
Chapter 466 Death of Bob

The river troops began to assemble.

Under the premise that Cuba has clearly stated that it will arrest drug traffickers who have fled to Cuba within a week, the River Force still insists on in-person searches.

And their reasons seem to be very good, that is:

The stolen assault boat contained important US intelligence and equipment. Once the secrets were leaked, it could have major consequences.

What are the major consequences?

Who knows.

Obviously, even in the United States, within various political parties, the appeal for the River Troops is not unanimously supported. The internal struggle in the United States has reached an unprecedented height and intensity. The only good thing is that everyone is still sticking to the bottom line. There is no breaking the rules and trying to use violence.


But of course, that doesn't mean that no one wants to do it.

In Washington, D.C., in an inconspicuous villa near McPherson Square, two men were talking face to face. One of them was Wade, who had suffered a disastrous failure in the Texas incident, and the other was the one who was in this storm. General Grady plays an important role.

".We feel sorry for what happened in Texas."

"In fact, this is definitely not the result we want. As my friend told you, from beginning to end, we actually don't want any casualties - or at least not so many casualties."

"But there is no way. Politics is cruel, and struggle is also cruel."

"If you want to accomplish something, you have to give up other things, and you have to bear the price."

"Of course, I still want to say sorry to you - after all, this is the consequence of my decision. I hope you can forgive me."

Opposite Grady, Wade's face was full of excitement and disbelief. Even after hearing Grady's words, he didn't react to answer. Instead, he stared at the other person blankly, as if he was stunned.

After several seconds, he said belatedly:

"I really didn't think of it, no, I should have thought of it earlier."

"Yes, only those who have actually been in a war zone can understand our pain."

"No, no need to say sorry, General, you did the right thing. If my comrades knew all this, they would die willingly."

"No one wants to die, we all just want to live a better life."

Grady said with a serious face.

But then, he changed the subject and continued:

"But if no one sacrifices, everyone is destined to have a bad life."

"Yes, that's the case, so I'm willing to sacrifice!"

Wade said impatiently, and looking at his performance, Grady finally nodded with satisfaction.

He continued:

"I think you should also know the reason why I called you here."

"You know, something big happened in Miami recently."

"Yes, I know, about drug lords"

Before Wade could finish his words, Grady immediately interrupted.

"Now, I want to tell you that this matter is also in our plan."

"I got it!"

There was a hint of excitement in Wade's tone.

"Are we going back to the battlefield?"

"Yes, that's our plan, but obviously there are people who don't want our plan to go smoothly."

"So, do you know what to do?"

"I see."

Wade nodded solemnly.

Afterwards, the two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing more.

One afternoon a few days later, Bob walked out of the White House.

This is the first time this week that he has taken the initiative to meet with the president and explain his thoughts.

First, the Texas incident made him anxious, and the subsequent large-scale manhunt made the trend of public opinion even more unfavorable to him. But at this juncture, the Hechuan troops actually jumped out to cause trouble.

He is not afraid of war, and from a certain perspective, he is really looking forward to a war.

However, he absolutely cannot allow the war to happen in this way, let alone in such an already chaotic situation.

Will all problems be solved by fighting?

This is the view of many people, and it is also the intention of those militants who advocate the expansion of influence. But in his opinion, this is simply nonsense.

It must be stabilized internally before it can be exported to the outside world.

Otherwise, the wear and tear of the war machine caused by internal conflicts alone would be enough to drag this country into the abyss.

Therefore, despite the turbulent public opinion, he still insisted on raising his voice of opposition.

However, he could vaguely see that his opposition was gradually becoming weaker.

The special military adviser next to the president has never expressed his support for anyone, but his logic and position seem a bit suspicious.

Maybe, I should find a way to kill him.


Erase him from a discourse perspective and remove him from the president.

Just wait, there will always be a chance.

Bob sighed, took out his cell phone, and called his assistant.

"Where are you? I'm getting ready to leave."

On the other end of the phone, the assistant's voice was a little panicked.

"Sorry, sorry sir, I'm still in the bathroom, I had some accidents here, I need a few minutes - can you go back inside and wait for me for a few minutes?"

Listening to the sound of rushing water coming from the receiver, Bob hesitated for a moment and replied:

"Go back by yourself, I'm too late."

"Meet me in the office. We need to discuss follow-up strategies as soon as possible."

"Understood, I can solve it soon, I will follow your car."

"Okay, that's it."

Bob hung up the phone and got into his bulletproof Lincoln.

This car has been with him for more than 3 years, and he is extremely satisfied with it in terms of safety and comfort.

"The President's money," he always said.

In fact, the design of this car does have many similarities with Army One.

The same protection level, the same electronic design, the same non-lowering windows, and the same thick armor.

Bob subconsciously glanced at the left window - the only window in the back that could be lowered by 7 centimeters was still closed properly at this time.

He relaxed and sat back on the seat, closing his eyes slightly.

Various images kept flashing in his mind, including the spittle from politicians' mouths, the waving arms of military officers, the dull expression of the president, lights, flames of war, and the Star-Spangled Banner.

After a few seconds, Bob opened his eyes again.

And then, he saw a scene that horrified him extremely.

The car window was lowered.

Then, a black spot enlarged in his sight - maybe it was just an illusion.

