"The guests have good eyesight! The person who just won the money is nicknamed'Lucky Rabbit's Feet'. The actual combat strength is not very good, but he is very good at stealth tracking. According to rumors, he I used to be an officer of the Intelligence Bureau. He spent a long time in the chaotic camp. After he came back, he committed adultery with his boss’s wife, was driven out by the army, and was crippled on his knees. That’s why it became a virtue."

The bartender is shrugged, saying that he feels worthless.

"How much is this information worth?"

George was not confused by the chattering tone of the bartender, but went straight to the core of the topic.

"The news just now is considered as a free gift, but if you want to continue listening to some useful information, then pay fifteen Silver Coins, which is the price of half a Gold Coin. Of course, if you There is high-priced information here, and I will also collect it here to ensure that the price is fair."

When it comes to business matters, the bartender's voice is obviously suppressed.

According to his many years of working experience, the people who come to his pub to drink are nothing more than two types-those who use drinking as a guise to vent troubles, and those who use drinking as a guise to inquire about news.

Since this guest is not in a hurry to get himself drunk and go crazy, he should be a second person with a clear head.

"Okay, here is a Gold Coin. In addition to the lace news just now, I also want to inquire about another news about the heretical group..."

George just said When the words "Here Trial Group" were uttered, the bartender, who had maintained a fierce look in front of him, suddenly showed a panic expression, his Adam's apple tumbled, and his hands had been subconsciously touched under the table.

George had noticed a long time ago that there was an unsheathed sharp knife under the table.

"Calm down!"

As soon as George grasped the bartender’s arm, his slender fingers didn’t use much force, but no matter how the bartender struggled, he was full of knife marks. The arm is basically impossible to move half a point.

After seeing that the situation could not be controlled, the bartender wanted to roar to attract rescue and riots, but as George’s pupils flashed a red light, he felt like a rooster held by his throat The same, flushed but couldn't make any noises, and couldn't even bite his tongue and commit suicide.

"Listen, you idiot, I'm just here to ask for directions. I'm not trying to find fault with the heretical group."

George paused, and continued to add: "I It is George, George Lucifer, the Viscount granted by His Royal Highness Rex Louis himself. According to His Royal Highness Rex’s order, he is preparing to set off for the nearby heresy court. As a black clothed guard, please inform me of the nearest heresy court. Location."

After finishing talking, George lifted the blood control technique on the bartender and took out two certificates from the space bag. It also highlighted the jurisdiction of the George Territory-Juarez Fortress, and the other was the appointment letter of the black clothed guard of the heretical trial group.

When George entire group entered this city of Alexandria, Rex and Arthur began to join Saintess who came out from nowhere, and began to take care of the banquet to entertain Michael. On George's side, Rex, who was so busy, just sent a monk, and after giving these two certificates to George, he left him aside.

As a result, George, who had been standing in the corner of the city hall for a long time, found that there was no place for him to maintain law and order or a gluttonous feast, as if the entire world had completely forgotten George.

In desperation, George could only take his nightmare king Zantos, ran to the corner of the city, he he he was bored, and inquired about the information by the way.

Before showing the certificate to the bartender, George also carefully checked the certificate given by Rex. He found that although the Louis family coat of arms and Rex Louis’s signature stamped on the two certificates are genuine and authentic, there seems to be some problems with the two certificates:

In the power of attorney proving the ownership of the territory of the fortress of George Juarez, although the regulations seem normal, there is a fatal loophole-the power of attorney only states jurisdiction and does not have inheritance rights.

For a knight, if he has only jurisdiction and no inheritance rights, then he is exactly similar to the ordinary City Lord. After George's death, the empire can reclaim this territory in any name.

Although Rex has a very good abacus, he calculates one thing wrong. George has half of the Blood Race bloodline in his bloodline. His natural life length is much longer than that of an ordinary person. It’s too long, unless George dies accidentally midway, otherwise, wait for George’s birth, aging, sickness and death under natural circumstances? Although I don't know if the Parada Empire can wait for it, at least Rex can't wait.

Similarly, although the appointment letter of black clothed Wei seems to be fine, George’s Sixth Sense told him that the appointment letter must also hide some problems.

However, in any case, it is very useful to use the family crest of the royal family to bluff an ordinary person.

"Light God is here, you are really a black clothed guard! Forgive the poor eyes! Please forgive me!" The bartender in front of him has put down all his dignity and face at this moment, and he bends down. Head to George to apologize. His head can't be lowered anymore, so he almost slams his head directly into the bar table.

The bartender’s huge body, his humble attitude, and George’s body shape much thinner than him, this image full of contradictions should have some funny feelings, and at this time George is basically Can't laugh.

"Just the sign of the heresy trial group can scare the intelligence dealers who have been in the gray area all the year round. What kind of dragon's pool and tiger's den I am going to next! "

Although George is so worried, the only thing he can do in front of him is to report to the Heresy Judgment Temple, and then find a chance to chat with his old father-in-law Arthur.

After all, if this king of nightmare beasts follows the script written by his "supervisor", Spirit King Elvin, George will have to find an opportunity to give it to him.

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