Son of the Olden Days

Chapter 343: The rift of time

"The issue of the admission of the church has been discussed last time, so I won't repeat it here."

"On this basis, we may have to add a small condition now. We hope that Lord Sol can call on the people to take the initiative to bathe in the Holy Light, so that the number of our believers can reach half of the population of the Free City." Alessa said. The conditions of the church.

"Heh~ You asked me to forcibly interfere with the beliefs of more than 5,000 people? Let them accept you?" Saul frowned.

It turned out that Saint Elisa was waiting here, and Saul could clearly see what was called ambition in her eyes.

This is not surprising, after all, the right to reside in the church is only one aspect. Even if the Holy See of Light obtains it and builds a church in the territory of the Free City, the operation of the faith is a very long matter.

If they want to get their ideas truly rooted in people's hearts, it depends on how they operate and how much they are willing to pay. As for time, many years and months may still be needed. And now the Holy See wants to take advantage of Thor's influence to go over this step directly.

Saul can indeed do this. If he has the intention to do it, the problem is that Saul is very uncomfortable at this time.

It's no wonder that Elisa didn't negotiate the terms at first, and after Beth endured the psychological torture and checked the injury, she suddenly proposed to increase the money temporarily. This made Sol feel that the other party was bullying his own woman, and the whole thing suddenly felt like a threat.

But Saul was not too angry, but began to think calmly. He knew exactly what a certain degree of healing meant for Beth. The matter is not complicated. On the one hand, it is the trust of the people and on the other hand is your own woman, who is more important.

In the end, I didn't give anything in the whole thing, just ruining the people's setting that has always been close to the people and calling for freedom.

If Saul’s past character was followed, he would definitely stand by Beth’s side without hesitation. Because selfishness always comes first in the orphan's creed, and I will only treat myself and the people I care about. Nothing else has anything to do with me.

Saul didn't think there was anything wrong with this, because when he was trekking through many sufferings, no one had ever turned his head to look at him, let alone offered a helping hand. He had already experienced those days of sinking a hundred steps.

I can get to where I am today because of my own hard work, and I don't owe anyone.

In other words, if Thor is still in the position of lord now, he will still choose this way. The problem is that he just gave up his position and immediately turned around to interfere with Braun's autonomy and distorted the people's will. He still hesitated.

Things can be done, but Saul is thinking about how to do it.

But Saul just started to think, but Beth suddenly got up from her chair.

"My man won't promise you any conditions, and we don't need any cure." Beth said coldly at Saint Elisa, and after speaking, she turned and hugged Sol's arm.

"Let's go home." Beth said, but he didn't get a response from Sol.

As if feeling Thor's hesitation, Beth's eyes suddenly became a bit harsh.

"If you don't follow me, I will scratch the other half of my face right now." Beth didn't know where she pulled out a close-fitting dagger, held it in her hand, and looked at Saul decisively.

Since my Shiitake Mushroom has spoken so hard, obviously I can't talk about it. No matter what I want to do, I can't talk about anything at this point in time. Saul pouted and tilted his head at Eliza, then got up and left with his arms around Beth.

"What are you excited about? Your little maid actually learned to threaten the master, didn't you?" Saul laughed, nibbling on Beth's mouth, and then silently put Beth's dagger into her ring.

Looking at their backs, Elisa suddenly became a little envious, and at the same time, she also knew that this hatred was forged today. Or it can't be said to be the point of enmity, but it should be impossible to think about any cooperation with Freedom City in the future.

Speaking of her, she is also a little frustrated. Her request may be a bit too much, but she thinks that the negotiation is just like that. Only when the price is higher can you come and go. Surprisingly, Saul hadn't even started to bargain, but Beth, with a gentle personality, suddenly jumped up and raised the table.

Back in the main hall, the dance party is not over yet, but it should have almost come to an end.

A crowd of shiitake mushrooms came to ask how it turned out, but Thor just took Beth's hand and shook his head, and then let the crowd gather.

After the count, all the people from his side who came to Bruno's territory were there, and then Sol turned to bid farewell to Lord Essen.

Lord Essen still showed enthusiasm and politeness. Whether he knew Saint Elisa's plan or not, he and Sol represented the position between the territory and the territory, and it had nothing to do with the Holy See of Light.

After the courtesy and invitation ended, Sol returned to his own side and waved, and a group of people were ready to embark on their way home.

Just as Saul dangled Beth's hand and walked towards the main hall door.

"You don't want me?" A sorrowful cry suddenly penetrated the hall, even overshadowing the music in the hall.

The sound of music suddenly stopped, and everyone stopped talking, and the whole hall fell into a short and strange silence.

