I have to say that Mrs. Song was moved by her. Counting the small embroidery she had accumulated these days, there were at least seven or eight pieces. Usually she would find someone to take them to sell, and she would get six cents per piece. If she had one piece, she would save money. Next article, wouldn’t it be possible to save a handful of seeds by going to the market?

Xiaoxiao kept up her efforts: Mom is the best~ Mom, just accept me~~

Mrs. Song couldn't stand her being so obedient, so she nodded without hesitation. Xiaoxiao immediately cheered and rushed out to tell her brothers the good news. Ning Erlang almost jumped three feet high. Although Ning Dalang was more reserved, he also had a lot more eyes. A lot of brilliance.

Of the two of them, one was not yet fourteen years old, and the other was no more than fifteen. In modern times, they were still children. Thinking of this, Xiaoxiao suddenly felt a sense of mission to take care of her children. The look in her eyes made Ning Erlang shudder. arm.

Knowing that Xiaoxiao and the others were going to the market the next day, Rong Yan thought for a while and arranged for his guards to prepare and go with the neighbors.

So Xiaoxiao didn't have to squeeze the bullock cart with other people in the village. The Zhao family had a cart specifically for transporting prey. She could put the jars on top and walk easily.

The market is in the county, an hour's walk from Fuyuan Village. This small road is nothing in the eyes of the farmers. If it weren't for the many things, the weight, and the ease of breaking, they wouldn't even drive a bullock cart. idea.

Before coming out, Mrs. Song generously gave each of them two pennies for expenses. The two brothers gave their share to Xiaoxiao, who was playing with the small purse containing the coins.

If anyone else had done this, not only Rong Yan, but also the guard Yun Yi would probably think it was philistine and tacky, but when this action happened to Xiaoxiao, it was full of innocence and fun. Of course, with the burritos she specially prepared for everyone , this feeling is even thicker, as thick as the sauce stuffed in the pie crust.

Xiaoxiao was embarrassed to be favored in vain, so she baked a lot of burritos before going out. In order to express her gratitude, she also made meat sauce with the remaining wild boar meat, wrapped it in tender bamboo shoots and rolled it up, and served each person one breakfast.

She also left it in the kitchen for her parents. Even if they were reluctant to eat it and deliberately went to eat the steamed buns, hum, she also stuffed meat sauce in the steamed buns, so they couldn't help but treat her badly!

The morning in March was still a bit chilly, and when biting into the warm meat sauce burrito, everyone felt that this was not a rush, but a spring outing. Yun Yi sincerely praised: This pancake is delicious, and I feel warm all over after taking a bite.

Xiaoxiao waved generously and said, If you like it, I will do it again next time!

Rong Yan paused for a moment. Was she planning to take care of his meals?

After all the back and forth, it seems that the relationship between him and her has been lost, which is not a good thing.

Xiaoxiao smiled at him: Thank you for the medicine. It's so useful. All the bumps on my hands are gone!

He glanced at Xiaoxiao's hand. There was only a little red mark left on the original bulge. She looked much smaller than him, but this girl's fingers were rough and cracked, and she looked different from the women he had seen before.

It is these hands that make delicious grilled bamboo shoots and noodle sauce.

It was a long way to the county seat, and he had been practicing martial arts since he was a child. He didn't think it was a big deal, but Ning Xiaoxiao actually smiled the whole time and never once said he was tired.

This girl was different from those he had seen before.

The cakes she made this morning were included in the space and she got a hundred points, so Xiaoxiao was in a good mood.

A piece of fishing bait costs twenty points. One hundred points can be exchanged for five pieces of fishing bait. A piece of fishing bait can catch several fishes. The pickled fish she makes is worth a lot of points. If you think about it this way, wouldn't she become a point player very quickly? Rich family, can you still have endless fish at home?

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