
Chapter 418 Where is America going?

"Scientists surrendered on the spot? Official rumors: absolutely nothing."

"After investigation, the online incident was a misinterpretation, and the voice from the other side of the ocean: this person is in a bad state of mind."

"Quantum computing project team statement: All technical cooperation has been approved and carried out through proper channels."

"Person or Deportation: Do We Have an Obligation to Keep It Safe?"

"Popular Science: How Does Asylum Law Work?"

Reports were issued one after another, and the Davis incident can be said to have caused huge waves in public opinion. What he represents is definitely not as simple as "a discovery of conscience by a scientific research scholar".

In fact, this is the harbinger of a bipolar reversal in the international landscape.

Because of its iconic significance, it is even called "the Oppenheimer event of the 21st century" by many people.

Of course, the Eastern camp did need the American atomic bomb at that time, but now we don't need their quantum computers.

And this also led to a completely different way of handling the two events.

After being arrested on criminal charges, Davis was quickly released due to insufficient evidence. No one knows what he will face, but one thing is certain:

For him, staying in China may be a safer choice than returning to China.

However, now he no longer has this opportunity.

Two days later, Davis was deported.

Many people turned up to watch his plane leave - in fact, the last time so many people paid attention to the movement of a plane was when Pickering suddenly disappeared from the sky.

This is good news for Davis.

After all, exposing yourself to the public view is also a choice to avoid persecution by the US.

However, after the heat dissipates, how long he can be safe is unknown.


Bob's face can no longer be described as simply "ugly". Even after seeing his face, the assistant suspected that if Davis stood in this office at this moment, it might really be Choked to death by Bob himself.

After all, the influence he caused was really too bad.

First of all, the AQCL project was completely unfinished—yes, at the moment Davis ran to the Huaxia people, he actually destroyed the entire project without saying anything.

Of course the Huaxia people would understand everything the first time they saw him.

An expert in the field of quantum computing and a leader in the industry, after attending the Huaxia Quantum Computing Conference, he threw off the security guards who were monitoring him, and shouted that he needed protection from the guards rushing towards the "enemy country".

As long as a person with a normal mind will not fail to understand what happened, nor will he be unprepared.

".I said a long time ago that Davis should not be allowed to go to Huaxia to attend some bullshit meeting!"

"As I said long ago, all the personnel involved in the AQCL project are all high-risk personnel!"

"But Congress doesn't listen at all! Do they think it's a play?"

"What academic freedom, what international demeanor. They ruined our last chance!"

"Right now, we really can't do anything — nothing!"

Bob was flailing his arms in a frenzy, as if he was holding a sharp knife in his hand and was about to chop Davis into pieces.

The assistant sighed helplessly, he didn't know how he should react.

Davis' "leaving" was indeed a decision made by Congress after careful consideration. From their perspective, Davis himself is a staunch patriot, and there is no ideological problem.

On the other hand, as the leader of the AQCL project, although he cannot get enough spiritual rewards in the short term, he has been given the top treatment in terms of material rewards.

This point can already be asserted from the budget of the AQCL project: the United States has not treated him badly.

That being the case, why not trust him?

Coupled with the fact that the AQCL project does have demands for external exchanges and obtaining the latest information, this trip to China became a logical thing.

But no one would have imagined that such a person who is absolutely impossible to rebel actually did something "treasonous".


The assistant actually had some guesses in his heart, but in front of Bob, it was really difficult for him to speak.

So, he could only reply tactfully:

"The reason for this may not be as simple as we thought-it is absolutely impossible for Davis to rebel just because of the high pressure of the AQCL project, as DHS judged."

"Probably, he saw more profound changes from this high-pressure environment."

"Change? What can change?"

Bob interrupted the assistant and continued:

"Should I say, is there anything that remains constant?"

"Our good days are over! If we want to restore the glory of the past, we must move forward like China once did, by all means!"

"They can have Spark, why can't we?"

"They can promote projects in a highly centralized way, why can't we?!"

This is exactly the problem.

The assistant replied silently in his heart.

It is precisely because we are gradually becoming like them that Davis will do things like this

No, not "like them".

It's "trying to do the same as them, but missing the most critical thing".

So, the end result is a deformed, fanatical, ineffective organization with no future.

As an old-school scholar with a very high IQ, and a scholar who has experienced the era of confrontation, will he not realize this?

Don't think these nerds are so stupid

Looking at Bob's red eyes, the assistant couldn't bear it for a while.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally spoke:

"This is definitely not an isolated incident."

"What I want to say is that Davis is just a relatively extreme representative of this group of people-these people are mainly scientific researchers, but the scope of their coverage is definitely not just scientific researchers."

"What's the meaning?"

Bob asked warily.

He could hear the deep meaning in the assistant's words, but he didn't know what he was referring to.

"In Wyoming, on the Yellowstone farm side, there have been some changes recently."

"You know, the order implemented by the state government was originally different from the order in Washington."

"We just ask them to obtain land use rights as much as possible to prepare for the subsequent large-scale infrastructure."

"But obviously...they used a different approach."

"In what way?"

Bob had never heard the news—it wasn't in his area of ​​expertise.

But it seems that this is closely related to him, the military leader.

"They dismantled the Yellowstone Farm, dispersed the farm's equity, and transferred thousands of acres of land to the Tyson Group."

"In the process, they broke out some conflicts, but in the end, Yellowstone Farm compromised."

