
Chapter 397 You guys are technical bullying!

The birth of the YLS-1000 surprised Chen Nian. Originally, according to his plan, he thought it would take at least three months before it would be available.

But I didn't expect that the speed of the 11th school was so fast.


But think about it, 11 is also an old-fashioned research institute in the field of electronics. Since the establishment of Spark, each research institute has basically been assigned to large and small projects. Even if it is not the core, it can still share a bite of the soup.

However, the 11 institutes have relatively specialized fields and high barriers, so they have not made much progress until now.

Now that a YLS-1000 project has finally come, can they still rush forward?

Therefore, it is not too unusual to come up with results within the planned time.

However, according to their feedback, Chen Nian actually knew that this YLS-1000 was not in a complete form in the true sense.

It mainly verifies the technologies of thermal management, beam quality management and stability management. As for the high-power optical fiber pump source itself, there are not many leapfrog breakthroughs.

As for the optical components, it is even more lackluster.

Including the gain medium and the output mirror, they are all finished products purchased directly from Carl Zeiss according to the standard. With the current domestic technology, even though considerable progress has been made in optical components due to the influence of the lithography machine project, it is necessary to reach the YLS-1000 The requirement itself is not enough.

Therefore, the parameters of this laser are not "so good".

It is only a maximum power of 80,000 kilowatts, which is more than twice that of the most advanced commercial high-power lasers.

Of course, YLS-1000 itself is a technology-proven laser. Its role is not to pursue the ultimate parameters, but to explore a series of technologies involved in fiber lasers, and finally to the full-scale explosion of laser technology.

Therefore, Chen Nian was not dissatisfied with such a result.

However, what is more satisfying than him is a series of domestic manufacturers that have demand for laser equipment.

After the news spread, the entire machining industry in China was directly fried.

Among them, the strongest reaction is the various automakers.

You must know that the demand for laser welding technology in the automobile manufacturing industry itself is extremely strong, including various parts such as frame, door, seat, etc., all need to use laser welding technology.

But now, due to the gap between domestic equipment in terms of welding joints and high-power generators, almost all large manufacturers still use imported equipment, and only a very small number of equipment comes from Shenyang Gongkong.

what does that mean?

When the equipment produced by a technology reaches more than 50% of the market share, the monopoly effect that this technology can produce is enough to affect the pricing of the entire market.

In this case, it is really not uncommon for a story of "a piece of chalk and a line" to charge 10,000 US dollars.

Like the previous communication industry, the value of the equipment itself is not great, nor can it drive rapid growth in profits. Subsequent spare parts and services are the biggest profit points.

You do not want?

If you don't sign a service contract, don't sign an equipment contract either.

At the most exaggerated time, the annual license price of a Simatic system can even reach the same level as the equipment price.

No one wants to spend this wronged money, but if you don’t spend this wronged money, you won’t even have the chance to make money.

Since the establishment of the first laser welding laboratory in Hefei in 1982, a whole generation has been trying to make up for the shortcomings in this field. There is a big gap in the advanced level.


Of course, such history will soon change.

With the birth of YLS-1000, the development of this technology will quickly enter the fast lane.

It won't be long before various manufacturers in China will be able to get rid of the kidnapping of foreign manufacturers and start to use their own, cheap and easy-to-use laser equipment.

Thinking of this, Chen Nian let out a long sigh of relief.

This is China's first non-military technological attempt after the "truce" between China and the United States. Its success or failure will determine the direction of subsequent technological development.

And what the result is. Just wait and see.

This is the work of the Civil Affairs Office, not something that I need to worry about.

Now, the only thing I need to do is to promote the research and development of the first wall as quickly as possible, so as to come up with the corresponding technical documents before the construction of the coil part is completed.

There are still 1300 points left in the source point at hand, and the technology of the first wall needs a total of 1100 points. According to Chen Nian's estimation, this number must be reduced to at least about 800 points in order to ensure the stable output of subsequent divertors and energy export devices.

Based on experience, the new Huorong team may spend about two months to conduct research, and produce enough results to reduce consumption and increase sources.

It's not easy.

After all, there is a natural difference between the field of materials science and the field of plasma control, that is, the continuity between previous achievements is relatively weak.

It is impossible for you to produce other normal-temperature superconducting materials with more principles and completely different structures just because you have produced metallic hydrogen, because although they are similar in shape and properties, the synthesis path of the two may even be unrelated.

As for the material of the first wall itself, the situation is basically similar.

At present, the most promising directions of first-wall materials include carbon nanofibers, carbon fiber composites, titanium alloys, ferritic stainless steel, tungsten and silicon boride, etc. Primary stage of one-wall material.

That is to say, the use of these materials is sufficient for so-called long-term high-power experiments.

However, if the commercialization of fusion reactors is to be realized, the service life needs to be decades at every turn, and the current ignition time in seconds is simply not in the same order of magnitude.

So which direction is the most likely to meet the requirements for the use of the first wall of a commercial fusion reactor?

Nobody knows.

At this point in 2010, the first wall material used by Huaxia was a mixture of beryllium, copper, and steel, and the innermost material was beryllium, which was mainly used to prevent the first wall from reacting with radioactive tritium and improve thermal conductivity.

At the same time, at the next time, the beryllium and copper alloys are welded using the mature hot isostatic pressing technology to ensure heat conduction efficiency and high temperature resistance.

