Son of the Olden Days

Chapter 541: Voice in the dark

Since it couldn't be verified, just assume that the demon soul is real, and Thor didn't get too entangled, and stepped forward to absorb the demon soul.

At this time, the carrion had completely disappeared from the ground, and the corpse would disappear at the same point as on the mainland, but the speed of disappearance was obviously faster than that of the mainland. It stands to reason that the monsters of rank two and above will have the devil soul, but Thor did not perceive the rank of this monster.

Speaking of the mainland environment outside of the rules, the demon soul seems to be more precious than the spiritual power. After all, the door of the secret realm is closed, and there are fewer monsters that can produce the demon soul. If I can accumulate some demons in the rules this time, it would be a good harvest.

In addition, Sol also noticed that the reason for this monster's appearance must be because of himself, but Sol has not found the specific cause of this monster's appearance. Is it because of that special section of road that I passed through? Or is it because of the time I came to the castle?

Thor even went back and forth in the area where the carrion appeared twice, but it was a pity that nothing happened again.

The reason is probably the time spent in the castle, Saul thinks. Next, following the previous direction, Sol just stepped on the masonry ground and grass, and the sound of footsteps was a little bit fragmented. It felt like this castle... seemed quite big.

Not too far, Thor found a room on the inner wall of the castle. It is not surprising in terms of the layout. There will naturally be rooms if there are aisles. Even in terms of the space utilization rate of the castle, the rooms in this castle are relatively small and not dense.

There were signs of peeling on the surface of the old door panel, the grain and wood, and Sol did not take much effort to open the door.

An unpleasant creaking and friction sounded, and a series of reverberations were drawn on the dead aisle, and a small amount of dust fell from the door.

The door will also illuminate itself like in the aisle, and the whole room seems to be lit up instantly because of the arrival of Thor. What's interesting is that the place where the crystal lamp should be hung, but there is a bundle of burning torches hanging, looks inexplicably primitive.

Sol did not enter the room to observe carefully, because the room was not large, or because there was no debris, the light from the torches poured down, and the open interior was almost clear at a glance. Sol paid attention to the movement of the aisle, took a rough look, and left.

This is a rough investigation that must be done, lest the little shiitake mushrooms are curled up in a certain room and shivering, but they missed it.

In fact, there are some weird things in the room. There is no carpet, furniture or any decoration in the room. The ground is cracked and grass is growing like the aisle. After scanning the entire room, it was empty and quiet, with no debris or **** on the beach.

If there are some ancient furnishings in the room, it may still give people a sense of run-down, but the room is too clean and it looks like someone has emptied it deliberately. Sol suspected that the time may have been too long, and the rule owner could no longer remember many details when he presented the environment.

As he walked through the aisle, Sol opened two more rooms of unknown purpose along the road. They were empty and empty, with nothing, no danger, and no Anne Betz mushrooms. In the aisle, Thor encountered two more enemies.

The types of enemies in these two times are different from the carrion corpses encountered in the first time, but they are not very strong. Once a zombie, once a necromancer. After the zombie died, he contributed a demon soul to Thor. After the death of the undead, the contribution is still the accumulation of mental power.

The whole aisle feels longer than that of an ordinary castle. I don't know how big the castle itself is, or because the space in the illusion has been enlarged by some will. Although Saul didn't walk fast, he finally came to the castle stairs connecting the upper and lower floors.

Like Thor's conjecture, a stone spiral staircase looks ordinary and has no special characteristics.

Perhaps there is a rotating staircase at both ends of the entire aisle to connect the upper and lower floors, and Sol continues to extend his guess. If his conjecture is correct, the overall architectural pattern has not deviated from Saul's experience and knowledge, or it is still within logic.

Standing on the revolving stairs, Thor looked up and down, and it was no accident that it was pitch black. Maybe he had to wait until he got to the floor before the lights came on. The vision didn't help much, and Thor could only carefully catch the sound with his ears, but unfortunately still only got a piece of silence.

Since nothing accidentally interrupted his search, Sol chose to go down based on the plan he made at the beginning.

He decided to search several floors as far as he could. If he was not far from the ground, he would search the lower floors of the castle first, and then turn his head back upwards. Anyway, the upper level of the castle was there and couldn't run away. It was really impossible, and I had to search the entire castle again.

I am both searching and investigating, waiting for the investigation area to shrink and shrink, and eventually the creatures will meet all kinds of things that should be met.

After leaving a mark near the stairs on this level, Thor went to the next level, leaving the mark so that he would not repeat the search in the future.

