess Miaolin suddenly appeared on the city wall.

He is cold and dignified, with a complacent demeanor, as if he is facing the collapse of Mount Tai without changing his expression.

There was no negative impact at all due to the Xuanjia Army outside the city.

This reaction soothed the hearts of many ghost soldiers.

It's like finding a backbone.

Hey, eldest niece, long time no see.

Seeing Princess Miaolin, King Pingnan also showed a sinister smile:

From what my eldest niece said, you seemed to have known that I would come over for a long time?

Princess Miaolin said in a cold voice: If you don't even know this, how could your father be willing to let you, the Second Emperor, personally take action? The Tianyun City will be destroyed, the 60,000 ghost soldiers will be destroyed, and the 30,000 ghost soldiers who will support you will be destroyed. Come to think of it, Second Uncle Emperor has already been transferred by you, leaving only the 10,000 troops and horses I have arrived from the imperial capital, so naturally they are no match for Second Uncle's Xuanjia Army.

In order to kill me, my father was willing to let ten thousand ghost soldiers be buried with me. If I didn't know all this, then all my father's efforts would have been thrown to a blind man.

Am I right? The culprit who massacred Frost Moon City.

As soon as these words came out.

King Pingnan's originally relaxed demeanor suddenly became stiff.

For the first time, his expression changed significantly.

Becoming more and more serious, more and more solemn.

There was silence for a while.

Prince Pingnan re-examined the eldest princess and said: Eldest niece, you really exceeded my expectations. I originally thought that you were just a somewhat outstanding crown prince. I didn't expect that you were hiding deeper than I thought. I believe Even the imperial brother doesn’t know everything you hide.”

Since you knew I was the murderer, why didn't you tell me?

Is it useful? Princess Miaolin asked.

Hahaha, it's really useless. If you dare to say it, I will dare to rush into the imperial capital and take you away directly as your second uncle.

King Pingnan smiled sadly.

No scruples.

He openly admitted that he was the culprit of the massacre of Shuangyue City.

this moment.

The ghosts were in an uproar.

Everyone's color changed on the spot.

King Pingnan dared to admit this, which meant that he was not afraid of someone spreading the news. In other words, everyone present was sentenced to death.

Princess Miaolin looked calm.

There was no hint of timidity at all.

Only calmness and majesty could be seen on her face.

Second uncle, I have always had a question that I can't figure out. What do you want to do by helping my father massacre the Qing Kingdom's cities? One of you is the emperor and the other is a prince. Why do you want to destroy your own country?

Hear this.

The cold glow on King Pingnan's face became more and more intense.

He stared at his eldest niece on the city wall, with some doubts in his eyes.

She seems to be confused about why this eldest niece knows about such a secret matter.

He had not expected to know that he had massacred the city, but now, from the eyes of this eldest niece, he could see that the other party had understood the ultimate purpose of himself and others.

This is simply impossible.

after all.

No one would be so fanciful as to think that the emperor of a country would destroy his own country.

Eldest niece, the surprise you gave me today is really too big. If it weren't for the fact that I couldn't look back, I might really support you to become the crown prince of Qing Kingdom, and even the future queen. Among many princes, you are indeed better than anyone else. , but it’s a pity... you are too outstanding, Qingguo does not need a rejuvenation master.

So, will I hear the truth before I die?

Princess Miaolin was noncommittal.

Are you stalling for time... But I really want to see who else can come to save you at this time, your second uncle.

King Pingnan smiled playfully.

In the current situation, the only way to break the situation is for Emperor Qing to come in person.


The person who designed all this was Emperor Qing himself. How could the other party come to save his own daughter?

Facing the eldest princess's eyes, King Pingnan thought for a while and revealed: Only your father knows the specific situation. I only know that it is all related to the Buddhist Kingdom in the fourth deep ghost realm.

The Buddha Kingdom promised your father to help him break through to the world-destroying level ghosts and gods, and I can also become the world-destroying level ghosts and gods, and peek into the higher world.

That's it? Even if this Buddhist country can help my father and your second uncle break through, a supernatural place that is obviously stronger than the Qing Kingdom will help you break through, but you will still be limited by others. Just for the sake of strength, you are willing to be Trampled underfoot?”

Princess Miaolin said in confusion.

She really didn't understand the choice of her father and her second uncle.

This Buddhist kingdom can help them break through, but it will naturally limit their means. After becoming ghosts and gods, the lifespan of ghosts will hardly be affected by time, and they do not need to make this choice at all.

Even if you have a desire for strength, you shouldn't be obsessed with it to this extent.

Hahaha, young niece, you think that Qingguo is ours, but in fact, it is not ours. We just took advantage of others' quiet time to occupy this place, but when the jade seal of the country was broken, In an instant, Qingguo no longer belongs to us, and it is only a matter of time before it is taken back.

In this case, how should you choose?

Pingnan Wanglao Shinto.

Hear the words.

Princess Miaolin suddenly realized.

So that's it.

That makes sense.

Previously, the imperial seal of the country was broken into pieces and turned into nine dragon auras scattered around the world.

She also wondered why her father didn't collect them.

After hearing King Pingnan's explanation today, she finally understood.

Qingguo, no, it should be said to be Zhou Jue Yin Tian Palace, itself is not their thing, they are just occupying the magpie's nest.

The broken national jade seal obviously represents some kind of signal.

This signal forced the father to make a plan to destroy the Qing Kingdom.

It also means that the father believes that he cannot hold on to the Qing Kingdom. Rather than having his foundation recovered, it is better to use the last remaining energy for his purpose.

That thing has awakened?

Think for a moment.

The eldest princess asked.

Yes, he has recovered. You should have heard of it. It is called the underworld. The master of the underworld has recovered. It is only a matter of time before the scattered Luo Fengtian is recovered.

The eldest princess said nothing.

Hell, she did know.

When she understood human culture, the words underworld could not be avoided.

But she didn't expect that Qingguo's territory was also the inheritance of the underworld.

Just thinking about it.

King Pingnan no longer wanted to answer.

He opened his mouth and said: Okay, eldest niece, what you want to know, I have already explained to your second uncle. Now, it's time to show your trump card, otherwise your head will be taken back by your second uncle.

The words fell.

On the distant sky.

A halo of light flashed.

Then continue.

On the city wall, a slender figure has appeared.

I just thought I heard someone calling my name?

Shen Jian's eyes flashed with a faint light.

He landed next to the eldest princess and glanced casually at King Pingnan outside the city gate.

His expression became weird little by little.

There is a sinister smile in the eyes, excitement

Were you calling me just now?

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