The last layer of stainless steel mainly plays the role of support and heat dissipation.

Under this design, this type of prototype can reach a surface heat load of 4.7MW, which is more than 80% higher than that of common heat load wall panels in Europe during the same period.

But even so, this is not the final solution to the first wall.

Even based on Chen Nian's current knowledge, he knew that W-ZrC was a more suitable lining material than pure beryllium.

After all, the high hardness and low expansion coefficient performance of this thing is far beyond the reach of pure beryllium materials

Chen Nian frowned tightly, and he sorted out the known directions in his mind one by one, but in the end he found helplessly that each of these directions looked very reliable, but each prospect was different. Still hidden in darkness.

If it weren't for the blessing of the system, how long would it take for humans to find the real correct answer?

At least not within ten years.

And what I have to do is to compress the time of "ten years" or even "decades" into two months.

On the other side, at the same time that Chen Nian was preparing to start the exploration of the first wall material, in the office of the EAST project team headquarters, Li Jiangang was having a special communication with a special guest.

".So according to your plan, have we really lost the opportunity to regain more shares in the future?"

"You know, it's not fair to us."

"We have the strongest technical background and the largest number of scientific researchers, and the benefits we can bring to the EAST project far exceed those of other countries."

"But now, you are irrationally imposing technical sanctions on us for some unreasonable reasons, which is simply unreasonable."

"Of course, I'm not attacking you—in fact, to some extent, I can understand your overreaction."

"After all, in the past few years, the confrontation between our two sides has indeed been quite intense."

"But I still say that technology has no national boundaries, especially a technology like nuclear fusion that can change the destiny of the entire human race, and it should not be kidnapped by so-called political factors."

"So, I still want to make our request to you."

"We hope that our country's share of tasks in the EAST project will be increased to 20% - this request, it seems not too much, right?"

The person who spoke was William Brown. He is an international cooperative scholar in the EAST project and is responsible for the work related to the development of first-wall materials.

In the past few months, he has been conscientiously doing what he should do, and has completely maintained the "purity" that a scholar should have. The only reason for the US side to make a claim.

Hearing his words, Li Jiangang shook his head and replied:

"Rebalancing the shares is out of the question."

"Mr. William, you should also know that the EAST project and the ITER project are fundamentally different."

"The ITER project is a real 'technical cooperation' project. In this project, everyone does not know whether they are right or whether their team can achieve results."

"But what about the EAST project? Obviously, we've done most of the theoretical breakthroughs, and the purpose of the collaboration is not so much 'acquiring knowledge' as it is that we need a lot of people to 'execute' what we have apply it to the project.”

"To put it more bluntly, the vast majority of scholars participating in this project are not much different from ordinary workers. They are all disadvantaged parties who receive technical assistance."

"In this case, we have the right to choose yes or no."

"I admit that at the very beginning, Huaxia did have a lot of interest in your technology accumulation, and also opened the application entrance for the EAST project to you."

"However, your people's performance is really bad."

"Technology is progressing slowly and its stability is weak. Some scholars even don't believe that EAST can be born smoothly. The only reason for coming here is to add a glamorous touch to their resume."

"I want to ask, is it really necessary for us to provide a larger share of such a person and such a team?"

"Think about it differently, even if it's you, it's impossible for you to be taken advantage of like this?"

William Brown on the opposite side nodded silently.

He admits that what Li Jiangang said is right, but the problem is that he doesn't think that his side is necessarily wrong.

Yes, we did show some back and forth early on, but so what?

In the face of such a gamble, who can guarantee that they will follow from the beginning to the end?

Occasional doubts are also very reasonable, right?

It is related to the future development of fusion technology in the United States, and even the fate of the entire country. He obviously cannot give up on this, so after a short thought, he continued to say:

"Mr. Li, as I said before, we can understand your concerns and your feelings."

"But I would still say that it is extremely irrational to make such a decision in such a way."

"Even I could go a bit more extreme, it's all the result of being hijacked by populism."

"It doesn't mean anything to us or to you."

"If that's the case, why do you still insist on going your own way?"

Li Jiangang shook his head slowly and replied:

"This is not going our own way, this is the result of our deliberation."

"Is there no possibility of changing the decision?"

William asked.


"Even if we come up with more quid pro quo, even if we make bigger concessions, it's impossible?"


Hearing this, William took a deep breath.

"So, this is your real purpose."

"From the very beginning, you didn't intend to involve us in this project."

"You open the door to the future for everyone, but keep us out?"

"With all due respect, you guys are pure technical bullying!"

"If you're really not going to change your decision, then I think maybe we'll have to go back to another negotiating table."

This sentence revealed a strong sense of threat, but Li Jiangang couldn't help laughing.

He really couldn't understand the brain circuit of the man opposite him.

Technology bullying?

Are you worthy of saying such a thing?

If we are technical bullies, then what are you?

However, Li Jiangang did not say these words in front of William.

He just looked straight into the other person's eyes, and then said word by word:

"Yes, this is tech bullying."

"But what can you do with us?"

"Are you going to have another confrontation at sea?"

"I don't know what kind of promise the people behind you gave you when you came here today."

"But now, I can give you a promise—or advice."

"That is, according to our rules, come to play this game."

"You don't want the Julang-3 we just successfully tested to aim in the direction of Washington, do you?"

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