Soul of Negary

Chapter 755

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“Sure enough, relying solely on the power of a multiverse, I will not be your opponent!” Grerigos did not panic at all, and the old book in his hand was turning: “You have obtained a similar infinite key from future disasters. Power, but you have not mastered the old book after all.”

The power of domination is spreading. Follow the passage of the book of the old days to the blueprint large multiverse and obtain the power of another large multiverse.

What disappointed Grerigus was that his power penetrated into the new era of the blueprint large multiverse, and there was still no trace of 10000 phenomena.

In this process, He not at all found any clues to 10000 elephants.

He still didn’t find any clues to detachment. Although there was a certain expectation in his heart, Grayrigus still felt disappointed.

With this disappointment buried in just an instant, Greigs did not feel discouraged. He did not put his energy in the passage to find the trace of 10000 elephants.

He now has more important things to do, to dominate the blueprint multiverse, in order to defeat Negary.

Now he has discovered another possibility of detachment.

At the beginning Negary could give up domination of the road and lead the string of enterprising truth.

Then why can’t I, defeat Negary and take everything Negary, from then on, Negary will become Greigs.

The meaning of Greyrigues is not to be the controller of 10000 things, but to integrate the meaning of Negary and derive other meanings.

“If anyone is most likely to be detached, then it must be Negary.” Grayrigos thinks more and more like this: “Negary seems to exist for detachment.”

“Keep making progress, and always walk on the path of self-improvement and self-strengthening!”

The power of chaos is increasing frantically. A huge whisker appears in the large multiverse, followed by more and more whiskers or flesh pieces, just like a huge, dark, chaotic, amorphous mass.

Accompanied by the roar of giant drums, and the disgusting monotonous sound of flute, there are many howlings, or whispers in the dark.

All kinds of complicated and incomprehensible things are chasing all things, wrapping and gnawing them.

The scale of the Burning Soul Multiverse is increasing at a faster rate than before.

That is the power on the chaos side, which is now growing wantonly.

The era of the Burning Soul Multiverse has just begun. Compared with the power of order, the power on the chaotic side is pitiful.

This can be easily judged from the number of achievements-related roads. At this moment, the great existences encountered by the Burning Soul are mostly those that can communicate and understand.

There is little pitifulness on the real chaos side. Not to mention the dark abyss which represents the unknown plucker. The real most powerful chaos side road person can only be the heir of dark abyss, the dark creeper, that is, Negary. The great being encountered in SCRworld Dark World.

And at the moment when the power that Grayrigus relied on appeared in the world, the power on the chaotic side surged.

“The blind and foolish god, the head of the Demon God, the lord of 10000 things, Asathos!” Negary recognized this existence. The blueprint multiverse is based on this existence, and he is also the creator of God. Only the body’s instinct remains, the great existence on the side of chaos.

Greyriguez borrowed the power of the blueprint and the great multiverse, and the manifestation of nature is the Atathos who symbolizes everything.

Negary felt that his aggressive path was being eroded and swallowed, as if slipping into the mouth of a monster.

The resounding drums and monotonous flutes collide with the Sound of Origin plucked by the strings of truth.

Greyriguez in turn eroded Negary and came to dominate Negary.

The scale of the Burning Soul Multiverse is growing rapidly.

The rare beast multiverse ushered in some foreign information.

At the beginning of the era, this piece of information was growing rapidly. After a long time, the rare beasts who lived in the large rare beast multiverse recorded a great existence who came and left.

He has many titles, such as the beginning of the world, the fetus of life, the eternal star, etc., until a long time later, these titles will be forgotten, but there will still be an existence whispering his name: Negary.

There are also countless existences that become part of Negary.

It is said that Negary found the center of the world and went on a journey that might not end.

It was not until the end of the epoch that there was any discovery. Negary may have gone to the upper multiverse.

Along the way, Negary from that little information has grown stronger and stronger. He has been to many large multiverse universes, and the power of the ring has become more and more mature.

He can exert his power in every large multiverse.

Fighting, communicating, pulling a large multiverse into chaos, prompting it to restart a new era, and saving the large multiverse, giving it a new color.

