When he was out of school, Liu Li wanted to ask Li Qingyu to eat and comfort him. As a result, Li Qingyu refused. Most of the people changed this time and could not afford to eat.

    The Awakener incident affected too many people, and all the problems in the personality were magnified. Lu Shu heard that Li Qi of the 7th class had not spoken for a day.

    Lu Shu still keeps his mind. He went to the vegetable market to buy some eggs. The eggs in the house are no longer needed to replenish. Otherwise, the business in the morning will not be done.

    Then I thought about it and bought another tomato, a cucumber, and 5 yuan of meat.

    They also have tomatoes in their own yards, but this is winter. Lu Shu’s own plastic shed is not professional, so the tomato has not turned red after it grows out, and it can’t be eaten at all.

    Lu Shu feels that he has to go through his own 'big shed' in the evening. After all, it is cheaper to plant things in his own home. It is said that it is a greenhouse. In fact, Lu Shu does not know where to find the plastic sheet…

    He plans to make a tomato scrambled egg for Lu Xiaoyu, a cucumber fried meat.

    Although Lu Xiaoyu is eating eggs every day, but there is no meat in the rice, Lu Shu will give her two or three times a week, worried that she is malnourished.

    Lu Xiaoyu will rush to pick up the meat when he is young. When the two are older, they will take two-thirds to Lu Shu. The reason is that Lu Shu is too weak and needs to be replenished.

    This kind of day is also very interesting. Lu Shu looks at Lu Xiaoyu when he eats his own meal. There will be a kind of…Strange sense of accomplishment…

    This kind of sick and sick orphan can also support others. This kind of thing is really worthy of pride for Lu Shu.

    Lu Shu is not a person who has a talent for cooking. What he can do is probably a good taste, but it looks far worse.

    Lu Xiaoyu likes the tomato scrambled eggs made by Lu Shu. The eggs have always been enough. Take the spoon and even the soup with the soup and pour it on the rice. Lu Xiaoyu can eat two bowls of rice in one go.

    So when she saw Lu Shu going home with a plastic bag and meat and tomatoes, her eyes lit up.

    "Lu Shu Lu Shu, do you make fried tomato eggs tonight?"Lu Xiaoyu asked in plain knowledge, but actually wanted to make sure.

    “Yes,” Lu Shu put the dishes in the kitchen first, and went to the hand-washing road to explain: “You steamed the rice, using the slightly expensive rice that we bought at the supermarket last time.”

    Many people don't understand how carefully the children of poor families live. Even ordinary rice will buy two kinds of foods. They usually eat cheaper and occasionally eat more expensive.

    If Lu Shu tells this classmate, the classmate may be surprised: Isn't rice a price?

    Peel the garlic, beat the three eggs and mix them. When the chopped garlic cloves are fried in the oil pan, the scent has already floated out.

    When the dish was cooked, the rice was just steamed, and Lu Xiaoyu helped the rice, the dish, and then gorged.

    After dinner, Lu Shu called Lu Xiaoyu and went to the yard to help: "We are no longer familiar with this tomato. It is definitely a problem in the greenhouse."

    In the night, two people took the flashlight function on the domestic magical device and looked around the greenhouse. Finally, they found that there were no joints between the two greenhouses and the ground. The cold winds all blew in.

    "Lu Shu, will you still make fried tomato eggs when the tomatoes are cooked?"Lu Xiaoyu asked, looking up.

    "It will be," Lu Shu is happy, and this has already been remembered.

    However, they have to make a lot of problems in the greenhouse. The ghost knows when the tomato will be ripe…

    After dinner, Lu Xiaoyu drummed his stomach on the sofa and watched TV. Lu Shu was studying this system on his own. He first scanned the income record to see who had resentment for himself…

    Oh, it’s really a lot.

    Today's negative emotions points direct income is more than 3,000, but there are still some historical issues remaining in the resentment is still +1 +1…

    So Lu Shu's current negative emotions points income has reached the 4,000 mark again. He is thinking that if he needs 8 fruits to light up Sixth Star, then he can't advance again if he is cultivating overnight.

    On the other hand, he is really curious, after the system cancels Washing Marrow Fruit, there will be more in the lottery roulette.


    Now roughly, if Sixth Star needs 8 fruits, it will be completed in 4 days of cultivation. Even if it exceeds expectations, it will not exceed too much, so lottery is much more tempting.

    Lu Shu clicks the lottery button and the wheel turns again. This wheel is like a primal chaos. Only when it stops, can you see what the pointer is pointing at.

    Thank you for participating These four words give Lu Shu the psychological damage too much, and his heart is like hanging up every time you are lottery.

    The rotary suddenly stopped, and the primal chaos pointed by the pointer suddenly brightened and bright, just like the dark clouds were pulled away by the invisible hand, not Thank you for participating, Hahaha, not even Thank you for participating!

    Lu Shu took a closer look and didn't respond for a while. What the hell is this…

    Hey, after a long while, Lu Shu suck in a breath of cold air, is this really not true?

    You are not really coming!

    This special is a box of stinky tofu, but also inserted two bamboo sticks!

    I really thank you, Missief System, even the bamboo sign is ready for me, you are awesome!

    Lu Shu wants to ask, why can't I absorb my negative emotions points? Eh? Why?

    In the past, even if there was a Thank you for participating, Lu Shu felt that the system was not unreliable to no boundaries. Now, even stinky tofu is out, what will be tomorrow, grilled chicken wings?

    You are an Awakener system, you are not a roadside system, dude!

    Hey, Lu Shu suddenly thinks of a question, will it be…This stinky tofu is a bit unusual? Didn't I hear that there is any food in the game of Fantasy Westward Journey that can add attributes or things? Lu Shu didn't have the money to play the game, but I heard the classmates discuss it.

    This kind of stinky tofu will have the same effect, Lu Shu suddenly beamed, really if this is the case, can you accept it?

    Take it out and try it. I only know it when I taste it. The result is that he just took the box of stinky tofu out of the system…

    "Negative emotions points from Lu Xiaoyu, +11."

    I saw Lu Xiaoyu, who was also sitting on the sofa, turned his head in a blank expression: "Lu Shu, are you pulling your pants?"

    Lu Shu was dark at the time, pulling your sister! Can you still have a little normal thinking, this taste is a big difference, okay.

    But this stinky tofu, it is a bit stinky…Authentic…

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