The number 4 is a nightmare for her, and it is also the number that has been carved deepest in her heart.

Without hesitation, the girl raised her little hand and held the door handle.

Open the door and enter.


The next day, after getting up, Riko rubbed her eyes vaguely, looked at the steel wall on all sides, and then remembered that she was in where.

The sensor light was awakened by sound, and after a brief wash, Riko took out a new skirt from the suitcase and put it on, and stepped out of the room.

According to the instructions of the terminal on board she was assigned to, she quickly found the restaurant.

When she finished her breakfast, the capable girl in a simple dress came behind her at some point.

“Ah, Joan of Arc elder sister, good morning!”

Turning her head around, Riko smiled.

She still has a good impression of this introduction.

After all, she gave Riko a means to fight Willard. Although this is only a kind of probability after all, even the probability is something that Riko is grateful for.

Without this probability, her future is simply unimaginable.

Relying on Zhao Huang and so on, Riko has never been at ease.

She doesn’t think she should accept Zhao Huang’s unconditional help.

Paying without asking is wrong in her opinion.

Although she doesn’t know why she thinks this way, she already believes so.

“Good morning, Riko….Well, where is Zhao Huang? Didn’t he come with you?”

Smiling and saying hello to Riko, Jeanne looked around , But failed to find another person who should exist.

“Look for me?”

The red glow condenses, Zhao Huang appears on the right side of Lizi.

“Huh?!… The professor is right, you really are not a human being.”

Being scared to fall back a little, Jeanne pretended to be calm and put out a long breath.

If you don’t look at her trembling calves, you can still believe that she is not afraid at all.

“That… Zhao Huang? You are not a ghost?”

She opened her mouth, and Jeanne asked cautiously.

“Of course not. How can ghosts and me mention on equal terms? I am Spirit Physique.”

“What’s the difference?!”

“Cengceng” backed a few steps, and Joan looked at Zhao Huang in horror.

“pu, don’t you be afraid of ghosts? You know that vampires exist, are you still afraid of ghosts?”

Seeing her appearance, Zhao Huang couldn’t help laughing.

“I, I’m not afraid! I’m just a little surprised. Cough cough.”

Clearing his throat, Jeanne took a few deep breaths.

After calming down, the girl looked towards the two people in front of her.

“Because of the position of the two, the deliberative group decided to accept the two as full members. Therefore, the two can enjoy the rights of all full members from today-of course, the corresponding obligations There is also. As a superhuman training institution, it can be regarded as a school. However, just like schools need to pay tuition, equivalent exchange is also practiced here. People who cannot pay can not get it.”

With that said, Joan seemed to feel that it was not good to speak too far away, and carefully stepped forward a few steps.

“For Riko, because of the bloodline, I only need to cooperate with the research school. After all, after she is a great man, staying here is normal [entry]. So, in fact, I was still I have had a headache, what should Zhao Huang do. But now, I don’t need to worry anymore.”

“Ghosts, ghosts and so on, as a research object, there is simply no better!”


There was a vibrato in the words, and Joan took a small step back.

If it is a haunted house and so on, of course she will not be afraid. After all, although she is young, she is definitely not an ordinary person. However, the real ghost, hehe…

“Research…. Does the researcher do human experiments?”

Zhao Huang raised his eyebrows.

“No, strictly speaking is not the case. In fact, the infinite sins Willard, after joining Yiyou, proposed a plan.”

Jan shook the head.

“Based on his own form of existence, he has tried to concentrate all the superhuman abilities on one person. If this is successful, then the superman who is the finished product will be The most powerhouse in Yiyou.”

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