In the depths of the volcano, somewhere in the rock wall is a platform that has not been completely swallowed by lava.

Although the lava has not yet reached the high ground of the platform, the low-lying part of the platform is almost the same height as the hot lava. This piece of heat like the dead sea of ​​hell surrounds the platform from all directions.

And George, Rova, Phoenix King Atom, and the Phoenix egg, are now standing on this small platform high ground.

Gryphon leader Sean and Falcon Breeze stayed. Because Sean can't help much, he can only wait outside the volcanic crater for George and the others to return.

While bringing in the falcon breeze, the Phoenix King deliberately did it. No one knows if the owner behind this bird will stabb them at the most critical moment.

If it was Atom, who was the former Phoenix king, let alone this platform, even the lava pool in the center of Divine Fire Mountain is just a slightly larger bathtub for him. In order to stand on this platform with everyone, Atom used another method-transformation.

For the fourth-order bloodline creatures, it is actually a kind of slander to describe them as intelligent creatures. For Tier 4 bloodline creatures, their intelligence, power, mana, size, and lifespan are far superior to the first rank bloodline humans who call themselves "intelligent creatures". Therefore, they have many basic skills that are difficult to match for creatures with bloodline below Tier 4, and transformation is one of them.

For the spell of transforming, especially transforming into humans, Phoenix King Atom's heart is actually very resistant, which is equivalent to letting him drop the third order directly. This feeling is like disgusting human beings transformed into Stinking Insect. But now, for his child, Atom must make the necessary sacrifices, compressing his huge body into a human robust man of just over two meters.

Nevertheless, his burly body, resolute face, and Phoenix tattoos on his chest and back flicker, this pair of bodies comparable to "War God descends to the world" really has the two next to him. "Ordinary person" is trembling with fear.

The two "ordinary persons" who followed Atom were naturally George and Lova with fire shields. In order for George and Rova to enter this purgatory together and assist in the completion of the ceremony, Atom gave them a crimson feather when they set off. These two feathers are the crown feathers on top of Phoenix's head, one is from Atom, and the other is the relic of his wife Laet.

The undying bird feather is the name of this crown feather. According to the records of "Phoenix Legend", this crown feather, Phoenix will only grow three times in its lifetime. Crest feathers are the feathers on the top of the head, just like human hair. Although they contain very powerful energy, for Phoenix, the crest feathers are just decorative objects, and their presence or absence does not affect their strength. The more important meaning of the crest feather is to gift other creatures who have helped Phoenix, and give them the ability to be immune to burns. According to legend, if the person who was given the undying bird feather died accidentally, she could reborn from the ashes by putting her body in the fire.

Now, George and Lova each have an undying bird feather on their bodies, and their fire shield is the defense automatically triggered by the undying bird feather.

Although the two undying bird feathers were temporarily loaned by Atom, both of them knew well that if they succeeded in saving Atom’s child, the two undying bird feathers It is bound to be given to them.

Firmly, Lova opened the page about the ceremony of the legend in "Phoenix Legend". Together with George, she wrote down the shape of the magic array used by the ceremony. If it is normal, Phoenix King and Inheritor can automatically generate a magic array during the inheritance process, and automatically complete a series of processes from linking to transmission. The magic array in this process is generated by itself, so no one at Phoenix Race deliberately remembers the style of this magic array. Instead, it was Croys, who had the honor to observe a Phoenix Race pass ceremony in the old world Elasia.

At that time, in order to better study Phoenix Clan, Kroys recorded this magic array in the file. Didn't expect that this handy record will play such an important role today. The role of!

The current situation is that Atom wants to pass the position of his child in a "strong buy and sell" style. Only the willingness of Atom alone can not complete the inheritance ceremony, only through manual Draw the magic array and force the ceremony to complete the inheritance of the king.

The reason for choosing this area in the center of the volcano is that the Fire Element here is the richest, and according to the records in "Phoenix Legend", if the Phoenix King died in battle, the candidate must jump into Lava In the middle, use lava as a guide to absorb the energy of the entire volcano before reborn from the ashes and become the next Phoenix king.

Although Phoenix Race has been immune to fire damage from birth, but the beloved Phoenix King Atom is impossible to say that he agreed to put the egg directly into the lava, so he took this A compromise solution.

Using the solid stone as the carving knife and the ground as the scroll, George and Rova engraved the magic array according to the records in the "Phoenix Legend". The engraving time is very long. Moreover, George and Rova are not Druid or mage, even if they both have a good spell foundation, it is still somewhat difficult to engrave this extremely complex magic array on this uneven ground.

Time passed bit by bit, and while Atum was waiting anxiously, George and Lova finally successfully completed the engraving of the magic array. After George cautiously placed the Phoenix egg in the center of the magic array, the next step was Attom's work. Atom was very lucky and forced the blood essence in his body out of his body. Then, he put the blood essence into the groove engraved by the magic array, and along the groove, the blood essence quickly filled the entire magic array. For a while, the entire magic array flashed bright crimson.

Just as the flames were on Atom and he was about to pass the ceremony, Rova stopped him.

"senior, you haven't named the child yet."

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