The new guard asked: Then what kind of person are we looking for?

The senior stretched out: One boy, the rest are all grown men.

Rong Yan's expression remained unchanged, but he got closer to the Ning brothers and sisters who were still quarreling. Xiaoxiao counted the gains today, and said to Rong Yan and Rong Yan in a cheerful tone: My family will make noodles tonight, and I will give them to you then. Give me a copy too?

Rong Yan hesitated for a moment, looking at Xiaoxiao's sallow face and thin but energetic appearance, and didn't know how to answer. He didn't expect that this girl would be so persistent with him.

If she continues to interact with the Ning family like this, the debt of gratitude that she finally paid off will be messed up again, but the food she cooks is so delicious...

Xiaoxiao misunderstood his hesitation and gave a high-five: Ah, that's right. It's not easy to deliver the noodles. They'll probably be lumpy when I deliver them to you. The noodles need to be clearly defined. Make some milky white noodle soup and sprinkle it on top. A handful of green vegetables, a sip of vegetables, a sip of soup, a mouthful of noodles, all you have is hot and fresh food, so you should come over and eat.

Rong Yan's mouth is more honest than his head. The word good comes out of his mouth without regret.

He thought, let’s have another meal? It was just a meal, and he soon found an opportunity to return the favor, which would certainly not change the pure neighborly relationship between them.

When they returned home this time, the three siblings instinctively glanced at the kitchen first, and then remembered that there was no good stuff in their house, so they couldn't attract the second aunt.

Mrs. Song was doing embroidery in the yard. Ning Fengnian had just walked around and was relaxing his hands and feet. He was not surprised to see each of the three of them holding a jar, guessing that they wanted to continue the sour bamboo shoot business.

Then I saw Da Lang taking out a bag of pork bones with no meaty smell from the jar, which had a strong smell. Before I had time to ask, Er Lang took out a bag of flour from the jar he was holding.

Song and Ning Fengnian seemed to see the newly acquired copper plate fly away with wings, and then watched their precious daughter pour out five... chicken cubs from her smaller jar?

She even shouted happily to the two of them: Father, mother, let's raise a baby! The rhetoric that fooled Ning Erlang obviously didn't work, so she came up with a targeted encouragement specially prepared for the Song family: Mom, we don’t have a pigsty at home, but we can carve out a space to raise chickens. If we sell them at the end of the year, we might just be able to subsidize the money from the credit land.”

It has to be said that these words hit Mrs. Song's heart hard. She originally thought that the chickens were a bit hasty in buying them, and she first started to think about it: What should I give them to eat?

Xiaoxiao raised her hand to answer: Mom, I asked the chicken seller, they are not picky eaters, they eat all the caterpillar fungus, seeds, vegetable leaves! Isn't our land about to fall? I just happened to take them to clear out the food in the field. Peck the rapeseeds, and when they get older, I can take them for a walk in the mountains! The meat of pheasants is firmer and more fragrant!

Mom, my second brother is smart. He asked me to choose one male and four females. From now on, the chickens will turn into big chickens, the chickens will lay eggs, the eggs will turn into chickens, and the chickens will turn into chickens again. Our family will have endless eggs. There’s so much chicken to eat!”

Ning Erlang snorted slightly, don't think that I will be happy just because you flatter me! Then he raised his lips high.

Mrs. Song also smiled, how could it be so easy for a chicken to lay an egg and a chicken to lay eggs? But it was rare for her daughter to be so happy. No one was willing to spoil the atmosphere, so they just let her think about it. Don't say anything, listening to her talk made her feel full of joy. gained hope.

Mom, this is the 350 we earned today.

Xiaoxiao added: Mom, our family now has a total of 880 Wen. Oh, such an auspicious number! We will get rich soon!

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