"That is to say, this farm that originally belonged to an independent commercial entity has been merged into a monopoly entity."

"The irony is that the state government and the Tyson Group jointly hold the shares that originally belonged to Yellowstone Farm."

"I think you should be able to understand what this means."

Bob's eyes gradually became dignified.

"Trustification of the State."

he spoke.

The assistant shook his head and replied:

"No, it's worse than that."

"Now, think about Davis' motivation for rebellion. The point is, the way AQCL is organized, and the way it does things."

"Big corporations, highly centralized, and extremely utilitarian"

".I understand what you mean."

"What they are worried about is state trustism represented by plutocrats."

"That's right."

The assistant finally nodded, but then he continued to add:

"Or to be more accurate, it should be the Corinthian structure."

"What they worry about is that we will become a second city of Corinth"

Bob gasped.

Although he is not keen on history, he happens to know the story of the so-called "City of Corinth".

This is a strange city that existed in the ancient Greek era 2,800 years ago, and the organizational form of this city is indeed very similar to the current development trend of the United States.

At that time, Athens and Thebes were the two poles of the ancient Greek world. To understand it popularly, it was the ancient Greek version of CCCP and the United States.

Of course, their relationship is not as irreconcilable as the Soviet Union and the United States. In fact, there is a special cooperative relationship between them, and they have created many miracles together.

For a long time, other city-states basically depended on them.

Among them is Collins.

This area was co-colonized by powerful Athens and Thebes, mainly relying on transit trade for profit. In a sense, it was the trading hub of the entire Greek world.

With such advantages, the development of Corinth far exceeded the average level of other city-states at that time, and in a very short period of time, it became one of the few Greek city-states that could rival Athens and Thebes in wealth.

Its commerce was extremely developed, and until the middle of the 6th century BC, Corinth was the main exporter of black pottery, and its products were sold all over Greece.

It built many wonders, the magnificent temple dedicated to Aphrodite on the Corinthian Acropolis, a temple of a scale that was quite rare even in the entire Greek world at that time.

But the irony is that, according to most data, there are more than a thousand temple chickens in the temple of Corinth. They are responsible for providing free external services to attract tourists and become the biggest source of disease infection. A "fallen city-state".

But why did it become like this?

It was obviously a place chosen by heaven to bear important responsibilities in the city-state trade, but it was finally submerged in the torrent of history?

the reason is simple.

The first is the technical gap.

The city of Corinth is completely incomparable with Athens in terms of navigation technology, and its army level and food production capacity are far inferior to the traditional land, agriculture, and military powers Sparta and Thebes.

Such a gap made it lose the possibility of truly competing with these city-states, making its development route even more deformed.

The second is what Bob calls "trustification."

The scale of "companies", or the scale of noble families and comprador groups expanded rapidly, and almost all the wealth in the city-state was enriched in the hands of these very few people.

The lower-level residents fell into complete poverty, so that in most families, daughters had to rely on selling their bodies to tourists from other city-states to subsidize their families.

All this made Corinth a synonym for "sensuality and depravity", but who caused their depravity?

Bob clenched his fists.

He looked at the assistant and asked:

"So you mean, Wyoming may become the first 'New Corinth'? And we and Huaxia are the 'Athens and Thebes' that promote this change?"

There was a hint of sadness in the assistant's eyes.

The man in front of him hadn't seen the truth clearly until now—or in other words, he was still unwilling to admit the truth.

"No, of course not."

"Wyoming is not New Corinth."

"We are."

"Our whole country is the new Corinth that will fall into the two poles of China and the 'world' in the future."

"Yes, you heard me right."

"The future world will only be divided into two poles."

"Huaxia, and others. And we, even 'others', can't be classified into it"

The huge impact of these words caused Bob to slump directly on the chair.

At this moment, even Davis' mutiny seems to have become a little insignificant

"Isn't Washington clear about this?"

"That's one of the more serious things I'm worried about."

The assistant's voice lowered slightly, and after a pause for a few seconds, he spoke:

"So you know Corinth, and nothing?"


"There is no regular army. All his armed forces are mercenaries and private soldiers."

"When you worry about the matter of 'whether Washington knows', the military has already split from Congress. Because, under such a form of national organization, there is a natural conflict of interest between the military and the ruling party."

Bob narrowed his eyes, and he looked at the assistant opposite him carefully, as if he wanted to figure out whether he had ulterior motives or if he was really thinking about himself.


Obviously, the latter is more likely.

Because there is no need for him to deceive himself, this is not the choice to maximize the benefits at all.

Bob breathed a sigh of relief.

"In any case, we have to warn Congress - I wonder how long it will take for this 'trend' to become a reality?"

"That depends on how long it will take for Huaxia to popularize nuclear fusion technology around the world."

"I don't think it will last more than ten years."

"ten years."

Bob subconsciously repeated it, then looked up at the ceiling.

There, a moth flew in from nowhere and was hitting the glowing chandelier. It didn't seem to understand why it had changed into this form after chasing the light for hundreds of millions of years.

It's as if the current Bob can't understand why the country he once fought for with full confidence suddenly becomes strange.

"The dark future seems to me to understand Davis."

He said with a wry smile.

"I can't say that his choice is right, but at least... he is not betraying, maybe he is just seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages?"


the assistant replied.

The future he can see is not much farther than Bob.

But maybe, some people in this country, are already starting to prepare for that future

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