But the next second, he fell into endless darkness.

"Bob is dead, do you still think your so-called organization really wants to do good things?"

"They can directly attack the core of a country. If they get the so-called 'Spark's core secrets,' do you think this organization can still exist?"

In the interrogation room in Chengdu, a never-before-seen commissioner sat across from Lin Chen. He pushed the latest newsprint towards Lin Chen on the interrogation chair and spoke with a serious expression.

After hearing the news, Lin Chen's face first flashed with surprise, and then suddenly frowned.


"This news can't be true - theoretically it's not in their core interests."

"Once Bob dies, the entire U.S. military system and political system will collapse, and the death of an important figure will inevitably cause major turmoil - we will be the first to be suspected."

"This is totally unreasonable. How could they do this?"

"If you want me to tell the truth, you should use better means instead of trying to deceive me."

"This is your problem, Lin Chen."

The commissioner shook his head slightly and continued:

"You are too smart, you think too much, but you ignore the most critical issue."

"And do you know what the most critical issue is now? That is, as long as you are here, the threat of Starfire has been eliminated."

"So, why did we lie to you? There was no need for it."

"In addition, do you think that the so-called organization cannot take the initiative to cause unrest? What if I tell you that before Bob was killed, the president had already issued a new appointment and removal order, and it was quickly passed, exempting him from all Where’s the job?”

"It was all premeditated - to the point where, after his death, someone quickly took responsibility for it."

"And you should be familiar with the organizations that bear responsibility."

"Veterans Association, Texas Vigilante League."

“People won’t believe it.”

Lin Chen was still denying it, but after a brief hesitation, he suddenly understood the logic of this matter.

Why don't people believe it?

Yes, the death of a key figure can easily be associated with hostile countries and hostile forces, but this is not an unshakable rule.

If everyone had already exchanged interests and confirmed the aftermath strategy before this incident happened, then the consequences and aftermath could be controlled within a very small range.

That's right, there's nothing wrong with that.

However, Lin Chen still couldn't figure out why.

He looked at the commissioner, hoping to get an answer from him.


"Why? Maybe we should ask you this question."

"We don't know the answer, but... I can point out one more mistake to you."

"What is wrong?"

The commissioner paused for a moment, then said seriously:

“No organization in this world is omnipotent.”

"True omnipotence only exists in religion and mythology."

"As long as you are human, you will make mistakes; as long as you are human, you cannot control the overall situation."

"Do you think that their several successes are because of how powerful and incredible they really are?"

"--Perhaps, this power is indeed incredible, but I want to tell you that power does not belong to this organization, but to this physical world."

"And the name of this power is randomness."

"They just happened to do those few things, and in a short period of time, it seemed particularly incredible."

"But if you extend the time scale to the entire human history, you will find that this is simply a trivial matter not worth mentioning."

A wake-up call.

Lin Chen froze on the spot. He looked at the man in front of him silently, with his mouth open, but he didn't know what to say.

After a long silence, the commissioner sighed.

"That's all for today's conversation."

"I think you need time to think about it carefully."

He stood up, and at the last moment leaving the interrogation room, he suddenly spoke again:

"Maybe you should take some time to read history."

"We need to speed up the process."

In the conference room of the Nantianmen project base, Lin Yongming said to the technical staff and engineers attending the meeting.

“The shooting and death of Bob, the former Secretary of the American Corner House, is a major event.”

"Although the United States has issued an urgent statement indicating that his attack was entirely a personal incident caused by internal conflicts, it is obvious that this is a very clear sign."

"In the coming period, the risk of the world falling into war will be infinitely higher. At the same time, nuclear war will be avoided under the constraints of the 'lower limit.'"

"Then what we will face is the threat of large-scale, long-span, and high-frequency conventional wars and proxy wars."

“Therefore, the strategic significance of the Nantianmen project has once again been elevated.”

"We must use the shortest possible time to ensure that this piece of equipment can be born and formed smoothly."

"Now that we have received the first batch of technical information from the Spark team, I need you to give me a definite answer. After solving the heat dissipation problem, how long will it take for the entire power system to complete the final design?"

After hearing his words, everyone in the conference room fell silent involuntarily. After a few seconds, an engineer raised his hand and spoke:

"One month, we need one month to digest the technology of Spark Team."

"Judging from past experience, as long as the technology provided by Spark is very complete and usable, it does not require too much expansion and experimentation."

"So, one month is enough."

"After completing the design, we will immediately link up with other departments to start systematic optimization and experimental model manufacturing as soon as possible."

"It will take us about six months to complete the manufacturing of Experiment 1."

"no problem."

Lin Yongming nodded immediately and then continued:

"Remember, what you are issuing now is a military order."

"If it is not completed by then, everyone will be held accountable. Is there a problem?"

"no problem!"

replied the engineer firmly.

Afterwards, Lin Yongming just glanced at him and immediately shifted his focus to other technical modules.

In just a half-hour meeting, he adjusted almost the entire project plan and milestones.

Everyone can see that this project is really entering a new stage.


Once a new stage is created, it must be used immediately!

This may not be a last-ditch battle, but its significance is comparable to a last-ditch battle.

Failure is absolutely not allowed, and if it can really succeed.

Then, everyone in this conference room, including the conference itself, will leave their names in history.

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