At night, Sakurai Yaeko was exhausted and took a day's sword. Her school was a kind of atmosphere, so many people admire her.

    As a result, although she is very angry with Lu Shu, she can't be bad, so the affinity is always full…

    She had thought that she had finished a lesson in the morning, and she suddenly found out that Kirihara Yosuke was gone. Under what circumstances, the other party actually left himself here, but he ran away?

    "Negative emotions points from Sakurai Yaeko, +199!"

    Is this other party's action in order to drag themselves and facilitate the other party to carry out some secret activities?

    This strategy can be said to be very naive, but she can't say anything at all. After all, she came over herself. If she refused at the beginning, she always showed that she is willing to do everything, can't regret it!

    There are so many people in the world who are close to the demon, but Sakurai Yaeko feels that the other party is just such a small means. She is too naive to be childish, but she has succeeded in dragging her. She is very ashamed.

    Sakurai Yaeko quickly took the time to send a text message to the teacher to report that he had lost the whereabouts of Kirihara Yosuke. He hoped that the teacher would quickly find the other side and make up for his own fault.

    If they find that Kirihara Yosuke is actually coming into contact with the main war faction, then this person can't stay!

    Killing Kirihara Yosuke in Xijing City may be difficult, but there is something in the world called poison.

    There are a lot of cultivators that use poison in Japan. They are used for lurking, assassination, etc., although they are too unsightly, but they only pursue results.

    The cultivator's physical toxic resistance is high, but sometimes the poison is not necessarily to death, it can weaken the other's strength, and then silently kill!

    If the conservatives really only have more than one hundred people, then it is certainly not possible to find Lu Shu from the vast Xijing City. The problem is that there are still a group of ordinary people who are serving them.

    This is a very normal thing, as is the case with major organizations, such as Taniguchi Fumiyo in Heaven and Earth Net.

    Some things are really inconvenient for the cultivator to do. Heaven and Earth Net is still an extremely extreme organization. In the base below the Lingjing Hutong, the sewers and the toilets are all cleaned up, because they have not been in the army before. I am used to doing this less.

    Everyone doesn't think there is anything wrong with cleaning up their own internal affairs. Haven't they always come here?

    Relatively different from the Order of Phoenix, the cultivator in the Order of Phoenix is ​​even lower in level, and the aristocratic life is over, and the ordinary people who are employed are taken care of. This in itself is a means for the Order of Phoenix to build Awakener's own glory and pride.

    Therefore, there are now a group of ordinary people who specialize in serving cultivator and Awakener for various purposes, either for the sake of profit, or hope that one day they will be able to get a cultivation or awakening opportunity. After all, everyone has legends about the major organizations. Are studying how to improve the efficiency of awakening.

    Soon, Oda Takuma received a message and said to his neighbor, Matsuura Genichiro: "Go, some people say that he was seen in Liumu Town."

    Matsuura Genichiro is now a bit of in in ass when he wants to monitor Lu Shu, but the order is a command and can't refuse: "Okay, I will go now."

    "Don't lose it again."


    "Negative emotions points from Matsuura Genichiro, +399!"

    When Matsuura Genichiro followed the prompts, he saw Lu Shu standing in front of a building and sneaking inwardly. Matsuura Genichiro’s heart was a joy, and it’s time to catch you, and it’s obvious that it’s like this. Who to connect with?

    Does this Kirihara Yosuke really want to have a relationship with the main war? At this time, Matsuura Genichiro is in a complicated mood. After all, organization now hopes to win over Kirihara Yosuke, because the influence of Kirihara's family is really important. Some hidden family members are actually selling Kirihara's face.

    But if Kirihara Yosuke really falls to the main war faction, the conservatives must kill Kirihara Yosuke before the opponent and the main war faction reach an agreement.

    This is a big blow to the conservative plan.

    Matsuura Genichiro hides and observes silently, always keeping himself in the blind spot of Lu Shu's vision.

    Suddenly, someone in the building came out. Matsuura Genichiro saw the Kirihara Yosuke holding a hand and didn't know what was going. He was delighted and really came!

    In the next moment, he suddenly saw a group of students coming out of the cram school on the weekend, and Lu Shu went up and sent a white sheet with the font: "Mihuawu, Sakurai Yaeko, Way of the same The Sword, everyone is welcome to learn the Way of the Sword, and you can also get the class by Sakurai Yaeko. The Way of the Sword is superb!"

    "Negative emotions points from Matsuura Genichiro, +666!"

    Can you do something right, dude? Cooperating with you so far is to send flyers to the students in the cram school?

    After Lu Shu finished the wave of flyers, he asked the students a few words, and then took the flyer to the next goal. It is too difficult to find a tutoring class, but the students are very clear about which location there is a cram school. It is much easier to ask students than to find them.

    Matsuura Genichiro is a little confused, and it is clear that Lu Shu is going to sweep the entire Xijing City tutoring class!

    So, the first wave of students in the morning to finish class Sakurai Yaeko should be fine, and she immediately ushered in a second wave of students…

    It’s hard to cover all the students with a small propaganda and word of mouth, but Lu Shu doesn’t think it’s okay. The wine is also afraid of the alley, then he walks out of the alley to sip, who will not advertise.

    Sakurai Yaeko looked at the new arrival of this wave of students almost desperate, what is the situation? As a result, she received a call from Matsuura Genichiro: "Sakurai, Kirihara sent a leaflet for 17 cram schools, and students are rushing to the martial arts hall…"

    "Negative emotions points from Sakurai Yaeko, +999!"

    Matsuura Genichiro also wants to understand why…There will be such an operation…

    What happened to the owner of a martial arts hall to personally send flyers?

    Everyone thinks that you have to do something right, either to restore the influence of the Kirihara family and restore the glory of the past, or you should keep close contact with the main warring factions and conservatives, or directly contact the hidden families who once stood on the side of Kirihara's home. , all right!

    When everyone thinks that the Kirihara family will return to the stage of cultivation world, Kirihara Yosuke is already looking into the business world and will not look back…

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