Perhaps enemies on a narrow road, the chance encounter with Dong Guzi, really made George feel the magic of fate.

In all fairness, Dong Guzi and George do not have any direct enmity, but the enemy of his friends, George naturally has to take care of him.

Besides, George clearly remembers that the former chief Druid Kroys and Spirit King Irwin witnessed the separation of Dong Guzi’s corpse with his own eyes. However, when he encircled and suppressed the hunting group, George But from the half-orc leader of the hunting group, he accidentally learned the information that he was still alive, so now, it is a great opportunity to confirm the truth!

“As you have seen, this fighter from nowhere has won several battles in a row. If he is allowed to win the former champion of this ring, then he will To get the first prize of three hundred Gold Coins! Not equal to me, let’s bet on the final game of this dark horse!”

“Good idea!”

Dong Guzi took George’s words, and at the same time, he waved to a corner of the room in a very concealed manner, and then showed a mysterious smile.

“I bet on the champion of the casino, ten thousand Gold Coin! This casino is my private property. The champion I chose how many catties and how many taels I know very well, the challenger can only be the challenger The champion is still the champion. It’s like a pheasant whose hair is lit all over. Even if it looks like a Phoenix when it burns, it can only end up playing with fire and self-immolation!”

“Don’t underestimate it. The ability of the pheasant may be anxious, it will have to pull back before death, man!”

How could George not understand Dong Guzi’s frigid irony and scorching satire, he Looking at the apologetic giant Jamal behind him, the merchant who hired George as a substitute gambler unexpectedly gave up participating in this gamble. Obviously, Dong Guzi’s real bet made him a little hesitant.

Businessmen are businessmen after all, and high profits and low risks are their eternal pursuit.

Since Maier gave up his participation, in the face of Dong Guzi’s 10,000 Gold Coin, George had to take out all the chips he had on hand to compete with Dong Guzi-almost all of the money came from Dong Guzi The winners in the hands are now all bet on the opposite “dark horse player”.

“Either take it all away, or have nothing, man!”

George leaned on the edge of the window sill, and also returned a meaningful smile to Dong Guzi, but no one else The blind spots that can be noticed, countless filaments of blood energy are flying in midair in the arena, connecting George and the dark horse player in the arena!


Even in underground arenas, there are rules that belong to them:

The beater applies for the beat, the loser is thrown out of the field, the winner You can choose to continue to challenge more powerhouses and get higher rewards; or just stop here and step down with the bonus of the arena.

Like all around spectators, the rules of the underground arena are simple and rough!

However, unlike the drills and routines that the regular armies have exchanges with, the underground arena is more fierce and vicious. In addition to the limitations of standard weapons and standard armor, Battle Qi, magic, curse, Blessings, summon…

As long as they can defeat their opponents, gladiators tend to do everything they can. Injuries and bones are often commonplace. Serious injuries or deaths on the spot also happen!

However, this “dark horse player” who was born out of nowhere is standing in the arena like a meat grinder! The nearly three-hour challenge just left him with a few inconspicuous bruises and scars. The sweat on his body is far less than the audience gamblers shouting crazy for him in the audience!

“The fight is really beautiful!”

When the dark horse player won the game against Barbarian and walked off the ring, a deacon in the arena was already waiting in the shadows. At the same time as his appearance, the attendants on both sides also brought towels, tea, bandages and other disposable items.

Only by relying on the overflowing aroma of these objects, the dark horse contestants can easily conclude that the level of these consumables is absolutely higher than that provided in the waiting room, full of mold and oil. The “furnishings” are countless times high-end!

Unfortunately, the dark horse player still has no plans to take over.

In general, the appearance of a deacon in the arena often means that this player has been photographed by a rich man. As long as he is nodded, he can become a close attendant of the rich and bid farewell to the days of licking blood. To become a master, you don’t have to worry about food and clothing. You only need to accompany the Young Master to practice sword and piano with the Young Lady occasionally.

But this time, things are not that simple.

“These are just the most basic hospitality gifts, don’t worry!”

The short and chubby deacon habitually twisted his babble, rubbing his hands and smiling. Speaking of. Seeing that the other party was still unwilling to take over, he just leaned against the wall and waited for the next step. Deacon shrugged unsurprisingly, so he continued to put on the original smirk.

“This expert, it is not difficult to win the championship with your skill, but swords don’t have eyes, it is inevitable to get injured when fighting on the stage, and it is not to fall back on the roots of the disease. It’s worth it. My Boss said that if you are willing to lose in the next game, our Boss is willing to give you the winning 300 Gold Coins with both hands, and then give you an extra 100 Gold Coins in return! “

“Only four hundred Gold Coins, you want me to cheat?!”

Finally, the dark horse player looked towards the deacon, his eyes were full of contempt, and he squeezed After the waiter brought the tea, he tried to walk towards the ring.

“expert…hero…please hold your steps, please hold your steps, I beg you! Give two hundred…two hundred Gold Coins, wait…wait a minute! Three hundred …A total of six hundred Gold Coins, do you think it is!”

In order to keep the other party, this short and chubby deacon has been crying. Deacon’s tears are not fake. Originally, Dong Guzi’s Boss trusted deacon had the authority to grant deacon six hundred Gold Coins. Now it’s fully revealed, and he didn’t get any oil or water. Can he not cry!

“Half the deposit, 300 Gold Coins will be paid to me first.”

The deacon’s full offer finally got the dark horse player’s stay. After he took over the Gold Coin, he After deacon said a meaningful word, he stepped into the ring to fight the champion’s life.

“Either take it all away, or have nothing, man!”


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