The next level does not seem to be different from the previous one, at least the environment is similar, which Thor originally thought. But after reaching the lower level, Sol found that the enemy had changed. After knocking down a smiling puppet and a stitching monster in turn, Sol stopped.

I feel that the strength of the enemy has increased, and the types of enemies have not been repeated so far. This made Thor suddenly have a bad guess, could it be that the longer he stays in this castle, the more powerful the enemies that appear behind him?

If this inference is true, what will happen at the end? As you can imagine, that must be a daunting answer.

After a short stay, Sol continued his search. On the one hand, he didn’t have any reason to retreat. On the other hand, he wanted to verify the guess that he suddenly appeared. The verification method is very simple. You only need to face a few more appearances. The enemy will do.

So Sol's speed remained unchanged, and he would still push the door open when he encountered a room along the way to confirm it. But Saul's mood is becoming heavier and heavier, because he realizes that his guess is likely to be correct, and the enemies that appear next are getting stronger and stronger.

Once I encountered something with a personal frog face and I didn't know what it was. I don't want to talk about the nausea, the key is that this guy's attack method is very awkward, a tongue that can curl and retract like a sharp blade, every time he greets his heart and lower body.

During the battle, Thor always thinks of the scene of Stant rolling up flies with his tongue. This guy's tongue is very fast. If he is licked by this frog-faced man, he may lose his heart or an important part. Fortunately, he will eventually be Thor cut off his tongue and twitched to death.

Another time was a necromantic slime, which was characterized by flexible body, floating and flexible and very flexible. Every time Thor's sword slashed past, its body would dent in time to avoid the blade, and finally Thor saw the opportunity to send it away with a crack in the abyss.

After killing a vampire again, Saul made a decisive decision. The search speed must be accelerated, because the speed and clone of this vampire have made Thor feel that the battle is a bit difficult, and the enemies behind do not know what else will appear.

When I become a vampire, I just feel like the wind comes and goes. I never imagined that a vampire would be so strenuous to face it when it became an enemy.

Sol roughly figured out the rules of the enemy's appearance, which seemed to be due to the time he stayed in the castle. He also deliberately fumbled out the goblin clock he was carrying with him and recorded it. The enemy would appear every quarter of an hourglass.

If Anne Baez really experienced the same as himself in this rule, it stands to reason that this kind of enemy intensity is not something that Anne Baez of Tier 4 can face. Imagining the scene of the little shiitake mushroom fighting to death, Saul couldn't help feeling anxious.

So Sol began to carry a package of fresh water on his back, speeding up and running in the aisle, and only halfway through the closed room would he stop and open the door to scan. Saul suspected that there might not be enemies in these rooms, and Anne Baez might be hiding in one of them.

Of course, there is no basis for this conjecture. Saul just thought it was impossible for Anne Baez to stand in the aisle, so he could only hide in a certain room. If the entire castle room is not there, it is estimated that only the outside of the castle is possible.

But what is outside this castle, is it a wilderness or an ocean? Or is it possible that the castle is not outside at all?

With his thoughts flying around, Thor did not slow down his speed, but searched all the way to the end of the aisle.

Like Sol's previous conjecture, as expected, there are rotating stairs connecting up and down at both ends of the aisle on each floor. If he goes from left to right on the upper floor, this floor is equivalent to returning from right to left, and all the rooms encountered along the road have not been missed.

Pulling out the goblin clock and taking a look, Saul frowned. This time he didn't encounter an enemy for nearly half an hourglass. Could it be that the one-quarter hourglass time that I had previously speculated was wrong? Or does it mean that the next enemy... is powerful?

Saul was faintly uneasy, there was almost no treatment here, and it would be very troublesome to get injured. The shiitake mushroom should have been dragged in, but after thinking about it, Saul smiled and shook her head. Now Elisa is her own little shiitake mushroom.

Holding the long sword, Thor prepared to leave a mark on this level of stairs, and quickly walked down the spiral stairs to the bottom of the castle. Then as far as possible, before the next enemy appears, run outside the castle, if there is one outside.

Just as Saul used the tip of his sword to engrave the mark on the stairs, he suddenly stopped his hand with a shocked look on his face, and then suddenly raised his head.

There was a voice above him or on a certain level of the revolving staircase. Sol's first reaction was impossible. How could there be human voices in the rules, but he soon remembered that the vampire creature he met the second time could indeed communicate.

The voice above is a bit remote and unspecific, and it is difficult to distinguish even a few words. However, after Thor raised his head, he saw from the cylindrical gap left in the middle of the rotating staircase, that there seemed to be a faint candlelight swaying about a dozen or so levels above his head.

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