Sol and others didn't know what happened, they just turned their heads subconsciously.

"You said you want to travel with me and take care of me for the rest of my life. You will accompany me wherever I want to go or do whatever I want, you liar!" The maid who was talking was the maid next to Elisa, her eyes were red, she was gnashing her teeth Looking at Saul's group of people.

"Who is she talking about?" Stanter looked around, somewhat inexplicable.

The woman looked at her group of people, but most of these people were women, and they didn't seem to be right with each other. For the rest, Stant admitted that he was incapable of this ability, and Diller, who looked melancholy, had not even dissipated the light of a single dog on his head.

As a result, everyone retreated subconsciously to both sides, highlighting the most suspicious Sol in the center of the team.

"It must be a good thing this guy did again." Stanter watched Thor make a concluding statement.

What am I... what did I do to me? Again? Suddenly, Sol's cheeks twitched uncontrollably.

"You are a big liar!" The maid on the opposite side yelled again, which was very clear. It was directed at Sol.

The surrounding guests whispered one after another, and their eyes turned a little contemptuous when they looked at Sol, as if they had already believed that Sol had deceived the ignorant girl, played with others and abandoned them.

Sol's face turned dark, and he laughed directly with anger. This is obviously what Eliza's new trick is to keep her party.

But with a smile, Saul's smile suddenly solidified, and he felt that the other party's voice seemed...different from before.

"K... Letty?" Sol's voice suddenly became hoarse, perhaps because the name hadn't been called for too long, so that it was a little jerky. Or it was because of old things that made him suddenly feel like a world away.

"You don't want me?" The **** the opposite side did not respond to his cry, but bent slightly, her two small fists were clenched tightly, and she exhausted her whole body to make this screaming scream, crossing the silent hall. Thor straight.

Sol suddenly remembered that Irene had yelled to herself like this in the gravekeeper's hut in Grayscreen many years ago. Like the roar of a giant dragon, but stern and sorrowful, I didn't expect to experience it again in my lifetime.

"Have you finally come to see me?"

"When you grow up, this tree won't be able to bear your weight."

"Since I can't have a complete chapter, I have to cherish those scattered words."

"It always feels like we will be separated from now on when we separate like this."

"If I die, your story will continue, but if you die, my story will end."

Those scattered, broken, beautiful, warm, nostalgic, smart, bright, and nostalgic, finally gathered at this moment, shocked him a little unstable, and finally formed the once in Thor’s mind. I have recalled the picture countless times.

On the tree of the Lord's Mansion in the new town, two lonely souls sat side by side, dangling their legs and talking about the future.

"Huh~~" Saul opened his mouth slightly, his lips quivered, then he turned his head to the side and exhaled deeply, then turned his head back. He was afraid that the scene before him was his own imagination or dream, and he was suffering with hope at the moment.

"Who said I don't want you!" Sol's voice suddenly rose, like a lone wolf howling at the moon.

"I waited for you all night in the alley opposite the clock tower. It was the most hopeful night of my life, but you didn't come." The girl stared at Saul with red eyes, as if she wanted to imprint his appearance. Into the depths of the soul.

"Yes, I missed the appointment. The only appointment I haven't made in my life." Sol's eyes were reddish and his eyes were a little sad.

"So you admit that you are a big liar?" The girl continued to ask.

"Yes, I am." Saul did not deny it, and he suddenly became happy, because the connection of these details is like the cracks in the years have been filled, and all this reveals the identity of the girl opposite.

As for the appearance and voice of the other party, that is not a problem at all, as she taught her how to disguise herself.

"What is the biggest illusion in life?" the girl suddenly asked.

"Naive, what is the most beautiful music in the world?" Saul asked rhetorically.

"Silence." The girl replied quickly.

He gave me a cipher again, and you gave me a cipher as soon as I met after many years, and a smile appeared on the corner of Saul's mouth.

"Stop, what are you doing here?" The girl suddenly stopped Sol.

"Take you home, you can only and must be my woman in your life." Sol solemnly replied.

"Who wants to... go home with you? I already have... a man!" The girl stunned, and suddenly blushed.

Saul was stunned, and stopped subconsciously.

"It's okay, now you have two." Sol began to walk.

"Don't force me, I will commit suicide if you come over again." The girl suddenly looked up at Saul.

"It's still okay, after you die, I will save your body, it is mine. I will not let you have the opportunity to rot in the soil, every night comes, I will hold you in my arms and tell you about me Miss you, and then repeatedly occupy you."

"Until I bury you and me together." Saul looked directly at her.

These words immediately aroused bursts of exclamation, because there was a cold and evil taste in Saul's words, but some ladies who stared at the stars swayed there, feeling so romantic.

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