The mountain range of the gold mine is in the mansion halfway up the mountain.

"Captain George, you have worked hard, I never thought that such a dangerous task, your Reaper mercenary group actually took only two days to get it done!"

Looking at the wraiths behind George who were tied up with special chains and dejected, Mrs. Jeanne of the Gold Mine Boss signed the mercenary mission book and exclaimed sincerely.

After successfully rescuing the woman and child, the last persistence of these wraiths in Human World has also ended, and their final self-awareness will also dissipate invisible. If left alone, they will really Become the solitary soul, unbound ghost in the mineral vein, and do evil.

Under Uther’s suggestion, George included them in the form of a soul contract. Although Wraith is not good at frontal battlefields, he is a first-class scout force, appearing and disappearing unpredictably. And the curse of biological aging is also a major feature of them.

Of course, these are all things to do. As for now, this group of wraith troops have to be wronged temporarily and play George’s prisoner.

"Many thanks to Mrs. Many thanks, but there is one more thing..." George pushed out the woman who was hiding behind him and hugging the child.

"Excuse me, the family of the former miner...what should I do with it?"

"Ah...there are survivors, it is so clear!" Jenny Boss face The surprise on exhibit one's feelings in one's speech, and the eyes are even moist and hazy.

If George hadn't turned on the telepathic innate talent this time, he would have been fooled by Jenny Boss's skillful acting skills.

"Come back, child, these days, you have suffered."

Jenny Boss opened her arms and wanted to welcome the woman's return. Of course, the woman would definitely not cooperate. Seeing the woman reacting like this, Jenny Boss shook the head sadly. After hiding his face and sobbing for a while, he turned to face George and continued:

"Head George, anyway, you saved My people, I will pay you an extra payment, one hundred Gold Coins. Similarly, the various unpleasantness under the gold mine, please forget them."

"Hall seems Mrs. Jenny, you know everything under the gold mine from start to finish?"

Since it’s time to tear up the superficial partnership, George is not afraid that his problems will cause Jenny Boss to be alert.

"Two hundred Gold Coins, no more...Or, Commander George, you still, want, want, me?" The last half of the sentence was after Jenny Boss approached George. , Whispered softly in his ear, exhaling blue.

I have to say that the charm of Jenny Boss's unique mature woman's posture is even comparable to the three direct Princesses of George's Asmodeus family.

As if bewitched, George’s hands were unconsciously attached to the soft and boneless waist of Jenny Boss. The eel-like slippery hands wandered around, groping up and down, while Jenny Boss There was a hint of flushing on the face of Weeping Beauty.

Next, like must be in order to Mrs. Jenny undressing, George's hand wraps around her back and the skirt, except that the somewhat disobedient thumb is slightly offset Instead of taking the original path, she held onto the bottle of high-concentration holy water that Jenny Boss had hidden under her skirt, which was about to open the bottle cap.

Next, George just tapped his index finger and middle finger to snatch the holy water smoothly!

"Hide holy water under your hips and use holy water to flirt. Mrs. Jenny is indeed the Eldest Miss from the city, she is good at playing."

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