His title is increasing, and the name of Negary is constantly passing on.

He tore through countless fogs, found the passage of this large multiverse to the upper multiverse, and then stepped into it, and came to a new large multiverse.

Perhaps it is because his size is too large now, perhaps it triggered a certain mechanism, and his arrival triggered the collapse of this large multiverse.

From the future began to collapse.

Countless existences are shocking him with fear, trying to delay his footsteps, but all of them are in vain.

They tried everything they could, but all was in vain.

Under Negary’s will, the big multiverse will be reversed from the future and reorganized by Negary to become a new big multiverse.

At this time, he also found a way to the next big multiverse, but he could not tell whether it was going to the upper level or the lower level.

Or there has never been a difference between the upper and lower levels.

It was at this time that he received a new title: the disaster of the future.

After not knowing how many large multiverses he has traveled, he encountered a large multiverse. This large multiverse has the existence of small epochs, and the structure of the world is composed of 9 small epochs, and each small epoch has A theme.

Their creation god has left this World, and the 9 Venerable Lord controls the time before and after the multiverse.

Very delicate structure, but under Negary’s footsteps, it has collapsed from the future, one era after another.

Then a familiar pigeon waved the scroll, summoning the existence after countless times, and decided to change the structure of the entire multiverse in the third epoch.

They constructed the final blueprint and successfully rewritten the structure of the large multiverse.

Seeing this familiar scene, Negary stopped and paused.

Seeing the evolution of the blueprint great multiverse, he did not continue to advance. He saw a lot and many did not. He saw that the dove became the almighty and omniscient and mastered the power of the circle, leaving at the end of the era.

Seeing countless dark fleshy pieces gathered together into a dark cloud, turned into a big fish, grasped the power of the ring from its life, and left.

They also passed by Negary’s side, the three had a brief exchange, and the two began a new journey.

He also has many things he hasn’t seen.

For example, he did not see whether the 10000 elephants ended up detached or died or went to other areas.

Until I consciously touch myself across a large multiverse.

Negary chuckled, and it was time to move on.

The power of Greyriguez’s dominance surged wildly, and he wanted to kill Negary and take possession of Negary himself.

But I saw the future disaster in the book of the old days approaching.

Under the power of the future disaster, the old book quickly collapsed, and under Greigs’ horrified eyes, it turned into a rotating hollow.

The void is getting bigger and bigger, and gradually becomes a maelstrom, like the maelstrom where the truth originated.

And at this time, he finally heard the real name of the future disaster, Negary!

The silhouette of Asathos disappeared, Negary did not accidentally complete the reconciliation, and the string of progress was connected to the maelstrom that the book of the old day turned into.

“So that’s how it is…” Everything in Grerigos was collapsing, just like the future of the countless worlds before, and then reorganized into an existence that seems right but actually isn’t.

The strings of His dominating truth are connected to the Maelstrom.

More and more strings of truth are attracted by the maelstrom, and little by little is connected to it.

This is gradually becoming the starting point of the Burning Soul Multiverse, where countless strings of truth originate.

The life plucker flew out of the previous origin of truth, and came to this origin constructed by Negary.

The origin of the original truth continued to collapse, and finally turned into an unwritten book, hidden in the large multiverse, the dove’s eyes moved, and it quietly looked at everything.

The order of the rings is reversed. At the moment Negary merges, the power of Negary’s rings becomes the principle of rings, the truth that prevails in all the great multiverses.

Also because Negary reversed the behavior of the entire circle, he promoted the existence of the entire circle, and he is the beginning of everything and the end of everything, the primary cause of 10000 things.

However, the reversal of the ring does not have much impact on the existence of the force that does not touch the ring.

Just a few pluckers noticed a certain change in the big multiverse, but they couldn’t find the change in a short time.

“I said…” The pigeon lifts the head and was about to say something, but found that Negary not at all came out of the Maelstrom. The blueprint after the Maelstrom did not have the huge silhouette of Negary.

“Well, Negary, I hope you have reached the hometown of Yongning that is always impossible to reach.” The pigeon said sincerely: “After all, I am also Negary!”

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