Shen Xun squatted on the tree, and the actions of Miao Wolf and the others could be seen clearly, and at the same time, he finally knew who the person who led the team to surround him this time was.

“Attention, the enemy is less than three hundred meters away from us.” Shen Xun gently reminded the three of them in the headset.

“He Chenguang, you aim at that machine gunner, Wang Yibing, Er Niu, you two shoot freely, listen to my order and fire together.” Shen Xun slowly picked up the gun and aimed at the Miao Wolf.

However, Shen Xun knew that every top special soldier would feel it when he was targeted.

Although he didn’t know if the Miao Wolf had reached that point, in order to be just in case, Shen Xun moved the muzzle slightly, aimed at the open space around the Miao Wolf, and only adjusted back when he shot.


In Shen Xun’s headset, three answers sounded in a row.


“Everyone be careful, just now I suddenly felt a pang of unease in my heart, it is very likely that those four little mice are ambushing us.” Just now, Miao Wolf suddenly felt a burst of confusion, but this feeling quickly disappeared.

“If things can’t be done, we can wait for reinforcements, just now the chief of staff has sent Shanming to lead fifty brothers to support us.” After saying these words, Rao was a seedling wolf whose face was already black, his face became darker and darker, and the black was red.

Originally, they were more numerous than each other, five times more than them, and they were assisted by high-tech equipment, but they did not kill each other.

Sometimes the young wolf also wonders in his heart, whether they are special forces or the other party is special forces, how it feels as if the direction has changed.


Having said that, they can’t really wait here for support, which is a shame.


“Fire” When Miao Wolf and the others were about one hundred and fifty meters away from them, Shen Xun suddenly gave an order in the headset.

“Bang… Bang…… Bang”

As soon as Shen Xun’s words fell, a series of gunshots rang out, and he himself aimed at the Miao Wolf and fired.

In an instant, the five special forces, including Miao Wolf, were all stunned in place with white smoke.

Miao Wolf didn’t expect that he was so shot and hung up, and even before he died, he didn’t know who shot him.

“Captain, what do we do now?” The remaining eight special forces quickly dispersed and hidden.


Waiting for them was the silence of the Miao Wolf, no way he had already sacrificed and could not speak.

“What are we going to do?” They suddenly remembered that their squad leader, the young wolf, had already hung up.

“Report to the Chief of Staff.” They also have no way, it is definitely impossible to emerge, who knows if the head will be hit by a shot from the other party.

“However, the equipment for contacting the chief of staff is on the captain.” Suddenly they were stunned.

At this moment, the place where the Miao Wolf is standing is definitely not a safe place, and it is likely that the equipment was killed by the other party before it arrived.

“I’ll go get it…”

Saying that, this special soldier ran over, and the result was that as soon as he got the communication equipment, he was killed by He Chenguang’s shot.

“I’m going…” The second continued to follow….

But the place where he is hiding is not good, if he doesn’t show his head, it’s okay, and as soon as he shows his head, he will be exposed under Shen Xun’s nose.

After a “bang” gunshot, he was killed before he could start running.


After sacrificing four special forces, they finally got the equipment to contact the chief of staff.

“You trash.” Fan Tianlei was angry and devastated.

All this was seen by him, he had never seen such a stupid soldier, and he would not go after fire cover.

This is also Fan Tianlei was not on the scene, otherwise he would know, fire cover? Where to cover? Where to shoot?

“Okay, I know your situation, wait in place, Zi Yao can drag them down, and Shanming will arrive in another twenty minutes.” Fan Tianlei sighed helplessly.

Before departure, it was still Miao Wolf with twenty spirited special forces, but now there are only four people left, and even Miao Wolf himself is hanging.

After Fan Tianlei finished speaking, the only four remaining special forces did not show their heads, and they waited there.


“It’s not right…” Five minutes later, Shen Xun suddenly felt wrong.

This should not be the style of the wolf tooth, even if it is death, they will fight, but now they are motionless, it is obvious that there is a trick.

“Captain, what’s wrong?” He Chenguang asked in the headset.

He didn’t feel wrong, the other party would die as soon as he showed his head, and he definitely didn’t dare to show his head.

“Wang Yibing, Li Erniu, you two now run to the east, accelerate for five minutes, and then run in the direction of a 30-degree angle to the southeast.” Shen Xun thought about it and continued to speak.

“He Chenguang, you also follow, I will find you when the time comes.”

“Yes, Captain.”

Although Shen Xun did not explain why he did this, after the order was given, they would carry it out unconditionally.

“Hmph, isn’t it a thermal imager, I really can’t help it.” After He Chenguang and the others left, Shen Xun secretly snorted in his heart.

“System, I want to exchange the snake’s cold-blooded talent now.”

If it weren’t for the fact that the blue army was too laissez-faire, Shen Xun wouldn’t have been able to exchange this talent.

Fortunately, he still has fifteen super god points, otherwise he will be blind, originally a primary animal like snakes needs thirty super god points.

But because Shen Xun only exchanged one of the three talents of snake cold-bloodedness, flexibility, and speed, he only needed fifteen talents.

Just for a moment, Shen Xun felt that he could freely control the skin pores to prevent heat dissipation.

However, this state is also limited, and it can only last for three hours at most, and after three hours, he needs to wait an hour before entering this state.

But there is one point, Shen Xun can turn off this state at any time during these three hours.

Just after Shen Xun controlled the heat dissipation of his skin pores, his whole person disappeared on the thermal imager.

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